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Introductory Programming In Java


Henry Gardner/ Alexei Khorev/ Charles Martin
Many of the students in this course seem to be up and running with the 
lecture material. However, we are concerned that some of you could be 
getting left behind and we are thinking of spending some of Week 5 as a 
review week.  
What we are thinking is that we would not set new material in the labs in 
week 5 but that people could attend labs if they want and work on some 
basic programming -- we will give you some ideas. We would spend the 
Wednesday lecture slot of that week reviewing material, especially the 
basic programming and object-oriented material.  
The Friday lecture of Week 5 would present new material.

Week 5 has a holiday on the Monday so there will be no lab on that day. 
Because it is a review week, we will suggest that those students who feel 
that they want to meet us in the labs come along to the Tuesday or 
Wednesday labs. 
There are two other public holidays on Mondays this semester. We will 
discuss arrangements for those labs in due course. 
How are you coping……?
Aside: Blocks 
Java “blocks” live inside { } brackets 
Blocks define scope.
Aside -- Blocks
(Loosely) also called “functions”, “subroutines”, 
“procedures” etc… 
Methods are class-based or object-based functions in 
Java. You need to use a class name or an object name to 
call methods. 
They have return types to return data. 
Data can be passed in to them. 
They often define local variables. 
They are very important for structuring and reusing code. 
(Algorithms live in methods.)
A method is a separate piece of code which can be called from a 
main program (“main method”) or another method. 
Each method must be defined within a class and each class can 
have several methods.  
Copies of the data from the calling program are passed down to a 
method in its argument list.  
In Java, each method returns a single value (which could be an 
array or an object) to the calling method (or “program”). 
As well as calculating a return value,  methods can do all sorts of 
other things, such as writing to files or databases.  
Often methods do not return any value at all — in this case the return 
type is given the special designation void. 
If the return type is not void, then a method must contain one or 
more return statements.
Method - basics
Methods – formal definition
• Modifiers of methods (just like modifiers of variables) determine their 
characteristics in terms of relationship with other parts of the program: can 
they be used by other classes (private, protected, public), can they 
change implementation (final), can they be called without creating an 
object of the class in which they are defined (static). 
• The argument list is a comma separated list of parameter declarations 
surrounded by a pair of matching parentheses 
• The type of the expression in the return statement must match the type 
specified just before the method name.
Formal arguments are the names given to the method 
parameters in their method definition. 
The actual arguments are the data or variables passed 
down to the methods when they are called. 
In Java, the data values are copied before passing to the 
methods. This is “call by value”. 
But funny things happen when you copy the “value” of an 
object “reference” and pass it to a method 
For all intents and purposes. It is best to think that object 
parameters are passed by reference.   
This can be dangerous and lead to side-effects that you 
did not intend.
Formal and actual arguments
Have a particular, well-defined task in mind. 
Carefully consider assumptions you make on the values 
of the input parameters (the “preconditions”). 
Ensure that your methods guarantee to return the correct 
results for all input parameters. 
Strive to avoid “side effects”; i.e. affecting object states in 
the calling program through object references. 
Note that functional languages are free of side effects 
by design (“pure”)
Designing methods
Often we want to write methods which cope with being 
passed different arguments 
Some arguments could have default values  
You might want to deal with different data types which 
store essentially the same information 
It is possible to have several methods with the same 
name and same return type so long that their argument 
lists are different. 
This is very flexible and convenient. Java will 
automatically choose the correct method to match the 
actual arguments that are passed to it. 
Method overloading
This is called recursion 
Some algorithms are very neatly implemented using 
Classic example: factorial 
Need to have a termination condition.
Methods can call themselves
These are stored in an area of memory called the JVM 
This storage is particular to each method; not to the 
whole program 
Stacks are “first in first out” data structures. 
When recursion is used the most recent versions of the 
local variables sit on top of the stack. 
You can adjust the amount of stack memory available 
to the JVM when you run your program 
Note that Java objects are stored in another area of 
memory called the “heap”. You can adjust the amount of 
heap memory available to the JVM.
Local variables in methods
There are some youTube videos: 
EG (Guru99): 
You might see the following error message if you run out of heap 
The –Xms option on the java command can vary the heap size
Heap and Stack memory
Play with and 
Understand how scoping of variables works.  
Have lots of nested blocks 
Experiment with Blocks for IF and For statements 
Understand how the scope of variables works for 
these statements 
Play with 
Rename the function to be “halveInt”; make the return 
type “double” and make the effect of the function to 
halve the value of the input argument (Note: be careful 
of the printf format statement in this case.)
Ideas for exercises
Look at the pass by value and pass-objects-by-value 
If you have some of your own classes which define 
objects, then try passing these objects to methods and 
see that you can change their values in the calling 
Look at the factorial example. Change the return type of 
the factorial function to be “long”. Change it to be Float. 
Read the Javadoc documentation on BigInteger and 
understand how the BigInteger version works.
More ideas for exercises..