SSC - Communication and Networking SSC - Communication and Networking Java Socket Programming (I) Shan He School for Computational Science University of Birmingham Module 06-19321: SSC SSC - Communication and Networking Outline Outline of Topics Sockets and Socket-based Communication TCP Socket Programming in Java SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication Client/Server Communication I The simplest level of network communication I Consists of a server, client, and a network for communication I Client: a computer running a program that makes a request for services I Server: a computer running a program that offers requested services, e.g., processing database queries from one or more clients Client Server Network (TCP/IP) Request Results SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication TCP/IP Application layer: Sockets Transport Application Internet Network Interface FTP SMTP HTTP IMAP SSL/TLS ACSII TCP UDP IP Physical ProtocolsTCP/IP model Sockets SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication TCP/IP model: Application layer - Sockets I The lowest level before Transport layer I Definition: “endpoint of a two-way communication link”. I Provides an interface for programming network communication. I Similar to performing file I/O, e.g., socket handle is treated like file handle. I Independent of a programming language SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication Sockets I A socket consists of I Local socket address: Local IP address and service port number I Remote socket address: Only for established TCP sockets I Protocol: A transport protocol, e.g., TCP or UDP. I A socket address is the combination of an IP address (phone number) and service port number (extension). I A socket API is an application programming interface (API), usually provided by the operating system. SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication Service ports I Computers often communicate and provide more than one type of service or to talk to multiple hosts/computers at a time I Ports are used to distinguish these services I Each service offered by a computer is identified by a port number I Represented as a positive (16-bit) integer value I Some ports have been reserved to support common services I FTP: 21/TCP I HTTP: 80/TCP,UDP I IMAP: 143/TCP I User-level process/services use port number value > 1024 SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication Establish socket connection I Step 1: The server listens to the socket of a specific port number for a client to make a connection request I Step 2: the server accepts the connection if everything goes well I Step 3: the server gets a new socket bound to a different (usually random) port for connection with the client I Go to Step 1 I Question: the service port in the TCP socket connection request is different from the service port for the connection. Why? SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication Establish socket connection Service Port Server Client Service Port Server Client Service Port Connection request Connection SSC - Communication and Networking Sockets and Socket-based Communication Put them together I Client is connected to a server at the physical address identified by a IP address. I Connection binds a port number to a socket number. I Both TCP and UDP protocols use ports to map incoming data to a particular process running on a computer. FTP HTTP SMTP App Port Port Port Port TCP or UDP Port# Data PacketData Sockets Apps SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java class I Java provides a set of classes, , to enable the rapid development of network applications. I Essentially provides classes, interfaces, and exceptions to simplify the complexity involved in creating client and server programs I Two key classes for creating server and client programs I ServerSocket I Socket SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java Socket-based client and server Java programming I Server: ServerSocket creates a new service socket (port) I Clinet: Socket establishes connection with service socket I Both: exchange data using input and output streams SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java class ServiceSocket 1254 Server (IP: Client Socket((“”, 1254) Output/write stream Input/read stream SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java A simple Server Program in Java (I) Steps to create a simple server program: I Step 1: Open the Server Socket: ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket( PORT ); I Step 2: Wait for the Client Request: Socket client = server.accept(); I Step 3: Create I/O streams for communicating to the client DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(client.getInputStream()); DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(client.getOutputStream()); SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java A simple Server Program in Java (II) I Step 4: Perform communication with client I Receive from client: String line = is.readLine(); I Send to client: os.writeBytes("Hello!"); I Step 5: Close the stream is.close(); os.close(); I Step 6: Close the socket: client.close(); SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java A simple Client Program in Java I Step 1: Open a socket. I Step 2: Open an input stream and output stream to the socket. I Step 3: Read from and write to the stream according to the server’s protocol. I Step 4: Close the streams. I Step 5: Close the socket. SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java A few explainations: PrintWriter vs DataOutputStream I PrintWriter : “Prints formatted representations of objects to a text-output stream.” I DataOutputStream : “A data output stream lets an application write primitive Java data types to an output stream in a portable way” I PrintWriter inherited from Writer class, while DataOutputStream inherited from OutputStream . I OutputStream (therefore DataOutputStream ) is designed for binary data, while Writer (therefore PrintWriter ) is designed for text data SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java A few explainations: InetAddress I InetAddress class: “represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address.” I getLocalHost() method: “Returns the address of the local host.” SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java A few explainations: Protocol I A protocol is the language that the client and server have agreed to use to communicate. I Using class, you can build you own protocol using socket I One example: KnockKnockProtocol can be found at here SSC - Communication and Networking TCP Socket Programming in Java Socket programming for email I POP3, IMAP and SMTP are all email protocols based on TCP socket communication I Please take a look at my source code of send email using only socket