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Installing and running Jupyter Lab Skip navigation Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security School of Computing Search query Search ANU web, staff & maps Search current site content Search Menu Search query Search COMP2420/COMP6420 Assessment Labs Lectures Resources Search ANU web, staff & maps Search current site content COMP2420/COMP6420 Assessment Labs Lectures Resources menu Search query Search Search COMP2420/COMP6420 Search query Search Labs Lab 1: Python 101 Lab 2: Introduction to NumPy and Pandas Lab 3: Visualisation & Hypothesis Testing Lab 4: Data Analysis: Linear Regression & Prediction Lab 5: Data Analysis: Classification Lab 6: Decision Trees & Clustering Lab 7: Ethics of Data Science Lab 8: Introduction to SQL Lab 9: Databases Lab 10: Security I Lab 11: Security II Labs Anaconda Installation - Linux Anaconda Installation - macOS Anaconda Installation - Windows 10 Installing and running Jupyter Lab Related sites Wattle Gitlab Streams Piazza You are here » Labs » Lab 1: Python 101 » Installing and running Jupyter Lab Installing the Anaconda distribution While Python3 is commonly preinstalled on a large amount of operating systems (except Windows), we will be using the Anaconda Distribution of Python. Please install the Anaconda distribution as referenced by the installation docs noted below. If you already have the Anaconda distribution installed, please ensure it is up to date to the 2019.10 Python3 version. This ensures old and removed functions of packages are not used. We will not consider assignments that do not work in the 2019.10 distribution because your version of Python (or related packages) are older than this. We will also be using the Python3 varient of Python in this course. Python 2 is End of Life as of the 1st of January 2020, and we will therefore be not accepting Python2 submissions. Please install Anaconda as per the installation instructions below: Windows 10 Mac OS Linux Jupyter Notebooks Jupyter notebooks (earlier known as ipython notebooks) are a very convenient way for running python based data analysis. They can contain computational code (in our case python) and rich text elements (like equations, figures, formatted test, and many more things). Notebook documents are both human-readable documents containing the analysis description and the results (figures, tables, etc..), as well as executable documents which can be run to perform data analysis. The Jupyter Lab App is a server-client application that allows editing and running notebook documents via a web browser. The Jupyter Lab App can be executed on a local desktop requiring no internet access (as described in this document) or can be installed on a remote server and accessed through the internet. While a Jupyter Notebook Application exists, we will be using Jupyter Lab in this course as it is the preferred option of the tutors and lecturer. If you choose to use the Jupyter Notebook Application instead, we will not provide support for this. Starting Jupyter Lab Assuming you have already installed Anaconda (and by extension, Jupyter Lab), you should be able to now start a Jupyter Lab application instance. Follow the instructions below to do so: Personal Computer Open a terminal (for macOS/Linux) or powershell (Windows) instance on your computer Navigate to the directory of the Git Repo which holds the notebook files (a quick walkthrough for using terminal is supplied here) Use the following command in your terminal/powershell: jupyter lab This will start the notebook on localhost:8888 (or 8889 if 8888 is in use, and so on). This should also automatically open your web browser into Jupyter Lab. If not, copy & paste the url from the terminal. And then you can navigate Jupyter Lab to the notebooks, and open them. Take some time to get familar with Jupyter Lab. CECS Lab Computers The CECS lab computers run a little differently, and the following steps apply: Open a terminal instance on your computer Navigate to the directory of the Git Repo which holds the notebook files (a quick walkthrough for using terminal is supplied here) Use the following command/s in your terminal: anaconda jupyter lab This will start the notebook on localhost:8888 (or 8889 if 8888 is in use, and so on). This should also automatically open your web browser into Jupyter Lab. If not, copy & paste the url from the terminal. And then you can navigate Jupyter Lab to the notebooks, and open them. Take some time to get familar with Jupyter Lab. Structure of a notebook Each notebook is divided into cells and each cell can be either be a code cell or markdown cell You can change the type of cell by selecting an option in drop down menu To run each cell, you can select it and press run or press the keyboard shortcut Shift+Enter There are many more features of notebook that we can talk about, but lets admit that we want to start working with Python now. So let’s jump there! Updated:    05 May 2022 / Responsible Officer:    Director, RSCS / Page Contact:    Taylor Qin Contact ANU Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Freedom of Information +61 2 6125 5111 The Australian National University, Canberra CRICOS Provider : 00120C ABN : 52 234 063 906 You appear to be using Internet Explorer 7, or have compatibility view turned on. Your browser is not supported by ANU web styles. » Learn how to fix this » Ignore this warning in future