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Ko-Hsin Cindy Wang
Curriculum Vitae
Phone: +886 918105803
Citizenship: New Zealand.
• The Australian National University (ANU); Research School of Computer Science; AI Group.
• NICTA; Canberra Research Laboratory; Optimisation Research Group.
Research Interests
Multi-agent planning, heuristic search, pathfinding, AI in games and applications to real life problems.
Programming Skills
Languages: C/C++, Java. Tools: LaTeX, gnuplot.
Feb 2008 - Apr 2012 Australian National University,
Ph.D. in Computer Science, advisors: Adi Botea, Philip Kilby, and Jussi Rintanen,
Topic: “Scalable Cooperative Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Tractability and
Completeness Guarantees”.
Feb 2007 - Nov 2007 Australian National University, First Class Honours (H1),
B.S. (Honours) in Computer Science, advisors: Adi Botea and Eric McCreath,
Topic: “Multi-Agent Pathfinding: Avoiding Collisions”.
Feb 2003 - Nov 2006 University of Auckland,
Conjoint Degrees B.Sc. (Computer Science) / B.A. (French).
2005 DELF (diploˆme d’e´tudes en langue franc¸aise) Level 1, official French proficiency exam.
Dec 2004 - Feb 2005 Alliance Franc¸aise de Rouen, France. French Study Abroad program.
Honours, Awards, and Scholarships
2011 AAAI-11 Travel Grant.
2011 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Doctoral Consortium & Travel Grant.
2011 Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS) Travel Support.
2011 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)
Doctoral Mentoring Scholarship.
2010 Google Australia and New Zealand Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Finalist
(8 finalists and 2 scholars awarded out of 70+ applications).
2010 Shortlisted in ANU ResearchFest Research Poster Competition.
2009 Google Australia and New Zealand Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Finalist
(13 finalists and 3 scholars awarded out of 60+ applications).
2009 AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium Scholarship.
2008 - 2011 Australian Postgraduate Award.
2008 - 2011 NICTA Ph.D. Supplementary Scholarship.
2008 International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) Doctoral Consortium.
2008 Golden Key International Honours Society.
2008 Academic Distinction for BSci (Hons) in 2007, presented by Burgmann College, ANU.
2007 Erin Brent Computer Science Prize (Top of Honours Class).
2007 Dean’s Prize, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science (16 awarded out of 150).
2007 Australian National University Honours Scholarship (2 awarded out of 120).
2005 Senior Prize in Computer Science, The University of Auckland.
Feb 2008 - present Ph.D. Candidate, Australian National University / NICTA
Researching multi-agent pathfinding with (partial) completeness, tractability, scalability,
and efficiency guarantees. Supervised by Adi Botea, Philip Kilby, and Jussi Rintanen.
Feb 2007 - Nov 2007 B.S. Honours Research Project in Computer Science, Australian National University
Significantly improved speed and memory usage in multi-agent pathfinding using an efficient
graph structure and online collision avoidance. Supervised by Adi Botea and Eric McCreath.
Nov 2006 - Feb 2007 Summer Scholar, Australian National University / NICTA
Worked on a Useful Game project: translating a problem that computers cannot solve,
e.g. judging aesthetics, into a game that entices humans to play, thereby generating data
that we can collect and evaluate. Supervised by Alban Grastien and Jochen Renz.
Nov 2005 - Feb 2006 Summer Scholar, Australian National University / NICTA
Applied an On-Line POMDP policy-gradient algorithm to a Roshambo (Rock-Paper-Scissors)
player. Supervised by Douglas Aberdeen and Olivier Buffet.
2005 Assignment Marker, Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland.
2004 - 2005 Note Taker, Disability Office, University of Auckland
Took class notes for students with disabilities.
2012 Botea A., Harabor D., Wang K-H. C. “Towards Search-Free Multi-Agent Path Finding” In the First AAAI
Workshop on Multiagent Pathfinding (WoMP).
2011 Wang K-H. C., Botea A. “Mapp: a Scalable Multi-Agent Path Planning Algorithm with Tractability and
Completeness Guarantees” In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 42: pp. 55–90.
2011 Wang K-H. C., Botea A., Kilby P. “Solution Quality Improvements for Massively Multi-Agent Pathfinding.”
In AAAI-11 Student Abstract and Posters (AAAI SA-2011).
2011 Wang K-H. C., Botea A., Kilby P. “On Improving the Quality of Solutions in Large-Scale Cooperative
Multi-Agent Pathfinding” In Proceedings of the Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS-11).
2011 Wang, K-H. C., “Massively Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Tractability, Efficiency, Solution Quality, and
Completeness Guarantees” In Proceedings of IJCAI-11 Doctoral Consortium, pp. 2860-2861.
2011 Wang K-H. C., “Massively Multi-Agent Pathfinding made Tractable, Efficient, and with Completeness
Guarantees” In Proceedings of AAMAS-11 Doctoral Consortium, pp. 1343–1344.
2010 Wang K-H. C., Botea A. “Scalable Multi-Agent Pathfinding on Grid Maps with Tractability and Complete-
ness Guarantees” In Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-10), pp. 977–978.
2009 Wang K-H. C., Botea A. “Tractable Multi-Agent Path Planning on Grid Maps.” In Proceedings of the
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), pp. 1870–187.
2009 Wang K-H. C. “Bridging the Gap Between Centralised and Decentralised Multi-Agent Pathfinding.” In
Proceedings of the AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium (AAAI/SIGART DC-09), pp. 23–24.
2008 Wang K-H. C., Botea A. “Fast and Memory-Efficient Multi-Agent Pathfinding.” In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS-08), pp. 380-387.
Professional, Academic and Volunteer Experience
2012 Reviewer of Fundamenta Informaticae.
2012 Reviewer of Computational Intelligence.
2012 Reviewer of Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
2011 Reviewer of Computational Intelligence.
2011 PC member of IJCAI-11.
2011 Reviewer of SoCS-11.
2011 Reviewer of the AAAI-11 Student Abstract and Poster program.
2010 - 2012 NICTA Canberra Research Lab student consultative committee member.
2010 Reviewer of the ICAPS-2010 Workshop on Planning in Games.
2009 - 2012 Initiator and Head Organiser of ANU Girl Geek Coffees club (cosponsored by Google and
ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science).
2009 Student volunteer at the Summer Schools in Logic and Learning of ANU College of
Engineering and Computer Science and NICTA.
2008 Fire warden at Burgmann College, ANU.
2008 Student volunteer at ICAPS-08.
Language Skills
Mandarin (fluent), English (fluent), French (very good).
References Available Upon Request