Project 5 - Instruction selection
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,; Rewrite the list of instructions in-place to assign registers and insert spills and reloads as necessary. If the example programs run properly using your allocator (without the provided one), you will receive extra credit. You can earn up to 2 points extra credit in this part of the project. Where to Add Your Code All the action in this project is in src/x64/ The driver for running the full compilation is in src/mj/ You should only need to edit src/x64/ to complete this project. After you get it to compile, you can run the driver with: % java -cp bin:lib mj.Main
Running the driver outputs a dump of several phases of translation, as well as a .s assembly file. The assembly file can be assembled and linked using gcc. The script adds a tiny bit of assembly and then uses gcc to compile and link the assembly against a skeleton C program that can feed inputs to the program. This is how your project will be assessed. Refer to the grade script on how the C code is linked with your .s files. There is Lots of Code to Help You Here The provided framework is mostly the same as before; there is now a new driver for the entire compilation process, as well as a list of instructions and a register allocator as a binary. Instructions This project includes a new IR, the src/Assem/ representation, which is simply a representation of assembly instructions. You will generate instructions that use the string names (mnemonics) of x86-64 assembly language, e.g. “movq” and “addq”, etc. Frames The src/Translate/ class provides an abstract representation of stack frames. It has a concrete subclass in src/x64/. We will no longer need the frame in src/tint. If you plan to use your translation from Project 4, updated it to use the class from src/x64. Code You will translate the Tree code of method bodies into a list of instructions, and the framework will output them to an assembly file. Interpreter Project 4 will not use the interpreter. You will run the binaries that come out of your compiler. Runtime For NullPointerException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, the Frame class has methods badPtr and badSub that returns labels to which your generated code should jump. These labels will be defined in C in the runtime (not the interpreter, like last project). The ‘new’ function which allocates memory is also implemented in the C runtime. Expected Output The class mj.Translate contains a main method that loads files, invokes the parser, runs the semantic analysis phase, and invokes translation, and then runs instruction selection (your work in this project), and then register allocation (a provided library). Like Project 4, the grading script will execute the machine code output from your compiler and check that each translated program computes the expected result. This allows your solution maximum freedom in how it chooses to do instruction selection. You are being graded on correctness only, not code quality. As long as the resultant program computes the expected result, everything is fine. Make sure to run against the provided tests. After the Project 4 regrade phase, you are welcome to use the testcases from project 4 while working on project 5. They are designed to work in both projects. This time, stdout and stderr are not checked at all–only the final .s file is used. FAQ, Tips, and Tricks Turn in and Grading Like previous projects, you should fork the project repo to get started. Like before, you don’t need to turn anything in. We will pull from your repo’s master branch at the deadline. We will rebuild your submission from source with your Makefile. We will run the grading script on your code with additional test inputs that are not included in the repo. We will provide the additional test inputs along with your score after the deadline. Updated: 09 Jul 2020 / Responsible Officer: Director, RSCS / Page Contact: Course Convenor Contact ANU Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Freedom of Information +61 2 6125 5111 The Australian National University, Canberra CRICOS Provider : 00120C ABN : 52 234 063 906 You appear to be using Internet Explorer 7, or have compatibility view turned on. Your browser is not supported by ANU web styles. » Learn how to fix this » Ignore this warning in future home