Computer Science 221 - Computer Science II Fall 2021 3 semester credits ”The sooner you start to code, the longer the program will take.” – Roy Carlson Catalog Description Object-oriented design including inheritance, polymorphism, and dynamic binding. Graphical user interfaces. Recursion. Introduction to program cor- rectness and testing/analysis of time/space requirements. Basic data struc- tures: lists, collections, stacks, and queues. Basic searching and sorting. Prerequisites CS 121, Computer Science I. Textbook (Optional) Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java, 3rd edition by Nell Dale, Daniel T. Joyce, and Chip Weems. Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes. Material presented in class may not be covered in the textbook, or may be presented using different methods. Missing classes without explanation may also result in a grade penalty. Piazza Discussion Forum The Piazza discussion forum will be used for posting questions and answers about assignments and course material, and for disseminating information. Participation is highly encouraged. A link to the Piazza website is available on the class homepage. Academic Honesty As a Boise State University student, you have agreed to abide by the Univer- sitys academic honesty policy. All academic work must meet the standards described here: Lack of knowledge of the academic honesty policy is not a reasonable ex- planation for a violation. Questions related to course assignments and the academic honesty policy should be directed to the instructor. Extra Help Tutoring hours can be found under ”Resources” on the course website. My office hours are also posted there, and I will be available for Zoom meetings at those times. Any questions about the course should be addressed during my office hours or posted to Piazza, not via email. Course Objectives Students who complete the course will have demonstrated the ability to do the following: • Explain fundamentals of object-oriented design, including inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. • Describe basic space/run-time requirements of algorithms and code fragments. • Evaluate time / space trade-offs for algorithm selection of a variety of computer science problems. • Explain abstractions used for lists, stacks, queues, and other abstract data types. • Analyze and decompose complex computer science problems in terms of algorithmic and data structure design. • Use an integrated-development environment. Grading The final grade will be based on the homeworks, programming projects, six quizzes, and a final exam. Course averages will be determined according to the following percentages: Graded Event Percentage Homeworks / Projects 50% Quizzes 25% Final Exam 25% • Homeworks & Projects – Assignments must be submitted electronically to the instructor by 11 pm on the due date to avoid any penalty. – You can still submit your assignment within one week of the dead- line. However, 20% late submission penalty will be applied. No submission will be accepted after one week past the due date. – Students should submit correct and complete files. All computer programs must compile and run on the Onyx lab server. Any accidentally wrong or incomplete submission may need to be sub- mitted again and may incur a re-submission penalty. – All work must be written individually. Students who copy pro- grams or sections of programs from each other or from any other source will be considered to be cheating as will students who allow their programs to be copied. – The first time a student is caught cheating, they will receive a zero for the assignment. For a second offense, the student will receive a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the Dean of Students. • Quizzes – Quiz dates are fixed and posted on the class web site. Unless al- ternate arrangements are made in advance, only officially excused absences will be accepted for missing a quiz. – All quizzes will be closed-notes/closed-book, but one third of the points assigned to each quiz grade will be completed within an assigned group. • Final Exam The final exam is closed-notes/closed-book and will be completed dur- ing finals week. COVID-19 • Student Well-Being If you are struggling for any reason (COVID, relationship, family, or life’s stresses) and believe these may impact your performance in the course, I encourage you to contact the Dean of Students at (208) 426- 1527 or email for support. Additionally, if you are comfortable doing so, please reach out to me and I will provide any resources or accommodations that I can. If you notice a significant change in your mood, sleep, feelings of hope- lessness or a lack of self worth, consider connecting immediately with Counseling Services (1529 Belmont Street, Norco Building) at (208) 426-1459 or email • COVID 19 Syllabus Notice Many Boise State classes have resumed face-to-face meetings in the midst of a global pandemic and a recent local surge of infections. Our goal is to have a successful academic year while keeping our students, faculty, and local community healthy and safe. Public health require- ments are in place to achieve that goal, the primary mechanism for which includes the mandatory use of facial coverings that protect all of us. We have taken health precautions on campus so that you can have the option of a face-to-face course. However, there is still inherent risk asso- ciated with face-to-face courses during a pandemic because of proximity to others and length of potential exposure to the virus. Therefore, as members of this learning community, it is imperative that we all engage in behaviors that protect the overall public health. You have enrolled in a face-to-face course, and this format offers a num- ber of benefits that appeal to many students. In order to preserve your access to this face-to-face option you are required to sit in the same seat all semester (for purposes of contact tracing) and wear facial coverings in all face-to-face learning environments. You must keep your mouth and nose covered at all times throughout class – facial coverings cannot be pulled up or down for any reason. As a health precaution, eating and drinking are NOT permitted in the classroom. By enrolling in an in-person course, you agree to comply with Boise State’s rules and precautions which include, but are not limited to, fa- cial coverings, frequent hand washing, hand sanitizing, and sitting in the same seat all semester. Failing to comply with these rules and pre- cautions is a violation of Boise State’s Student Code of Conduct and will subject you to university sanctions and discipline. University policy states that I am not allowed to begin/continue with instruction unless and until everyone present has a facial covering in place. This course is designed to be accessible to all students. A very small percentage of people cannot wear facial coverings for reasons related to medical conditions or disabilities. If this is your experience, please contact the Educational Access Center to document your condition so that we may determine the best accommodation for you. Until an ac- commodation is in place, you will need to participate remotely. If you need to read lips or facial expressions to understand what people are saying, please let the Educational Access Center and me know via email. If you are unwilling to wear a facial covering, you cannot participate in person. If this is the case, please dismiss yourself and either inquire whether you may participate in the class fully remotely, or contact the Registrar’s Office (208-426-4249) to pursue your learning experience in a different remote or online section. Should you refuse to cover your mouth and nose and also refuse to leave the classroom, I have been directed to dismiss the class and you will be reported to and contacted by the Dean of Students Office. • Mutual Guidelines for Safe Learning Environments While these public health measures are essential to protecting our in- dividual and communal health, they also complicate how we engage in teaching and learning. The following guidelines should ease our comfort and communication with one another: – In the classroom, we must wear a facial covering that covers our mouth and nose at all times. If you or I let our facial coverings slip, we will politely remind one another to secure our masks. – In the event that we need to step closer to examine someone’s work during class, we will refrain from commenting until we are at a safe distance. – Facial coverings muffle voices. I will use the classroom microphone to amplify my voice through my mask. In addition, I will repeat your questions and summarize comments to ensure we all can fol- low any discussion.