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Home - Introductory Programming in Java Skip navigation Introductory Programming in Java ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science Search query Search ANU web, staff & maps Search COMP6700 Lectures Labs Assignments menu Search query Search ANU web, staff & maps Search Search COMP6700 COMP6700 Outline Schedule People Mid-Semester Exam Final Exam Resources related sites Wattle Piazza Introductory Programming in Java COMP6700/2140 Latest News June 2, 2017: Towards the Final Exam The sample final exam paper (in the format to be used this year) and the last (2016) year final exam paper (and necessary materials) are available to help you with preparations for the final examination. Fri 5 May 2017 The final exam for COMP2140/COMP6700 will be held on Thursday 15 June, 09:00-12:30. Welcome This is a Java-based introductory programming course which covers the basics of object-oriented programming, elements of functional programming, algorithms and data structures, graphical user interface, good programming practice and elements of software engineering. Activities Three hours of lectures in weeks 1 to 12 inclusive (36 hours altogether) Eight practical two-hour classes (aka labs) and one drop-in “Little Lab” (in Week 5) Eight assessed homework assignments (presented during the labs OR submitted to GitLab; emailed solutions will not be accepted) Two individual assignments: The first assignment will involve Java’s syntax and program structure, basic libraries input/output and data (text) processing; the release date is week 2, the due date is the second week of the Mid-Semester Break The second assignment will be about extending a Java application which has a GUI (graphical user interface) and some graphics. A substantial part of this work will involve additional learning of JavaFX (and other) libraries; the release date is week 7, the due date is week 12 (Topic of Ass2 may be changed to reactive programming) 90 min long mid-semester Lab Exam (in week 7) 180 min long Final Exam (in usual examination period) Assessment Scheme The course mark will be calculated from four components: eight homework assignments, marked as Hi (i=1..8) out of 2 points. The total mark for all homework will be capped to 10 points; Htot = min(10, H1 + … + H8); two assignments, A1 and A2, each worth 15 points, together contributing 30 points; the Quiz in Week 5, 30 min during lectures, on paper, worth of 5 points, redeemable against the Question One (Q1) of the final exam (see the formula below); the main goal of the Quiz to help you to make decision whether to continue the course by the time of Census; the Mid-Semester Lab Exam MSE, worth 10 points, which will be redeemable at the final exam (see the formula below); and the Final Lab Exam FE, worth 50 points which is the sum of four marks for the exam questions: two theory question marks Q1 and Q3, and two practical question marks Q2 and Q4. The mark distribution between the questions and the formula for the Final Exam mark (to include the redeemable Quiz) will as follows: (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) = (10,15,10,15), FE = 0.5*Q1 + max(0.5*Q1, Quiz) + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 The first practical question will be modelled on Assignment 1, the second practical question will be modelled on Assignment 2; the marks A1 and A2 will be redeemable at the final exam via the corresponding marks Q2 and Q4, BUT if your A1 is lower than 4.5, or your A2 mark is lower than 6, then no redeeming will be applied for that assignment – this is to ensure that the learning outcomes which are tested in the assignments are assessed. (see the formula below). The total course mark will calculated with the following formula: Mtot = Htot + AM1 + AM2 + max(0.2*FE, MSE) + FE, where AM1 = max(A1, Q2) if A1 >= 4.5; A1 otherwise. AM2 = max(A2, Q4) if A2 >= 6; A2 otherwise. Students must get a minimum final mark of at least 50% to pass the subject. Students who will score between 45% and 49% (inclusive) will be offered a supplementary exam. Final marks will be moderated at the Research School of Computer Science examiners meeting. Academic Honesty Quality and integrity is expected from all students. Students should also expect this from the lecturing/tutorial staff. Please read over ANU’s Academic Honesty policy. Course Information The Study@ANU entry for COMP6700 shows details of the course including pre-requisites. Additional Information Additional information about COMP6700 can be found by using the links in menu on the left.   Updated:  02 Jun 2017/ Responsible Officer:  Head of School/ Page Contact:  Alexei Khorev Contact ANU Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Freedom of Information +61 2 6125 5111 The Australian National University, Canberra CRICOS Provider : 00120C ABN : 52 234 063 906 You appear to be using Internet Explorer 7, or have compatibility view turned on. Your browser is not supported by ANU web styles. » Learn how to fix this » Ignore this warning in future