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There will be two assignments for COMP6700.
From the date of return of your assignment you have 2 weeks in which to query you mark. After that time your mark is final.
No group work is permitted for the assignment. We do encourage you to discuss your work in the labs and lectures, but we expect you to do the assignment work by yourself.
We do take plagiarism seriously! You should read the chapter in the that discusses assessment (Chapter 6, pages 22-25), particularly the sections headed Misconduct in examinations (which also applies to assignments and other forms of assessment) and Collaboration versus misconduct in assignments.
Please make sure you have , and that you understand it (if not please discuss it with the course coordinator).
Supporting material
file to be used by your program;
— a zip-archive of text files which will be analysed by your program. After extracting it, place the top directory texts
in the same directory where your main class
will be. Do not change the structure and content of texts
subdirectories since it is synchronised with ass1.properites
— a demo program which shows how properies are used for determining resources (text files, in our case) the program has to use at the particular execution. The program also demonstrates the use of NIO2 API for reading files and Streams API for processing their content (we discuss them in lectures before the break); use of Streams is optional in Assignment One.
(formulated in 1999 but still valid), or alternatively .
The Marking Guide (refer to the assignment paper!)
The submission protocol (refer to the assignment paper!)
Late submissions: The submission which includes all required items of work (all program files) must be done on time — before or on the deadline; the extension can be granted if a sufficient reason (health, family situation etc) prevents meeting the deadline (a documental evidence cam be requested prior to extension approval). Failure to submit on time will result in loss of all marks. Short delays caused by computer system issues can be waived.
Late penalties apply even if you submit just one file after the deadline.
Supporting materials and Instructions
This assignment project will be managed by the source code management (SCM) system called Git. Instructions on how to use Git will be given in , when you will start your work on the assignment and learn how to use the SCM to manage and submit it.
Instructions how to compile, generate documentation and run it are provided in the file
. These operations are programmed with the Make utility — a Makefile defines how to:
— to compilemake doc
— to generate JavaDocsmake run
— to runYou can use your favourite Java IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ IDEA, or whatever you prefer) to study the code and extend it further as the assignment tasks require. In fact, despite using an IDE is not necessary to work on the assignment successfully, it is extremely beneficial given the amount of JavaFX API which can be put to use in the assignment code. A modern IDE will guide and facilitate the selection of a class or its attributes through the code-assist feature. Video tutorials on how to use Eclipse, Netbeans or IntelliJ IDEA are abundant on the Web. Google (or your favourite search engine) them up!
Note: The Doc comments in the source code are not quite complete; their purpose is to demonstrate how a source code needs to be documented. You can add own doc comments in the existing code (to document your understanding of its working), and also include doc comments for every significant addition that you will make to the program code. This is not an assessable item of the Assignment, you will not loose marks if you decide to ignore the doc comment issue completely.
The Marking Guide — refer to the assignment paper!
The submission protocol — refer to lecture and the instructions.
Late submissions The submission must be done by the due date.
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