Computer Laboratory – Course pages 2014–15: ML Practical Classes Skip to content | Access key help Search Advanced search A–Z Contact us Computer Laboratory Computer Laboratory Teaching Courses 2014–15 ML Practical Classes Computer Fundamentals Digital Electronics Discrete Mathematics Foundations of Computer Science Hardware Practical Classes ML Practical Classes Object-Oriented Programming Programming in Java Registration Algorithms Operating Systems Further Java Briefing Numerical Methods Software and Interface Design Course pages 2014–15 ML Practical Classes Course materials Getting Access to ML at Home Principal lecturer: Prof Larry Paulson Taken by: Part IA CST, Part IA NST, Part I PBS Course Handouts and Information In each of the practical slots there will be demonstrators available to assist with the tick exercises. Students should aim to do one tick per week completely within their allocated two hour slot (i.e. without having to work outside the Computer Lab). However, all of the exercises are available below, and students are free to do the work wherever they choose and in their own time (it will still be necessary to sign up for a ticking slot for each tick). Computer scientists must do all of the unstarred ticks (1-5 inclusive). Natural scientists and PBS students must do the first four unstarred ticks (1-4 inclusive). Starred ticks (1*, 2*,...) are strictly optional and only there to challenge those who find the unstarred variant easy. They do not count for the exam. ML exercises 1–5 Practical Group Timings and Allocations Please see the Registration session pages Tick sign up sheets (Lent Week 1) CST/NST/PBS (Java tick 2+) Java Session A: Java Session B: CST only (ML Tick 5) Please note that the slots for the third ticker will be released nearer the day if there is demand ML Session A: ML Session B: © 2015 Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge Information provided by Prof Larry Paulson