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Labs Skip navigation COMP3710: Compiler Design and Implementation Research School of Computer Science Search query Search ANU web, staff & maps Search current site content Search Menu Search query Search COMP3710 Lectures Labs Deliverables Resources Search ANU web, staff & maps Search current site content Lectures Labs Deliverables Resources menu Search query Search COMP3710 Search query Labs Week 1 - Introduction Project 1 - Scanning Project 2 - Parsing Project 3 - Semantic Analysis Project 4 - Translation Project 5 - Instruction selection Related sites CS Homepage GitLab Streams Current students You are here » Labs Lab Projects There is one lab session each week. The TAs will explain the programming projects and answer questions about homework assignments. Day Time Room Tuesday 13:00-15:00 CSIT N109 The overall goal of this project is to build a complete, working compiler for a subset of Java called MiniJava+S. Since this is a complicated task, it is split into many subprojects that build upon each other. For each of projects 3-6, if your solution to the previous project is not done or is otherwise inadequate, a working solution will be provided, upon which you can build subsequent projects. Grading will be done by automated scripts that will be included in each project’s resources. Project 1 - Scanning (1 week, 5 points, +0.05 extra credit) Build a scanner for MiniJava+S using JavaCC. See the full description. Assigned: 2020-03-03 Due: 2020-03-10 11:59pm Canberra time Project 2 - Parsing (2 weeks, 8.75 points, +0.5 extra credit) Build upon Project 1 to implement a parser for MiniJava+S using JavaCC. See the full description. Assigned: 2020-03-10 Due: 2020-04-03 4:59pm Canberra time Project 3 - Semantic Analysis (2 weeks, 7.5 points, +0.85 extra credit) Typecheck and verify MiniJava+S programs. See the full description. Assigned: 2020-03-31 Due: 2020-04-28 11:59pm Canberra time Project 4 - Translation (3 weeks, 8.75 points, +0.73 extra credit) Translate MiniJava+S programs to intermediate form. See the full description. Assigned: 2020-04-28 Due: 2020-05-19 11:59pm Canberra time Project 5 - Instruction selection (3 weeks, 10 points, +0.84 extra credit, +2 extra credit for RegAlloc) Translate intermediate form to machine instructions. See the full description. Assigned: 2020-05-19 Due: 2020-06-09 11:59pm Canberra time Project 6 - Liveness and Register Allocation (canceled) Perform liveness and register allocation in order to generate a final executable program. This has been rolled into Project 5. Canceled Regrading/disputing marks: You must have your project ready to be graded on time, or you will receive 0 points for that project. You will have up to two weeks to dispute marks and/or fix bugs in your submission and have it regraded. Fixes can only earn up to half of the points lost from the initial grade. Extra credit Some projects will have designated opportunities for extra credit. Extra credit can only be earned in the initial submission. 25 Feb 2020 Week 1 - Introduction Installing and testing JavaCC » read more 3 Mar 2020 Project 1 - Scanning Build a scanner for MiniJava+S using JavaCC. » read more 10 Mar 2020 Project 2 - Parsing Build upon Project 1 to implement a parser for MiniJava+S using JavaCC. » read more 31 Mar 2020 Project 3 - Semantic Analysis Typecheck and verify MiniJava+S programs. » read more 28 Apr 2020 Project 4 - Translation Translate MiniJava+S programs to intermediate form. » read more 9 Jul 2020 Project 5 - Instruction selection Translate intermediate form to machine instructions. » read more Updated:    09 Jul 2020 / Responsible Officer:    Director, RSCS / Page Contact:    Course Convenor Contact ANU Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Freedom of Information +61 2 6125 5111 The Australian National University, Canberra CRICOS Provider : 00120C ABN : 52 234 063 906 You appear to be using Internet Explorer 7, or have compatibility view turned on. Your browser is not supported by ANU web styles. » Learn how to fix this » Ignore this warning in future home