Presentations - Computer Graphics Skip navigation Computer Graphics ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science Search query Search ANU web, staff & maps Search COMP4610/6461 menu Search query Search ANU web, staff & maps Search COMP4610/6461 Course Outline Lectures Labs Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Marks and Lab registration Announcements Discussion Reading Material People Presentations The how-to or topical presentations are worth 10% of the final mark. Ideally this assignment should be done in a group of 2 or 3 students. However, it may be done individually if you have difficulties forming a group or would rather work alone. The presentations will be given during the lab sessions over the entire semester starting in Lab 2 (Week 5). Topics and groups will be allocated in Lab 1 (Week 3). Although content given in these presentation are not directly examinable, they aim to help people in completing practical computer graphics tasks or explanations of particular ideas or topics within computer graphics. The aim is not to show a step-by-step guide for doing a lab, however, they may support the completion of the lab material. The presentations should go for 5 mins per person in the group. i.e. a group of 3 people have 15 mins, whereas an individual has just 5 mins. Each member of the group must speak during the presentation. The some of the topics are aligned with the labs, so the aim is help people in following labs. Other topics follow lecture content and are not aimed at support the labs. Note you may also propose your own topic. Normally you would be expected to do the following in your presentation: Introduce - introduce your group, state and motivate your topic Explain - provide an explanation or overview of the topic Demo/Illustrate - provide some sort of example or illustration to help people understand the topic Conclusion - you may conclude with an aspect such as: evaluation, analysis, limitations, gotas, pointers directing people to what they need to consider next, … You should also provide a single A4 sheet to your class mates. This gives a summary and supporting references relating to your presentation. You should make enough copies of this for everyone in your class. Noting by default the presentation will be recorded. This will just be for marking purposes. The main reason would be if you appealed your mark, another marker could independently remark your presentation. If you don’t wish your presentation recorded then please just let your tutor know (although this would limit your ability to appeal their marks). The presentation will be marked out of 40 and based both on delivery and content. The mark has the following components: 10 - delivery - Was your presentation clear? Did you engage with the audience well? Was your presentation well structured? Did you run to time? 10 - content - Was your presentation accurate in terms of the how-to/explanation? Was your how-to/explanation complete and sufficient in terms of its set objectives? Was the presentation relevant in the contexts of computer graphics? 10 - summary and reference/supporting A4 sheet - Was the summary sheet a clear and accurate summary of the presentation? Was the reference/supporting material clear and useful? 10 - awesomeness - Was your presentation outstanding in some or a number of aspects? Did you show great understanding of the topic? Did people want to hear more? Did your presentation show you extensively researched the topic? Note, in terms of marking standards I attempt to give about 7/10 for a satisfactory or average performance in any one area. Student in COMP4610 wili make a “How-to/Explanation” presentation, whereas, students in COMP6421 will deliver a short topical seminar. After the presentations are set your group may change your topic but not the week the presentation is given. Students who have not from a group/topic by the end of your lab in week 7 will be allocated a topic and a slot. Noting this will likely to be scheduled directly after the break in week 8. Schedule COMP4610 Below are some possible ideas, this gives the week in semester and the topic title. 5 - Creating transparent images in gimp 5 - Using resources for loading images in Java (so you can package an image into a jar) 5 - Getting the order of transformations correct when creating a scene 5 - The BufferedImage class 5 - Compositing Graphics in Graphics2D 5 - Using Fonts 5 - Installing JOGL 5 - Running JOGL programs from the command line. 5 - Running JOGL programs from within eclipse. 5 - Using OpenGL from c. 5 - Using color in OpenGL. 5 - Using different drawing attributes in OpenGL. 7 - Basic 2D grahpics drawing in Android. 7 - Basic 2D grahpics drawing in iOS. 7 - Making the most out of glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix 7 - Hierarchical modelling example 7 - Scene graph example 7 - Adding a texture to a polygon 7 - Loading images for textures in c 7 - Adding mouse interaction in a JOGL program 7 - Using Blender to create a basic scene 7 - Making shadows in OpenGL 7 - Understanding Wavefront OBJ file format 7 - Exporting a scene in the Wavefront OBJ file format from blender 8 - Loading a Wavefront OBJ file into an OpenGL scene 8 - Tips for getting the most out of the Blender GUI for creating scenes. 8 - Setting up and using minimaps in opengl 8 - Creating a shader in OpenGL 8 - Procedural generation 8 - Drawing Text in OpenGL - Bitmap fonts 8 - Drawing Text in OpenGL - using stroke characters 9 - Exporting a scene created in Blender into a jpeg 9 - Basic 3D grahpics drawing in Android. 9 - Basic 3D grahpics drawing in iOS. 9 - Understanding homogeneous coordinates 9 - Creating an animation in Blender 9 - Supersampling example 11 - Calculating the intersection between a ray and a disk 11 - Calculating the intersection between a ray and a convex planar polygon 11 - Lens effects in ray tracing 11 - Temporal anti-aliasing 11 - Ray Tracing in Blender 11 - Blender particle effects 11 - Blender and Python 11 - Blender fluid effects COMP6421 Below are some possible ideas, this gives the week in semester and topic title. 5 - gamma correction 5 - The very first graphics devices 5 - Electronic Paper 5 - Vector Displays 5 - Midpoint Circle Drawing 5 - The mouse and other pointing devices 5 - Applications of CIE Colorimetry 5 - Games controllers (e.g. kinect or Wii) 5 - Scientific Visualization 5 - Immersion 5 - The technology of Scanners 5 - Using ‘Processing’ for computer graphics 5 - 2D Grahpics on Android 5 - 2D Graphics on iOS 7 - Anti-aliasing 7 - Pixar - a history and overview 7 - The blitter and the Commodore Amiga 7 - The computer game industry 7 - Bayer Filter 7 - WebGL 7 - JavaScript and computer graphics 7 - Motion Capture - History 7 - The development of LCD 7 - Video Conferencing Technology 8 - Quaternions - What are they? 8 - 3D Displays 8 - Rendering in the original Doom 8 - Formats for representing 3d scences 8 - Line styles in OpenGL 8 - Physics simulations 8 - Digital Media Art with Computer Vision and Graphics 8 - Computer Vision - similarities and differences with computer graphics 9 - Shadows in OpenGL 9 - 3D Graphics on Android 9 - 3D Graphics on iOS 9 - Raytracing into sparse voxel octtrees 9 - Subsurface scattering (a technique used to render translucent stuff eg. skin, milk, wax) 9 - Texture Mapping in modern GPU’s 9 - Shading and Deferred Shading 9 - Using YafRay 9 - Procedural Generation of Content 9 - Direct3D vs OpenGL 9 - Rendering Farms 11 - Game Engines 11 - Inside a GPU 11 - Using Java 3D 11 - Huffman Encoding 11 - The PNG format 11 - Image formats 11 - Video formats 11 - What happened to VRML? 11 - Introduction to advance render engines Updated: 15 Aug 2019/ Responsible Officer: Head of School/ Page Contact: Dr Eric McCreath Contact ANU Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Freedom of Information +61 2 6125 5111 The Australian National University, Canberra CRICOS Provider : 00120C ABN : 52 234 063 906 You appear to be using Internet Explorer 7, or have compatibility view turned on. 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