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Java Programming Lab | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Skip to main content Toggle navigation Toggle navigation Search Departments & Schools Faculty of Engineering Electronics & Communications Coimbatore | Bengaluru | Amritapuri | Chennai  Electrical & Electronics Coimbatore | Bengaluru | Amritapuri | Chennai  Computer Sciences Coimbatore | Bengaluru | Amritapuri | Chennai  Chemical Coimbatore  Aerospace Coimbatore  Civil Coimbatore | Chennai  Mechanical Coimbatore | Bengaluru | Amritapuri | Chennai  Biomedical Engineering Coimbatore  Nanosciences Kochi Faculty of Medical Sciences  School of Ayurveda Amritapuri  Kāyacikitsa  Shālakya Tantra  Shalya Tantra  Kaumārabṛtya  Prasūti Tantra & Strī Roga  Pancakarma  School of Dentistry Kochi  Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics  Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Microbiology  Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  Oral Medicine & Radiology  Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics  Pediatric Dentistry  Periodontics  Prosthodontics & Implantology  Public Health Dentistry  School of Pharmacy Kochi Pharmaceutics  Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Analysis  Pharmacy Practice  Pharmacology  College of Nursing Kochi Child Health Nursing  Community Health Nursing  Medical Surgical Nursing  Mental Health Nursing  Obstetrics and Gynecologic Nursing  School of Medicine Kochi Anatomy  Anesthesiology  Biochemistry  Cardio Vascular Thoracic Surgery  Cardiology  Community Medicine  Dermatology  Emergency Medicine  Endocrinology  Fetal Medicine  Forensic Medicine & Toxicology  Gastroenterology  Gastrointestinal Surgery  General Medicine  General Surgery  Geriatrics  Gynecological Oncology  Head and Neck Surgery  Medical Oncology  Microbiology  Nephrology  Neurology  Neurosurgery  Nuclear Medicine  Oncology  Obstetrics & Gynecology  Ophthalmology  Orthopedics  Otorhinolaryngology  Pathology  Pediatric Cardiology  Pediatric Surgery  Pediatrics  Pharmacology  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Physiology  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery  Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences  Pulmonary Medicine  Radiology  Radiotherapy  Reproductive Medicine  Rheumatology  Stroke Medicine  Urology  Faculty of Management  School of Business Coimbatore  Department of Management Amritapuri | Bengaluru | Kochi  Faculty of Sciences  School of Biotechnology Amritapuri  Biotechnology  Microbiology  Bioinformatics  Department of Chemistry Amritapuri | Bengaluru  Department of Physics Amritapuri | Bengaluru  Department of Mathematics Amritapuri | Bengaluru | Coimbatore | Kochi  Department of Sciences Coimbatore | Mysuru Department of Computer Science & Applications  Amritapuri | Kochi | Mysuru  Faculty of Arts, Media & Commerce  Department of Commerce & Management  Amritapuri | Kochi | Mysuru  Department of Visual Media & Communications Kochi | Mysuru  Department of Communication  Coimbatore  Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences  International Centre for Spiritual Studies Amritapuri  Department of Education  Mysuru  Department of Social Work  Amritapuri | Coimbatore  Department of Languages  Amritapuri | Bengaluru | Coimbatore | Kochi | Mysuru  Department of Cultural Education  Amritapuri | Bengaluru | Coimbatore | Chennai | Kochi | Mysuru  Centre for International Programs Amritapuri Corporate & Industry Relations Amritapuri | Bengaluru | Coimbatore | Kochi | Mysuru  NIRF News Events Students Faculty Campuses . Admissions Agriculture Allied Health Sciences Arizona ASAS Amritapuri 2020 ASAS Coimbatore 2020 ASAS Kochi 2020 ASAS Mysuru 2020 Ayurveda Biosciences 2020 B.Tech. 2021 Dentistry Integrated MTech-PhD 2020 International/NRI Mass Communication MBA 2021 MCA MSW 2020 M.Tech. 2021 Medicine Pharmacy Philosophy 2020 Nanosciences Nursing Ph.D. SAARC 2020 SAT Visual Communication Compex EMBA (Buffalo) Integrated MTech-PhD Admissions 2021 M.Tech. 2021 Research Centers News Patents Projects Publications Compassion Driven Research About Rankings Accreditation Chancellor Newsletters Press Media Leadership Academics Programs Curriculum Certificate Courses Online Programs International Student Exchange Programs Dual Degree Programs Undergraduate Studies Postgraduate Studies Integrated Degree Programs Live-in-Labs® Student Internship Program Certificate Courses Java Programming Lab COURSE SUMMARY Course Title:  Java Programming Lab Course Code:  18CSA285 Year Taught:  2018 Semester:  4 Program Offered:  B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications) B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications) B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications) Degree:  Undergraduate (UG) School:  School of Arts and Sciences School of Engineering Campus:  Kochi Mysuru Amritapuri 'Java Programming Lab' is a course offered in the fourth semester of B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications) program at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. COURSE CONTENT   Unit 1 Java Fundamentals Write a program to print the following triangle of numbers 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Write a simple java application, to print the message , “Welcome to java” Write a program to display the month of a year. Months of the year should be held in an array. Write a program to assign two integer values to X and Y. Using the ‘if’ statement the output of the program should display a message whether X is greater than Y. Write a program to find the area of rectangle. Write a program to list the factorial of the numbers 1 to 10. To calculate the factorial value, use while loop. (Hint Fact of 4 = 4*3*2*1) Unit 2 OOPs in Java Write a java program to add two integers and two float numbers. When no arguments are supplied, give a default value to calculate the sum. Use function overloading. Write a program to perform mathematical operations. Create a class called AddSub with methods to add and subtract. Create another class called MulDiv that extends from AddSub class to use the member data of the super class. MulDiv should have methods to multiply and divide A main function should access the methods and perform the mathematical operations. Write a program with class variable that is available for all instances of a class .Use static variable declaration. Observe the changes that occur in the object’s member variable values. Write a java program To find the area and circumference of the circle by accepting the radius from the user. To accept a number and find whether the number is Prime or not Write a java program to create a Student class with following attributes Enrollment No:, Name, Mark of sub1, Mark of sub2, mark of sub3, Total Marks. Total of the three marks must be calculated only when the student passes in all three subjects. The pass mark for each subject is 50. If a candidate fails in any one of the subjects his total mark must be declared as zero. Using this condition write a constructor for this class. Write separate functions for accepting and displaying student details. In the main method create an array of three student objects and display the details. In a college first year class are having the following attributes Name of the class (BCA, BCom, MHA), Name of the staff No of the students in the class, Array of students in the class Define a class called first year with above attributes and define a suitable constructor. Also write a method called best Student() which process a first year object and return the student with the highest total mark. In the main method define a first year object and find the best student of this class Write a Java program to define a class called employee with the name and date of appointment. Create ten employee objects as an array and sort them as per their date of appointment. ie, print them as per their seniority. Create a package ‘student.fulltime .BCA‘ in your current working directory Create a default class student in the above package with the following attributes: Name, age, sex. Have methods for storing as well as displaying Unit 3 Exception Handling Write a program to demonstrate a division by zero exception Write a program to create an user defined exception say Pay Out Of Bounds. Write a small program to catch Negative Array Size Exception. This exception is caused when the array is initialized to negative values. Write a program to handle Null Pointer Exception and use the “finally” method to display a message to the user. Units 4 and 5 GUI Programming I and II Write a program which create and displays a message on the window Write a program to draw several shapes in the created window Write a program to create an applet and draw grid lines Write a Java program which creates a frame with two buttons father and mother. When we click the father button the name of the father, his age and designation must appear. When we click mother similar details of mother also appear. Create a frame which displays your personal details with respect to a button click Create a simple applet which reveals the personal information of yours. Write a program to move different shapes according to the arrow key pressed Write a java Program to create a window when we press M or m the window displays Good Morning A or a the window displays Good After Noon E or e the window displays Good Evening N or n the window displays Good Night  Demonstrate the various mouse handling events using suitable example. Write a program to create menu bar and pull down menus. Write a program to explain the multithreading with the use of multiplication table. Three threads must be defined. Each one must create one multiplication table. Write a program to illustrate thread priority. Create a GUI program in java with the following components. A frame with flow layout. Add the following components on to the frame. i. Two Text Field ii. A button with the label display Allow the user to enter data into the textfield When the button is clicked paint the frame by displaying the data entered in the textfield Allow the user to properly close the frame Related Academic Courses Assessment for Learning Integrated B. Sc. - B. Ed. in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science Computer Organisation and Architecture B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry - Practical B. Pharm. Pedagogy of Mathematics Integrated BSc - BEd in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics                   Schools Agricultural Sciences Arts & Sciences Ayurveda Biotechnology Business Dentistry Education Engineering Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Sustainable Development Research Centers Google Scholar News Patents Projects Publications Departments Departments A to Z Reports NAAC NIRF Regulatory Programs Undergraduate Postgraduate Integrated Degree Doctoral International Certificate Courses About Amrita Rankings Accreditation Chancellor Newsletters Press Media Resources AUMS Academic Calendar Archives Campus Maps Web Support BTech Admissions HelpDesk Apply Now Visit Us Jobs & Careers Contact Us Home Maps & Directions Write to Us Outreach Branding Terms of Use & Privacy Ragging/Grievance © Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham   Amritapuri | Bengaluru | Chennai | Coimbatore | Kochi | Mysuru