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The BDFT protocol relies on block1-data transfers, and the elimination of unnecessary data copying between the application layer and the send socket in the standard Java IO model. The implementation uses the Java New IO (NIO) and the Zerocopy libraries. Several experiments are described and results compared against the standard Java IO-a stream-based file transport protocol. The motivation for this study is the development of a client/ server big data file transport protocol for tablet-class client machines that rely on the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) package for distributed computing. Save to Library by Brandon Ortiz • 5 Java Programming, Protocols, Big Data, Socket Programming Adding High Level VoIP Facilities to the Unicon Language Save to Library Download by Ziad Al-Sharif • 9 Computer Science, Dynamic programming, Data Communication, Graphics Rancangan Aplikasi Client Server untuk Manajemen Live Forensic pada Jaringan Local Area Network Rancangan aplikasi client server untuk menajemen live forensic pada jaringan local area network di bentuk untuk memenuhi permasalahan kesulitan dalam melakukan pengumpulan barang bukti secara masalah pada komputer client, sehingga perlu... more Rancangan aplikasi client server untuk menajemen live forensic pada jaringan local area network di bentuk untuk memenuhi permasalahan kesulitan dalam melakukan pengumpulan barang bukti secara masalah pada komputer client, sehingga perlu adanya sebuah aplikasi untuk dapat melakukan data acquisition secara masal sekaligus. Save to Library Download by Bayu Suarnata • 4 Networking, Java Programming, Live Forensics, Socket Programming A big data file transfer tool for tablet-class machines Save to Library by Tevaganthan Veluppillai • 5 Java Programming, Protocols, Big Data, Socket Programming ENVÍO DE IMAGEN POR HTTP USANDO SOCKETS CON PYTHON Y LA BIBLIOTECA PYGAME INTRODUCCIÓN Las aplicaciones de monitoreo con cámara son muy útiles en nuestros días, sirven para notificar de algo que ocurre en un lugar distante, por ejemplo: verificar que pasa en la oficina o en casa accediendo a una cámara desde... more INTRODUCCIÓN Las aplicaciones de monitoreo con cámara son muy útiles en nuestros días, sirven para notificar de algo que ocurre en un lugar distante, por ejemplo: verificar que pasa en la oficina o en casa accediendo a una cámara desde otro lugar, drones que realizan tareas de búsqueda después de un terremoto o lugar accidentado y manda la imagen para monitoreo, sistemas de navegación autónomos que requieren enviar la imagen para procesarla y que se las reenvíen para tomar una decisión y más. El protocolo más empleado para este tipo de tareas es el protocolo de hipertexto, ampliamente usado en servidores de páginas web. Aplicaciones de este tipo se pueden ver en sitios como YouTube. En este documento se presentarán los principios básicos para envío de información con sockets usando el lenguaje de programación python y la biblioteca de juegos pygame. Save to Library Download by Ing. Manuel Ruiz Méndez • 3 Python Programming, Pygame, Socket Programming Inter-Process Communication (IPC) in Distributed Environments: An Investigation and Performance Analysis of Some Middleware Technologies Nowadays with improvement in computer science, distributed systems have attracted remarkable attention and increasingly become an indispensable factor in our life. Massive-scale data processing, weather forecasting, industrial control... more Nowadays with improvement in computer science, distributed systems have attracted remarkable attention and increasingly become an indispensable factor in our life. Massive-scale data processing, weather forecasting, industrial control systems, medical science, multi-tire architectures in enterprise applications, and aerospace to name but a few are the cases in point that distributed systems play a notable role. Inter-Process Communication or in a short form, IPC is specified as the heart of all distributed systems, therefore they are not formed without IPC. Numerous methods concerning IPC have been proposed so far that are utilized in diverse circumstances. According to the physical location of communication processes in applications, IPC could be established among either multiple processes on the same computer or several computers across a network. From the communication pattern's perspective, these IPCs can be classified into two broad groups namely, shared memory and message passing. Although, it is not true to say when processes are performed on the same computer definitely employ shared memory to communicate if processes are executed on the different systems they inevitably communicate through message passing. By way of illustration, pipes use message passing patterns to make a connection between various processes but all of the processes are carried out on the same system. The aim of this research is to depict a categorization of the some IPC methods, give a brief description of them, and assess their performance in terms of transferring rate by sending multiple files in different sizes between a client and server. As we expected, socket as the basic IPC, since it does not perform extra operations on the input data to be sent had a desirable performance compared to others. Although, to achieve some of the capabilities, like eliminating platform dependencies and asynchronous communication, it needs to add additional layers that make poor performance. Save to Library Download by Hamed Dinari • 7 Distributed Computing, Web Services, Distributed Systems, Parallel & Distributed Computing Pneumatska preša upravljana putem WEB-a Što je to pametna pneumatska preša i što je potrebno za implementaciju takvog sustava? Koje su prednosti, a koji nedostaci interneta stvari? Odgovore na ta pitanja moguće je pronaći u ovom radu. Mrežno programiranje, implementacija PID... more Što je to pametna pneumatska preša i što je potrebno za implementaciju takvog sustava? Koje su prednosti, a koji nedostaci interneta stvari? Odgovore na ta pitanja moguće je pronaći u ovom radu. Mrežno programiranje, implementacija PID regulatora, razvijanje sustava klasifikacije riječi primjenom neuronske mreže te u konačnici izrada same WEB aplikacije područja su koja ovaj rad obuhvaća. Save to Library Download by Zvonimir Dabcevic • 6 Website Development, Artificial Neural Networks, PID controller design, Internet of Things (IoT) Python Image Processing and Interaction with 3D TV: Dual Play for Entertainement —Dual Play is system created to enable any 3D TV to display two different input sources at full screen simultaneously. The system is composed of five main blocks. First, two iPads provide two independent video streams of their screen... more —Dual Play is system created to enable any 3D TV to display two different input sources at full screen simultaneously. The system is composed of five main blocks. First, two iPads provide two independent video streams of their screen content as inputs. Second, input merging software running on a PC combines two inputs into one video stream using Side-By-Side 3D format. Third, 3D TV takes merged stream and display through 3D LCD screen using two different polarizations. Fourth, two pairs of special 3D glasses can filter out one out of the two sources for each viewer, and two pairs of bluetooth headphones provide the private audio environment for each users. Lastly, users can use a remote controller to swap sources with each other or switch between " dual play " mode or " single source mode " . Save to Library Download by SuoAn Gao and +2 Yujia Huo Lina Wu • 5 Image Processing, Bluetooth, Python Programming, Socket Programming SOCKET PROGRAMMING JAVA Netbeans Save to Library Download by Anis Friyanti • 6 Java Programming, Sockets Moulding and Cast Modification Techniques, Socket Programming, Jaringan Komputer SOCKET PROGRAMMING This report presentation a detail overview in developing socket programming. The Network programming is similar to socket programming or Client-Server programming where Socket programming is important to understand how internet based or... more This report presentation a detail overview in developing socket programming. The Network programming is similar to socket programming or Client-Server programming where Socket programming is important to understand how internet based or access interposes communication work. In this we describe about different types of socket used in interposes communicate on. Network programming basically uses the Client Server model. In Client-Server programming there are two different programs or process, one which initiates communication called Client process and other who is waiting for communication to start called Server process. the application is built using java and is using TCP, IP, UDP datagram. the primary objective of this report is to present the principles behind socket programming and the libraries available for socket programming application in java. Save to Library Download by Sarvesh Kumar • Socket Programming Distributed System.docx 1. Client Socket Information. 2. Synchronization method. 3. Multicast Client-Server concept. 4.RMI Save to Library Download by Priya Muniswaran • 8 Information Systems, Computer Science, Information Technology, Distributed System A Big Data File Transfer Tool for Tablet-Class Machines —A big data file transport (BDFT) protocol is presented that minimize overheads associated with packet streaming in Java. The BDFT protocol relies on block1-data transfers, and the elimination of unnecessary data copying between the... more —A big data file transport (BDFT) protocol is presented that minimize overheads associated with packet streaming in Java. The BDFT protocol relies on block1-data transfers, and the elimination of unnecessary data copying between the application layer and the send socket in the standard Java IO model. The implementation uses the Java New IO (NIO) and the Zerocopy libraries. Several experiments are described and results compared against the standard Java IO-a stream-based file transport protocol. The motivation for this study is the development of a client/ server big data file transport protocol for tablet-class client machines that rely on the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) package for distributed computing. Save to Library Download by Teva Veluppillai and +1 Robert Hiromoto • 4 Java Programming, Big Data, Socket Programming, Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Python GStreamer Tutorial Save to Library Download by Sai Prashaanth • 7 Linux, Python, Video Streaming, Python Programming Adding High Level VoIP Facilities to the Unicon Language Save to Library Download by Clinton Jeffery and +1 Ziad Al-Sharif • 8 Computer Science, Dynamic programming, Graphics, Computer Languages Pistoning Measurement in Lower Limb Prostheses – A Literature Review Save to Library Download by Hossein gholizadeh • 14 Biomedical Engineering, Prosthesis, Bone, Active and Semi Active Suspension Systems LAPRES SOCKET PROGRAMMING Save to Library Download by Kevin Andrean • 2 Socket Programming, Jaringan Komputer " SOCKET PROGRAMMING " POLITEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA NEGERI SURABAYA Save to Library Download by Fitria Purnamasari • 13 Informatics, Socket Programming, Teknik Informatika, PENS Programmation Reseaux Prof Berrada Examen de Programmation Reseaux ( Client-Serveur / HTTP / TCP / MIME / Sockets / Acquittement / ... ) FSDM 2015/2016 SMI S6 Prof : MR Ismail Berrada Save to Library Download by Mohamed Amine El • 9 Informatics, Tcp/Ip, Informatique, Réseau Informatique FTP using Socket Programming In our day to day life many times we need to use different-different system. We need to use the data from one system to other. We need such a system using which we can transfer the file from a system to other in a very fast and efficient... more In our day to day life many times we need to use different-different system. We need to use the data from one system to other. We need such a system using which we can transfer the file from a system to other in a very fast and efficient way. We are planning to use the socket programming to do that. Here not only we are transferring file to a system but also we are using the concept of unicasting, multicasting and broadcasting. A powerful client-server technique which is easy for maintenance while keeping the setup and other options to an absolute minimum, requiring minimum intervention from an IT staff. Sockets are the mechanism that allows programs to communicate, either on the same machine or across a network. A program/process that wishes to communicate with another program/process asks the operating system to create a socket and establish communication. Save to Library Download by TARUN SHARMA • 2 Socket Programming, File Transfer Protocol Pemrograman Socket dengan TCP Save to Library Download by teesa wijayanti • 5 Socket Programming, Jaringan Komputer, PENS, TCP IP protocols Next › Related Topics Iso 8583 FollowFollowing Android Programming FollowFollowing Android Development FollowFollowing Java Programming FollowFollowing Programação FollowFollowing Teoria Da Argumentação FollowFollowing Oracle 11g FollowFollowing Complexidade e Algoritmos FollowFollowing Android FollowFollowing Emulators FollowFollowing 31.3 million researchers use this site every month. 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