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Entire Teach the Earth Portal Activities Exemplary Activities Course Descriptions and Syllabi People ⋮⋮⋮ × Like Share Tweet Email Teach the Earth > Early Career > Early Career 2022 > Poster Upload Poster Upload Please use this form to upload photos of your posters, if you are willing to share them with this year's Early Career workshop participants or with the world at large. Thanks! Name: Click here to upload your teaching poster photo. Hide All uploaded files are public unless you are in a private workspace Title: A descriptive, human readable title. e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment' Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below Description: A very brief description of the file. 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More Information about reuse and choosing a license Hide Distributing information on the web generally requires the permission of the copyright holder--usually the original creator. Providing the information we request here will help visitors to this site understand the ways in which they may (legally) use what they find. If you created this file (and haven't signed away your copyright) then we'd encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. You'll retain the copyright to your file and can do as you please with it in the future. Through this choice you are also explicitly allowing others to reuse that file as long as they give you attribution, and don't use it for commercial purposes. If the file (or content within it) was created by others you'll need their permission. If it predates 1923 or was created by a U.S federal employee (as part of their job) it is likely in the public domain (and we can all do as we choose with it). The original author may also have explicitly stated how it may be reused (e.g. through a creative commons license). You can describe the licensing/reuse situation in the box above. Without permission you should not upload the file. There are several options in this case: You can contact the original author to get permission. You can provide a link to (or a description of how to get) the original material rather than uploading it here. You can find a substitute that isn't encumbered by copyright. You can create a substitute yourself. Remember, ideas can't be copyrighted, only particular expressions of those ideas. Of course you'll want to give credit the original author. The Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center has more good information about copyright as it applies to academic settings. Please let us know with whom you are willing to share your research/scholarly activity poster: This year's Early Career workshop participants Everyone on the internet Name Email Early Career Finding Your Balance Efficient, Effective Teaching Developing a Research Program Getting Tenure International Faculty Early Career 2022 Overview Logistics COVID19 Policy Program Participants Participant Checklist NSF visit Proposal Summary Instructions Share your Wisdom Previous Workshops Workshop Leader Profiles Bookshelf Career Development resources from across Teach the Earth » Career Development resources from Teach the Earth include: Early Career Geoscience Faculty from On the Cutting Edge Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences from On the Cutting Edge Effective Strategies for Undergraduate Geoscience Teaching from On the Cutting Edge Specialized collections including The National Institute for Faculty Equity or search All Career Development related materials from across Teach the Earth Advertisement Career Development resources from across Teach the Earth » Career Development resources from Teach the Earth include: Early Career Geoscience Faculty from On the Cutting Edge Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences from On the Cutting Edge Effective Strategies for Undergraduate Geoscience Teaching from On the Cutting Edge Specialized collections including The National Institute for Faculty Equity or search All Career Development related materials from across Teach the Earth News, Events, Workshops and Webinars from Teach the Earth Learn More » Check out our Schedule of Upcoming Workshops and Webinars All News Items Apply Now for Virtual Workshops: Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB Applications are now open for Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB virtual workshops. 2022 Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum The 6th Biennial Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum (SGTF) will be hosted this June at Bowdoin College. The SGT Forum consists of 3 days of plenary sessions (including an all-conference field trip to some of the spectacular coastal exposures of mid-coast Maine); optional field trips and workshops are being offered pre- and post-conference. Workshop on Bringing Geophysics to Introductory Science Courses: Using IGUaNA Modules in Your Classroom We invite faculty to participate in an upcoming, fully-funded workshop, with both classroom and field components, focusing on using the IGUaNA curriculum modules in introductory level courses. These materials feature urban environmental, engineering, and forensic questions that can be answered using near-surface geophysics. Stipends available for new BCEENET CURE Implementer Fellows! Are you interested in learning how to incorporate natural history collections data into a course-based undergraduate research project? We will be supporting 10 new BCEENET CURE Implementer Fellows during the 2022-2023 academic year with a stipend of $1000 each. Apply today! Launching the Midwest Climate Education Community of Practice Join the new Midwest Climate Education Community of Practice by signing up for community meetings this February through April. × × GSA supports On the Cutting Edge The mission of The Geological Society of America is to advance geoscience research and discovery, service to society, stewardship of Earth, and the geosciences profession. We support geoscience education at every level. Join us at × Value this site? Help us ensure its future. The On the Cutting Edge website and workshop program are supported by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT). Join today and your membership will help ensure that this site can continue to serve geoscience educators. Join NAGT today × Your NAGT membership helps make this site possible. Thank you! The On the Cutting Edge website and workshop program are supported by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT). Your membership is helping to ensure that this site can continue to serve geoscience educators. About About this Site Accessibility Printing Privacy Feedback Reuse Citing and Terms of Use Material on this page is offered under a Creative Commons license unless otherwise noted below. Show terms of use for text on this page » Page Text A standard license applies as described above. Click More Information below. Show terms of use for media on this page » Images None found in this page Files None found in this page More information Last Modified: June 23, 2022 Short URL: What's This?