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"A Mid-Fourth Century Purse Hoard from the Roman Auxiliary Fort at Yotvata," Israel Numismatic Research 6 (2011): 139-146 "A metáfora artística como uma linguagem tradição do cartaz polaco -As raízes e história do fenómeno da Escola Polaca" "A Midsummer Night's Dream": un sogno chiamato teatro "A miña variedade é defectuosa": a lexitimidade social das neofalas "A Medley of Contradictions": The Jewish Diaspora in St. Eustatius and Barbados_Ph.D. Thesis "A memoria": Charting a Cultural Map for Women's Transition from Preistoria to Storia "A migrant’s fight for survival," The Telegraph, July 26, 2007 "A meu amigo non lh'ouso falar. El silencio femenino en la cantiga de amigo" (2002) "A memória televisiva como produto cultural" "A mí siempre me ha interesado trabajar con lo que la alta cultura despreciaba". Entrevista a Santiago Roncagliolo (online) "A Mild Erection of the Head: The Meaning of the Blush in Nineteenth-Century Britain" '"A memorial and a pledge of faith": Portraiture and Early Modern Diplomatic Culture', English Historical Review, 129 (2014), 296-331 « "A Metaphor for Everything" : le baseball dans la culture populaire américaine "A Migrant Modernism: Grete Stern's Photomontages" A Medieval Ground Plan of the Wernerkapelle at Bacharach: Plan Number 6 verso in the Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame at Strasbourg "A Mennydörgő Sárkányok Földje" - Bhutan "a mezza terza" Inf. 34.96 "à mi chemin entre ciel et terre" - les stylites "A Military Besieged: The Armed Forces, The Police, and the Party in Ben Ali's Tunisia, 1987-2011" "A megölhetetlen" - Salamon Ernő levelezése Illyés Gyulával a második világháborúban "A miña lingua nativa é..." : heteroglosia, multilingüismo y glosolalia en la poesía gallega contemporánea "A meditation on violence", TAI (Tuscan Art Industry), Prato, 2015. "A Mindful Audience: Embodied Spectatorship in Early Modern Madrid" "A meztelen király". Kosztolányi Dezső irodalompolitikája "A Mediterranean Family? A Comparative Approach to the Ancient World," in: Sabine R. Huebner and Geoffrey Nathan eds. Mediterranean Families in Antiquity: Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2016: 3-26. "A Memoir of a Delusional Sentence" "A Merely Realistic Dream-Country": The Gothic Revival in Hampshire & Wiltshire "A Mind of its own: Agency of images and challenges in archaeological interpretation." In G. Duru, K. Eren, E. Koparal (eds.), Arkeolojik Seyler. Archaeological Things. TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group) Turkey Series. Proceedings of the Second TAG Turkey Meeting. Istanbul: Ege Yayinlari, 2017. "A Method of Determining the Transfer Function Parameters of a Capacitor Servomotor"., By: S.A.Kandil, M. A. Saleh and L.G.Makkar, Journal of Measurement and Control, U.K, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 1973. "A million British working men now have rifles in their bedrooms and don't in the least wish to give them up." George Orwell - the Home Guard and ‘class revolution’ A Mennonite Appreciation of the Eucharistic Theology of the Eastern Orthodox Tradition: Practicing Holy Envy "A mi ciudad": escucha crítica en la construcción simbólica del Santiago de 1980 "A Methodological Search for Planning Support in Policies of Organic Agriculture: Case Study of Kirazlı Village In Kuşadası, Aydın" "A method for the new materialism" "A minha arte pode viajar para a Inglaterra, mas eu não posso" (entrevista com Sophie Henderson) "A Mind in Training: Philo of Alexandria on Jacob’s Spiritual Exercises," Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 27/4 (2018): 265-288. "A Mediterranean Dialogue: Sacred space and cultural references in the Norman royal milieu". Conference: "The Normans in the South: Mediterranean Meetings in the Central Middle Ages". Haskins Society (St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, 30.06-02.07.2017) "A Metaliterary Approach to Ursicinus’ Outburst (Amm. Marc. 20.2.4)" Philologus, Zeitschrift für antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption 162.1, 2018, pp. 115-136. "A melancolia nas obras de Edvard Munch: o mal dos séculos interpretado à luz de obras expressionistas", en O local, O regional: continuidades e rupturas na produçao acadêmica, Franca (Brasil), Centro Universitario Municipal, 2017, pp. 113-132. "A megye területén a rémhírek özöne van”: Buda környéki és jászsági rémhírek a kommunista diktatúra első éveiből, 1948–1955 "A mi no me gusta el pan, me gusta la tortilla nacional" "A method of data structuring for the study of diffusion processes of raw materials and manufactured objects", in MATERIAL CHAINS IN LATE PREHISTORIC EUROPE AND THE MEDITERRANEAN Time, Space and Technologies of Production, Edited by A. Gorgues, K. Rebay-Salisbury, R. B. Salisbury, 2017 "A Mediterranean strategy. The Great Siege of Malta", inMaroma Camilleri (ed.), Besieged: Malta 1565, Midsea Books, Malte, 2015, tome 2, pp.3-9.pdf "A Melancholy Offering Tendered with Esteem: Gershom Scholem and Lucy S. Dawidowicz on Nathan Birnbaum, an Unexpected Conversation" "A mi rey hasta que muera le tengo de ser leal": Un fiel magistrado durante la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Perú (1544-1548) "A Metaphysical Reading of Stoic Ekpyrôsis," Walking the Worlds Vol. 5, No. 1, Winter 2018, pp. 36-48. "A merészség a koncepcióban." Erdei kísérlete a hajnali társadalomszemlélet adaptációjára A magyar paraszttársadalom című művében. "A Meta-Analytic Review of Behavior Modeling Training" "A mentira fala por si: conheça as mentiras por trás de três casos midiáticos que você acompanhou." "A Mexican Princess in the Tagalog Sultan's Court: Floripes of the Doce Pares and the Trans-Pacific Efflorescence of Philippine Romance and Theater." "A Metrologia em Portugal em Finais do Século XVIII e a 'Memória sobre Pesos e Medidas' de José de Abreu Bacelar Chichorro (1795)", Revista Portuguesa de História, vol. 49, 2018, p. 157-188. "A Minabi text and grammatical sketch" "A mezögazdasági termelés és parasztság Magyarországon az elsö világháború idején" [Agricultural Production and the Peasantry in Hungary at the Time of The First World War]. Agrártörténeti Szemle (Budapest) 24, No. 1-2 (1983), 14-29. "A military necessity which must be pressed": The u.s. Army and Forced Road Labor in the Early American Colonial Philippines "A Meditation of Shakespeare": A Levinasian Study of the Tragic Quartet "A mí me sé conocer:" autoconocimiento, deseo y subjetividad femenina en la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea "A metodologia de pesquisa de Darwin" - Roberto de Andrade Martins "A Mighty Fortress". Tendencies of Episcopal Representation at Seggau Castle in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods "A mí me pegaron y estoy bien": Idealización y trauma temprano "A mesa que encolheu": a perspectiva alimentar das mães que perderam filhos "A MILÍCIA DOS REMIDOS MARCHA IMPOLUTA": CAMPANHA DE EVANGÉLICOS ASSEMBLEIANOS AO LEGISLATIVO PARANAENSE EM 2018 "A micro-historical approach to the linguistic situation in late medieval Venetian Dalmatia", presentation given at the conference "Between Empires: Circulation, Communication and Interaction (15th–21th centuries)“ at the "Nicolae Iorga" Institute for History in Bucharest, 5.-6.12.2019 "A Method for the Detection of Pathogens in the Atmosphere" "Stand-Alone Handheld Long-Range Atmospheric Detector Scanner Device" "A mí me perdieron los duendes": el encanto como transporte mágico "A Men’s Special" – Gespräch über Gender, Gleichstellung und Leadership (Leadership everywhere Podcast, 2020) "A mí esto me duele mucho": Conversación política y género en una sociedad desigual "A memória é a matéria essencial das entrevistas": Entrevista com José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy 2015 "A Menstruant 'Forced and Immersed': 'Women to Think With' about Intention in the Performance of the Commandments; BT Ḥulin 31a–b," "A Meta-Analysis of various Medical Condition with Usability evaluation of Human Health Research Web Based Portal Study involving 500 Participants Data Analysis of Medical Condition" "A mélica grega arcaica e sua tradução: desafios, problemas, escolhas" - A Midwinter Reflection on the Springtime Ball Reedição: Entrevista Mário Pedrosa n'O Pasquim "A mi hermano el impostor" ×Close Log In Log in with Facebook Log in with Google or Email Password Remember me on this computer or reset password Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 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