2 01 6 –1 7 P R O G R A M S O F S T U D Y 96 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Biomedical Concentration (ENBI), Chemical Concentration (ENCH) Chem-Biology Concentration (ENBC), Civil Concentration (ENCI) Computer Concentration (ENCM), Electrical Concentration (ENEL) Industrial Concentration (ENIN), Mechanical Concentration (ENME) Ocean Concentration (ENOC) Associate in Science Degree in Engineering (ASE_ENGN) Knight Campus, Warwick only Successful completion of this program enables qualified students to transfer to an accredited engineering curriculum and apply most credits to a Bachelor of Science degree in engineer- ing. This program provides a firm background in basic engineering principles. The curriculum includes a strong foundation in mathematics, the basic sciences and engineering fundamentals, as well as a good portion of liberal arts courses required by most Bachelor of Science degrees. Entrance to the program requires a mathematics placement examination at a pre-calculus level (student is ready to take CCRI Calculus I, MATH 1910) or the completion of CCRI Pre-calculus (MATH 1900). It is recommended that all applicants take the mathematics placement examination prior to the summer session. For courses to transfer to accredited engineering programs, it is important that students adhere to the required prerequisites and corequisites. When in doubt, refer to the course descriptions. Although most courses apply to the curriculum of many B.S. in engineering programs, the course sequences and schedules listed on the following pages will allow students to apply their studies toward one of nine University of Rhode Island engineering programs. These course sequences are for full-time day students, allowing them to complete the Associate in Science degree requirements at CCRI in four semesters and transfer to the University of Rhode Island as a junior. For the first semester, all engineering students take all the same courses. In all other semesters, the required courses will depend upon the desired engineering program. For most engineering programs, students are required to take courses only offered by URI. For CCRI students taking 12 or more credits, up to seven of these credits can be taken per semester at URI under the inter-institutional agreement at no additional cost. (See description of the agree- ment on page 31 of the catalog.) Note: Many courses require prerequisites, corequisites and/or testing. See course descrip- tions at the back of the catalog for detail RECOMMENDED COURSE SEQUENCE: Biomedical concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: BIOL 1300; ENGR 2150, 2151, 2160; MATH 1920; CHE 124 (URI) Third semester: BIOL 1010; ECON 2030; ENGR 2320; MATH 2910; BME 281 (URI) Fourth semester: BIOL 1020; ENGR 2620, 2621; MATH 2990; Humanities OR Social Science Elective; BME 207 (URI) Chemical concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: CHEM 1100; ENGR 2150, 2151, 2160; MATH 1920 Third semester: CHEM 2270; ECON 2030; MATH 2910; CHE 212 (URI) Fourth semester: CHEM 2280; MATH 2990; Humanities OR Social Science Elective; CHE 272, 313, 332 (URI) Chem-Biology concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: BIOL 1002; CHEM 1100; ECON 2030; ENGR 2160; MATH 1920 Third semester: CHEM 2270; MATH 2910; Humanities OR Social Science Elective; CHE 212 (URI) Fourth semester: BIOL 2480; MATH 2990; CHE 272, 313, 332 (URI) Civil concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: ECON 2030; ENGR 2150, 2151, 2160; MATH 1920; General Education Elective Third semester: ENGR 2050; GEOL 1010; MATH 2910; CVE 205 (URI); ELE 220 (URI) Fourth semester: ENGR 2060, 2540; MATH 2990; Humanities OR Social Science Elective; CSC 212 (URI) (Recommended course sequence continued on next page) 2 016 –17 P R O G R A M S O F S T U D Y 97 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ENBI), (ENCH), (ENBC), (ENCI), (ENCM), (ENEL), (ENIN), (ENME) and (ENOC) Associate in Science Degree in Engineering (ASE_ENGN) (continued) Computer concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: ECON 2030; ENGR 2150, 2151, 2160; MATH 1920 Third semester: COMI 1510; ENGR 2320, 2520; MATH 2910; General Education Elective Fourth semester: ENGR 2620, 2621; MATH 2990; Humanities OR Social Science Elective; CSC 212 (URI) Electrical concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: ENGR 2150, 2151, 2160; MATH 1510, 1920 Third semester: ECON 2030; ENGR 2320; MATH 2910; PHYS 2110, 2111 Fourth semester: ENGR 2520, 2620, 2621; MATH 2990; Humanities OR Social Science Elective Industrial or Mechanical concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: ECON 2030; ENGR 2150, 2151, 2160; MATH 1920 Third semester: ENGR 1030, 2050; MATH 2910; PHYS 2110, 2111; ISE 240, 241 (URI) Fourth semester: ENGR 2060, 2540, 2620; MATH 2990; Humanities OR Social Science Elective; ISE 220 (URI) Ocean concentration First semester: CHEM 1030; ENGL 1010; ENGR 1020; MATH 1910; PHYS 1100 Second semester: ECON 2030; ENGR 2150, 2151, 2160; MATH 1920; OCE 101 (URI) Third semester: ENGR 2050; MATH 2910; PHYS 2110, 2111; OCE 205 (URI) Fourth semester: ENGR 2060, 2540; MATH 2990; Humanities OR Social Science Elective; OCE 206 (URI) General Education Requirements COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — CHEM 1030 General Chemistry 5 — ECON 2030 Principles of Microeconomics 3 — ENGL 1010 Composition I 3 — MATH 1910 Calculus I 4 — MATH 1920 Calculus II 4 — MATH 2910 Calculus III 4 — MATH 2990 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 4 — PHYS 1100 Engineering Physics 4 — Humanities OR See page 22 for complete list of courses 3 — Social Science Elective that fulfill the HUMN or SSCI attribute. Total General Education Credits 34 Core Requirements (common to all concentrations) — ENGR 1020 Introduction to Engineering and Technology 3 — ENGR 2160 Introduction to Engineering Analysis 2 Total Core Credits 5 Total Concentrations Credits (See following pages.) 24–31 Total Program Credits 63–70 2 01 6 –1 7 P R O G R A M S O F S T U D Y 98 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ENBI), (ENCH), (ENBC), (ENCI), (ENCM), (ENEL), (ENIN), (ENME) and (ENOC) Associate in Science Degree in Engineering (ASE_ENGN) (continued) Chem-Biology (ENBC) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — BIOL 1002 Introductory Biology: Cellular 4 — BIOL 2480 General Microbiology 4 — CHEM 1100 General Chemistry II 5 — CHEM 2270 Organic Chemistry I 3 — CHE 212 (URI) Chemical Process Calculations 3 — CHE 272 (URI) Introduction to Chemical Engineering Calculations 3 — CHE 313 (URI) Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 — CHE 332 (URI) Physical Metallurgy 3 — General Education See page 22 for complete listing of courses 3 Elective that meet this requirement. Total Chem-Biology Track Credits 31 Total Program Credits 70 Civil (ENCI) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — ENGR 2050 Engineering Mechanics – Statics 3 — ENGR 2060 Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics 3 — ENGR 2150 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 — ENGR 2151 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab 1 — ENGR 2540 Mechanics of Materials for Engineering 3 — GEOL 1010 General Geology 4 — CVE 205 (URI) Introduction to Civil Engineering Tools 2 — CVE 230 (URI) Mechanics of Materials Lab 1 — ELE 220 (URI) Passive and Active Circuits 3 — General Education See page 22 for complete listing of courses 3 Elective that meet this requirement. Total Civil Track Credits 26 Total Program Credits 65 Choose one concentration option to complete requirements. Biomedical (ENBI) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — BIOL 1010 Human Anatomy 4 — BIOL 1020 Human Physiology 4 — BIOL 1300 Orientation to Biotechnology 1 — ENGR 2150 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 — ENGR 2151 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab 1 — ENGR 2320 Digital Electronics 4 — ENGR 2620 Linear Electrical Systems and 3 Circuit Theory for Engineers — ENGR 2621 Linear Circuits Lab 2 — BME 207 (URI) Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 3 — BME 281 (URI) Biomedical Engineering Seminar II 1 — CHM 124 (URI) Introduction to Organic Chemistry 3 Total Biomedical Concentration Credits 29 Total Program Credits 68 Chemical (ENCH) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — CHEM 1100 General Chemistry II 5 — CHEM 2270 Organic Chemistry I 3 — CHEM 2280 Organic Chemistry II 3 — ENGR 2150 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 — ENGR 2151 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab 1 — CHE 212(URI) Chemical Process Calculations 3 — CHE 272 (URI) Introduction to Chemical Engineering Calculations 3 — CHE 313 (URI) Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 — CHE 332 (URI) Physical Metallurgy 3 Total Chemical Concentration Credits 27 Total Program Credits 66 2 016 –17 P R O G R A M S O F S T U D Y 99 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (ENBI), (ENCH), (ENBC), (ENCI), (ENCM), (ENEL), (ENIN), (ENME) and (ENOC) Associate in Science Degree in Engineering (ASE_ENGN) (continued) Industrial (ENIN) or Mechanical (ENME) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — ENGR 1030 Engineering Graphics 3 — ENGR 2050 Engineering Mechanics – Statics 3 — ENGR 2060 Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics 3 — ENGR 2150 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 — ENGR 2151 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab 1 — ENGR 2540 Mechanics of Materials for Engineering 3 — ENGR 2620 Linear Electrical Systems and 3 Circuit Theory for Engineers — PHYS 2110 Topics in Acoustics, Optics and Thermodynamics 3 — PHYS 2111 Introduction to Acoustics and Optics Laboratory I 1 — ISE 220 (URI) Industrial and Systems Engineering Seminar 1 — ISE 240 (URI) Manufacturing Processes and Systems 3 — ISE 241 (URI) Manufacturing Processes and Systems Lab 1 Total Industrial or Mechanical Concentration Credits 28 Total Program Credits 67 Ocean (ENOC) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — ENGR 2050 Engineering Mechanics – Statics 3 — ENGR 2060 Engineering Mechanics – Dynamics 3 — ENGR 2150 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 — ENGR 2151 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab 1 — ENGR 2540 Mechanics of Materials for Engineering 3 — PHYS 2110 Topics in Acoustics, Optics and Thermodynamics 3 — PHYS 2111 Introduction to Acoustics and Optics Laboratory I 1 — OCE 101 (URI) Introduction to Ocean Engineering 1 — OCE 205 (URI) Ocean Engineering Design Tools 4 — OCE 206 (URI) Ocean Instruments 4 Total Ocean Concentration Credits 26 Total Program Credits 65 Choose one concentration option to complete requirements. Computer (ENCM) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — COMI 1510 Java Programming 3 — ENGR 2150 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 — ENGR 2151 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab 1 — ENGR 2320 Digital Electronics 4 — ENGR 2520 Microprocessor and Microcomputers 4 — ENGR 2620 Linear Electrical Systems and 3 Circuit Theory for Engineers — ENGR 2621 Linear Circuits Lab 2 — CSC 212 (URI) Data Structures and Abstractions 4 — General Education See page 22 for complete listing of courses 3 Elective that meet this requirement. Total Computer Concentration Credits 27 Total Program Credits 66 Electrical (ENEL) COURSE NO. COURSE TITLE CREDITS — ENGR 2150 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 — ENGR 2151 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab 1 — ENGR 2320 Digital Electronics 4 — ENGR 2520 Microprocessor and Microcomputers 4 — ENGR 2620 Linear Electrical Systems and 3 Circuit Theory for Engineers — ENGR 2621 Linear Circuits Lab 2 — MATH 1510 Scientific Programming 3 — PHYS 2110 Topics in Acoustics, Optics and Thermodynamics 3 — PHYS 2111 Introduction to Acoustics and 1 Optics Laboratory I Total Electrical Concentration Credits 24 Total Program Credits 63