Programming Assignment 1 Programming Assignment 1 Due February 1, before 9:30am Program Description In this first assignment, you will learn how to develop a simple Java application in NetBeans that constructs an instance of class SpongeBob, and invokes some methods of that class. The SpongeBob object will be displayed in a window on your screen as shown below. Your program will also print the following information about SpongeBob SpongeBob is frowning. Width = 190, Height = 308 (X,Y) location = (100,50) What You Do It is assumed that you are using NetBeans to develop your code for this assignment. If you want to install NetBeans on your computer, look here. Create a new NetBeans project that is a "General" "Java Application". Name your NetBeans project program1. Download the source for the class, and store it in the program1/src/program1 directory. Using NetBeans fill in the method main in that does the following: Construct instance bob of class SpongeBob Invoke a method to make bob frown Invoke a method to position bob at (x,y) location (100,50) Invoke a method to make bob's width = 190 and height = 308 Invoke a method to output bob's final state information Be sure to include comments in the code your write This assignment is intended to make you figure out how to use NetBeans and a Java class in a simple programming task. The Teaching Fellow will cover most of the material you need to know in the labs this week. What You Submit Submit your file called in a directory named 01 via gsubmit on Under no circumstances will late assignments be accepted. Grading Criteria 20% Submitted code compiles without errors 20% SpongeBob is located at (100,50) 20% SpongeBob has width = 190, and height = 308 20% SpongeBob is frowning 20% Output SpongeBob's final state information