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© A Barnes, 2006 1  CS2130/Ilect 1 
CS2130  Program Language Concepts 
Lecture 1 -- Introduction 
Module Outline: 
Credits: 10 
Aims of the Module 
Students should gain:  
1. knowledge and understanding of the basic sequential imperative paradigm (including 
reasonable practical ability to use one such language 
2. understanding of programming language concepts and structure, emphasising the role of 
abstraction for practical software design and construction 
3. comparison of the standard imperative and object-oriented paradigms. 
4. knowledge and understanding of concurrent programming and the need for 
synchronisation of access to shared resources 
5. understanding of software concepts and acquisition of associated skills that will be 
of value in a range of subsequent modules.  
Summary of Content 
1. Introduction to programming in a standard imperative language (e.g. C or Ada). 
2. Fundamental programming language concepts: values, types; binding, scope, 
visibility, variables, storage, lifetime; expressions, commands, state, function and 
procedure abstraction, parameter mechanisms. 
3. Review of encapsulation and information hiding: packages, abstract objects, abstract 
data types, reusability via generic abstraction. 
4. Concurrent programming and synchronisation in Ada and Java, comparison with other 
Topics will be illustrated by examples and practical exercises using a variety of appropriate 
languages, e.g. Pascal, Java, C, C++, Ada 95 Ada 2005, Lisp, Prolog, SR. 
Summary of Methods and Frequency of Teaching 
3 hours lectures per week for weeks 1-3.  2 hours per week lectures from week 4 onwards 
1 hour practical class per fortnight from week 2 onwards 
Summary of Methods of Assessment 
Written examination: 75% (1.5 hours)  
Practical assignment: 25% 
Students will be expected to complete practical programming exercises on all major topics 
covered.  Practical work will be assessed through coursework assignments and related 
examination questions.  
© A Barnes, 2006 2  CS2130/Ilect 1 
CS1310  Java Programming Foundations 
CS1410  Java Program Development 
CS2310  Data Structures and Algorithms with Java 
CS2230  Operating Systems 
DA Watt (with W Findlay)  Programming Language Design Concepts Wiley (2004) 
R W Sebasta  Concepts of Programming Languages (7th ed.) Pearson Educ. 2004 or (5th/6th 
editions, 2002/3). 
L Wilson & R Clark, Comparative Programming Languages (3rd ed.), Addison-Wesley, 
H Bal & D Grune, Programming Language Essentials, Addison-Wesley, 1994 
A Wellings, Concurrent & Real-Time Programming in Java, Wiley, 2004 
D A Watt, Programming Language Concepts and Paradigms, Prentice Hall, 1990 
J G P Barnes, Programming in Ada 95 (2nd ed.), Addison-Wesley, 1998 
A Burns & A Wellings, Real-Time Systems & Programming Languages,  Pearson /Addison-
Wesley (3rd ed. ) 2001. 
In addition to the reading list it may be necessary to consult text-books or programming 
manuals for other languages (particularly Ada, Java and C/C++). 
There will be one continuous assessment exercise distributed in towards the middle of term 2 
and handed in around week 7 or 8 of the term (dates to be confirmed).  The exact form of the 
continuous assessment remains to be decided, but it is likely to be an individual 
programming exercise(s) in Java (and possibly Ada or C).  Students will be informed in due 
course of the arrangements. 
A number of exercises will be set throughout the course.  Completion and submission of 
most of these exercises will not be required and will not be formally assessed.  However they 
form an integral part of the course and you are strongly advised to complete these.  Some of 
the exercises will form the basis of examination questions and other exercises need to be 
mastered in order to understand material later in the module. 
Students resitting the module with attendance should note that the module content has 
changed considerably from last year.  As current second year students have studied Java 
rather than Ada, there will be more programming examples in Java.  There will be a brief 
introduction to standard imperative programming languages (primarily Ada and C).  Students 
resitting the module with attendance will be required to complete the continuous assessment 
even if their CA mark at the first attempt was satisfactory. 
There will be no formal tutorials or problem classes for this module.  However there will be a 
number of practical (lab) classes in MB473  You will be split into four smaller groups for 
these lab classes. Owing to staff shortages the lab classes will be fortnightly with two groups 
having classes in odd numbered weeks and the other two groups in even numbered weeks.  
Labs will start in the second week of teaching period 2 (week 3 of term 2). 
If you have questions about the module I will be available in the scheduled lab periods 
(whether or not your class is scheduled for that week) and in my office from 16.00-18.00 on 
© A Barnes, 2006 3  CS2130/Ilect 1 
Monday afternoons.  I will NOT be available at other times except by prior email 
appointment (Email: 
I will from time to time send email containing information relevant to this module to the 
mailing-lists for students enrolled on this module  
It is your responsibility to look at your email regularly each week.  Note that email 
will not be sent to individual student email accounts at (say) or other 
Spare copies of the lecture hand-outs, problem sheets etc. will be placed on the table outside 
my office (MB212B).  If you miss a lecture then you should collect ONE copy from there.  
Please do not collect multiple copies at lectures for 'absent friends'.  A sufficient number of 
hand-outs will be duplicated for everyone registered for the module, when these are 
exhausted no more will be duplicated. Students who miss lectures for a substantial period 
through illness or other good cause should inform the CS office or their year tutor of their 
absence (you should do this as a matter of course anyway).  If I am informed of this absence 
in good time I will endeavour to save a copy of the hand-outs for the student concerned. 
Copies of the hand-outs will be available on-line in MS-Word format and PDF in the 
following location: 
or in meaningfully named links from the above.  The simplest way to reach this site is by 
following the CS2130 link from my home page: 
Other material (example programs and some exercise solutions etc.) will be placed in the 
same locations from time to time.  There will be no material for this module on WebCT. 
As mistakes and omissions in the notes are detected correction and addendum sheets will be 
circulated and the on-line versions will be updated. 
Reasons for Studying Concepts of Programming Languages 
Increased capacity to express programming ideas. 
If a programmer's vocabulary and knowledge of programming concepts is rudimentary and 
lacking in depth of abstraction, then that programmer will be limited in the form of control 
structures and data structures that they can use.  It is difficult to conceptualise various 
programming constructs unless one has the means to describe them verbally and/or in 
writing.  Also the ability to read and understand technical language manuals or programs 
written by other (better educated) programmers will be hampered.  Even if a particular 
language does not support a particular construct directly, knowledge of the construct in 
another language and its advantages may motivate a programmer to simulate the construct 
(and so enjoy (at least some of) its benefits. 
Increased ability to learn new programming languages 
The time taken to learn a new programming language and use it effectively can be 
substantially reduced if one is aware of similar constructs and concepts in other languages 
that one already knows. If one has a good theoretical grounding and understands the 
© A Barnes, 2006 4  CS2130/Ilect 1 
advantages and disadvantages of certain constructs, then potential pitfalls and 
misunderstandings can often be avoided. 
Improved background for choosing a programming language. 
Knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of available programming languages can aid in 
the choice of the most appropriate language for a particular programming project.  Different 
languages may be appropriate for different types of project (Ada for safety critical 
applications, Java for Web-based programming, a scripting language such as Python for rapid 
Better understanding of the significance of implementation. 
Sometimes the seemingly arbitrary limitations of a particular programming language 
construct can be traced to a difficulty in an efficient implementation of the construct in its 
full generality. 
Increased ability to design good quality new languages. 
For example avoiding designing new languages with some of the well-known shortcomings 
of existing languages when there are equally simple constructs without these problems. 
Overall advancement of computing and an improvement in the quality of software. 
Traditionally the most popular languages have not always been the best languages available 
for the software development process. 
Requirements of a Programming Language 
In this course we will only consider high-level programming languages, that is languages 
which are (more or less) machine independent.  Hence we will not consider assembly 
language programming. 
A programming language should be universal, 
that is every problem capable of solution must have a solution expressible in that language.   
This is not such a formidable requirement as any algorithm can be expressed in terms of a 
very small set of control structures: namely sequencing, selection with IF and iteration with 
WHILE (Böhm and Jacopini, 1966)1.  Other programming constructs (CASE, FOR, functions and 
procedures, packages etc.) may be more convenient and/or lead to better quality (more 
robust) code but they are not strictly necessary  
A programming language should be reasonably natural for problem solving 
at least in the area for which it is designed.  A language whose only data types are numbers 
(integers and reals) and arrays might be fine for 'number-crunching' applications but would 
not be natural for (say) text processing 
A programming language must be implementable on a computer. 
Mathematical notation in its full generality is not implementable; as the work of Post and 
Turing showed there are functions one can define rigorously in mathematical notation which 
are not computable by a terminating algorithmic scheme. 
A programming language must be implementable on a computer in a reasonably efficient 
manner.   Difficulties in implementation of languages such as Algol 68 and Ada 83 and 
hence the lack of availability of good quality compilers at a reasonable cost meant that they 
did not become as popular as simpler languages such as C and Pascal although arguably they 
were more powerful, better structured languages. Of course efficiency is a relative concept:  a 
C or Pascal program might be 2-5 times slower than an assembly program expressing the 
1 Böhm, C and Jacopini, G.  Communications of the ACM  9, 366–71 (1966). 
© A Barnes, 2006 5  CS2130/Ilect 1 
same algorithm whereas a Prolog or SmallTalk program might be 50 times slower than an 
assembly language version.  The programmer is prepared to accept such a large efficiency 
'hit' because of the greater expressivity of these languages (at least for some types of 
problem) leading to a substantially reduced program development time compared with lower 
level languages. 
Language Processors 
High level languages are implemented by compiling them into machine instructions that may 
be directly executed on a particular computer architecture or by interpreting each command 
as it is encountered at run-time or by a combination of the two by compiling the source 
program into some intermediate form which is then interpreted.  Languages such as C, C++ 
and Ada are compiled whereas Lisp2 and scripting languages such as Perl and Python are 
normally interpreted.  Typically an interpreted program runs more slowly by a factor of ten 
or so compared with a compiled version of the same program. 
In Java the source code is compiled to Java byte-code3.  Java byte-code is not directly 
executable on any existing architecture, it is  interpreted on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).  
Java byte-code can be regarded as the machine-code of a virtual architecture.  Emacs Lisp 
(which is used to implement all extensions to the basic Emacs editor) uses a similar system: 
functions are byte-compiled into Emacs byte-code and later executed on the Emacs virtual 
machine.  Compilation to an intermediate language speeds up the interpretation process at 
run time and increases program portability;  the compilation to byte-code is machine-
independent and the program can be run on any machine on which a virtual machine for that 
byte-code has been implemented.  Note that it is possible to compile languages other than 
Java to Java byte code which can then be executed by a JVM.  For example the JGnat system 
can compile Ada to Java byte-code. Similar tools exist for other languages e.g. Eiffel and C. 
Compilers, interpreters and other programs which process other computer programs, are 
referred to as language processors. 
Some languages notably C and C++ have a pre-processor which is called before the 
compiler proper which performs such tasks as removing comments and including text from 
standard library header files. 
Other language processors include  
 language sensitive editors 
Examples of language sensitive editors are Emacs with its various language modes, AdaGide 
for Ada or the editors in Eclipse or JDeveloper for Java.  These automatically indent code, 
render keywords in a different font or colour, detect missing semi-colons etc.  Pretty-printers 
specially format programs (so that, for example) keywords are printed in a different font) and 
then spool them to a printer.  The javadoc utility is also a language processor; it takes the 
source code for a Java class and extracts specially formatted JavaDoc comments to produce 
documentation for the class. 
2 Some Lisp systems also allow programs to be compiled into machine code. 
3 In some Java systems Java code is compiled to native machine code by ‘just-in-time’ 
compilers as the program is run. 
© A Barnes, 2006 6  CS2130/Ilect 1 
Programming Language Concepts 
Every programming language has syntax and semantics: 
The syntax of a programming language is concerned with the form of expressions, 
commands and declarations etc. and with how these are put together to form a 
The semantics of a programming language is concerned with the meaning of 
programs, that is how they behave when executed. 
A program may be syntactical correct, that is each component command and declaration may 
be of the correct form and these may be ordered correctly, and yet be invalid semantically.  
For example a procedure may be called with the wrong number or wrong type of parameters, 
the operands in an expression may be of different types when they are required to be of the 
same type or the programmer may have referenced a non-existent field in a record. 
In this course we will be mainly concerned with semantic issues.  A given construct may be 
provided in several languages with differences in syntax which are merely superficial.  For 
example the following while loops are essentially equivalent: 
 Ada     Java, C and C++ 
 WHILE condition LOOP   while (condition) { 
    commands to be repeated     commands to be repeated 
 END LOOP;     } 
Semantic features are more important.  We need to appreciate subtle differences between 
apparently similar constructs such as the CASE statement in Ada and the switch statement in 
C and Java.  As an example of semantic differences consider the following:  given that the 
first pair of declarations are essentially equivalent we might be misled into thinking that the 
second pair are also equivalent.  However in the Java/C version only the variable B is 
 Ada      Java, C and C++ 
 A, B : Integer;   int A, B; 
 C, D : Integer := 1;  int C, D = 1;  // initialises D only 
 -- initialises both C & D // should be int C = 1, D = 1; 
      // to initialise both variables 
As a matter of style to avoid any possible confusion, it would be better to write the 
initialising declarations on separate lines: 
 C : Integer := 1;   int C = 1; 
 D : Integer := 1;   int D = 1; 
We will consider those semantic concepts that are so important they are supported (or ought 
to be supported) in any good programming language and consider how well a given language 
supports particular concepts and whether it confuses distinct concepts.