Computer Laboratory – Course pages 2016–17: Databases – Course materials Skip to content | Access key help Search Advanced search A–Z Contact us Computer Laboratory Computer Laboratory Teaching Courses 2016–17 Databases Course materials Preparation for Computer Science Databases Digital Electronics Discrete Mathematics Foundations of Computer Science Graphics Hardware Practical Classes ML Practical Classes Object-Oriented Programming Registration Algorithms Machine Learning and Real-world Data Operating Systems Further Java Briefing Interaction Design Numerical Methods Software and Security Engineering Course pages 2016–17 Databases Syllabus Course materials Information for supervisors Last change: Wed Mar 15 11:01:09 GMT 2017 Revision guide Since the syllabus has changed this year, many of the Past exam questions are no longer relevant. Topics that are no longer covered include functional dependencies and normal forms. For example, there is no need to revise for questions such as y2016p4q5. However, many other questions are still relevant. In particular those related to ER data modelling, implementing ER models in a relational database, and the balance between read-optimised representations of data and update-optimised representations of data. So one could imagine questions similar to y2016p4q6 or y2014p4q5. Of course there may be questions related to topics that are new to the syllabus, such as graph-oriented databases and document-oriented database. Although there are no past questions I have exposed the solutions to suggested supervisions and practical work to aid in your revision. Lecture notes One slide per page: Databases_1B_2017.pdf Two slides per page: Databases_1B_2017_2up.pdf Contest submissions (finding interesting things in Movie DB) craig.JPG Results.pdf Suggested supervisions supervision 1. solution notes supervision 2. solution notes supervision 3. solution notes Drop-in help sessions in the Intel Lab NOTE: this was updated on 8 October and Monday sessions were dropped The drop-in sessions are available to help you with your practical work. You are not required to attend these sessions. But you will find them useful, especially if you are having trouble getting the database systems (see below) installed or running. Exercise 1 ("Tick 1") Set 13 Oct Help session, Wed 19 Oct, 2-4pm Due 21 Oct Exercise 2 ("Tick 2") Set 20 Oct Help session, Wed 26 Oct, 2-4pm Due 28 Oct Exercise 3 ("Tick 3") Set 27 Oct Help session, Wed 2 Nov, 2-4pm Due 4 Nov Due to University regulations, we cannot automatically register all submitted work as completed. We will select subgroups of students to verify their work to a "ticker" during a five minute slots scheduled on these days: Tick 1 session, Wed 26 Oct, 2-4pm Tick 2 session, Wed 2 Nov, 2-4pm Tick 3 session, Wed 9 Nov, 2-4pm Practical work Relational Getting started The database system: relational-db.jar Data sets Small database (858.2 kB) : Large database (657.4 MB): Relational exercises (Tick 1) Your solutions are to be submitted using Moodle. Solutions Graph-oriented Getting started The database system: graph-db.jar Data sets Small database (1.1 MB) : Large database (581.3 MB): Neo4j exercises (Tick 2) Your solutions are to be submitted using Moodle. Solutions Document-oriented Getting started The database system: document-db.jar The Java API : moviedb-javadocs Data sets Small database : Large database : Tick 3 Your solutions are to be submitted using Moodle. Solutions Nothing below is examinable! Some open source relational database systems HyperSQL : Postgres : MySQL : SQLite : A few "NoSQL" pointers NoSQL Movement : A list of NoSQL database systems : Berkeley DB : Graph Databases : Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales Further reading Tarkski's 1941 paper "On the Calculus of Relations". A short biography of Alfred Tarski Codd's original 1970 paper describing the relational model (reprinted here in 1983). A short biography of Edgar Codd Chen's original 1976 paper on Enitity-Relationship models. A short biography of Peter Chen Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab, and Sub-Totals © 2017 Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge Information provided by Dr Timothy Griffin