Fathom API:
Fathom v0.2 Search: Fathom Modules fathom.proto fathom.socket fathom.system fathom.upnp fathom.util Components fathom.proto.dns fathom.proto.http fathom.proto.upnp fathom.socket.broadcast fathom.socket.multicast fathom.socket.tcp fathom.socket.udp fathom.system fathom.system.win fathom.timer fathom.util Files aboutFathom.js fathom.js This is the API documentation for Fathom. Fathom's APIs are structured in two levels: components contain related functions, while modules group related components. For example, the fathom.socket module contains a number of socket I/O components, such as fathom.socket.tcp and fathom.socket.udp. Choose a module or component for more information. Copyright © 2012 International Computer Science Institute (ICSI). All rights reserved. Made with YUIDoc and a modified Dana theme.