Problem Set 3 — CS 112, Boston University CS 112 Fall 2020 Home Syllabus Labs Problem Sets Staff Resources Collaboration Policies Old version This is the CS 112 site as it appeared on December 31, 2020. Problem Set 3 due by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday October 6th, 2020 General Guidelines Preliminaries Part I Creating the necessary file Problem 1: A Rectangle class revisited Problem 2: A class that needs your help Problem 3: Static vs. non-static Problem 4: Inheritance and polymorphism Part II Programming Problems Problem 5: Histogram Problem 6: BigInt: a class for large integers Submitting Your Work Submitting your work for Part I Submitting your work for Part II General Guidelines In your work on this and all subsequent problem sets, you may not use any of Java’s built-in collection classes (e.g., ArrayList) unless a problem explicitly states that you may do so. We will be writing and using our own collection classes, and using the built-in classes will keep you from fully learning the key concepts of the course. More generally, you may not use any built-in class that we have not covered in lecture. Classes that you may use (unless specifically directed otherwise) include String, Character, Scanner, and Math. You are welcome to use the Arrays.toString() method when testing the methods that your write. However, you may not use this method or any other methods from the Arrays class in the methods themselves unless a problem explicitly states that you may do so. You may freely use code from the class website, assigned readings, and lecture notes (unless specifically directed otherwise), as long as you cite the source in your comments. However, you may never use code from anywhere else (e.g., elsewhere on the web, or code obtained from another person). This will be considered plagiarism and penalized accordingly. See our collaboration policies for more details. You should continue to follow the guidelines that we gave you in the prior problem sets Preliminaries In your work on this assignment, make sure to abide by the collaboration policies of the course. If you have questions while working on this assignment, please come to office hours, post them on Piazza, or email instructor. Make sure to follow the instructions outlined at the end of Part I and Part II when submitting your assignment. Part I 52 points total Creating the necessary file Problems in Part I will be completed in a single PDF file. To create it, you should do the following: Open the template that we have created for these problems in Google Docs: ps3_partI Select File->Make a copy..., and save the copy to your Google Drive using the name ps3_partI. Add your work to this file. Once you have completed all of these problems, choose File->Download->PDF document, and save the PDF file on your machine. The resulting PDF file (ps3_partI.pdf) is the one that you will submit. See the submission guidelines at the end of Part I. Problem 1: A Rectangle class revisited 12 points total; individual-only Given the Rectangle class defined here. Consider a potential non-static method named rotate that would rotate a Rectangle object 90 degrees by swapping its width and height values. For example, if a Rectangle‘s dimensions are 10 x 30, then calling the rotate method would change its dimensions to 30 x 10. Because the method only needs to change the internals of the called object, it doesn’t need to – and should not! – return a value. (1 point) What type of instance method would rotate be, an accessor or mutator? (2 points) Give an appropriate method header for this method, making sure to take into account the fact that the method is non-static. You do not need to define the body of the method. Now consider a potential non-static method named largerThan that takes another Rectangle object and determines if the called Rectangle object (i.e., the one on which the method is invoked) has a larger area than the other Rectangle object – returning true if the called object has a larger area and false otherwise. (1 point) What type of instance method would largerThan be, an accessor or mutator? (2 points) Give an appropriate method header for this method, making sure to take into account the fact that the method is non-static. You do not need to define the body of the method. Consider the following client code — i.e., code from another class that uses a Rectangle object: Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(60, 80);
System.out.println("r1's height is: " + r1.height);
r1.width = r1.width + 20;
System.out.println(r1); // print the new dimensions
Because our Rectangle class employs appropriate encapsulation, this code fragment will not compile. (2 point) Explain what problems are present in the code fragment that prevent it from compiling. (4 points) Rewrite the fragment to eliminate those problems while maintaining the intended functionality of the original version. Don’t make any unnecessary changes. Problem 2: A class that needs your help 8 points total; individual-only Consider the following class, which is intended to serve as a blueprint for objects that encapsulate two pieces of data: an even integer and a non-negative real number: public class ValuePair {
int a;
double b;
public static double product() {
return this.a * this.b;
(2 points) The method product is supposed to be an instance method that returns the product of the two fields inside a ValuePair object. However, when we attempt to compile this class, we get error messages that indicate that product cannot access the fields. In section 1-1 of your copy of ps3_partI (see above), explain why the method cannot access the fields, and what change or changes are needed to fix things. (Hint: What is another name for an instance method?) (6 points) This class does not employ appropriate encapsulation. In section 1-2 of ps3_partI, revise the class to prevent direct access to the internals of a ValuePair object while allowing indirect access through appropriate methods. Your revised version should include: the changes that you proposed above in your answer for 1-1 whatever steps are needed to prevent direct access to the fields accessor methods that can be used to obtain the value of each field mutator methods that can be used to change the value of each field. These methods should ensure that a is always even, and that b is greater than or equal to 0.0. Attempts to assign an invalid value should produce an IllegalArgumentException. a constructor that takes values for a and b and initializes the fields using those values. Attempts to assign an invalid value should produce an IllegalArgumentException. Take advantage of the error-checking code that is already present in the mutator methods that you defined for changing the values of the fields. No other methods are required. Problem 3: Static vs. non-static 14 points total; individual-only When designing a blueprint class, we have seen that we can include both static and non-static variables. Static variables (also known as class variables) belong to the class as a whole. Non-static variables (also known as instance variables or fields) belong to individual objects of the class; each object gets its own copy of those variables. We have also seen that a blueprint class can include both static and non-static methods. A non-static method is required if the method must have access to the fields of a particular called object. However, if a method doesn’t need a called object – i.e., if all of the information that it needs is supplied by its parameters or by the static variables of the class – then we typically make it static. Non-static methods must be called on an object of the class. Static methods may be called on an object of the class, but it is better style to call them using the name of the class instead. Imagine that we are defining a class called Grade that will serve as a blueprint for objects that encapsulate the raw score and the possible late penalty associated with a given grade. For example, to create a Grade object that represents a grade with a raw score of 85.5 and a late penalty of 20%, we would write: Grade g = new Grade(85.5, 20);
An initial implementation of this class can be found here. (4 points) Imagine that we want to modify the existing Grade class so that each Grade object has an associated category — a String that is either "assignment", "quiz", or "exam". In addition, we want to keep track of how many Grade objects have been created for each of the three categories. What variables (static and/or non-static) would we need to add to the Grade class as part of our implementation of these changes? In section 2-1 of ps3_partI, we have included a table that you should complete to describe the necessary variables. For each of your proposed variables, you should specify: its type and name (make it descriptive!) whether it will be static or non-static a brief description of its purpose, and why it needs to be static or non-static. As an example, we have filled in the first row of the table to describe the existing rawScore field. You should add the descriptions of your proposed new variables. You may not need all of the rows in the table. (4 points) Now let’s say that we want to add a method called setCategory that takes in a category string and uses it to change the category of the called Grade object. What type of method should setCategory be — static or non-static? Explain briefly. Assume we have a Grade object whose current category is "quiz". The professor who assigned the grade has decided to make the associated test worth more, so we need to call setCategory to change the grade’s category to "exam". During that method call, what changes will the method need to make to the values of the variables that you proposed above? Be as specific as possible. The remaining sections of this problem consider two other new methods for the Grade class – methods that do not involve the grade’s category. (3 points) Now let’s say that we want to add a method called computePercent. It takes two parameters of type double – one called pointsEarned and another called possiblePoints – and it returns pointsEarned as a percentage of possiblePoints. For example, if pointsEarned is 30.0 and possiblePoints is 50.0, the method should return 60.0, because 30 is 60 percent of 50. What type of method should computePercent be — static or non-static? Explain briefly. Give an example of how you would call this method from outside the Grade class. If you need a Grade object to call the method, assume that the variable g represents that object, and that the object has already been created. However, you should only use g if doing so is absolutely necessary. (3 points) Finally, let’s say that we want to add a new method called addExtraCredit. It takes a parameter of type double called amount and increases the raw score of a Grade object by the specified amount. What type of method should addExtraCredit be — static or non-static? Explain briefly. Give an example of how you would call this method from outside the Grade class. If you need a Grade object to call the method, assume that the variable g represents that object, and that the object has already been created. However, you should only use g if doing so is absolutely necessary. Problem 4: Inheritance and polymorphism 18 points total; pair-optional This is the only problem in this assignment that you may complete with a partner. See the rules for working with a partner on pair-optional problems for details about how this type of collaboration must be structured. Imagine that you have a set of related classes that have been defined using inheritance. Here are the key facts about these classes: Class Zoo doesn’t explicitly extend a class (i.e., it doesn’t have an extends clause in its class header). Its class members (i.e., its fields and methods) include: an integer field called a a String field called b a non-static method called one() that takes an integer and returns a double a non-static method called two() that takes no inputs and returns an integer its own equals() method that overrides the inherited one. Class Woo extends Zoo. In addition to the members that it inherits, it has: integer fields called x and y its own method called two() that overrides the inherited one its own toString() method that overrides the inherited one. Class Too extends Zoo. In addition to the members that it inherits, it has: integer fields called t and u its own method called two() that overrides the inherited one its own method called three() that takes a double and returns a boolean an equals() method that overrides the inherited one. Class Yoo extends Woo. In addition to the members that it inherits, it has: a String field called y its own method called one() that overrides the inherited one. In addition, you should make the following assumptions: All of the classes employ appropriate encapsulation. Each class has a constructor that takes no parameters and initializes the newly created object’s fields with their default values. Each class includes an appropriate accessor method for each field that is declared in that class. For example, the Zoo class would have accessor methods called getA() and getB(). Each class includes an appropriate mutator method for each field that is declared in that class. For example, the Zoo class would have mutator methods called setA() and setB(). Answer the following questions in light of the above information about these classes. Before you begin, you may find it helpful to draw an inheritance hierarchy for the classes, although doing so is not required. (2 points) The information above states that the Zoo class has its own equals() method that overrides the inherited one. Where does the equals() method that Zoo overrides come from? Be as specific as possible, and explain your answer briefly. (2 points) List all of the fields in a Yoo object – both the ones that it declares and the ones (if any) that it inherits. (5 points) Consider the following code fragment: Yoo y1 = new Yoo();
Each of the println statements in this code fragment displays the result of a method call. (This includes the fifth println statement, in which the Java interpreter calls a method on our behalf.) However, it is possible that one or more of these methods calls would fail to compile because the necessary method is neither defined in the Yoo class nor inherited from a superclass of Yoo. In section 3-3 of ps3_partI, we have included a table that you should complete with appropriate information about each of these method calls. We have filled in the first row for you, and you should complete the remaining rows. (3 points) Now imagine that you want to add a non-static method to the Too class. It should be called avg(), it should take no parameters, and it should return the average of all of the integer fields in the called Too object. Add a full definition of that method to section 3-4 of your ps3_partI file. Make sure to take into account the fact that the classes employ proper encapsulation. Make the average as precise as possible. (6 points) For each of the following assignment statements, indicate whether it would be allowed according to the rules of polymorphism, and explain briefly why or why not. Woo w = new Too(); Zoo z = new Woo(); Zoo z = new Yoo(); Too t = new Zoo(); Part II Programming Problems 48 points total Problem 5: Histogram 18 points total; pair-optional This is the only problem in this assignment that you may complete with a partner. See the rules for working with a partner on pair-optional problems for details about how this type of collaboration must be structured. For this problem, write a program which implements a static class named Histogram. This class will provide a series of static methods which will allow a client program to produce and display a histogram of a series of floating point values. Note A histogram is a graphical representation depicting the frequency in which numbers occur within specified ranges. Example: [0..10], (10..20], (20..30],...., (90..100], where [a..b] denotes the set of numbers x such that: a <= x <= b and
(a..b] denotes the set of numbers x such that: a < x <= b.
Example, assuming the following series of numbers: 1 11 11.123 41 47 51 61.7 71 81 91 2.5 12 22 44.3 42.9 52 62 72 82 92 The resulting Histogram of Values in Decades from 0 to 100 is: [0..10]: **
(10..20]: ***
(20..30]: *
(40..50]: ****
(50..60]: **
(60..70]: **
(70..80]: **
(80..90]: **
(90..100]: **
Begin by downloading the file:, which sets-up the skeleton of your class. Important guidelines: The numbers that will be used to compute the histogram should be stored in an array of doubles. The array should be large enough to store the maximum possible inputs. For testing purposes, the array can be expicitly populated up to its’ maximum size, but your program must also provide a method which populates the array through user input. See below. The histogram itself (i.e. counts for the various ranges) should also be stored as an array. Think what the data type of this array which represents the histogram should be. Make sure to follow the method headers for each method you need to implement as specified below. Altering the method signature in any way will prevent us from testing your methods. Write a method calulateHistogram that computes the histogram from the array of numbers passed to it. public static int [] calculateHistogram( double [] numbers ) {
// This method must determine the appropriate bin of the
// histogram to update by using a loop. To be clear,
// you may NOT just explicitly account for all
// possibilities, e.g., the following is a bad solution:
if(number <= 10.0) { // VERY BAD SOLUTION
if(number <= 20.0) {
Write a method toString to construct and return a String representation of the histogram (similar to the toString method of the Arrays class). public static String toString( int [] histogram ) {
// This method must also use a loop that iterates
// over the histogram array to form the string
// representaion of it.
// The histogram can be visualzed as a series of
// buckets, where each bucket represents one range
// of the histogram:
[0..10]: ****
(10..20]: **
(20..30]: ***
(30..40]: * ... ]
// The string returned should only contain the string representation
// of the histogram and no other verbeage. It should function
// like the toString method of the Array class but specific to
// creating a histogram.
// You may want to create an instance of the
// StringBuilder class to assist you in this method.
// Follow the code in the method getHeaderAsString
// as a guide.
Write a method to determine if the integer passed to the method is in the legal range of valid inputs as specified by the static variables of the class, LOWER_BOUND and UPPER_BOUND: public static boolean validInput( double num ) {
Write a method that performs the user input. This method accepts an object of the scanner class, uses this object to perform user input by calling the apporopriate methods, and returns an array of the floating point values that were input. The Scanner object passed to this method should be created in the main method and passed to this method. The array returned from this method will be passed to the calculateHistogram method to create the Histogram. See the template code provided. public static double[] inputNumbers( Scanner scan ) {
A few guidelines on user input: * The user may input at most the maximum amount of numbers as specified
by the `static` variable `MAX_NUMBERS`. Each number entered must be
between the valid bounds. This method should do error checking and
reporting accordingly: Any input number outside the range
is an input error, and the program should report the error and ask for a
correct input.
* Consider the correct data types and methods of Scanner class that
should be used.
* Your method will also need to determine how to keep
track of how many numbers you have read in (i.e. input) so you do not
exceed the maximum numbers to be entered.
* To not force the user to enter the maximum inputs allowed,
you can make use of a *sentinal* value to signal end of intput. For example, you
continue to accept input values until the value as specified
by the `static` variable `SENTINAL` is entered (or off course
until the maximum number of inputs has been reached). The logic here
can get more complicated then you may think. Think through all the possible
cases carefully.
* The array that this method returns should only be as large as the number
of inputs read in.
Finally, make sure you use the static variables which have been declared in the template provided. You should NOT have the numbers 20 or 10 occur anywhere in your program except in the declarations of these variables. You MUST do this so that if you decide to change one of these, you don’t have the “multiple update” problem. Here is an example of what you should use: public class Histogram {
public static final int SENTINAL = -999; // sentinal value used to signal end of input
public static final int MAX_NUMBERS = 20; // maximum number of numbers to input
public static final int NUM_BINS = 10; // number of bins in range [0..100]
// UPPER_BOUND to represent the largest possible number in the range
// LOWER_BOUND to represent the smalles possible number in the range
// BIN_SIZE how many different values fall into each bin
public static void main(....) etc.
Important The values assigned to MAX_NUMBERS and NUM_BINS determine the range of values represented by each bin. For example: number of bins size of bins
10 10 i.e., [0..10], (10..20], ...., (90..100]
5 20 i.e., [0..20], (20..40] ...., (80...100]
2 50 i.e., [0..50], (50..100]
It is clear when NUM_BINS is 10, then so is the size, but this is a coincidence. Your program should determine the size (i.e. range) of each bin. Consider how another variable could be used here. Don’t worry about the possible error when the number of bins does not divide evenly into 100 (we’ll run your program as is, and won’t change the number of bins from 10 to something else). Sample executions of Sample Run #1 This sample run uses -1 as the sentinal value, you just need to use the variable as set by the class variable SENTINAL Problem 6: BigInt: a class for large integers 30 points total; individual-only Overview In Java, the int data type can only represent integers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. This isn’t big enough to store very large numbers—for example, the population of Earth (approximately 7.53 billion as of 2017)—or to compute n! for large values of n. The Java libraries contain a built-in class called BigInteger to handle arbitrarily large integers. In this problem, you will write your own class called BigInt that has a subset of the functionality of the built-in Java class. Representing integers using an array of digits Each BigInt object will use an arrays of integers, where each element of the array represents a single digit of the integer. We will design the class to handle non-negative integers with up to 20 digits, and thus the array will have a length of 20. For example, the integer 57431 would be represented using this array: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 7, 4, 3, 1}
Note that: Each element of the array is a single digit (i.e., an integer from 0-9). The last element of the array represents the least significant digit of the integer (i.e., the rightmost digit). The first non-zero element (if there is one) represents the most significant digit of the integer. (The one exception is when we are representing 0 itself. Its most significant digit is the same as its least significant digit, and it is a zero!) The remaining elements are leading zeros that are not significant digits. As another example, the integer for 7.53 billion would be represented using the array {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Task 0: Download and review our starter code Begin by downloading the following starter file: Open this file in your IDE and review its contents. We have given you: a class constant called SIZE that represents the largest number of digits that a BigInt object can have. It will be used when constructing the array of digits. a field called digits, which holds a reference to the array of integers in which the digits are stored a field called numSigDigits, which stores the number of significant digits in the integer. This is the same as the number of digits in the integer when it is written without leading zeroes. For example, in a BigInt for the integer 57431, numSigDigits should be 5. a default constructor (i.e., one that takes no arguments); it creates a BigInt object representing the number 0. a set of tests in the body of a main method. At the moment, these tests are commented out, but you should gradually uncomment them and run them as you add functionality to the class. Important guidelines You may not add any additional fields to the BigInt class. You may not use any variables of type long, any of Java’s built-in classes for numbers (Long, BigInteger, etc.), or any of Java’s built-in collection classes (e.g., ArrayList). Task 1: Add your first additional constructor Add an additional constructor with the following header: public BigInt(int[] arr)
It should use the contents of the array that is passed in as the basis of the new BigInt object. For example, we should be able to create a BigInt for 57431 as follows: int[] arr = {5, 7, 4, 3, 1};
BigInt val = new BigInt(arr);
Suggested approach: Validate the array that is passed in, which can have any length between 0 and SIZE. If the parameter is null, if the length of the array is greater than SIZE, or if any of the elements of the array don’t make sense as digits, you should throw an IllegalArgumentException. Note: You may want to consider writing a private helper method that helps you to validate the input array, although doing so is not required. More generally, we encourage you to use a private helper method whenever doing so would help to decompose and simplify* your code and/or your logic.* Create a new digits array as we do in the original constructor, and use the input array arr to initialize the elements of the digits array and to determine the correct value for the numSigDigits field. Make sure that you don’t include non-significant leading zeroes in the value that you compute for numSigDigits. Important: Make sure that the digits field ends up referring to a new array of length SIZE. You should not make it refer to the array that is passed in. Note: You won’t be able to fully test this constructor until after you have completed the next task. Task 2: Add two methods useful for testing You should now add the following methods: an accessor method called getNumSigDigits() that returns the value of the numSigDigits field. For example, running this test code: int[] arr = {0, 0, 0, 5, 7, 4, 3, 1};
BigInt val = new BigInt(arr);
should print a value of 5. a toString() method that overrides the default toString() method (the one inherited from the Object class). It should return a string that can be used to print a BigInt object in the way that we would ordinarily write the corresponding integer—with no leading zeroes. For example, running this test code: int[] arr = {0, 0, 0, 5, 7, 4, 3, 1};
BigInt val = new BigInt(arr);
should print: 57431
Once these two methods are defined, you can—and should!—uncomment the first few tests in the main method, and run the class to confirm that you get the correct results. Task 3: Add the remaining methods You are now ready to implement the remaining methods of the class. After adding a given method, uncomment the corresponding tests in the main method to test it. public BigInt(int n) A constructor that creates a BigInt object representing the integer n. If n is negative, throw an IllegalArgumentException. (Note: You don’t need to worry about n being too big, because all non-negative int values can be represented using fewer than 20 digits!) For example, the following statements: BigInt val = new BigInt(1234567);
should produce this output: 1234567
You will need to figure out how to determine the individual digits of the int that is passed in, and we recommend that you use concrete cases to help you. For example, let’s say that you wanted to determine the individual digits of 123: What computation would allow you to determine just the units digit of 123? Once you have determined the units digit, how could you compute a new integer that includes everything but the units digit? (In the case of 123, how could you go from 123 to 12?). Doing so will allow you to continue determining the remaining digits! public int compareTo(BigInt other) This method should compare the called BigInt object to the parameter other and return: -1 if integer represented by the called object is less than the integer represented by other 0 if integer represented by the called object is equal to the integer represented by other 1 if integer represented by the called object is greater than the integer represented by other The method should not modify the original objects. If the parameter is null, throw an IllegalArgumentException. See the section on algorithms below for guidance. public BigInt add(BigInt other) This method should create and return a new BigInt object for the sum of the integers represented by the called object and other. For example: BigInt val1 = new BigInt(1111111);
BigInt val2 = new BigInt(2222);
BigInt sum = val1.add(val2);
should print: 1113333
The method should not modify the original objects. Special cases: If the parameter is null, throw an IllegalArgumentException. If the result overflows—i.e., if it requires more than SIZE digits—you should throw an ArithmeticException (not an IllegalArgumentException). See the section on algorithms below for guidance. public BigInt mul(BigInt other) This method should create and return a new BigInt object for the product of the integers represented by the called object and other. For example: BigInt val1 = new BigInt(11111);
BigInt val2 = new BigInt(23);
BigInt product = val1.mul(val2);
should print: 255553
Here again, the method should not modify the original objects, and you should throw an IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is null and an ArithmeticException if the result overflows. See the section on algorithms below for guidance. Algorithms The algorithms for manipulating these big integers are simply computational versions of the procedures that we would use to add, compare, or multiply integers “on paper”. For example, to add two arrays of digits, we must go from right to left (i.e. least significant digit to most significant digit) adding the digits and keeping track of the carry. For example, to add 57339 to 4598, the process looks something like this: carry: 1 0 1 1
... 0 | 5 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 9 |
... 0 | 0 | 4 | 5 | 9 | 8 |
sum: ... 0 | 6 | 1 | 9 | 3 | 7 |
Note that addition will result in overflow (creating a number with more than 20 digits) if you need to add the digits in position 0 of the two arrays and if their sum plus any incoming carry value produces a value that is greater than or equal to 10. We encourage you to: Go through a similar analysis using concrete cases to determine the algorithms for comparing and multiplying BigInt objects. Consider how you could use the numSigDigits field to assist you in the execution of your algorithms. For the sake of efficiency, consider writing a private helper method that checks if a BigInt object represents the number 0 or 1. If you know that one of the operands in a multiplication or addition expression is zero, how would that help you? If you know that one of the operands in a multiplication expression is one, how would that help you? Submitting Your Work Submission Checklist: You have read the Java Style Guide (linked on Course page)and followed all guidelines regarding format, layout, spaces, blank lines, and comments; ensured that the signature of the methods specified in the assignment have not been changed. You have verified that your programs satisfy all the performance tests in the templates; Submitting your work for Part I Submit your ps3_partI.pdf file using these steps: If you still need to create a PDF file, open your file on Google Drive, choose File->Download as->PDF document, and save the PDF file on your machine. Click on the name of the assignment in the list of assignments on Gradescope. You should see a pop-up window labeled Submit Assignment. (If you don’t see it, click the Submit or Resubmit button at the bottom of the page.) Choose the Submit PDF option, and then click the Select PDF button and find the PDF file that you created. Then click the Upload PDF button. You should see a question outline along with thumbnails of the pages from your uploaded PDF. For each question in the outline: Click the title of the question. Click the page(s) on which your work for that question can be found. As you do so, click on the magnifying glass icon for each page and doublecheck that the pages that you see contain the work that you want us to grade. Once you have assigned pages to all of the questions in the question outline, click the Submit button in the lower-right corner of the window. You should see a box saying that your submission was successful. Submitting your work for Part II You should submit only the following files: Here are the steps: Click on the name of the assignment in the list of assignments. You should see a pop-up window with a box labeled DRAG & DROP. (If you don’t see it, click the Submit or Resubmit button at the bottom of the page.) Add your files to the box labeled DRAG & DROP. You can either drag and drop the files from their folder into the box, or you can click on the box itself and browse for the files. Click the Upload button. You should see a box saying that your submission was successful. Click the (x) button to close that box. The autograder will perform some tests on your files. Once it is done, check the results to ensure that the tests were passed. If one or more of the tests did not pass, the name of that test will be in red, and there should be a message describing the failure. Based on those messages, make any necessary changes. Feel free to ask a staff member for help. Note: You will not see a complete Autograder score when you submit. That is because additional tests for at least some of the problems will be run later, after the final deadline for the submission has passed. For such problems, it is important to realize that passing all of the initial tests does not necessarily mean that you will ultimately get full credit on the problem. You should always run your own tests to convince yourself that the logic of your solutions is correct. If needed, use the Resubmit button at the bottom of the page to resubmit your work. Important: Every time that you make a submission, you should submit all of the files for that Gradescope assignment, even if some of them have not changed since your last submission. Near the top of the page, click on the box labeled Code. Then click on the name of each file to view its contents. Check to make sure that the files contain the code that you want us to grade. Important It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct version of every file is on Gradescope before the final deadline. We will not accept any file after the submission window for a given assignment has closed, so please check your submissions carefully using the steps outlined above. Make sure to use these exact file names as specified or we will not be able to find your files and grade them. Make sure that you do not try to submit a .class file or a file with a ~ character at the end of its name. If you make any last-minute changes to one of your Java files (e.g., adding additional comments), you should compile and run the file after you make the changes to ensure that it still runs correctly. Even seemingly minor changes can cause your code to become unrunnable. If we are not able to compile your program, you will not receive any credit for that problem submission. Last modified on January 21, 2021.