Labs — CS 112, Boston University CS 112 Fall 2020 Home Syllabus Labs Problem Sets Staff Resources Collaboration Policies Old version This is the CS 112 site as it appeared on December 31, 2020. Labs Lab 0: Preliminaries Please try and complete before your first scheduled lab session on Friday, September 4, 2020. Doing so will give us an opportunity to resolve any outstanding issues during this first session. Lab 1: Just the basics Lab 2: Understanding Program Control Flow solutions: Task 1, Task 2, Lab 3: More with Static Methods and Strings solutions: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 (3.2) Lab 4: Arrays, primitives and references, recording solutions: Task 1, Task 2 Lab 5: Understanding Static and Object classes, recording solutions: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4 Cat, Abyssinan, Task 5, Task 6, Lab 6: Recursion, recording solutions: RecurPalindrome, Task 2.1-2.2, Task 2.3, Task 3.1, Task 3.2-3.4 Lab 7: Recursive Backtracking, recording Lab 8: Bubble Sort and Algorithm Analysis, recording solutions: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4, quicksort Lab 9: Merge sort; a first look at linked lists; StringNode, recording solutions: Task 1, Task 2.1-2.3, Task 2.4, Task 3.1, Task 3.2 Lab 10: Methods that operate on Linked Lists, recording solutions: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4, Lab 11: Lists and stacks, recording solutions: task 0, task 1, task 2, Lab 12: Stacks, queues; Tree Basics, recording solutions: task 1, task 2, task 3 Lab 13: Heaps, Heapsort, recording solutions: task 1, task 2, after one remove, after second remove, after third remove, after insert, task 3, task 4 Lab 14 extra: Hash Tables, open addressing implementation solutions: task 1 Last modified on January 21, 2021.