Weakest Precondition Calculus COMP2600 — Formal Methods for Software Engineering Rajeev Gore´ Australian National University Semester 2, 2016 (Most lecture slides due to Ranald Clouston) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 1 COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 2 Hoare Logic = Syntax and (Semantics or Calculus) Syntax Semantics WP Calculus CPL predicates CPL semantics No ND! variables x,y,z · · · arith- metic expressions 1 + 2,x < y, · · · and predi- cates built from them states map variables and expressions to val- ues and predicates to true/false rules of arithmetic e.g 1+2= 3, 22 = 4, 6/3= 2 etc programming language := ; if.then. while as usual one rule for each (seen rule for :=, ;, if.then.else., prestr, postwk) Hoare Triple {P} S {Q} if pre-state satisfies P and S terminates then post-state satisfies Q proo f s (much harder!) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 3 Edsger W. Dijkstra (1930 – 2002) The originator of this week’s material (in 1976), and a good source of quotes: Program testing can be quite effective for showing the presence of bugs, but is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence. The question of whether Machines Can Think... [is] about as relevant as the question of whether Submarines Can Swim. He also had some pretty uncompromising views on how introductory com- puter science should be taught: In order to drive home the message that this introductory program- ming course is primarily a course in formal mathematics, we see to it that the programming language in question has not been imple- mented on campus so that students are protected from the tempta- tion to test their programs. COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 4 Introduction Dijkstra’s Weakest Precondition Calculus is another technique for proving properties of imperative programs. Hoare Logic presents logic problems: • Given a precondition P, code fragment S and postconditionQ, is {P}S{Q} true? WP is about evaluating a function: • Given a code fragment S and postcondition Q, find the unique P which is the weakest precondition for S and Q. COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 5 The wp Function If S is a code fragment and Q is an assertion about states, then the weakest precondition for S with respect to Q is an assertion that is true for precisely those initial states from which: • S must terminate, and • executing S must produce a state satisfying Q. That is, the weakest precondition P is a function of S and Q: P = wp(S,Q) ( wp is sometimes called a predicate transformer, and the Weakest Precon- dition Calculus is sometimes called Predicate Transformer Semantics. ) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 6 Relationship with Hoare logic Hoare Logic is relational: • For each Q, there are many P such that {P}S{Q}. • For each P, there are many Q such that {P}S{Q}. WP is functional: • For each Q there is exactly one assertion wp(S,Q). WP does respect Hoare Logic: {wp(S,Q)} S{Q} is true. COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 7 Relationship with Hoare logic ctd. Hoare Logic is about partial correctness: • We don’t care about termination. WP is about total correctness: • We do care about termination. COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 8 A Diagrammatic View of Weakest Preconditions 1 2 3 Qwp(S,Q) Initial States Final States Each arc shows the code S acting on a different initial state: • Arc 1 produces a final state not satisfying Q × • Arc 2 produces a final state satisfying Q X • Arc 3 gets into a loop and produces no final state × COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 9 Intuition Example 1 Consider code x:=x+1 and postcondition (x> 0) One valid precondition is (x> 0), so in Hoare Logic the following is true: {x> 0} x:=x+1 {x> 0} Another valid precondition is (x>−1), so: {x>−1} x:=x+1 {x> 0} (x>−1) is weaker than (x> 0) (. . . because (x> 0)⇒ (x>−1)) In fact, (x>−1) is the weakest precondition: wp(x:=x+1, x> 0) ≡ (x>−1) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 10 Intuition Example 2 Consider code a:=a+1; b:=b-1 and postcondition a×b= 0 A very strong precondition is (a=−1)∧ (b= 1): {(a=−1)∧ (b= 1)}a:=a+1; b:=b-1{a×b= 0} A weaker precondition is a=−1. The weakest precondition is (a=−1)∨ (b= 1) wp(a:=a+1; b:=b-1, a×b= 0) ≡ (a=−1)∨ (b= 1) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 11 Intuition Example 3 The assignment axiom of Hoare Logic gives us (for any postcondition Q): {Q(y+ z)} x:= y+z {Q(x)} Intuitive justification: • Let v be the value arrived at by computing y+z. • If Q(y+ z) is true initially, then so is Q(v). • Since the variable x has value v after the assignment (and nothing else changes in the state), It must be that Q(x) holds after that assignment. COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 12 Intuition Example 3 ctd. In fact Q(y+ z) is the weakest precondition. Intuitive justification: • Let v be the value arrived at by computing x:= y+z. • If Q(x) is true after the assignment, so is Q(v). • If Q(v) is true after the assignment, then it must also be true before the assignment, because x does not appear in Q(v) and nothing else has changed. • Thus, Q(y+ z) was true initially. • So (combined with previous slide), Q(x) holds after the assignment if and only if Q(y+ z) held before it. COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 13 Weakest Precondition of Assignment (Rule 1/4) We have argued that the Assignment axiom of Hoare Logic is designed to give the “best” — i.e. the weakest — precondition: {Q(e)} x:=e {Q(x)} Therefore we should expect that the rule for Assignment in the weakest pre- condition calculus corresponds closely: wp(x:=e, Q(x)) ≡ Q(e) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 14 Assignment Examples wp(x:=y+3, (x> 3)) ≡ y+3> 3 (substitute y+3 for x) ≡ y> 0 (simplify) wp(n:=n+1, (n> 5)) ≡ n+1> 5 (substitute n+1 for n) ≡ n> 4 (simplify) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 15 Weakest Preconditions for Sequences (Rule 2/4) As in Hoare Logic, we expect the rule for sequencing to compose the effect of the consecutive statements. The rule is: wp(S1;S2, Q) ≡ wp(S1, wp(S2, Q)) Example: wp(x:=x+2; y:=y-2, (x+ y= 0)) ≡ wp(x:=x+2, wp(y:=y-2, (x+ y= 0))) ≡ wp(x:=x+2, (x+(y−2) = 0)) ≡ ((x+2)+(y−2) = 0) ≡ (x+ y= 0) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 16 Weakest Preconditions for Conditionals (Rule 3a/4) wp(if b then S1 else S2,Q) ≡ (b⇒wp(S1,Q)) ∧ (¬b⇒wp(S2,Q)) Proof: By cases on condition b, • b is true: RHS≡ (True⇒wp(S1,Q)) ∧ (False⇒wp(S2,Q)) wp for the conditional is the weakest precondition for S1 guaranteeing postcondition Q – that is, LHS is wp(S1,Q). The right hand side reduces to the same thing if we replace b with True. • b is false: Similarly, both left hand and right hand sides reduce to wp(S2,Q) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 17 Conditional Example: wp(if b then S1 else S2,Q) ≡ (b⇒wp(S1,Q)) ∧ (¬b⇒wp(S2,Q)) wp(if x>2 then y:=1 else y:=-1, (y> 0)) ≡ ((x> 2)⇒wp(y:=1,(y> 0)) ∧ (¬(x> 2)⇒wp(y:=-1,(y> 0)) ≡ ((x> 2)⇒ (1> 0)) ∧ (¬(x> 2)⇒ (−1> 0)) ≡ ((x> 2)⇒True) ∧ ((x≤ 2)⇒False) ≡ x> 2 (If you are unhappy with the last step, draw a truth table.) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 18 Alternative Rule for Conditionals (Rule 3b/4) The conditional rule tends to produce complicated logical expressions which we then have to simplify. It is often easier to deal with disjunctions and conjunctions than implications, so the following equivalent rule for conditionals is usually more convenient. wp(if b then S1 else S2,Q) ≡ (b∧wp(S1,Q)) ∨ (¬b∧wp(S2,Q)) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 19 Conditional Example Again: wp(if b then S1 else S2,Q) ≡ (b∧wp(S1,Q)) ∨ (¬b∧wp(S2,Q)) wp(if x>2 then y:=1 else y:=-1, (y> 0)) ≡ ((x> 2)∧wp(y:=1,(y> 0)) ∨ (¬(x> 2)∧wp(y:=-1,(y> 0)) ≡ ((x> 2)∧ (1> 0)) ∨ (¬(x> 2)∧ (−1> 0)) ≡ ((x> 2)∧True) ∨ (¬(x> 2)∧False) ≡ (x> 2) ∨ False ≡ x> 2 (Again, any step you are unhappy with can be confirmed via truth table.) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 20 Why The Rules are Equivalent All that has changed is the form of the proposition. Rather than (b⇒ p)∧ (¬b⇒q) we have (b∧ p)∨ (¬b∧q) : b p q (b⇒ p) ∧ (¬b⇒q) (b∧ p) ∨ (¬b∧q) T T T T T T T T F T T F T T T T T F T F T F F T F F F T F F F F T F F F F T T T T T F T T F T F T F F F F F F F T T T T F T T F F F T F F F F F COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 21 A Diagrammatic View of Conditionals wp(if b then S1 else S2,Q)≡ (b⇒wp(S1,Q)) ∧ (¬b⇒wp(S2,Q)) ≡ (b∧wp(S1,Q)) ∨ (¬b∧wp(S2,Q)) b ¬b wp(S1,Q) wp(S2,Q) Q Initial States Final States COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 22 Conditionals Without ‘Else’ It is sometimes convenient to have conditionals without else, i.e. if b then S recalling that this is just a compact way of writing if b then S else x := x We can derive wp rules for this case: wp(if b then S,Q)≡ (b⇒wp(S1,Q)) ∧ (¬b⇒Q) ≡ (b∧wp(S1,Q)) ∨ (¬b∧Q) COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 23 Loops (The thing to do now is hang on tightly . . . ) Suppose we have a while loop and some postcondition Q. The precondition P we seek is the weakest that: • establishes Q • guarantees termination We can take hints for the first requirement from the corresponding rule for Hoare Logic. That is, think in terms of loop invariants. But termination is a bigger problem... COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 24 Summary of Lecture I Weak and Strong Conditions: P stronger than Q if P⇒Q in first-order logic Hoare Logic Rules: used this notion in rules precon equivalence, precond strengthening, postcond equivalence, postcond weakening wp(S,Q): Given S and Q, the assertion wp(S,Q) is the weakest precondi- tion that is true for precisely those initial states from which: • S must terminate, and • executing S must produce a state satisfying Q wp(S,Q) : is a function ... so we can give the rules as equations COMP 2600 — Weakest Preconditions 25