The larger of ?? and ?? is ??
with ?? replaced by the appropriate values. You should just use a simple script with no functions, using document.write (see slide 6) to output the above HTML. The values entered by the user are assumed to be strings, so you will need to use the parseInt function to convert each value into an integer necessary for the comparison to return correct results. Now modify your program so that the user enters the two values using a form. When the user clicks a button in the form, a function larger(), which outputs the larger of 2 values, is called. This function should be defined in the head of your HTML page (see slide 15 and slide 16). Your first solution might embed the function call in the onclick attribute of the button (see slide 8), while your second might use event handlers (see slide 12 and slide 13). First save a copy of the file pods98.xml (use right-click and then "save as") in the same directory (folder) in your web space where you are creating your HTML files. Then either download a copy of the jQuery library from the jQuery web site or from this directory (remember to use "save as") or reference the library over the web (see slide 11). If you downloaded the library, you will still need to reference it using a script element (note that an explicit end tag is required for the script element). Now write a JavaScript program which will read the XML file and output each author name as a separate list item in the HTML document being displayed when a button on the page is clicked. You may find slide 27 and slide 28 helpful.