Weeks 1-2: Structured Programming
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If you are not using the CECS Linux Labs, you have installed an Ada development environment. Outline In this lab, you will: create a simple Ada program from scratch; implement a data structure and an appropriate test harness; use protected objects in a concurrent Ada program; and observe problems that may arise in concurrent execution of an apparently simple program. Objectives The objective of this first lab is to gain some familiarity with Ada as your nth language. The emphasis will be on the differences between Ada and other languages you may have used before, such as Haskell, C, Python, and Java. Of course, there are other languages with strong support for concurrency, some of which we’ll use later. The programming language landscape is continually evolving. New tools for concurrent programming are being introduced, either by newer languages like Rust, Go, and Chapel, or enhancements to established languages like C++. Elsewhere, older languages like Erlang are still actively used, both directly and to inform other languages’ approach to concurrency. Beyond its focus on concurrency, Ada emphasises dependability and maintainability, while giving the programmer a high degree of control. Like Haskell, it nags you with detailed compiler messages; like C, it offers speed and direct control. Ada was originally developed to support high-integrity and real-time systems. Today, its focus on integrity makes it widely used in e.g. the aviation industry - you can imagine why planes might need more robust software than usual. This heritage will show through as you learn and work with the language. Ada supports very rigorous checks on your programs, but any language can only check against what you provide. As a result, you will find that Ada encourages (and often requires) you to be highly specific and express everything you know about your systems. This first lab will guide you through some of the basic syntax and semantics to get there. The lab will end in an early outlook into what happens if you take things to a concurrent level. The labs for this course have a few different recurring parts, and they will be presented using different coloured boxes: General notes & information will be highlighted in a blue box. Sometimes you need to think about stuff before you go ahead. If you see something in a pink box (because your brain is pink—sortof), that’s your clue to pause and think—how do you expect the next part will work? Take a moment to think before you blaze away and start coding, because then you can check whether you really understand what’s going on, as opposed to just copy-pasting stuff without really understanding it. If you don’t understand things perfectly, that’s ok — ask for help from your lab neighbour, your lab’s Teams chat (if you’re online), or your tutor. One of the great things about university is that you don’t learn in isolation. Whether you’re online or on campus, these lab sessions will give you plenty of chances to discuss things with other people in your lab group. If you see a green box, read it and talk about the prompt with someone in your group. If you’re in person, stay socially distanced while you do; if you’re online, your tutors will explain how to start a discussion in Teams. All assignment & lab submissions in this course happen through GitLab. None of your lab work contributes to your final grade, but you are still expected to regularly push your lab work. This helps the tutors to see your progress and give you feedback. When it’s time to push something, it’ll be clearly marked in an orange-coloured box. Don’t read past this box until you’ve attempted and pushed the exercise: the next section may discuss ‘answers’ to the problem, and we don’t want to spoil anything until you’ve given it a try. Systems, Networks, and Concurrency are big topics - too big to master all of them in this course. The material in these lab sessions can only cover the fundamentals. However, there are interesting extension exercises to try if you want to go deeper. These will be in a purple box. If you don’t know how to approach the problems in the purple boxes, that’s ok — these problems go beyond what’s expected. You’ll do just fine in the course so long as you understand everything else in the labs. Still, these are a chance to explore further with your lab mates and tutors, and stretch yourself if you have time. These coloured boxes will be used consistently through the lab material, so take a moment to familiarise yourself with what the different colours mean, or just to remind yourself that you can come back here and check at any time. Exercise 1: Hello Concurrent World In this exercise, we will construct a simple Ada program from scratch. The goal is to calculate the arithmetic mean and harmonic mean of an array of numbers, which can be done as follows: \[\begin{align*} \operatorname{Arithmetic Mean}(A) &= \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_n}{n} \\ \operatorname{Harmonic Mean}(A) &= \frac{n}{\frac{1}{a_1} + \frac{1}{a_2} + \cdots + \frac{1}{a_n}} \end{align*}\] To start, fork and clone the COMP2310 lab 1 repository from GitLab. Each lab comes as one or more projects ready to open in the GNAT Studio IDE (formerly known as GPS, in case you see that name elsewhere). GNAT Studio gives you the comfort of a ready-to-go development environment without needing to set up projects or compiler options. If you prefer another editor or IDE, you are are welcome to use it. Syntax highlighting for Ada is available for most popular editors, and some even offer full integration with gprbuild, the Ada build tool. (If yours doesn’t, you can build a project on the command line with gprbuild
.gpr.) Feel free to ask your colleagues on Piazza for help - another student or a tutor may also be a fan of your favourite editor. But remember, if something breaks, we might not be able to help you! Start up GNAT Studio (if you can’t find it, try the gnatstudio command), and open the Hello_Concurrent_World project. (Project files end in .gpr and only contain some settings and metadata. Your actual Ada source files will end in .adb or .ads; you’ll learn the distinction later in the lab.) You should see a shockingly empty project, with one shockingly empty source file called means.adb. This is where you’ll start programming. If you’re comfortable with Ada already, or prefer to learn by looking things up as you need them, then get started: make a set of constants, calculate those two means, and print the results on the terminal. Once it’s working, rejoin us in exercise two. For the rest of us, here are some pointers. The place where the program starts (sometimes called the entry point, or main in languages like Java and C) is a single top-level procedure, which can have any name. So we will need to define such a procedure. The compiler expects the name of the main procedure to match the name of the file it lives in. We’re working in means.adb, so that would make it Means. Numeric Types We can define an array of numbers like this: Test_Floats : constant array (1 .. 3) of Float := (1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
Ada’s type system lets us make our numeric types much more specific though. For example: type Number is digits 5;
type Numbers is array (Positive range <>) of Number;
Test_Numbers : constant Numbers := (10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0);
We can now define a function from Numbers to Number, which works on arrays with any size. We also don’t need to work explicitly with array indices: Ada provides us with the means to work on elements in an array without knowing their array indices. Even if we need to know the actual indices for some reason, we can always refer to the attributes of the array at hand. The specification digits 5 says that our floating point numbers must have at least five digits of precision. It’s up to the compiler to figure out whether this is possible, and how to implement it efficiently. (Try to request a numeric precision that is beyond what your current CPU can reasonably process, and see what the compiler tells you.) To compute a mean, we will need to perform a division operation. This is easy enough, but Ada will insist that the left and the right-hand side of this operation have matching types. If, for example, we take the length of our Numbers set as Test_Numbers'Length, we will get a discrete number that won’t divide with a real number. So we need to explicitly convert it into a real number by casting to Number, e.g. Number (Test_Numbers'Length). I/O To print to the console, we need to make some basic IO operations visible, by importing: with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
at the very beginning of our program file. We can then print to the console using the 'Image attribute, which came automatically with our definition of Number, e.g.: Put ("Arithmetic_Mean : "); Put (Number'Image (A_Mean (Test_Numbers))); New_Line;
The 'Image attribute is just a default way to display values as a string. Printing our numbers this way, we have no control over how they look. To control this, we could declare a custom I/O package for our Number type: package Number_Float_IO is new Float_IO (Number);
use Number_Float_IO;
then we can use more fine-grained IO options like: Put (A_Mean (Test_Numbers), 2, Number'Digits - 3, 0);
alternatively, we can use the names of those parameters (instead of relying on their position) and say: Put (Item => A_Mean (Test_Numbers),
Fore => 2,
Aft => Number'Digits - 3,
Exp => 0);
Now we can express, for example, that we don’t trust the last digit of our results, considering that the precision of the original numbers was only five digits. These hints should get you started on implementing the rest of your means calculating program. If you’re stuck, try asking your colleagues, your tutors, or watching one of the lectures again. Commit and push your work to GitLab - and congratulations on writing your first Ada program! Fun extension: we are calculating two different means, one after the other. But you signed up for a course on concurrency, right? So… what do we need to make this happen concurrently? Just declare two tasks: task Arithmetic_Mean;
task Harmonic_Mean;
and then divide the existing code between those two tasks: task body Arithmetic_Mean is
end Arithmetic_Mean;
task body Harmonic_Mean is
end Harmonic_Mean;
When you execute your program next time, you’ll use more than one of your CPUs. (Surprisingly, you’ll use three of them, but that’s a topic we’ll come back to soon). Split Specifications and Implementations Coming into this course, you should have some familiarity with structured programming. Whether you’re used to working with objects, typeclasses, modules, templates, or interfaces, all of these constructs help you encapsulate and separate the different parts of your program, so that everything is more manageable. In Ada, these modules are called packages. Every package has what we call a specification part, and an implementation part. Informally, the former defines what you can access and how you can use it, while the latter expresses how it works. A module’s user only needs to know how to use something (and maybe its computational complexity), but not how it’s actually implemented. In Ada these two aspects are separated into two separate source files, which can even be compiled independently. Let’s have a look at some examples. You can open up Queue_Sequential and follow along if you like. First, the specification (queue_pack_private.ads - .ads for specification): package Queue_Pack_Private is
Queue_Size : constant Positive := 10;
type Element is range 1_000 .. 24_000;
type Queue_Type is limited private;
procedure Enqueue (Item : Element; Queue : in out Queue_Type);
procedure Dequeue (Item : out Element; Queue : in out Queue_Type);
function Is_Empty (Queue : Queue_Type) return Boolean;
function Is_Full (Queue : Queue_Type) return Boolean;
Queue_overflow, Queue_underflow : exception;
type Marker is mod Queue_Size;
type List is array (Marker) of Element;
type Queue_Type is record
Top, Free : Marker := Marker'First;
Is_Empty : Boolean := True;
Elements : List;
end record;
end Queue_Pack_Private;
What do we find here? Constants, types, procedures (which are functions without return values), functions (which are procedures with return values), and exceptions. We’ll see a more specific role for functions later, in the context of concurrent programming. (In this context, they’ll need to be side-effect free). Type definitions can (and should) be either highly specific, or purposefully undefined. The Element type, for instance, is a new discrete numeric type which covers the range from 1,000 to 24,000. As we defined this as a new type, it won’t combine with other discrete numeric types, like e.g. Natural (much like how our Number type and Real didn’t mix in exercise one). To say our new type should be compatible with, say, Positive, we could have stated: subtype Element is Positive range 1_000 .. 24_000; On the other hand, the Queue_Type is purposefully undefined on the user side. It even comes with limited accessibility, which means the user cannot make copies of it, or compare it against another Queue_Type instance. When would it make sense to forbid copying? The private part is not accessible to anybody using this package, but needs to be there so the specification package can be compiled separately. Some more observations worth noting: Ada allows us to initialize everything exactly the way we want it to be initialized. The most common form (as we saw above) is to initialize variables, constants, and records when they are declared. You should use this pattern as much as possible. Sometimes it won’t make sense to do so, but you’ll get a feel for this as we go. We can control how Ada handles uninitialized variables as well. We can leave them uninitialized (meaning they will have random memory contents), automatically initialize them to valid values for their type (e.g. 0 for a variable of type Natural), or ask the compiler to set them to invalid values (like -1 for a variable of type Natural). The latter is common in high-integrity systems, where accidental access to uninitialized data is disastrous: it’s important to expose these problems early. Beyond this, the compiler will often warn you if a variable could be read before it is written. Parameters can be passed as in, out, or in out. These all pose restrictions on the variables or expressions which can be passed. The default is in, which treats parameters as constants (in essence, in parameters can’t be changed by the functions they’re passed to). How do you think out and in out parameters would work? Among our numerical types, there’s also a modulo type. It automatically treats arithmetic operations as modulo (a.k.a. ‘wrap-around’) arithmetic, with a modulo you’ve specified. Types are not for decoration in Ada. Whenever a type tells you more than one thing, use it in both contexts - avoid double definitions where you can. For instance, we used the modulo type Marker to define an array of Elements. We then used one of Marker’s type attributes (namely ‘First) to initialize a variable in a sensible way. So far so good, but where is the actual code? Here it is in a separate file (queue_pack_private.adb): package body Queue_Pack_Private is
procedure Enqueue (Item : Element; Queue : in out Queue_Type) is
if Is_Full (Queue) then
raise Queue_overflow;
end if;
Queue.Elements (Queue.Free) := Item;
Queue.Free := Queue.Free + 1;
Queue.Is_Empty := False;
end Enqueue;
function Is_Full (Queue : Queue_Type) return Boolean is
(not Queue.Is_Empty and then Queue.Top = Queue.Free);
end Queue_Pack_Private;
I wonder why the definitions of Dequeue and Is_Empty are missing… perhaps someone will come along and add them soon! What’s noteworthy about the implementation code? The specifications of procedures and functions are repeated but now followed by a is ... to define their implementation. Because the (modulo) type for Free was also used to define the array, there is no need to check for index bounds. This variable will always stay inside the index range, and will wrap around in the style of a ring buffer - exactly what we need here. Sometimes functions can be defined by a single expression. If so, we can skip the begin-end bracket and the return statement, and just write out the expression to be returned straight away (in parentheses). Ada offers conditional expressions including if or case (with the meaning you’d expect, except that every alternative needs a value, i.e. every if needs to have an else). Haskell programmers will feel right at home, but will miss the where-clause. You may ask why we didn’t express dequeue as a function. We could, but the general convention is that functions are used with in parameters only, making them side-effect free. As of Ada 2012 you can break this rule, but not in all circumstances. Some concurrent operations are dependent on side-effect-free operations, so the compiler will restrict those cases. We’ll explain why a little later in the course. If possible, just keep your functions pure to avoid arguing with the compiler. For those of you who enjoyed functional programming, this will come naturally anyway. A little food for thought to finish up: if you were to change anything in a specification or an implementation package, how would that impact the rest of your software structure? Which parts of your program would depend on which kinds of change? Specifically: what exactly do you need to re-compile? Could this be automated by the compiler, or would you need some kind of build system? What would that build system need to be aware of? Exercise 2: Make the queue go If you haven’t already, open up Queue_Sequential in GNAT Studio. The third file not touched on above, queue_test_private.adb, is an almost working program which uses the queue as defined above: with Queue_Pack_Private; use Queue_Pack_Private;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Queue_Test_Private is
Queue_2 : Queue_Type;
Current_Item : Element;
Queue_2 := Queue_1;
Enqueue (Item => 1_000, Queue => Queue_1);
Dequeue (Current_Item, Queue_1);
Put_Line ("Current_Item: " & Element'Image (Current_Item));
Enqueue (Current_Item, Queue_2);
Dequeue (Current_Item, Queue_1);
Put_Line ("Current_Item: " & Element'Image (Current_Item));
Put_Line ("Queue_1 is " & (if Is_Empty (Queue_1) then "" else "not ") & "empty on exit");
Put_Line ("Queue_2 is " & (if Is_Empty (Queue_2) then "" else "not ") & "empty on exit");
when Queue_underflow => Put ("Queue underflow");
when Queue_overflow => Put ("Queue overflow");
end Queue_Test_Private;
A few comments to help you orient to this program: with context clauses are used to import items from other packages. use context clauses implicitly dereference all items inside those packages and allow them to be used directly by their names and without writing . for every access. Without them, for your last project you would have had to write Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line. A top level procedure is read as the executable “main” program. Variables and types are declared Algol-style (variable name first): “Current_Item is an Element”, as opposed to C-style (type first): “Declare an Element called Current_Item”. Parameters can be passed by name (meaning you write down the declared parameter name followed by a => and the parameter you want to pass) or by position (you write down all parameters separated by commas and they will be matched in the same order as they were declared for this method). Ada offers conditional expressions, here used to potentially add a “not” to the output. exceptions can be handled in any way you can imagine. Here we just handle two specific exceptions individually (and let all other exceptions slip past). Not catching an exception can be a very bad thing and inside the concurrent systems we’ll build in this course, it usually is not a good idea. Yet here on the top level, an uncaught exception will still be displayed by the runtime environment. A word about the file naming conventions in Ada: All code files need to have lower case names without spaces in them. The file name also needs to match the package or procedure name inside the code file (except lower-case). Specification files use the extension .ads while all other source files use .adb. Your job is to fill in the implementations for Dequeue and Is_Empty. Each of their opposites is already implemented - think about what you’d need to change to do the inverse. Once you get these implemented, you’ll find your program still emits an exception. Why this is happening? What do you think the program should do in this case? Now’s another good time to commit and push your work. Take the time to look around in your development environment, and take the hints it gives you while coding. If you keep your code compilable, then the environment can give you significantly more help. Notice for instance how it shows you what the parameter list should look like the moment you type an open parenthesis after a function or generic package name. Once you’ve finished writing a specification, the IDE can also produce an outline for the body package (menu: Edit → Generate body). Renaming identifiers throughout the project is one right-click-menu command (as long as your code compiles). Any feature which you pick up early will make your life tons easier… and… There is a handy interface to the debugger as well: so set breakpoints, step through your code, display local variables, or – if you enjoyed assembly programming: check out what your program looks like in machine code. If you are looking for speed, there are “Production” and “Performance” scenarios predefined in your project definitions (code optimization and reducing or killing all run-time checks and debugging hooks). Generic Programming You’ve seen generic programming before, with typeclasses in Haskell (and perhaps also with templates in Java or C++). As in Haskell (and unlike in Java or C++), generic packages in Ada need to be locally compilable without any knowledge of which concrete types which will be used later to instantiate them. While this sounds complicated, it’s no harder than in Haskell: Remove the line where the Element type is defined in the specification package and add: generic
type Element is private;
at the very top of your specification, right before package. Voilà: you just wrote your first generic package in Ada, where the Element type can be instantiated with anything. The compiler will make sure that your generic package compiles on its own. In this case the compiler will check that no operation besides copying or comparing is ever applied to variables of type Element, as this generic definition states that Element can be anything (which checks out for our queue package, as we never actually do anything with the elements of the queue besides copying them in and out). You don’t have to let your generic types be anything - you could restrict the Element type e.g. to have certain operations defined on it, though we don’t need to here. The feature of specifying exactly which operations need to exist for a specific type lets you be highly specific (without the need to define a new typeclass, like in Haskell). If you need the elements to be ordered, for example, you can define: generic
type Element is private;
with function "<" (left, right : Element) return Boolean is <>;
which restricts the Element type to types for which < is defined. As we said, this was just an example and it doesn’t make sense for our queue package (in fact the compiler will point out that this function is an unnecessary restriction), but it would for example make sense for a package which sorts generic elements. While we are in the polymorphism section: You can also overload any function or procedure in Ada, including default operations like “=”, “<” or “*”. The only constraint is that at least one parameter type or the return type needs to be different for each instance, so the compiler always knows which version you mean. Assuming we called our new generic package Queue_Pack_Generic, we can produce concrete instances of this generic package like so: with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Queue_Pack_Generic;
procedure Queue_Test_Generic is
package Queue_Pack_Character is new Queue_Pack_Generic (Element => Character);
use Queue_Pack_Character;
Queue : Queue_Type;
Current_Item : Character;
Enqueue (Item => 'x', Queue => Queue);
Enqueue (Item => 'y', Queue => Queue);
Enqueue (Item => 'z', Queue => Queue);
Dequeue (Current_Item, Queue);
Put_Line ("Current_Item: " & Current_Item);
Put_Line ("Queue is " &
(if Is_Empty (Queue) then "" else "not ") & "empty on exit");
when Queueunderflow => Put ("Queue underflow");
when Queueoverflow => Put ("Queue overflow");
end Queue_Test_Generic;
Note that the use clause can only be applied to instances of our generic package – not to the generic package itself. Package instantiations are part of a declare block. After a package instantiation, everything else works exactly as before. We can now instantiate queues for any type we wish, potentially multiple times inside the same declare block. Exercise 3: Stacks Now produce a generic Stack package (reminder: stacks are First-In-Last-Out, as opposed to queues, which are First-In-First-Out) and a test program to demonstrate its sanity. Once you get that working, make the stack size generic as well. Precede your package specification with: generic
type Element is private;
Stack_Size : Positive := 10;
To make your life easier: make a copy of the Queue_Sequential directory which you have from the last exercise and call it Stack_Sequential, open the copy in GNAT Studio and change the name of the project to Stack_Sequential (in menu: Project → Edit Project Properties). Finally, remove the left-over project file queue_sequential.gpr in your new directory. You can follow the structure of your queue module to a large degree, but the semantics will need to change with respect to the actual operations. Think how you will represent an empty or a full stack. Commit and push once more, then breathe a sigh of relief, as you’ve finished your first real programming exercise in a new language! Or, if you’re up for one more challenge, read on… Exercise 4 (advanced): Hold instead of break Advanced exercises are not for the faint-of-heart, but rather for the swift, the brave and the foolish. Do them for a more solid understanding of the field, or for exercise later when you revisit your earlier labs. If you are targeting a High Distinction mark in this course, we also recommend that you complete all the advanced exercises. The advanced exercises frequently contain methods to solve some of the central problems of the current lab in a more elegant, yet also more demanding way. Here comes your first excursion into concurrency, and your first example of how your code can become shorter and easier by thinking concurrently. Previously, we had these ugly exceptions in our code, as there is nothing we can do if our sequential program attempts to read out a value from a queue where there is none. In the concurrent world, there is no need to press the panic button quite yet: while there might not be a value in the queue right now, there could well be one in the future, as other tasks are still running all around us. So why not wait for a bit until some other friendly task leaves a new element in the queue, and then continue smoothly? This is achieved by making calls to the queue conditional. Concretely: we are only allowed to read a value if the queue is currently not empty. Conversely, we are only allowed to write a value if the queue is currently not full. In all other cases we make the calling task wait for a bit (in fact, we queue it up on this call) until the condition changes. An entity which can hold one or multiple calling tasks is called a protected entry and the condition is called a guard. So the ugly sequential code: procedure Enqueue (Item : Element; Queue : in out Queue_Type) is
if Is_Full (Queue) then
raise Queueoverflow;
end if;
changes into the concurrent code: entry Enqueue (Item : Element) when not Is_Full is
Such an entry will need to be a part of a protected object as it protects a data structure (here: our Queue) against ill-posed forms of concurrent access (as you will find in your next lab). This means our access methods will all become part of a protected object as in: pragma Initialize_Scalars;
type Element is private;
type Index is mod <>; -- Modulo defines size of the queue.
package Queue_Pack_Protected_Generic is
type Queue_Type is limited private;
protected type Protected_Queue is
entry Enqueue (Item : Element);
entry Dequeue (Item : out Element);
procedure Empty_Queue;
function Is_Empty return Boolean;
function Is_Full return Boolean;
Queue : Queue_Type;
end Protected_Queue;
type List is array (Index) of Element;
type Queue_Type is record
Top, Free : Index := Index'First;
Is_Empty : Boolean := True;
Elements : List;
end record;
end Queue_Pack_Protected_Generic;
while the implementation will now become much nicer: package body Queue_Pack_Protected_Generic is
protected body Protected_Queue is
entry Enqueue (Item : Element) when not Is_Full is
Queue.Elements (Queue.Free) := Item;
Queue.Free := Index'Succ (Queue.Free);
Queue.Is_Empty := False;
end Enqueue;
entry Dequeue (Item : out Element) when not Is_Empty is
Item := Queue.Elements (Queue.Top);
Queue.Top := Index'Succ (Queue.Top);
Queue.Is_Empty := Queue.Top = Queue.Free;
end Dequeue;
procedure Empty_Queue is
Queue.Top := Index'First;
Queue.Free := Index'First;
Queue.Is_Empty := True;
end Empty_Queue;
function Is_Empty return Boolean is
function Is_Full return Boolean is
(not Queue.Is_Empty and then Queue.Top = Queue.Free);
end Protected_Queue;
end Queue_Pack_Protected_Generic;
Instead of one sequential program to use our queue, we can now have e.g. three concurrent entities (tasks) to read, and three to write, on this queue: with Ada.Task_Identification; use Ada.Task_Identification;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Queue_Pack_Protected_Generic;
procedure Queue_Test_Protected_Generic is
type Queue_Size is mod 3;
package Queue_Pack_Protected_Character is
new Queue_Pack_Protected_Generic (Element => Character, Index => Queue_Size);
use Queue_Pack_Protected_Character;
subtype Some_Characters is Character range 'a' .. 'f';
Queue : Protected_Queue;
type Task_Index is range 1 .. 3;
task type Producer;
task type Consumer;
Producers : array (Task_Index) of Producer; pragma Unreferenced (Producers);
Consumers : array (Task_Index) of Consumer; pragma Unreferenced (Consumers);
task body Producer is
for Ch in Some_Characters loop
Put_Line ("Task " & Image (Current_Task) & " finds the queue to be " &
(if Queue.Is_Empty then "EMPTY" else "not empty") &
" and " &
(if Queue.Is_Full then "FULL" else "not full") &
" and prepares to add: " & Character'Image (Ch) &
" to the queue.");
Queue.Enqueue (Ch); -- task might be blocked here!
end loop;
Put_Line ("<---- Task " & Image (Current_Task) & " terminates.");
end Producer;
task body Consumer is
Item : Character;
Counter : Natural := 0;
Queue.Dequeue (Item); -- task might be blocked here!
Counter := Natural'Succ (Counter);
Put_Line ("Task " & Image (Current_Task) &
" received: " & Character'Image (Item) &
" and the queue appears to be " &
(if Queue.Is_Empty then "EMPTY" else "not empty") &
" and " &
(if Queue.Is_Full then "FULL" else "not full") &
" afterwards.");
exit when Item = Some_Characters'Last;
end loop;
Put_Line ("<---- Task " & Image (Current_Task) &
" terminates and received" & Natural'Image (Counter) & " items.");
end Consumer;
end Queue_Test_Protected_Generic;
You’ll find all the above ready to run in the Queue_Concurrent directory. Observations Run the Queue_Concurrent code and try to understand its output. A pencil-and-paper diagram might be usefu. For example, you could have three producers and three consumers with the queue in the middle, and your pencil adding and removing characters from this queue. Specifically you should answer the following questions: Why might a task that has just added something to the list find the list empty immediately afterwards? Conversely: why might a task that just removed something from the list still find the list full afterwards? Is it possible that a task in the above program prints that the queue is both empty and full? Will all producers write the same number of elements? Will all consumers read the same number of elements? Will the total number of elements written equal the total number of elements read? Did we get rid of all exceptions for good? Did we introduce a new, potentially troublesome issue by our “hold instead of break” method? Record your observations in the file observations.md and push them to GitLab. No need for more than a sentence per question. Always give a reason. For example, rather than “No”, write “No, because…”. We know that you’ll need to guess some of the syntax at the moment, but you should be able to interpret some of the output here, and draw some early conclusions about what concurrent systems can do. Next week you will be creating your own first tasks and will see how easy the first steps towards concurrent systems are… with a little example of how things can also go bad at the end. Updated: 11 Aug 2021 / Responsible Officer: Director, School of Computing / Page Contact: Josh Milthorpe Contact ANU Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Freedom of Information +61 2 6125 5111 The Australian National University, Canberra CRICOS Provider : 00120C ABN : 52 234 063 906 You appear to be using Internet Explorer 7, or have compatibility view turned on. Your browser is not supported by ANU web styles. » Learn how to fix this » Ignore this warning in future