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Labs assignments that are marked as beta may still have some more small adjustments made to them. Mainly this will just involve small improvements/fixes in the material.

Small Groups

Short Topical Seminars (COMP6421 students only)

The short topical seminar is worth 10% of the assignment mark. Ideally this assignment should be done in a group of 2 or 3 students. However, it may be done individually if you have difficulties forming a group or would rather work alone. The seminars will be throughout the entire semester starting in week 3. Topics and groups will be allocated early in Week 2. Although content presented in these seminars is not directly examinable, they are aimed to re-enforce and deepen the understanding of examinable content which includes content presented in: lectures, guest lectures, the text book, and lab assignments.

Each group is given 10 mins of presentation time per student (this includes some time for questions). So a group of 3 would have 30 mins. Students are expected to create pdf data projector slides which will must be posted on the gitlab rep wiki page prior to the seminar. Someone from your group should check that the projector slides are viewable within the lecture theatre prior to the seminar. Also turn up at the very beginning of the lecture slot to get the slides ready to go.

The topics are somewhat aligned with the lecture series so you may assume that some the basic ideas and approaches will have already been covered. The idea is that these seminars re-enforce and extend the content of the course. Normally you would be expected to include the following in your seminar:

All of the topical seminars will be in the second hour of the Monday lecture slot starting week 3. They will be in the normal lecture room (RS Chem T).

The short topical seminar will be marked out of 40 and based both on delivery and content. The mark has the following components:

Note, in terms of marking standards I attempt to give about 7/10 for an average performance in any one area.

Topics (and the weeks they will be presented in)

Your group is also welcome to propose a different topic, you should think which week it is best placed and it may be worth also running it past me. You are also welcome to change or refine the title of the topics.

Short How-to/Explanation Video (COMP4610 students only)

The short how-to/explanation video is worth 10% of the assignment mark. Ideally this assignment should be done in a group of 2 or 3 students. However, it may be done individually if you have difficulties forming a group or would rather work alone. The video's will be submitted/posted throughout the entire semester starting in week 3. Topics and groups will be allocated in Week 2. Although content presented in these how-to videos is not directly examinable, they aim to help people in completing practical computer graphics tasks or explanations of particular ideas within computer graphics. The aim is not to show a step-by-step guide for doing a lab, however, they may support the completion of the lab assignment material.

The videos should go for between 4 to 6 mins. This is short so you need to plan what you present carefully. Students are expected to create the video (they must be AT MOST 50MiB it is very important that you check this BEFORE you commit/push to the repo) this must be posted on the gitlab repo page before 4pm on the Friday of your allocated week. A one paragraph summary should also be added to the wiki along with a link to the video and any supporting material you would like to provide (do the supporting material on a separate page).

The some of the topics are aligned with the lab assignments, so the aim is to have the video available for other student to use. Other topics follow lecture content and are not aimed at support the lab-assignments. Note you may also propose your own topic. Normally you would be expected to do the following in your video:

The short topical seminar will be marked out of 40 and based both on delivery and content. The mark has the following components:

Note, in terms of marking standards I attempt to give about 7/10 for an average performance in any one area.