How many distinct values can be stored in 7 bits? A. 7 B. 8 C. 128 D. 127 E. –42 Welcome to COMP1100 and COMP1130 Semester 1, 2018 Programming Computing a mean Memory Address Machine Code (hex) Assembler Instructions (Poorly coded) C program 0x100000e9b 0x100000ea2 0x100000eb9 0x100000ebc 0x100000ebf 0x100000ec5 0x100000ec9 0x100000ecd 0x100000ed0 0x100000ed3 0x100000ed6 0x100000ed9 0x100000ede 0x100000ee1 0x100000ee6 0x100000ee9 0x100000eea c7 45 f0 00 00 00 00 c7 45 ec 00 00 00 00 8b 45 ec 3b 45 f4 0f 8d 21 00 00 00 48 63 45 ec 48 8b 4d f8 8b 14 81 03 55 f0 89 55 f0 8b 45 ec 05 01 00 00 00 89 45 ec e9 d3 ff ff ff 8b 45 f0 99 f7 7d f4 movl $0x0, -0x10(%rbp) movl $0x0, -0x14(%rbp) movl -0x14(%rbp), %eax cmpl -0xc(%rbp), %eax jge 0x100000ee6 movslq -0x14(%rbp), %rax movq -0x8(%rbp), %rcx movl (%rcx,%rax,4), %edx addl -0x10(%rbp), %edx movl %edx, -0x10(%rbp) movl -0x14(%rbp), %eax addl $0x1, %eax movl %eax, -0x14(%rbp) jmp 0x100000eb9 movl -0x10(%rbp), %eax cltd idivl -0xc(%rbp) int sum = 0; int i = 0; loop: if (i >= length(values)) goto done; sum += values[i]; i = i + 1; goto loop; done: mean = sum / i; Machine level programming Not portable: depends on specific CPU model Error prone Hard to handle complex problems Machine dictates the language in which the programmer thinks Full control Need more problem-oriented languages. Need more abstract and safer languages. Abstraction versus control is a tradeoff! A brief history of programming languages Inspired by machine code (imperative, macro assemblers) Fortran (‘57), Cobol (‘59), Basic (‘64), C(‘71) Based on formal model of computation (lambda calculus, functional) Lisp (‘58), ML (‘73) Structured and strongly typed (imperative) Algol (58), Algol 60, Algol 68, Pascal (‘70) Based on message-passing simulation models (object-oriented) Simula (‘67), Smalltalk (‘69) Based on first-order logic (declarative) Prolog (‘72) Programming paradigms Control flow: imperative/declarative Declarative: functional/logic/finite state machines Allocations and bindings: static/dynamic Time: event-driven/discrete/synchronous/continuous Focus: control flow/data flow Concurrency: sequential/concurrent/distributed Structure: modular/generics/templates/objects/aspects/agents Determinism: deterministic/non-deterministic You don’t need to understand all of these; just many ways to program Influential languages (≠popularity!) Conceptual foundations λ-calculus/Lisp, Simula/Smalltalk, Algol, Prolog Also influential ML/Haskell, Pascal, Eiffel, Ada, Modula-3, C, Java Check out influence-network/ e.g., PHP widely used, but not particularly influential… How is software written and executed Source high-level program Write in text editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Translation and interpretation • Compiler: program that translates source program into machine instructions • Interpreter: program that interprets (executes) a source program IDEs allow editing, compiling, executing, and debugging from one environment ⇒ rapid development cycle Program in high level language, such as C Compiler Equivalent program in machine language (a) (b) (c) #includeint main() { println(”Hello!”); return 0; } C 0101010101010010 1010101101011001 1010101110101010 1010101010101111 x86 Program in high level language, such as Python Interpreter Executes program directly on CPU print “Hello!” Python AMD Intel Program in high level language, such as Java Compiler Equivalent program in machine language public class Hello { public static void main (String[] args){ System.out. println (”Hello!”); }} Java 0101010101010010 1010101101011001 1010101110101010 1010101010101111 x86 1010101101011001 0101010101011100 1010100000101010 1110101010101100 Bytecode JIT Compiler Program in platform independent bytecode Lots of programs work reliably Most flight computers Car braking controllers Banking systems High speed trains, subway systems Internet search engines Professional A/V equiment … Programming delivers trusted systems that even our lives depend on What makes a professional programmer? “Fluent” in all essential programming constructs and paradigms Can choose and use the right tools for the job Considers capabilities of available hardware Understands translation into executable machine code and how to control that translation Understands testing and verification and uses them adequately Finds best suited abstractions and modularisations (experience!) Knows how to analyse unexpected problems (debugging) Functional Programming Computing a mean Haskell A lazy, functional programming language (based on the λ-calculus). Statically typed with polymorphism and operator overloading. Uses monads to provide side-effects and imperative sequencing. Pragmatically • Compiler + interactive interpreter • Concise, compact syntax • Compiler detects many (most) errors (but error messages may be confusing) • Performs well (though not as “fast” as C, C++, or even Java) • Commonly used for verifiable systems, high-integrity systems • Not directly useful for real-time or high-performance computation Functional Functions are first-class: functions are values that can be used in exactly the same ways as any other sort of value. The meaning of Haskell programs is centred around evaluating expressions rather than executing instructions. The result is a different way of thinking about programming. What is a function? A recipe for generating outputs from inputs • ‟multiply a number by itself” A set of (input, output) pairs: • (1,1) (2,4) (3,9) (4,16) (5,25) An equation: f x = x2 A graph relating inputs to output (for numbers only) -2 -1 0 1 2 1 2 Functions and states y = f(x1,x2,…,xn) ? x1 x2 xn Input Output A repeatable (deterministic) function: fully described by its input-output relation. This function is in exactly the same “state” every time it is called. Functions and states y = f(x1,x2,…,xn) ? x1 x2 xn Input Output Limiting observability: • After the function receives its inputs it is oblivious to the outside world. Functions and states y = f(x1,x2,…,xn) ? x1 x2 xn Input Output Limiting observability: • When the function produces its output it reveals nothing else. Functions and states Limiting observability: • There can be no other communication with the outside world. y = f(x1,x2,…,xn) ? x1 x2 xn Input Output ❌ ❌ Functions and states Limiting observability: • The function cannot hold values internally after the function has completed y = f(x1,x2,…,xn) ? x1 x2 xn Input Output❌ ❌ Functions and states Limiting observability: • The function cannot write to its input values y = f(x1,x2,…,xn) ? x1 x2 xn Input Output ❌ ❌ ❌ Functions and states y = f(x1,x2,…,xn) ? x1 x2 xn Input Output The result is a side-effect free function! Easy to understand and verify. Can be designed in isolation, supporting modularity. Pure Haskell expressions are always referentially transparent: • no mutations; everything is immutable • expressions are side-effect free • calling the same function with the same arguments results in the same output; programs are deterministic Benefits: • equational reasoning and refactoring: “replace equals by equals” (algebra) • parallelism: evaluating in parallel is easy when no side effects • fewer headaches: easier to debug, maintain, and reason about programs Lazy Expressions are not evaluated until their results are needed. • It is easy to define a new control structure just by defining a function. • It is possible to define and work with infinite data structures. • It enables a more compositional programming. • BUT it makes reasoning about time and space usage more difficult! Kinds of data Integers: 42, -69 Floats: 3.14 Characters: ‘h’ Strings: “hello” Booleans: True, False Pictures: ♞ Applying a function invert :: Picture -> Picture knight :: Picture invert knight ♞ ♘invert Composing functions beside :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture flipV :: Picture –> Picture invert :: Picture -> Picture knight :: Picture beside (invert knight) (flipV knight) ♞ ♘invert flipV beside double Defining a new function double :: Picture -> Picture double p = beside (invert p) (flipV p) ♞ ♘invert flipV beside Defining a new function double :: Picture -> Picture double p = beside (invert p) (flipV p) ♞ double Terminology Type signature double :: Picture -> Picture Function declaration double p = beside (invert p) (flipV p) function name function body Terminology double p = beside (invert p) (flipV p) formal parameter function definition double knight actual parameter expression Types The meaning of a program will depend on the types of the values it manipulates: • Even though values are just represented as bits, the operations on those bits will interpret them in some way For example, consider the addition operator +: It takes two number values and combines them to give a new number. To add two integers it must interpret the bits of those values as integers and use integer addition to produce the result. Integer addition applied to non-integers would make no sense. Applying a function scale:: Picture -> Integer -> Picture knight :: Picture scale knight 2♞ ♞scale2 Applying a function scale:: Picture -> Integer -> Picture knight :: Picture scale knight knight♞ scale♞ Types A type is a collection of values that are the same sort of thing: e.g., numbers or pictures (and even functions!) In a strongly-typed programming language you cannot use values and the functions that manipulate them inconsistently. Makes programs type-safe. This can be enforced statically (compile time) or dynamically (run time). Static typing helps clarify thinking and express program structure, serves as documentation, and turns run-time errors into compile-time errors. Static typing Helps clarify thinking and express program structure. Serves as a form of documentation. Turns run-time errors into compile-time errors. Examples Int • Set of values, subset of the integers, fixed precision • Stored in some fixed number of bits • [Live coding experiments to find out range using minBound/maxBound] Integer • Set of values, all the integers, arbitrary precision (up to some number of bits available in memory) • [Live coding experiment to see behaviour] Programming: craft and correctness A human activity (“the art of programming”) • A program can be well-crafted and aesthetically pleasing • A program can be unmaintainable or unreadable Programs are formal artefacts • An expression in (temporal) logic • Can be correct/incorrect (against a specification) Obfuscated code The International Obfuscated C Code Contest #include #define TA q=/*XYXY*/ #define/*X YXY*/CG r= void p(int n,int c){; for(;n--;) putchar(c) #define Y( z)d;d=c++\ %2<1?x=x*4 +z,c%8>5?\ x=x?p(1,x), 0:x:0:0;d= #define/*X YX*/C Y(1) #define/*X YX*/G Y(2) ;}int(*f)( void),d,c, #define/*X YX*/A Y(0) #define/*XY*/AT int\ m(void/**/){d= #define/*XYX*/T Y(3) #define GC d; return\ 0;}int(*f) (void )=m; x,q,r; int main(){if( f)f();else {for(puts( "#include" "\40\"pro\ g.c\"\n\n \101T"+0); d=!d?x=(x= getchar()) <0?0:x,8*8 :d,TA++c%8 ,TA(1+7*q- q*q)/3,r=c *15-c*c-36 ,p(r<0?!q+ 4:r/6+!q+4 ,32),q||x; c%=16)q?p( 1,"ACGT"[x /d&3]),p(q ,126),p(1, "TGCA"[x/d &3]),d/=4, p(001,10): puts(c%8?\ "CG":"TA") ;puts("GC" );}return 0;}/**/ Programming myths It’s easy, everybody can do it with just a few tutorials Especially sales people for the latest trendy language It’s intrinsically hard What old programmers say to keep their jobs A weird way to spend your day Hollyword nerd stereotypes In reality A specialized, historically recent, technological, professional activity, which requires care and focus (just like any advanced profession) Programming truths Some things will never work … • Decision problems is a program syntactically correct? Is x a prime number? Will a program stop for a given input? The last one is the halting problem, which is representative of a class of inherently undecideable problems Undecideable problems Kurt Gödel (31): loosely, “any consistent theory can express true statements which cannot be proven in this theory” Alan Turing (’37): “no program can decide whether another arbitrary program will terminate on a given input” Henry Gordon Rice (’53): “for any non-trivial property of partial functions, no general and effective method can decide whether an algorithm computes a partial function with that property” Function composition operator flipV :: Picture –> Picture flipH :: Picture -> Picture rotate :: Picture -> Picture rotate = flipH . flipV knight :: Picture Rotate knight ♞ flipV flipV rotate Expressions and evaluation (reduction) Evaluating any Haskell expression works much like a calculator: 42.0 → 42.0 3 + 4 / (1234 – 1) → 3 + 1 / 1233 → 3 + 3.2441200324412004e-3 → 3.0032441200324413 Expressions and evaluation (reduction) (3 + 4) * (5 – 2) → 7 * (5 – 2) → 7 * 3 → 21 Or alternatively: (3 + 4) * (5 – 2) → (3 + 4) * 3 → 7 * 3 → 21 Can even compute 3+4 and 5-2 concurrently (in parallel)! Expressions and evaluation (reduction) double :: Integer –> Integer double n = 2 * n double (3 + 1) → double 4 → 2 * 4 → 8 Types All expressions have types: :type 42.0 42.0 :: Fractional a => a Types can be from a class of types, here a type derived from the class of Fractional types (i.e., real numbers or fractions). :type (3 + 4) / (5 - 2) (3 + 4) * (5 - 2) :: Num a => a Here Num is a class of numeric types (i.e., numbers). The essence of functional programming Types model objects in the problem domain. Programming means writing functions over types. Computing with functions means evaluation (reduction). Haskell variables name values and cannot vary. Functions have no side-effects. The essence of Haskell programming Programs are higher level: define relationship between input and output (the what) rather than how to compute a result. First class functions: can be passed around like any other data. Functions have no side-effects: monads embed side-effects inside Haskell and its type system. Haskell programs are easy to parallelize: there is no shared state! Definitions are equations: easy to validate properties, allowing proofs. Haskell programs are easy to refactor. A domain specific language for pictures horse :: Picture flipH :: Picture -> Picture flipV :: Picture -> Picture invertColour :: Picture -> Picture above :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture beside :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture scale :: Picture -> Integer -> Picture Forming complex pictures Infix use of above: horse `above` (flipH horse) Naming pictures: bigPic = scale (horse `above` (flipH horse)) 42 Defining new functions: mirror pic = pic `beside` (flipV pic) ASCII-art model of pictures [Live coding look at ASCII-art representation as lists.] flipH = reverse -- reverse list of lines flipV = map reverse -- reverse each line of list above = (++) -- join two lists beside = zipWith (++) -- join corresponding lines The Prelude The function reverse and the basic types come from the Haskell Prelude. [Live programming, browse Prelude.] Changing models Abstraction means we can use a different representation for pictures. Display pictures using SVG graphics instead of ASCII-art. [Demonstration] [Live Coding from Chapters 1 and 2 of text] See files Chapter1.hs and Pictures.hs