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Chapter Four 
 The excessive use of pesticides in Indonesia during the 1970s and 1980s caused 
serious environmental problems such as acute and chronic human pesticide poisoning, 
animal poisoning and contaminated agricultural products, destruction of both 
beneficial natural parasites and pest predators, and pesticide resistance in pests.  To 
overcome these environmental problems, since 1989 the Indonesian government has 
actively adopted a strategy of integrated pest management (IPM).1 
 The first goal of this essay is to build a Computable General Equilibrium model 
that includes various links from pesticide use in agricultural sectors to human health 
problems, and the links from human health problems to societal health costs and the 
effectiveness of production activities.  The second goal of this essay is to analyze the 
impact of the IPM program on Indonesian economic growth and household incomes 
for different socioeconomic groups. 
4.1 Introduction 
 The chronic food shortage during the first two decades of Indonesian 
independence (1945-1965) stimulated the Indonesian government to establish 
a comprehensive food intensification program as a national priority.  
Achieving and maintaining self-sufficiency in food, increasing farmers’ 
income, and providing strong support for the rapidly expanding industrial 
and service sectors were the main goals of this food intensification program 
(Oka, 1995).  The food intensification program included large-scale adoption 
1 This essay limits its analysis to the implementation of the IPM program in the food crop 
sector.  The reason for this limitation is that, first, until now the implementation of the IPM 
program in Indonesia has been limited to food crops.  Second, the government has not yet 
planned to implement the IPM program in the non-food crop sector. 
of high-yielding modern seed varieties, development of irrigation systems, 
expansion of food crop producing areas, increased use of chemical fertilizers 
and pesticides, expansion of agricultural extension services, establishment of 
farmer cooperatives and input subsidies, and stabilization of national food 
crop prices (Oka, 1991). 
 During the 1970s and 1980s, this food intensification program caused 
food crop production to grow at an annual rate of approximately 3.74 percent2 
(CBS, 1973-1991).  A major miracle occurred in rice production.  Pushing the 
average annual growth rate of rice production to approximately 4.67 percent, 
the rice intensification program transformed Indonesia from the world’s 
largest importer of rice, importing approximately two million tons per year by 
the end of the 1970s, to self-sufficiency in 1983 and thereafter (Oka, 1991 and 
 Despite the remarkable success of the food intensification program, the 
excessive use of pesticides caused serious environmental problems3 such as 
acute and chronic human pesticide poisoning, animal poisoning and 
contaminated agricultural products, destruction of beneficial natural parasites 
and pest predators, and pesticide resistance in pests (Achmadi, 1992; Oka, 
1995; and Pimentel et al., 1992). To overcome these environmental problems 
2 The average annual population growth was approximately 2.3 percent in the 1970s and 
3 In 1988, Achmadi found 1267 cases of acute pesticide poisoning in 182 general hospitals 
throughout the islands of Java and Bali.  He also observed that approximately 20 to 50 percent 
of the farmers who utilized pesticides contracted chronic pesticide-related illnesses.  These 
illnesses included headaches, weakness, insomnia, and difficulties in concentrating (Achmadi, 
1992).  In the case of pesticide resistance in pests, brown planthoppers and green leafhoppers 
became resistant to pesticides and damaged more than 450,000 hectares of rice fields in 
1976/1977.  The estimated yield loss was 364,500 tons of milled rice, which could have fed 
three million people for an entire year.  In 1980 and 1986, the same pest problem broke out 
again, causing damage to at least 12,000 and 75,000 hectares of rice fields, respectively (Oka, 
caused by the overuse of pesticide, the Indonesian government adopted a 
strategy of integrated pest management (IPM).  The program altered the 
predominant government policy of pest control from a unilateral method, 
depending solely on pesticide, to a combination of various control tactics to 
manage pests, including synchronized planting, crop rotation, natural 
predator, and pesticides.  During the first two years of the IPM program (1989-
1991), the government trained approximately 100,000 food crop farmers, 
mostly rice farmers, to implement the IPM.  With the IPM, these farmers have 
been able to reduce the use of pesticides by approximately 56 percent, and 
increase yields by approximately 10 percent4 (Oka, 1995).  With this positive 
result, the Indonesian government is eager to train more food crop farmers to 
implement the IPM. 
 Economic literature which analyzes the impact of the IPM program on 
household incomes and national economic performance is very limited.  The 
Indonesian IPM National Program Monitoring and Evaluation Team in 1993 
argued that IPM farmers would increase their incomes by approximately 50 
percent.  The team also estimated that, if the IPM were to become a common 
practice throughout Indonesia, the reduction in pesticide use would result in 
total savings for farmers of approximately 212 billion rupiahs.  This study by 
the IPM National Program Monitoring and Evaluation Team, however, only 
observed the partial impact of the IPM program on farmer incomes, i.e. the 
team did not take into account the multiplier impact of an IPM program on 
incomes of both farmers and other household groups.  The team also did not 
mention the impact of the IPM program on national economic growth. 
4 The increasing yields are caused by the elimination of serious or large-scale pest outbreaks. 
 This essay utilizes a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to 
analyze the total impact, including the multiplier impact, of the Indonesian 
IPM program on national economic growth and household incomes for 
various socioeconomic groups.  A CGE model is a system of equations that 
represent all agents' behaviors and market clearing conditions in a national 
 The main goal of this essay is to build a CGE model that is appropriate to 
analyze the impact of an IPM program on a national economy.  
Implementation of an IPM program has three immediate impacts.  A 
government has to reallocate its budget to finance the implementation.  The 
implementation of an IPM program causes a reduction in the use of pesticides, 
and an increase in agricultural output.  The CGE should be able to model how 
these immediate changes impact production and consumption behaviors in 
the economy, and in the end, affect national economic growth and household 
incomes.  To capture these impacts, the CGE should include various 
relationships among pesticide use in agriculture, human health problems, 
societal health cost, and production activities. 
4.2 Computable General Equilibrium Model 
 This section explains some important features of the CGE utilized in 
this essay.  To become familiar with other features of this CGE, one should 
review the Indonesian CGEs developed by Lewis (1991) and Thorbecke 
(1992).5  This essay combines the Indonesian CGEs just mentioned to create a 
new CGE model.  The model describes various relationships to represent the 
5 See also Appendix I. 
impact of an IPM program on the economy.  Finally, several dynamic 
equations are added to the model to transform the new CGE into a multi-
period CGE. 
 Facts and relationships modeled in the CGE to represent the impact of 
an IPM program on the economy are as follows: 
• Government needs to spend a certain amount of money to implement the 
IPM program.  In this essay, government is assumed to take this IPM 
budget from government savings, resulting in a smaller government 
capital investment. 
• Most of the government IPM budget is allocated to the education or public 
service sectors, since the main activity of the IPM program is to educate 
food crop farmers in IPM. 
• The first direct impact of the IPM program is a reduction in the use of 
pesticides by food crop farmers. 
• The second direct impact of the IPM program is a more efficient food crop 
production sector, i.e. with a lesser amount of pesticides and the same 
amount of other inputs, IPM farmers are able to increase their output.6  
This increased output is due to the fact that the IPM program can better 
control pest problems than a program that solely depends on pesticides. 
• Since the use of pesticides causes pesticide poisoning cases among farmers, 
the reduction in the amount of pesticide use in the food crop sector 
decreases the number of these pesticide poisoning cases.7 
6 Dr. Oka, former chairman of the Indonesian Working Group on IPM (1991-1994), argues 
that the IPM program does not require more factor inputs than a program that solely depends 
on pesticides. 
7 Non-farmers also may be poisoned by pesticides used in agriculture.  Available data, 
however, concern the number of farmers poisoned by these pesticides.  This essay thus limits 
its analysis to pesticide poisoning cases which affect farmers. 
• This reduction in the number of pesticide-related illnesses lowers food 
crop farmer households’ spending on necessary treatment to recover from 
pesticide-related illnesses.  These lower health costs enable households to 
spend money on other goods and services, mostly food. 
• The occurrence of pesticide-related illnesses negatively affects the 
productivity of agricultural labor input.  This negative effect might reduce 
the productivity of other agricultural factor inputs, i.e. land and capital.  
The reduction in the number of pesticide-related illnesses among food crop 
farmers hence improves the productivity of all factor inputs in the food 
crop production sector. 
 The detailed modeling of  the impact of the IPM program now follows.  
Figure 4.1 shows a diagram of sectoral production activities.  The CGE in this 
essay has 20 different sectoral production activities.  The important features of 
these sectoral production activities are the value-added function, sectoral 
production function, and the input-output coefficient of the quantity of 
pesticide used in the food crop sector. 
 Let us first observe the value added function.  Value added is a 
function of human pesticide-related illnesses and factor inputs.  The factor 
inputs are expressed in the Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) function. 
X1 X2 AgLab
CESFixed Prop.
Xn ManCler
tal Land
Note: CES is the Constant Elasticity of Substitution production function 
 Fixed Prop. is the Fixed Proportion (Leontief production function) 
Figure 4.1  Structure of the Sectoral Production Function 
 VA HE FACDEMi i i i f
i f
v i
= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

α β ρ
, ,
 i is the index for production sectors 
 VAi  is the value-added input for sector i  
 HEi is the impact of human pesticide-related illnesses on the 
value-added production activity 
 FACDEMi,f  is the demand for factor input f in sector i. 
The factors represented by f are agricultural workers, manual-clerical 
personnel, professional laborers, land, and capital.  Land and capital are fixed.  
The market for professional workers is assumed to be in a full-employment 
condition.  Both the agricultural and manual-clerical labor markets experience 
 In this essay the impact of human pesticide-related illnesses on 
production activity, i.e. HEi, is simply a function of restricted activity days 
caused by pesticide-related illnesses.  Furthermore, since data on the number 
of restricted activity days are limited to farmers only, the HEi function is: 
= −

1  ∀ i ∈ crop sectors (4.2) 
 HEi = 1 ∀ i ∉ crop sectors (4.3) 
 RADi  is the number of restricted activity days caused by pesticide-
related illnesses 
 DAi  is the number of man-days that should be available if no 
pesticide-related illness occur. 
 The second important point about sectoral production activities is the 
production of sectoral output.  The form of the sectoral production function is: 
 ( )X IN VAi ix ix i i x iix ix ix= ⋅ ⋅ + − ⋅− − −α β βρ ρ ρ( )1
 Xi is gross domestic sectoral outputs 
 INi is composite intermediate inputs. 
In food crop sector, farmers who implement the IPM can increase their yields.  
To represent these increasing yields, this essay defines the share parameter of 
the food crop production function (αFOODCROP
x) as a function of the number of 
farmers who adopt the IPM.  The more farmers who implement the IPM, the 
higher this share parameter will be: 
x t
= ⋅ −

.110 (4.5) 
 1.10 is due to the fact that IPM farmers are ten percent 
more efficient than non-IPM farmers 
 is the initial/benchmark shift parameter of food crop 
sectoral production 
x t,  is the shift parameter of food crop sectoral production 
in year t 
 IPMFARMt is the number of food crop farmers implementing the 
IPM in year t 
 FACDEMtFOODCROP,AGLAB is the number of total food crop farmers in year t. 
 The third important feature of the sectoral production activities is the 
iomiPEST,FOODCROP, which is the input-output coefficient of the amount of pesticide 
used in the food crop sector.  Farmers who implement the IPM can reduce the 
amount of pesticide used.  The pesticide input-output coefficient in the food 
crop sector is a function of the number of IPM farmers.  The more farmers 
who adopt the IPM, the smaller this pesticide coefficient will be: 
iomi iomi
t, ,
= ⋅ −

+ ⋅ ⋅iomi
.0 44 (4.6) 
 0.44 is due to the fact that IPM farmers are able to reduce 
the use of pesticides by 56 percent 
 iomi PEST FOODCROP,  is the initial/benchmark input-output coefficient of 
pesticide use in the food crop sector 
 is the input-output coefficient of pesticide use in the 
food crop sector in year t. 
 This essay considers ten different types of household groups.  Each 
household group maximizes its utility as a Cobb-Douglas function of all goods 
and services, except for the necessary health treatments related to pesticide-
related illnesses, subject to its budget constraint: 
 ( )U HCDh h i h chs
i aph
i h
= ⋅
   ;  chsi h
i aph
 = 1 (4.7) 
subject to: 
i aph
h h h h h⋅ ≤ − − − −

 h is the index for household groups 
 aph is the index for health services consumed by households which 
experience pesticide-related illnesses 
 YHh is the income of household h  
 HCDi,h is household consumption 
 PQi  is the price of commodity i 
 HTAXh is income taxes 
 HSAVh is household savings 
 HHTRh is net household transfers 
 CDHEh is necessary health costs to recover from pesticide-related 
 Note that this essay limits its analysis to the case of pesticide-related 
illnesses among farmers.  The health costs associated with pesticide-related 
illnesses (CDHEh) in the relationship (4.8) hence only appear in agricultural 
household groups’ budget constraint, i.e. for non-agricultural households, 
CDHEh always equals zero.  From the relationship (4.8), one can see that a 
reduction in health costs associated with pesticide-related illnesses creates 
“extra income” for agricultural households to spend on goods and services.  In 
developing countries, agricultural households mostly spend this extra income 
on food. 
 The amount of health spending by households depends on the number 
of pesticide-related illnesses which occur.  The quantity of pesticide-related 
illnesses is a function of the quantity of pesticide used in agricultural sectors: 
 PESHLT apesht iomi IN R AGLABag ph ag ph PEST ag ag, , , ( )= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅  (4.9) 
 ag is the index for agricultural sectors 
 ph is the index for the pesticide-related illnesses 
 PESHLTag,ph is the number of pesticide-related illnesses 
 apeshtag,ph  is the pesticide-health coefficient 
 iomiPEST,ag⋅INag  is the amount of pesticide used in agricultural sector ag 
 R(AGLAB) is the ratio between agricultural labor in any simulation 
scenario and in the benchmark situation. 
The pesticide-related illnesses are chronic and acute pesticide poisoning.  
Farmers who contract chronic or acute pesticide poisoning usually cannot 
work for at least one day. 
 In this CGE, the capital accumulation equation is the important 
dynamic equation related to the implementation of the IPM program.  Capital 
accumulates as new capital is invested; the amount of capital next year is a 
function of the existing capital plus new capital, minus depreciated capital. 
 ( )FACDEM FACDEM depr DKi CAPITALt i CAPITALt i it, , .+ = − +1 1  (4.10) 
 depri  is the depreciation rate 
t is the new capital invested in year t. 
Government and private savings fund new capital investments.  Government 
savings also must provide the budget for IPM program implementation.  In 
the absence of this program, the government would use the funds allocated 
for the IPM budget for new capital investment.  Implementation of the IPM 
program, hence, reduces the amount of new capital invested, and, in the end, 
decreases the rate of capital accumulation. 
 Other important dynamic equations, although not related to the 
implementation of the IPM program, are the equations which determine the 
wages for manual-clerical and agricultural workers.  For manual-clerical 
laborers, wages increase as a function of the growth in both total value added 
and employment.8  Growth in total value added this year increases the wage 
next year.  In contrast, growth in total employment this year decreases the 
wage next year. 
mn mn
t t
+ −
= + ⋅
0 1
1α α  
 − ⋅
α 2
t t
 GDVAt is the gross domestic value added in year t 
 TOTLABt is the total employment in year t. 
For agricultural workers, wage growth is a function of growth in both 
agricultural value added and agricultural employment: 
ag ag
t t
+ −
= + ⋅
0 1
1α α  
 − ⋅
α 2
t t
 AGVAt is the total value added in the agricultural sector in year t 
8 Indonesia exhibited wage relationships (4.11) and (4.12) during the 1970s and 1980s.  See 
Thorbecke (1992).  In Thorbecke’s work, wages are a function of the price deflator, value 
added, and total employment.  This essay omits the price deflator variable from the wage 
function since in any year of the simulation wages (also other prices) are in real terms.  See 
also footnote 17. 
 AGLABt is the number of agricultural workers in year t. 
4.3 Integrated Food Crop Pest Management in Indonesia 
 This section reviews the history of the implementation of the integrated 
food crop pest management (IPM) program in Indonesia.  The description in 
this section serves as the base to develop the simulation scenarios in later 
 The Plant Protection Directorate under the Ministry of Agriculture 
introduced the IPM program at the end of the 1970s.  Until the mid-1980s, the 
implementation of this program was very limited.  No systematic effort to 
educate extension workers and farmers existed.  Government subsidies for 
pesticides continued to reach 80 percent of total prices for pesticides.  Farmers 
really had no incentive to implement the IPM. 
 The massive outbreak of brown planthoppers (caused by pesticide 
resistance) and human pesticide poisoning problems in the mid-1980s 
motivated high-ranking government officers to consult Indonesian 
agricultural scientists.  The scientists convinced the government that the 
solution to the two problems associated with the overuse of pesticide was to 
implement actively the IPM program.  Indonesian agricultural scientists 
believed that, with implementing the IPM program, farmers would be able to 
reduce the use of pesticides without decreasing yields.  The government then 
issued Presidential Decree No. 3 of 1986.  This presidential decree established 
the IPM program as a national policy that all government agencies would 
support.  The decree had the following objectives (Oka, 1995): 
• develop manpower, both farmers and field personnel, at the grassroots 
level to implement the IPM 
• increase efficiency of input use, in particular pesticides 
• improve the quality of the environment and its influence on human health. 
 Along with this decree, the government decreased subsidies for 
pesticides from 75-80 percent of total prices for pesticides in 1986 to 40-45 
percent in 1987.  Finally in January 1989 these subsidies were totally 
abolished.9  The government also banned 57 broad-spectrum insecticides, and 
only allowed the use of a few relatively narrow-spectrum insecticides. 
 To actively implement the IPM, in 1989 the National Development 
Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) established an Advisory Board which 
consisted of high-ranking officers from BAPPENAS, the Ministry of 
Agriculture, and the Ministry of Home Affairs.  The Board was the supreme 
policy-making body, and responsible for the success of the IPM program.  
Under the Board, a Steering Committee was formed to direct the project 
activities, and to ascertain the need for policy improvement.  The Committee 
consisted of IPM experts from various government agencies, universities, and 
international institutions.  Certain members of the Committee formed the 
Working Group which conducted the day-to-day tasks of the Committee. 
 The central activity of this national IPM program was to educate 
farmers in IPM using the “learning by doing” method.  The Working Group 
first trained extension workers and field pest observers to teach farmers.  By 
the end of 1991, 2,000 extension workers and 1,000 field pest observers had 
been able to train approximately 100,000 farmers.  After 1991, approximately 
9 With the abolishment of pesticide subsidies, the Indonesian government saved 
approximately 200-300 billion rupiahs (100-150 million dollars) per year. 
200,000 farmers were trained each year.10  Approximately ten percent of these 
200,000 farmers became one-on-one trainers.  Each of these farmer trainers 
was required to train one farmer twice per year, and repeat this training with a 
new farmer in the following year.  The cost of all IPM training activities is 
approximately 11.25 billion rupiahs (5.36 million dollars) each year.11  The 
central government provides approximately 80 percent of this total cost; the 
various regional governments provide the rest.12 
4.4 Data Sources and Initial Situation 
 This section discusses data sources utilized in this essay.  The main 
sources of data are the 1990 Indonesian Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and 
Input-Output (I-O) Table which are available from the Indonesian Central 
Bureau of Statistics (CBS).  This essay modifies the 1990 SAM in two ways.  
First, it reduces the classification of factor inputs to five categories:  
agricultural labor, manual-clerical labor, professional labor, capital, and land.  
Second, by disaggregating certain production sectors (using the I-O Table) and 
combining others, the number of production sectors decreases from 22 to 20.  
Important to note in the new classification is that three agricultural sectors 
exist: Food Crop, Non-food Crop, and Other Agriculture.  Pesticide 
production also is removed from the Chemical and Basic Metal sector to 
become a separate Pesticide sector.  In addition, the health activities related to 
pesticide poisoning illnesses are separated from the Public Service sector to 
become the Pesticide-Health sector. 
10 During the beginning years of this IPM training program, the training was mostly for rice 
farmers.  Later, training for other food crop farmers was also provided. 
11 For a national program, this IPM budget is relatively small.  The budget is approximately 
0.08 percent of total government spending on goods and services in 1990. 
 The SAM in this essay uses the same categories for household classes 
that the CBS SAM does.  The categories are as follows: 
• Agricultural Employee : Agricultural workers who do not own land 
• Small Farmer : Agricultural land owners with land between 0.0 
and 0.5 ha 
• Medium Farmer : Agricultural land owners with land between 0.5 
and 1.0 ha 
• Large Farmer : Agricultural land owners with land larger than 
1.0 ha 
• Rural Low : Non-agricultural households, consisting of small13 
retail store owners, small entrepreneurs, small 
personal service providers, and clerical and 
manual workers in rural areas 
• Rural Non-labor : Non-agricultural households, consisting of non-
labor force and unclassified households in rural 
• Rural High : Non-agricultural households, consisting of 
managers, technicians, professionals, military 
officers, teachers, big14 entrepreneurs, big retail 
store owners, big personal service providers, and 
skilled clerical workers in rural areas  
• Urban Low : Non-agricultural households, consisting of small 
retail store owners, small entrepreneurs, small 
12 Based on an interview with Dr. Oka. 
13 Small refers to a low income level. 
14 Big refers to a high income level. 
personal service providers, and clerical and 
manual workers in urban areas  
• Urban Non-labor : Non-agricultural households, consisting of non-
labor force and unclassified households in urban 
• Urban High : Non-agricultural households, consisting of 
managers, technicians, professionals, military 
officers, teachers, big entrepreneurs, big retail 
store owners, big personal service providers, and 
skilled clerical workers in urban areas. 
 Table 4.1 shows characteristics of each household group in 1990.  
Column 1 lists the proportions of the total population of Indonesia that 
belonged to certain household groups.  From column 1, one can see that 39 
percent of the total Indonesian population belonged to Small Farmer 
households.  Since the total population in Indonesia in 1990 was 
approximately 180 million people, Small Farmer households equaled 
approximately 70.2 billion people. 
 Column 2 shows the ratio between the income of each household group 
and total household income of all groups.  In 1990, total household income 
was approximately 161,544.5 billion rupiahs.15  From columns 1 and 2, one can 
see that, although Urban High households formed only five percent of the 
total population in the country, the total income of Urban High households 
contributed 25 percent to total household income.  In contrast, Agricultural 
Employee and Small Farmer households represented 10 and 39 percent of the 
15 Gross of Domestic Product in Indonesia in 1990 was 210,866.5 billion rupiahs. 
total population, respectively, but only received 4 and 20 percent of total 
household income. 
Table 4.1  Characteristics of Household Groups in 1990 
 Population Househol
        Income Transfer from:  
  Income Ag. Lab. Man-Cler. Prof. Lab. Land Capital 
 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 
Ag. Employee 0.10 0.04 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.02 
Small Farmer 0.39 0.20 0.45 0.09 0.03 0.44 0.07 
Medium Farmer 0.07 0.05 0.12 0.02 0.01 0.11 0.02 
Large Farmer 0.07 0.06 0.17 0.02 0.01 0.13 0.02 
Rural Low 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.02 
Rural Non-labor 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 
Rural High 0.04 0.16 0.08 0.21 0.27 0.18 0.04 
Urban Low 0.16 0.13 0.01 0.18 0.05 0.02 0.07 
Urban Non-labor 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.03 
Urban High 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.37 0.59 0.00 0.12 
Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.43 
Source:  CBS, 1991. 
 Columns 3 to 7 show income transfers from factors of production to 
households.  For example, column 3 shows that 45 percent of payments 
received by agricultural laborers in 1990 were transferred to Small Farmer 
households, i.e. approximately 45 percent of agricultural workers were small 
farmers.  Note that only 43 percent of capital revenues in 1990 were 
transferred to households.  The remaining capital returns were distributed to 
companies, the government, and international institutions. 
 Achmadi’s work provides the estimate of the number of acute and 
chronic pesticide poisoning cases.  He estimated that in 1988 approximately 
3000 cases of acute poisoning were associated with the use of pesticides in 
agricultural sectors.  This essay assumes that the number of acute pesticide 
poisoning cases in 1990 is the same as in 1988.  This essay uses a figure of 35 
percent (based on Achmadi’s estimate, see the third footnote) as the 
proportion of farmers who utilized pesticides and contracted chronic 
pesticide-related illnesses.  CBS (1991) estimated that approximately 40 million 
people worked in agricultural sectors in 1990 and approximately 28 million of 
them were farmers (and agricultural workers) who utilized pesticides.  Thus, 
the estimate of chronic pesticide-related illness cases for 1990 is approximately 
9.8 million.  Achmadi also noticed that, on average, each time a farmer 
contracts acute pesticide poisoning, the farmer misses work approximately 
five days.  Each time a farmer contracts chronic pesticide poisoning, the 
farmer, on average, misses work approximately one day. 
4.5 Simulation Scenarios 
 This section explains the five scenarios simulated in this essay.  It is 
important to note that, in the simulation scenarios, the IPM program is only 
implemented in the food crop sector.16  Another point to note is that this essay 
considers the simulation period to be 10 years long.17  The five simulation 
scenarios are as follows: 
1. Base Condition (No IPM Program):18  This scenario assumes that the 
Indonesian government does not implement the IPM program at all.19  The 
16 See also footnote 1. 
17 Throughout these 10 years, the Price Index is set at a constant level.  Hence prices in any 
year of the simulation are in real terms. 
18 In all scenarios, the CGE assumes that during the ten-year simulation horizon: 
• world prices of goods and services remain at a constant level 
• total annual government loans from international institutions decrease at a rate of three 
percent; this same reduction rate applies to total annual private sector loans from 
international institutions 
• government interest and amortization payments of international loans increase at annual 
rates of five and two percents, respectively 
• private sector interest and amortization payments of international loans increase at 
annual rates of seven and four percent, respectively 
Indonesian government does not spend 11.25 billion rupiahs each year to 
educate farmers.  Thus no farmers are aware of IPM practice.  Pesticides 
continue to be overused. 
2. Basic IPM Program:  This scenario simulates the IPM program planned by 
the Indonesian government.  From year one, the government spends 11.25 
billion rupiahs annually throughout the ten year time horizon to educate 
food crop farmers.  Each year, 200,000 farmers graduate from IPM training.  
Approximately ten percent of them are required to teach two other farmers 
IPM practices each year.  It is assumed that farmers who implement the 
IPM are able to reduce their use of pesticides by 56 percent, and increase 
their yields by 10 percent. 
3. IPM Plus Tax Program:  It is assumed that the Indonesian government 
implements the IPM program by spending 11.25 billion rupiahs each year 
to train farmers.  To further reduce the use of pesticides, the government 
collects a five percent sales tax on pesticides.  This five percent sales tax is 
implemented at the start of the ten year simulation period, and continues 
through year ten. 
4. Ambitious IPM Program:  In this scenario, the Indonesian government is 
assumed to double its training budget for farmers in the IPM program, 
compared with the budget in the Basic IPM Program.  Starting with the 
first year of the simulation, the Indonesian government spends 22.50 
billion rupiahs annually to train 400,000 food crop farmers.  Government 
savings provides the money for this training.  By implementing this 
• foreign capital investment grows at an annual rate of 15 percent. 
19 The benchmark data set in this essay is the Indonesian economy in 1990.  The IPM 
program in that year was in its preliminary stage.  It is, hence, reasonable to assume that there 
was no IPM program yet in 1990. 
Ambitious IPM strategy, the Indonesian government is assumed to expect 
a greater growth in the output of the food crop sector and a larger 
reduction in the number of pesticide-related illnesses. 
5. Strategic IPM Program:  The Indonesian government spends 11.25 billion 
rupiahs annually to train 200,000 food crop farmers each year in the IPM in 
the first five year simulation period.  In the sixth and later years, the 
Indonesian government doubles its spending on this IPM training 
program, i.e. 400,000 food crop farmers receive IPM training each year 
from year six. 
4.6 Results and Discussion 
 This section presents and discusses the results of all simulation 
scenarios.  The discussion focuses on how each scenario affects national 
economic growth and household incomes, and how the results from the 
various scenarios differ from those of the Base Condition scenario. 
 Table 4.2 exhibits the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), household 
incomes for different socioeconomic classes, and the total health costs of 
pesticide-related illnesses in the benchmark/initial year (t0) and in the last 
year of simulation (t10) from the Base Condition scenario. 
Table 4.2  GDP, Household Incomes, and Health Costs of Pesticide-Related 
Illnesses Under the Base Condition Scenario 
(in billions of rupiahs) 
 Benchmark Base Condition      Percentage  
                    t0                 t10   
GDP 210866.5 329549.6 56.28%  
Ag. Employee 6337.09 10814.86 70.66%  
Small Farmer 31911.62 56179.98 76.05%  
Medium Farmer 7390.52 13194.53 78.53%  
Large Farmer 9839.94 17543.98 78.29%  
Rural Low 8894.81 14951.09 68.09%  
Rural Non-labor 2948.40 3896.09 32.14%  
Rural High 25765.43 44844.62 74.05%  
Urban Low 20698.48 32893.04 58.92%  
Urban Non-labor 6610.97 10253.11 55.09%  
Urban High 41147.27 67492.64 64.03%  
Pesticide-Health 9.01 15.20 68.71%  
 t0 =  initial year 
 t10 =  year ten (the last year of the simulation period) 
 Benchmark =  the situation in the initial year of simulation 
 Base Condition =  the government does not implement the IPM program 
 Table 4.3 shows the estimated impact of various IPM programs on GDP, 
average annual GDP growth rate, household incomes, and health costs 
associated with pesticide-related illnesses.  These impacts are presented as 
percentage differences between the results from the Base Condition scenario 
and those from other scenarios.20  From Table 4.3 one can see that the impact 
20 To calculate the percentage differences, first determine the differences between results 
from other scenarios and the Base Condition, i.e. results from other scenarios minus results 
from the Base Condition.  Then, divide these differences by results from the Base Condition 
and multiply by 100 percent. 
Table 4.3  Estimated Impact of Various IPM Program Scenarios on GDP, 
Average Annual GDP Growth Rate, Household Incomes, and  
Health Costs of Pesticide-Related Illnesses 
 Basic IPM IPM+Tax Ambitious Strategic 
 Program Program IPM IPM 
 t10 t10 t10 t10 
GDP 0.056% 0.021% 0.111% 0.145% 
Annual Growth 0.131% 0.050% 0.260% 0.331% 
Ag. Employee 0.046% 0.024% 0.090% 0.094% 
Small Farmer 0.009% -0.024% 0.017% 0.066% 
Medium Farmer 0.007% -0.025% 0.014% 0.061% 
Large Farmer 0.014% -0.016% 0.028% 0.067% 
Rural Low 0.087% 0.048% 0.172% 0.183% 
Rural Non-labor 0.046% 0.006% 0.092% 0.130% 
Rural High 0.075% 0.036% 0.149% 0.171% 
Urban Low 0.109% 0.069% 0.216% 0.216% 
Urban Non-labor 0.055% 0.010% 0.110% 0.153% 
Urban High 0.112% 0.071% 0.223% 0.225% 
Pesticide-Health -4.606% -4.814% -9.206% -6.093% 
 Basic IPM =   the government spends 11.25 billion rupiahs to train 
farmers in IPM 
 IPM+Tax =   in addition to training farmers, the government imposes a 
tax on pesticides 
 Ambitious IPM =   the government doubles (compared with the Basic IPM 
Program) its IPM budget from the first year 
 Strategic IPM =   the government doubles (compared with the Basic IPM 
Program) its IPM budget after the first five years 
of the IPM programs on the average annual GDP growth rate are relatively 
small.  The rates under the programs are 0.050 to 0.331 percent higher than the 
average annual GDP growth rate under the Base Condition.  The impacts of 
the IPM programs on household incomes are relatively small.  The largest 
impact on household incomes is 0.225 percent.  This percentage represents the 
increase in income that Urban High households experience in year ten, as 
compared to the Urban High household situation under the Base Condition.  
The IPM programs, however, effectively reduce health costs associated with 
pesticide-related illnesses.  The range of health cost reduction is 4.606 to 9.206 
 Table 4.4 summarizes the impact of various scenarios on annual GDP 
growth rate and health costs of pesticide-related illnesses.  For the annual GDP 
growth rate, more stars mean a higher GDP growth rate.  For health costs 
associated with pesticide-related illnesses, more stars mean lower health costs 
associated with pesticide-related illnesses. 
Table 4.4  Summary of Impact of Various Scenarios on Annual GDP 
Growth Rate and Health Costs of Pesticide-Related Illnesses 
 Basic IPM IPM+Tax Ambitious Strategic 
 Program Program IPM IPM 
 t10 t10 t10 t10 
Annual Growth ** * *** **** 
Pesticide-Health * ** **** *** 
Note that more stars mean a higher GDP growth rate or lower health costs associated 
with pesticide-related illnesses. 
4.6.1 Base Condition 
 From Table 4.2 one can see that, under the Base Condition scenario, the 
GDP is growing throughout the ten year simulation period, from 210,886.5 
billion rupiahs in the initial year (t0) to 329,549.6 in year ten (t10), i.e. the GDP 
in year ten is 56.28 percent higher than that in the initial year. 
 Table 4.2 also shows that incomes for all household groups increase 
under the Base Condition scenario.  Medium Farmer households experience 
the highest increase in income, while Rural Non-labor households experience 
the least increase.  All agricultural households increase their incomes more (in 
percentage terms) than the urban households do.  Since the average income of 
agricultural households on a per capita basis is smaller than that of urban 
households (see Table 4.1), a greater increase in incomes of agricultural 
households could contribute to a more equal income distribution in the 
 Under the Base Scenario, societal health costs caused by the use of 
pesticides grow from 9.01 billion rupiahs in the initial year to 15.20 billion 
rupiahs in year ten. 
4.6.2 Basic IPM Program 
 Table 4.3 shows that the average annual GDP growth rate under the 
Basic IPM Program scenario is 0.131 percent higher than that under the Base 
Condition.  Table 4.3 also shows the GDP in year ten under the Basic IPM 
Program scenario is 0.056 percent higher than that under the Base Condition. 
 All households receive higher incomes under the Basic IPM Program 
than under the Base Condition scenario.  Urban High households receive the 
highest increase in income from the Basic IPM Program, while Medium 
Farmer households receive the least.  Among the agricultural households, the 
Agricultural Employee households receive the highest income increase.  From 
Table 4.3 one also can see that the Basic IPM Program affects the incomes of 
each household group differently.  These differences, however, are relatively 
small, hence one might expect that the Basic IPM Program produces the same 
income distribution as under the Base Condition. 
 Societal health costs associated with the use of pesticides is 4.606 
percent lower compared to that under the Base Condition, i.e. the Basic IPM 
Program successfully reduces the health cost associated with the use of 
4.6.3 IPM Plus Tax Program 
 The average annual GDP growth rate under the IPM Plus Tax Program 
is 0.050 percent higher than the average annual GDP growth rate under the 
Base Condition.  This average annual GDP growth rate under the IPM Plus 
Tax Program is certainly lower than that under the Basic IPM Program (see 
Table 4.3).  One, then, can argue that implementing a tax on pesticides 
adversely affects national economic growth. 
 Another negative impact of implementing a tax on pesticides is that the 
total incomes of Small, Medium, and Large Farmer households under the IPM 
Plus Tax Program scenario are lower than those under the Base Condition 
scenario.  Medium Farmer households incur the highest negative impact of 
this tax policy.  Note that this negative impact does not happen under the 
Basic IPM Program. 
 The goal of combining a tax on pesticides and the IPM Program is to 
further reduce the quantity of pesticide-related illnesses than the reduction 
obtained under the Basic IPM Program scenario.  From Tables 4.3, one can see 
that this goal is achieved.  The societal health cost associated with pesticide-
related illnesses under the Basic IPM Program is 4.606 percent lower than that 
under the Base Condition.  The societal health cost associated with pesticide-
related illnesses under the IPM Plus Tax Program is 4.814 percent lower than 
that under the Base Condition. 
4.6.4 Ambitious IPM Program 
 In the Ambitious IPM Program, the government doubles its annual 
budget (compared to the Basic IPM Program) for the IPM Program to achieve 
faster economic growth and to decrease health costs associated with pesticide-
related illnesses.  Table 4.3 shows the achievement of  this ambition.  The 
average annual growth rate of GDP is 0.260 percent higher than that under the 
Base Condition, and is also higher than the annual GDP growth rates under 
the Basic IPM Program and the IPM Plus Tax Program. 
 Under the Ambitious IPM Program, the total incomes of all household 
groups in year ten are higher than those under the Base Condition, the Basic 
IPM Program, and the IPM Plus Tax Program (see Table 4.3).  Similar to the 
situation under the Basic IPM Program, urban household groups receive 
higher benefits than agricultural household groups under the Ambitious IPM 
Program.  While the Urban High households receive the most benefits from 
the Ambitious IPM Program, the Medium Farmer households receive the 
least.  One issue is that this higher income received by urban households 
might induce a more unequal income distribution in the country. 
 However, comparing Tables 4.2 and 4.3, one can see the impact of the 
Ambitious IPM Program on household incomes is relatively small.  The 
differences between the increase in incomes that all household groups receive 
under the Ambitious IPM Program and the Base Condition are trivial.  One 
then may expect that the Ambitious IPM Program generates approximately 
the same income distribution as that under the Base Condition.  Since the Base 
Condition scenario mostly likely produces a more equal income distribution, a 
more equal income distribution also most likely occurs  under the Ambitious 
IPM Program. 
 Reviewing the performance of GDP growth and household incomes 
under the Ambitious IPM Program, one can conclude that most households 
would prefer the Ambitious IPM Program rather than the Base Condition or 
the Basic IPM Program (see also Table 4.4). 
 Societal health costs associated with pesticide-related illnesses in year 
ten under this Ambitious IPM Program are 9.206 percent lower than those 
under the Base Condition, and are also lower than the health costs associated 
with pesticide-related illnesses under the Basic IPM Program and the IPM Plus 
Tax Program. 
4.6.5 Strategic IPM Program 
 In the Strategic IPM Program, the Indonesian government doubles its 
budget (compared to the Basic IPM Program) for the IPM Program from year 
six onward.  The Strategic IPM Program is able to increase the average annual 
GDP growth rate 0.331 percent higher than the rate achieved under the Base 
Condition scenario; it is, in fact, higher than rates in all other scenarios (see 
Tables 4.3). 
 Under the Strategic IPM Program, household incomes for all 
socioeconomic classes increase.  The Strategic IPM Program increases the 
income of each household group more than other scenarios do.  Although 
urban households receive higher benefits than agricultural households, the 
distribution of household income group under the Strategic IPM Program is 
most likely the same as the distribution of household income under the Base 
Condition (for the same reason as in the Ambitious IPM Program). 
 Under the Strategic IPM Program, societal health costs associated with 
pesticide-related illnesses in year ten are 6.093 percent lower than those under 
the Base Condition, the Basic IPM Program, and the IPM Plus Tax Program, 
but higher than those under the Ambitious IPM Program.  Hence, while the 
Strategic IPM Program performs better in increasing the growth rates of GDP 
and household incomes as compared with other scenarios, the Strategic IPM 
Program does not reduce societal health costs lower than the Ambitious IPM 
Program (see Table 4.4). 
4.7 Conclusion 
 The CGE developed in this essay analyzes the total impacts of an IPM 
program on national economic growth and income distribution.  This CGE 
includes various relationships including: 
• the relationship between the use of pesticides and human pesticide 
poisoning problems (pesticide-related illnesses) 
• the relationship between human health problems and both societal health 
costs and human productivity in production activities 
• the relationship between the implementation of an IPM program and a 
more efficient food crop production sector 
• the relationship between the government budget to support an IPM 
program and future investment. 
This essay then implements the CGE to analyze the IPM program in 
Indonesia.  To conduct the analysis, this essay constructs four different 
scenarios -- Basic IPM, IPM Plus Tax, Ambitious IPM, and Strategic IPM 
Programs -- and a scenario in which no IPM program is implemented, the 
Base Condition. 
 Before discussion of the results, it is important to note that these results 
need to be qualified.  Since data are limited, the CGE in this essay cannot 
capture perfectly all relationships within the economy, within the 
environment, and between the economy and the environment.  The 
underlying assumptions for the CGE and the simulation scenarios also should 
be carefully examined. 
 Five major findings result from the CGE.21  First, a more equal income 
distribution in Indonesia results from the Base Condition scenario; each year 
during the ten year horizon, this income distribution becomes increasingly 
more equal.  Second, the implementation of the IPM program, either the Basic 
IPM, IPM Plus Tax, Ambitious IPM, or Strategic IPM Program, most probably 
produces an almost identical income distribution as that which occurs under 
the Base Condition scenario.  In effect, implementation of any IPM program 
produces a more equal income distribution in Indonesia. 
 Third, the implementation of only an IPM Program, i.e. the Basic IPM, 
Ambitious IPM, or Strategic IPM Program, successfully increases the average 
annual GDP growth rate and the incomes of all household groups, while 
decreasing the health costs associated with pesticide-related illnesses.  The 
combination of an IPM Program with a tax on pesticides is capable of 
reducing health costs associated with pesticide-related illnesses to a level 
lower than that produced with only an IPM Program, and is capable of 
increasing the average annual growth rate of GDP higher than that under the 
Base Condition.  This combination program, however, reduces the incomes of 
farm owners. 
 Fourth, the Ambitious IPM program is able to reduce the health costs 
associated with pesticide-related illnesses to a level lower than that of other 
program scenarios.  Hence, if the goal of the government is to reduce the use 
of pesticides to as low a level as possible, i.e. reducing the environmental 
damage associated with pesticides, increasing the budget for the IPM Program 
from the first year of the IPM implementation might be the appropriate choice. 
 Finally, the Strategic IPM Program is able to increase all household 
incomes and produce a higher annual GDP growth rate than the rates 
achieved under the Basic IPM, IPM Plus Tax, and Ambitious IPM Programs.  
Therefore, if the goal of the government, besides reducing the environmental 
damage caused by the use of pesticides, is to increase national economic 
growth and household incomes as high as possible, it might be wise for the 
government to periodically increase the budget for the IPM Program. 
21 Please see footnote 17 for several assumptions imposed during the ten-year simulation. 
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