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Lectures by Session | Structured Programming Skip to main content Open main menu Search this site Navigation menu Home Schedule Contains current page: Lectures Show lectures submenu Hide lectures submenu Lectures Overview Overview Lectures by Session (current page) Lectures by Session Lectures by Theme Lectures by Theme Labs Contains current page: Assessments Show assessments submenu Hide assessments submenu Assessments Overview Overview Deliverables Deliverables Contains current page: Help Show help submenu Hide help submenu Help Lecturer, Tutors and Peers Lecturer, Tutors and Peers Software Setup Software Setup How-To Videos How-To Videos FAQ FAQ Online Resources Online Resources Textbooks Textbooks Close main menu Search this site Search this site (powered by Google) Powered by Google Close search Home / Lectures / Lectures by Session Lectures by Session The lecture sessions are listed below including the units covered in each session. There is also an ordering of the units by theme available. Hover over the unit titles to get a list of topics covered, click the buttons to access resources and reveal further details. Buttons to video recordings will appear next to each unit (sometimes multiple if they span more than one lecture session) as they become available. 2022-02-21 Recording: I1   Introduction (35 mins)   References:      ANU's academic integrity policies S1   Software Development Tools (10 mins)   References:      IDEs      Refactoring      Version control      Distributed version control      Git      Git documentation      Git: what is version control?      Git: what is git?      GitLab      GitLab documentation      IntelliJ documentation      IntelliJ git integration Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SE Tools and Environments 2      SDF Development Methods 9 J1   Introductory Java 1 (15 mins)   Java Visualizations: HelloWorld IOTest IOTest, bad input References:      Oracle Java Tutorials      Waterloo Java Visualizer      Standard libraries      Java 7 libraries      Imperative and functional programming      Exact Instructions Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Basic Type Systems 1 J2   Introductory Java 2 (15 mins)   Java Visualizations: BasicImperative References:      Objects      Classes      Inheritence      Interfaces      Object-oriented programming      Inheritence Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Basic Type Systems 1      PL Basic Type Systems 2      PL Basic Type Systems 3 2022-02-25 Recording: B1   Alan Turing (1 min)   References:      Alan Turing      Turing machine      Turing test      Ultra Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 J3   Introductory Java 3 (15 mins)   Java Visualizations: Booleans Doubles Integers Strings References:      Packages      Variables      Primitive data types and literals      Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Programming Concepts 2      SDF Fundamental Programming Concepts 3 J4   Introductory Java 4 (35 mins)   Java Visualizations: Arrays Booleans Doubles Integers Strings References:      Arrays      Variables      Operators      Operators      Expressions, Statements, and Blocks      Expressions, Statements, and Blocks Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 B2   Margaret Hamilton (1 min)   References:      Margaret Hamilton      Apollo 11 Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-02-28 Recording: J5   Control Flow 1: Selection (25 mins)   Java Visualizations: ControlFlowIfThenElse ControlFlowSwitch References:      Control flow      if-then-else      switch      Sequence, selection, iteration, recursion      Control flow: selection (choice)      Jacquard loom      ENIAC simulation of trajectories Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Programming Concepts 4 J6   Control Flow 2: Iteration (30 mins)   Java Visualizations: ControlFlowFor ControlFlowWhile References:      while and do-while      for      Branching statements (break, continue)      Control flow      Control flow: selection (loops) Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Programming Concepts 4 J7   Methods (20 mins)   Java Visualizations: Methods References:      Defining methods (instance methods)      Class members (class methods)      Parameters      Branching statements (return)      Returning a value Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Programming Concepts 5 O1   Classes and Objects 1 (20 mins)   Java Visualizations: Objects References:      Objects      Classes      Declaring classes      Declaring member variables      Constructors      Creating objects      Using objects      Objects and classes      Alan Kay on the meaning of object-orientation Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Object Oriented Programming 1      PL Object Oriented Programming 2      PL Object Oriented Programming 3 2022-02-28 Recording: O1   Classes and Objects 1 (20 mins)   Java Visualizations: Objects References:      Objects      Classes      Declaring classes      Declaring member variables      Constructors      Creating objects      Using objects      Objects and classes      Alan Kay on the meaning of object-orientation Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Object Oriented Programming 1      PL Object Oriented Programming 2      PL Object Oriented Programming 3 2022-03-04 Recording: B3   Konrad Zuse (2 mins)   References:      Konrad Zuse      Z3      Plankalkül Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 O2   Classes and Objects 2 (40 mins)   Java Visualizations: Objects References:      The this keyword      Controlling access to members of a class      Understanding class members      Initializing fields      Classes      Objects      Enum types      Enum types Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Object Oriented Programming 6      PL Runtime Systems 2      PL Language Translation and Execution 6 J8   Nested Classes (25 mins)   References:      Nested classes      Nested classes B4   Grace Hopper (2 mins)   References:      Grace Hopper      A-0      History of compilers Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-03-07 Recording: O3   Interfaces (15 mins)   References:      Interfaces      Interfaces      Defining an Interface      Implementing an Interface      Using an interface as a type      Interfaces Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Object Oriented Programming 6 J9   Lambda Expressions (20 mins)   Java Visualizations: Lambda References:      Lambda expressions      Method references O4   Inheritance 1 (20 mins)   References:      Inheritance (concept)      Inheritance      Overriding and hiding methods      Polymorphism      Hiding fields      Using the keyword super Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Object Oriented Programming 1      PL Object Oriented Programming 2      PL Object Oriented Programming 5 B5   John von Neumann (2 mins)   References:      John von Neumann      von Neumann Architecture      Merge sort      Monte Carlo methods      Middle-square method Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-03-10 Recording: Not yet available O5   Inheritance 2 (20 mins)   References:      Object as superclass      Writing final classes and methods      Abstract methods and classes      Inheritence Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Object Oriented Programming 1      PL Object Oriented Programming 2 X1   JavaFX 1 (35 mins)   References:      What is JavaFX?      JavaFX scene graph      Working with the JavaFX scene graph      HelloWorld, JavaFX style      Demonstration of Recursive Tree Homework Challenge X2   JavaFX 2 (15 mins)   References:      Handling JavaFX events      Event handling      Lambda expressions      Demonstration of Lab 6 Draggable Triangle Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      HCI Programming Interactive Systems 4      PL Event Driven and Reactive Programming 1      PL Event Driven and Reactive Programming 2 B6   Jeanette Wing (1 min)   References:      Jeanette Wing      Computational thinking      Wing (2006). Computational Thinking. Communications of the ACM.      Liskov substitution principle Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-03-17 Recording: Not yet available S2   Revision Control (20 mins)   References:      Git      Using IntelliJ Git Integration      Git documentation      Video: What is version control      Video: What is Git?      Video: Get going with Git Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SE Tools and Environments 2 S3   Software Development Teams (25 mins)   References:      Pondd Sugthana: Reading “Peopleware” Part One.      re:Work Guide: Understanding team effectiveness.      NYT: What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team.      Danielle Long: How to grow emotionally intelligent engineering teams.      Natalie Semczuk: The 10 Most Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies.      Stephanie Ray: 10 Conflict Resolution Strategies that Actually Work.      How to Make Your Software Engineering Team More Awesome. Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SE Software Project Management 1      SE Software Project Management 5      SE Software Project Management 10      SE Software Project Management 12 J10   Number, Autoboxing (15 mins)   Java Visualizations: Autoboxing and unboxing References:      Numbers      Autoboxing and unboxing      Beyond basic arithmetic      Numbers      What is Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java?      Why 1000 == 1000 returns false but 100 == 100 returns true in java?      Java's implementation of a number pool and it effect on equality J11   Character and String (20 mins)   Java Visualizations: Arrays of strings with Boggle References:      Characters      Strings      Manipulating characters in a String      Comparing strings and portions of strings Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 J12   Generics (10 mins)   Java Visualizations: Integer linked list Generic linked list References:      Generics      Why use generics?      Generic types      Generic methods      Type erasure Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:       PL Basic Type Systems 10       PL Basic Type Systems 11 B7   Bob Floyd (1 min)   References:      Robert Floyd      Turing Award 1978      Floyd-Warshall algorithm      Floyd's Tortoise and hare      Floyd-Steinberg dithering Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-03-21 Recording: Not yet available J13   Type Inference (20 mins)   References:      Generic Type Inference      Java 10 Local Variable Type Inference      Lambda Expressions: Target Typing Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:       PL Basic Type Systems 6 S4   Test Driven Development (10 mins)   References:      Test-driven development      JUnit      IntelliJ: Testing      JUnit web site Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Development Methods 8      SDF Development Methods 9      SE Software Verification Validation 12 C1   Recursion (45 mins)   Java Visualizations: Maternal Line References:      Recursion      Fibonacci number      Mergesort      Mike Bostock: mergesort animation      Mike Bostock: visualizing algorithms      Demonstration of Lab 7 Maze Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Programming Concepts 1      SDF Fundamental Programming Concepts 8 J14   Collections (150 mins)   References:      Introduction to collections      Collections interfaces      The Collection interface      Collection implementations      The Set interface      The Set implementation      The List interface      The List implementation      The Map interface      The Map implementation      Aggregate operations      forEach      Object Ordering      Comparable      Comparator      Prefer lists to arrays Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 B8   Fran Allen (1 min)   References:      Fran Allen 1932-2020      Frances Allen      Turing Award 2006      Optimizing compilers Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-03-24 Recording: Not yet available R1   Revision 1: MSE (25 mins)   2022-03-28 Recording: Not yet available J14   Collections (150 mins)   References:      Introduction to collections      Collections interfaces      The Collection interface      Collection implementations      The Set interface      The Set implementation      The List interface      The List implementation      The Map interface      The Map implementation      Aggregate operations      forEach      Object Ordering      Comparable      Comparator      Prefer lists to arrays Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 B9   John McCarthy (1 min)   References:      John McCarthy      Turing Award 1971      Lisp      The birth of Lisp      Artificial intelligence      What McCarthy thinks of your code. Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-03-31 Recording: Not yet available A1   Lists 1 (75 mins)   References:      Abstract data types (ADTs)      List ADT      Dynamic array (array list) Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 A2   Lists 2 (55 mins)   Java Visualizations: Linked List References:      Abstract data types (ADTs)      List ADT      Linked list Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 B10   Barbara Liskov (1 min)   References:      Barbara Liskov      Turing Award 2008      Liskov substitution principle      CLU Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-04-21 Recording: Not yet available A2   Lists 2 (55 mins)   Java Visualizations: Linked List References:      Abstract data types (ADTs)      List ADT      Linked list Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 J15   Exceptions (25 mins)   References:      Exceptions      What is an exception?      The catch or specify requirement      Catching and handling exceptions      Exception handling Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      IAS Defensive Programming 4      SE Software Construction 2      SF Reliabilitythrough Redundancy 1 C2   Hash Functions (10 mins)   References:      Hash function      Properties of a good hash function B11   Ken Thompson (1 min)   References:      Ken Thompson      Turing Award 1983      Unix      B      Go Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-04-28 Recording: Not yet available C3   Hashing Applications (85 mins)   References:      Hash function      Uses of hash functions      Object as superclass (see hashCode())      hashCode()      Luhn algorithm      Hamming codes      rsync      MD5 A3   Sets (2 mins)   References:      Abstract data types (ADTs)      Set ADT Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 3 A4   Hash Tables (105 mins)   References:      Hash table Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      AL Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms 4 A5   Trees (110 mins)   References:      Tree ADT      Binary search tree Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      AL Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms 7 B12   Ada Lovelace (1 min)   References:      Ada Lovelace      Analytical engine      Note G Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-05-05 Recording: Not yet available A5   Trees (110 mins)   References:      Tree ADT      Binary search tree Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      AL Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms 7 B13   Fred Brooks (2 mins)   References:      Fred Brooks      Turing Award 1999      The Mythical Man-Month      No Silver Bullet Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-05-09 Recording: Not yet available A6   Maps (80 mins)   References:      Map ADT (a.k.a. associative array) Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SDF Fundamental Data Structures 2 B14   Shafi Goldwasser (3 mins)   References:      Shafi Goldwasser      Turing Award 2012      Zero-knowledge proofs Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-05-16 Recording: Not yet available C4   Files (50 mins)   References:      Basic I/O      I/O streams      I/O from the command line      Random access files      Buffered streams      Data buffer      Memory hierarchy      Magnetic tape data storage C5   Computational Complexity (60 mins)   References:      Time complexity      Big O notation      Analysis of algorithms      Space-time tradeoff Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      AL Basic Analysis 8      AL Basic Analysis 9      AL Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms 2 C6   Formal Grammars (35 mins)   References:      Formal grammars      Extended Backus-Naur form      Chomsky      Niklaus Wirth      John Backus      Peter Naur Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      PL Syntax Analysis 1 B15   Robin Milner (3 mins)   References:      Robin Milner      Turing Award 1991      ML      Π-calculus      LCS Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-05-19 Recording: Not yet available C7   Threads (15 mins)   References:      Concurrency      Concurrency      Thread      Process Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      OS Scheduling and Dispatch 4 J16   Threads (60 mins)   References:      Concurrency      Thread objects      Defining and starting a thread      Pausing execution with sleep      Joins      A simple threads example      Synchronization      Thread interference      Memory consistency errors      Synchronized methods      Concurrency      Thread      Process Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      OS Scheduling and Dispatch 4      IAS Defensive Programming 4      PD Communication and Coordination 1      PL Concurrency and Parallelism 3 B16   Anita Borg (1 min)   References:      Anita Borg Relevant ACM Curriculum Learning Outcomes:      SP History 2 2022-05-23 Recording: Not yet available R2   Final Exam Revision (45 mins)   Back to top Acknowledgement of Country The Australian National University acknowledges, celebrates and pays our respects to the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people of the Canberra region and to all First Nations Australians on whose traditional lands we meet and work, and whose cultures are among the oldest continuing cultures in human history. 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