Page 1 of 19 City College of San Francisco Summary of Transfer Curricular Changes 2020-2021 LEGEND PREFIX; #= Course Number; TITLE= Course title or title change; NEW= New course; REV= Revised Courses that have undergone substantive changes; DEL= Deletion; UNITS/UNIT CHANGES= Unit value or change in units; UC=UC transferable--- Indicate UC transfer status by placing an A for approved courses and a P for courses pending; COMMENTS/PREFIX/PREREQUISITE CHANGE= Include brief comments or note discipline code changes; EFFECTIVE DATE= Date course first offered on campus or placed in catalog—whichever is earlier PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE ADMJ 55 Administration of Justice and the LGBTQ+ Community X 3 F 21 9/9/20 AUTO 180 Reflashing and Factory Scantools for Technicians X 3 F 21 11/4/20 BIO 118B Introduction to Entomology X 3 A F 21 9/23/20 CNIT 133I JavaScript for IoT and XR X 3 F 21 10/7/20 CNIT 170 Introduction to Cloud Computing X 3 F 21 10/7/20 CNIT 182 Hacking and Securing Automotive Systems X 3 F 21 10/7/20 CNIT 216 Internet of Things Security X 3 F 21 10/7/20 12/9/20 CVT 410A Echocardiography Professional Practice X 3 Sp 22 4/7/21 CVT 410B Echocardiography Professional Experience X 9 Sp 22 4/7/21 DANC 34B* Dance Conditioning Level II X 1 A Sp 22 2/3/21 ENGL 48W Cannabis in Literature X 3 A Sp 22 3/3/21 ENGL 62 Video Games and Literature X 3 A Sp 22 3/17/21 HCT 82A Professional Practice Preparation and Certification X 2 Su 21 9/9/20 HCT 82B Professional Practice Internship X 3 Su 21 9/9/20 HCT 110 Health Unit Coordinator X 4 Su 21 9/9/20 HLTH 80L Interpreting Lab I X 0.5 F 21 10/7/20 HLTH 81L Interpreting Lab II X 0.5 F 21 10/7/20 HLTH 80C Interpreting in Healthcare I X 6 Sp 22 3/17/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 1 of 19 Page 2 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE (Course number correction of fall approval of 80) HLTH 81C Interpreting in Healthcare II (Course number correction of fall approval of 81) X 6 Sp 22 3/17/21 LIBR 58 Special Libraries and Information Centers X 3 Sp 22 3/3/21 MABS 55 Microsoft Office and QuickBooks Prep X 2 F 21 10/21/20 MABS 412 Mobile Apps for Business X 3 F 21 10/7/20 MATH 108 Foundations of Data Science X 5 A ^CCSF Math Grad Req F 21 9/9/20 MATH 98 PreCalculus & Trigonometry X 7 A ^CCSF Math Grad Req F 21 9/23/20 PE 225A* Introduction to Pilates X 1 A Sp 22 2/3/21 PHOT 102E Capture One Pro X 2 Su 21 9/23/20 PHST 50 Filipinx LGBTQ+ Identities and Culture X 3 A Sp 22 3/3/21 PHTC 104B Pharmacy Technician Externship X 4 Sp 22 3/17/21 PHTC 104A Pharmacy Technician Clinical Preparation X 5 Sp 22 3/17/21 POLS 15 Introduction to Public Policy X 3 A F 21 10/21/20 VOCN 23B Professional Practice Clinical Experience X 1.5 F 21 11/4/20 VOCN 25B Professional Practice Clinical Practice Experience X 1.5 Sp 22 4/7/21 VOCN 25A Professional Practice Preparation and Certification X 2 Sp 22 4/7/21 VOCN 23A Professional Practice Preparation and Certification X 4.5 F 21 11/4/20 AAPS 103 Orientation to College Transfer X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 ADMJ 88 Law Enforcement and the Media X 0.50 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 ADMJ 100 Emergency Vehicle Operation X 0.50 Course Revision: Repeatability from ‘not repeatable’ to ‘As needed’, and outline update Chair Approved F 21 10/21/20 ADMJ 109 Booking and Detention X 0.50 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 ADMJ 92 Instructor Development X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 2 of 19 Page 3 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE ‘Not Repeatable’ to ‘Repeatability Frequency As allowed - As allowed by Title 5 provisions’ ADMJ 63 Fingerprints X 3 Outline update *F 22 3/17/21 ADMJ 69 Crime Scene Documentation X 3 Outline update *F 22 3/17/21 AFAM 55 From Funk to Hip Hop X 3 Sp 22 4/7/21 AFAM 30 African American Consciousness X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 (expedited for CSU Area F resubmission) AFAM 40 The Black Experience in California X Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 (expedited for CSU Area F resubmission) 3 AFAM 60 African American Women in the U.S. (expedited X Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 for CSU Area F resubmission) 3 AMSL 1A Elementary American Sign Language X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 12/9/20 AMSL 1B Elementary American Sign Language X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 12/9/20 ANTH 1L Biological Anthropology Lab X 1 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 ANTH 2 Archaeology and Prehistory X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/25/20 ANTH 3C Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: Focus on X 3 Course Revision: Title to Sp 22 3/17/21 American Cultures ‘Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: Focus on U.S. Cultures’, and outline update ARCH 120 Fundamentals of Building Construction X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 ARCH 127 Fundamentals of Building Structures X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 ARCH 218 Fundamentals of Rhino 3D X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 ARCH 103 Architecture Design Studio 3 X 3 Course Revision: Title to Sp 22 2/3/21 ‘Architecture Design Studio III’, and outline update ART 152A Beginning Screen Printing X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/9/20 ART 152B Intermediate Screen Printing X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/9/20 ART 160D Ceramics Studio X 3 Outline update *Su 21 9/9/20 ART 103 History of Modern Art X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 ART 146B Intermediate Chinese Brush Painting X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/25/20 ART 146C Advanced Chinese Brush Painting X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/25/20 ART 146D Chinese Brush Painting Mastery X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/25/20 ART 146A Beginning Chinese Brush Painting X 3 Outline update F 21 11/25/20 ART 185 Art Career/Transfer Portfolio Prep X 3 Outline update *F 22 3/3/21 ART 123V Renaissance Art at the Legion X 3 Outline update *F 22 3/3/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 3 of 19 Page 4 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE ART 101 Western Art History X 3 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Western Art History I’, and outline update Sp 22 4/7/21 ART 102 Western Art History X 3 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Western Art History II’, and outline update Sp 22 4/7/21 ART 150A Beginning Intaglio & Relief Printmaking X 3 Outline update *F 22 5/5/21 ART 150B Intermediate Intaglio & Relief Printmaking X 3 Outline update *F 22 5/5/21 ART 150C Advanced Intaglio & Relief Printmaking X 3 Outline update *F 22 5/5/21 ART 150D Printmaking Special Topics X 3 Outline update *F 22 5/5/21 ASAM 20 Asian American Experience Since 1820 (expedited for CSU Area F resubmission) X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 ASAM 27 Asian American Race Relations (expedited for CSU Area F resubmission) X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 ASAM 40 Chinese American Community (expedited for CSU Area F resubmission) X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 BCST 141 Field Video Production X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 BCST 148 HDTV Studio Production X 4 Course Revision: Title change to 'Intermediate Studio Video Production’, and outline update Sp 22 4/21/21 BCST 149 HDTV Field Production X 4 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Intermediate Field Video Production’ and outline update F 22 4/21/21 BCST 125A Beginning Sound Recording X 5 to 4 Course Revision: Unit from ‘5’ to ‘4’, and outline update F 21 10/7/20 BCST 125B Intermediate Sound Recording Studio X 5 to 4 Course Revision: Unit from ‘5’ to ‘4’, and outline update F 21 10/7/20 BIM 120 Revit Architecture I X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/17/21 BIO 121 Sanitation Principles and Practices X 2 Course Revision: Title to ‘Principles of Food Safety’, and outline update Su 21 8/26/20 BIO 120 Introduction to Microbiology X 4 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 BSEN 70 Grammar and Writing Essentials for Business X 5 to 3 Course Revision: Unit from ‘5’ to ‘3’, and outline update. F 21 9/23/20 BTEC 22 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 C S 111B Programming Fundamentals: Java X 4 Outline update *F 21 9/9/20 CAHS 209 Food Business Entrepreneurship X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 CAHS 100 Introduction to Hospitality X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 CAHS 246 Special Occasion Cooking X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/25/20 Updated 8/27/21 Page 4 of 19 Page 5 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE CAHS 208 Intro to Event and Meeting Planning X 4 to 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Meetings, Conventions & Special Events’, unit from ‘4’ to ‘3’, and outline update F 21 9/23/20 CAHS 30A Restaurant Operations X 4.50 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Restaurant Operations: Front of House, Fine Dining’, and outline update F 22 5/5/21 CAHS 30B Restaurant Operations X 4.50 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Restaurant Operations: Cafeteria & Quick Service’, and outline update F 22 5/5/21 CAHS 10A Culinary Fundamentals I X 5 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Culinary Fundamentals: Intro to Food Prep’, and outline update F 22 5/5/21 CAHS 10B Culinary Fundamentals I X 5 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Culinary Fundamentals: Baking and Pastry’, and outline update F 22 5/5/21 CDEV 105 Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Care and Education X 2 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 See also 1/20/21 Minutes CDEV 105 Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Care and Education X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 CDEV 66 Introduction to Early Childhood Curriculum X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 CDEV 87 Promoting Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 CDEV 85 Relationship-based Infant/Toddler Care X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 5/5/21 CHIN 30A Advanced Intermediate Chinese X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Mid- Intermediate Chinese’, and outline update F 21 10/21/20 CHIN 30B Continuation of Advanced Intermediate Chinese X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Continuation of Mid-Intermediate Chinese’ F 21 10/21/20 CINE 21 Introduction to Film Studies X 3 Outline update *Su 21 8/26/20 CINE 57 Experimental Filmmaking X 3 Outline update F 21 11/25/20 CINE 25 Narrative Filmmaking X 3 Outline update *F 22 4/21/21 CINE 54 Cinematography & Lighting X 3 Outline update *F 22 4/21/21 CINE 18 American Cinema X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/5/21 CINE 126 Documentary Filmmaking X 3 Outline update *F 22 5/5/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 5 of 19 Page 6 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE CM 10 Introduction to Construction Management X *Sp 22 2/17/21 1 Outline update CNIT 105L Outline update X 1 Outline update *F 21 11/4/20 CNIT 203C Scaling Networks X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/9/20 CNIT 100M lntro to Computers Using Macintosh X 3 Outline update *Sp 21 9/9/20 CNIT 103M Apple Mac Hardware X 3 Outline update *Su 21 9/23/20 CNIT 131A XML and JSON X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 CNIT 132 Intermediate HTML and CSS X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 CNIT 125 Information Security Professional Practices X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 CNIT 129S Securing Web Applications X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 CNST 69 Construction Safety X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 CS 160B Unix/Linux Shell Scripting X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 CS 178 Build Automation for DevOps & QA X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 CS 231 Advanced Python Programming X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 CS 111C Data Structures and Algorithms: Java X 4 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 CS 280 Introduction to Parallel and Cloud Programming X 4 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 CS 110B Programming Fundamentals X 4 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 CS 110C Data Structures and Algorithms: C++ X 4 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 CS 260A Linux System Administration X 4 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 CS 270 Computer Architecture with Assembly Language X 4 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 DANC 34A Dance Conditioning X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 12/9/20 DANC 101A Dance Performance Production X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 111A Argentine Tango Production X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 129C Intermediate Jazz Dance X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 129D Advanced Jazz Dance X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 134C Intermediate Tap Dancing X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 134D Advanced Intermediate Tap Dancing X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 145A Beginning Ballroom Dance X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 145B Intermediate Ballroom Dance X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 146A Beginning Waltz Styles and Techniques X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 146B Intermediate Waltz Styles and Techniques X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 160A Beginning Argentine Tango X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 160B Intermediate Argentine Tango X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 160C Advanced Argentine Tango X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 161 Follower's Technique for Argentine Tango X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 37* Feldenkrais for Dance and Performing Arts X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 DANC 102A* Beginning CCSF Repertory Dance Company - X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 Local Theatre DANC 133A* Beginning African-Haitian Dance X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 6 of 19 Page 7 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE DANC 133B* Advanced Beginning African Haitian X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 DANC 173* Yoga Movement X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 DANC 172A* Zumba: Latin Style Dance Forms X 1 *UC (activity course, add * to Sp 22 2/3/21 catalog’) Outline update DANC 172B* Zumba: Street Style Dance Forms X 1 *UC (activity course, add * to Sp 22 2/3/21 catalog’) Outline update DANC 107A* Folk Dance Production X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/17/21 DANC 119C Intermediate Ballet X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/17/21 DANC 122 Beginning Pointe Technique X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/17/21 DANC 133C Intermediate African Haitian X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 DANC 133D Advanced African Haitian X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 DANC 110A Salsa Dance Production X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 DANC 119D Advanced Intermediate Ballet X *Sp 22 2/17/21 2 Outline update DANC 121B Intensive Ballet X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 DANC 30 Dance History - Dance in Cultural Context X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 100A Beginning Dance Composition X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 DANC 102B* CCSF Repertory Dance Company - Local and X 3 to 2 Course Revision: Title to ‘Intensive Sp 22 2/3/21 Touring CCSF Repertory Dance Company’, Unit from ‘3’ to ‘2’, and outline update DSGN 150 Color in Design X 3 *Sp 22 4/7/21 (cross-list: VMD 118 - Color in Design Outline update ECON 20 LGBT Economics X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 12/9/20 EMT 104 Advanced Skills for EMS providers X 4 Course Revision: Title to F 21 8/26/20 ‘Advanced Skills for EMS Providers’, and outline update EMT 100 Emergency Medical Technician X 8 Outline update *Sp 22 2/17/21 ENGL 22A English Support Seminar: Introduction to the X Course Revision: Title to ‘English Sp 22 3/17/21 Academic Essay Seminar: Exploration of the Academic Essay’, and outline 0.50 update ENGL 22B English Support Seminar: Thesis and Topic X Course Revision: Title to ‘English Sp 22 3/17/21 Sentence Development Seminar: Thesis and Topic 0.50 Sentences’, and outline update ENGL 22C English Support Seminar: Revising and Editing X Course Revision: Title to ‘English Sp 22 3/17/21 Seminar: Revising and Editing’, 0.50 and outline update Updated 8/27/21 Page 7 of 19 Page 8 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE ENGL 1AS English 1A Support X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 12/9/20 ENGL 55 Gay and Lesbian Literature X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Queer Su 21 9/9/20 Literature’, and outline update Course Reactivation ENGL 46A Survey of Literature in English, Part 1: Beowulf X 3 Sp 22 11/4/20 through Milton Outline update ENGL 46B Survey of Literature in English, Part 2: Late-17th X 3 Sp 22 11/4/20 through the Mid-19th Century Outline update ENGL 46C Survey of Literature in English, Part 3: Mid- X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Survey Sp 22 11/4/20 Nineteenth through the Twentieth Century of Literature in English, Part 3: Mid-19th Century to Present’ and outline update ENGL 48C Science Fiction and Fantasy X 3 Outline update *F 22 3/3/21 ENGL 48K The Bible as Literature X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 ENGL 88 College Reading and Writing X 4 Course Revision: Title change to F 21 11/4/20 ‘Preparation for College Reading (Not CSU Transferable) and Composition’ Unit change from ‘6 to 4’ and outline update (4/29/20 CC Meeting) ENGL 1A University-Parallel Reading and Composition X 4 Course Revision: Title to ‘College Sp 22 12/9/20 Reading and Composition’, and outline update ENGL 1B Writing about Literature X 4 Outline update *F 22 5/19/21 ENGN 20L Introduction to Circuit Analysis Laboratory X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 ENGN 10A Introduction to Engineering: The Profession X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 ENGN 10B Introduction to Engineering: Software Tools and X 2 *Sp 22 3/17/21 Design Outline update ENGN 38 Introduction to Programming Concepts and X *Sp 22 3/17/21 Methodologies for Engineers 3 Outline update ENGN 20 Introduction to Circuit Analysis X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 ENGN 24 Engineering Design Graphics X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 ENGN 36 Engineering Mechanics-Statics X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 ENGN 37 Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 ENGN 45 Materials Science for Engineers X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 ESL 85A Advanced Editing and Grammar Review A X Course Revision: To ‘Credit Sp 22 3/17/21 WAS Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) Course (Degree Applicable)’, and outline update 1 Updated 8/27/21 Page 8 of 19 Page 9 of 19 PREFIX ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL ESL # 85B 85C 95A 95B 95C 49 69 85 95 66 TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE Advanced Editing and Grammar Review B WAS Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) Advanced Editing and Grammar Review C WAS Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) High Advanced English Editing and Grammar Review A WAS Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) High Advanced Editing and Grammar Review B WAS Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) High Advanced Editing and Grammar Review C WAS Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) Pronunciation Accent Improvement Advanced Editing and Grammar Review Was Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) High Advanced Editing and Grammar Review Was Credit Course (Non-Degree Applicable) Advanced Listening and Reading NEW REV X X X X X X X X X X DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE Course Revision: To ‘Credit Course (Degree Applicable)’, and outline update Transferable Course Revision: To ‘Credit Course (Degree Applicable)’, and outline update Transferable Course Revision: To ‘Credit Course (Degree Applicable)’, Title to ‘High Advanced Editing and Grammar Review A’, and outline update Transferable Course Revision: To ‘Credit Course (Degree Applicable)’, and outline update Transferable Course Revision: To ‘Credit Course (Degree Applicable)’, and outline update Transferable Course Revision: Title to ‘ESL Communication – Intermediate, and outline update Course Revision: Title to ‘ESL Communication - High Intermediate’, and outline update Course Revision: To ‘Credit Course (Degree Applicable)’, and outline update Transferable Course Revision: To ‘Credit Course (Degree Applicable)’, and outline update Transferable Outline update EFFEC- TIVE DATE Sp 22 Sp 22 Sp 22 Sp 22 Sp 22 Sp 22 Sp 22 Sp 22 Sp 22 *F 22 CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE 3/17/21 3/17/21 3/17/21 3/17/21 3/17/21 2/3/21 2/3/21 3/17/21 3/17/21 5/19/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 9 of 19 Page 10 of 19 PREFIX # ET 136B ET ET ET ET 136A 139A 139B 130 TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE Fundamentals of Air Conditioning and X *Sp 22 3/17/21 Refrigeration 2 Outline update HVAC System Fundamentals X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 Engineering Plumbing Systems X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 Plumbing System Design Fundamentals X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 Applied Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical X 3 *Sp 22 4/7/21 Engineering Technology Outline update F SC 63 Vehicle Extrication X 0.50 Outline update *Su 21 9/23/20 F SC 115 Incident Command System 200 X 0.50 Outline update *F 21 11/4/20 F SC 75A Company Officer 2A: Human Relations X *Sp 22 3/17/21 Management 2 Outline update F SC 75B Company Officer 2B: General Administrative X *Sp 22 3/17/21 Functions 2 Outline update F SC 75C Company Officer 2C: Fire Inspections and X *Sp 22 3/17/21 Investigations 2 Outline update F SC 75D Company Officer 2D: All-Risk Command X *Sp 22 3/17/21 Operations 2 Outline update F SC 75E Company Officer 2E: Wildland Incident X *Sp 22 3/17/21 Operations 2 Outline update F SC 75F Instructor I - Fire Science Methodology X 2 Course Revision: Title to Sp 22 3/17/21 ‘Instructor I - State Fire Trng’, and outline update F SC 145 Introduction to Homeland Security X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 F SC 50 Introduction to Fire Science X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 F SC 57 Principles of Fire and Emergency Services: Safety X 3 *F 21 10/21/20 and Survival Outline update F SC 64 Fire Behavior and Combustion X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 F SC 53 Building Construction for Fire Protection X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 12/9/20 FASH 56 Fashion Writing & Publicity X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Fashion Su 21 8/26/20 Writing, Publicity, & Social Media’ and outline update FASH 53 Fashion Forecasting X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/4/20 FASH 54B Advanced Fashion Styling X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/4/20 FIN 133 Money and Banking X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 FREN 3A Intermediate French X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 FREN 3B Intermediate French X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 FREN 4 Continuation of Intermediate French X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/25/20 GEOG 41A Climate Change X 1 Outline update *F 21 11/25/20 GEOL 21A San Francisco Coastal Geology X 0.50 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 GEOL 21B San Francisco Geology X 0.50 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 10 of 19 Page 11 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE GEOL 21C The San Andreas Fault System X 0.50 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 GEOL 30 Environment Geology X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 HCT 67 Computer Applications in the Health Care Setting X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 HIST 21 History of the Mexican American/Chicano X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 HIT 57 Disease Process X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 HIT 77B Professional Practice II X 5 to 2 Course Revision: Unit change Sp 22 4/7/21 from ‘5.00 to 2.00’, and outline 4/21/21 update HIT 77A Professional Practice I X 5 to 4 Course Revision: Unit change Sp 22 4/7/21 from ‘5.00 to 4.00’, and outline 4/21/21 update HLTH 90C Introduction to Trauma and Recovery X 0.50 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 HLTH 80L Interpreting Lab I X 0.50 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 HLTH 81L Interpreting Lab II X 0.50 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 HLTH 91K Language Access Strategies and Effective X 1 Outline update *Su 21 9/23/20 Collaboration with Healthcare Interpreters HLTH 10 Health and Aging X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 HLTH 82 Professional Skills for Healthcare Interpreters X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 HLTH 82 Professional Skills for Health Care Interpreters X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/4/20 HLTH 52 Critical Perspectives in Global Health X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 HLTH 82 Professional Skills for Healthcare Interpreters X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 HLTH 80 Interpreting in Health Care I X 6.50 to 6 Course Revision: Title to F 21 10/7/20 ‘Interpreting in Healthcare I’, unit from ‘6.50’ to ‘6.00’, and outline update HLTH 81 Interpreting in Health Care II X 6.50 to 6 Course Revision: Title to F 21 10/7/20 ‘Interpreting in Healthcare II’, unit from ‘6.50’ to ‘6.00’, and outline update HUM 41B Western Cultural Values X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 HUM 25 Women in the Arts X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 (update course outline to reflect UC Transferable) IDST 37 Introduction to Ethnic Studies X 3 Outline update Sp 22 12/9/20 IDST 27B Asian Humanities: Contemporary X 3 Outline update Sp 22 12/9/20 JAPA 16 Beginning Kanji Reading and Writing X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/4/20 Updated 8/27/21 Page 11 of 19 Page 12 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE JAPA 17 Continuation of Beginning Kanji for Reading and Writing X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 JAPA 18 Intermediate Kanji for Reading and Writing X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 JOUR 32 Independent Study X 0.5 to 1 Course Revision: Unit from ‘0.5’ to ‘1.00’, Repeatability from ‘not repeatable’ to ‘1 - Students can repeat once (total 2 enrollments)’ and outline update F 21 11/4/20 JOUR 37 Introduction to Photojournalism X 3 Outline update *F 21 8/26/20 JOUR 38 Intermediate Photojournalism X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/21/20 JOUR 35 Internet Journalism X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Data and Multimedia Journalism’, and outline update F 21 11/4/20 JOUR 24 Newspaper Laboratory X 4 to 3 Course Revision: Unit from ‘4’ to ‘3’, Repeatability from ‘not repeatable’ to ‘3 - Students can repeat three times (total 4 enrollments) ‘, and outline update Su 21 10/21/20 LALS 9 The Latin American and Latina/o LGBT Experience Crosslisted; LGBT 9 - The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘The Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience’, and outline update Sp 22 12/9/20 LALS 1 Latinx Diaspora: The Impact of Latinxs Living in the United States X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 LALS 9 The Latin American and Latina/o LGBT Experience X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 LALS 10 Latinas in the U.S./VOCES X 3 Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 LBCS 70B Who Built America? From Reconstruction to the Present X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/9/20 LBCS 70A Who Built America? From the Colonial Era to the Civil War and Reconstruction X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Who Built America? 1492-1877’, and outline update Su 21 9/9/20 LGBT 10 LGBT Culture & Society X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 LGBT 15 From Greece to Stonewall: Global LGBT Literature, Art and Culture X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘From Greece to Stonewall: Global LGBTQ+ Literature, Art and Culture’, and outline update F 21 10/7/20 Updated 8/27/21 Page 12 of 19 Page 13 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE LGBT 55 LGBT Culture & Society X 3 Course Revision: Title to F 21 10/7/20 ‘Contemporary Global Art and Culture’, and outline update LGBT 9 The Latin American and Latina/o LGBT X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘The Sp 22 12/9/20 Experience Latinx LGBTQ+ Experience’, and Crosslisted; LALS 9 - The Latinx LGBTQ+ outline update Experience LGBT 50 Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Communities X Course Revision: Title change to Sp 22 3/3/21 of Color in the U.S. ‘LGBT Communities of Color in the 4/21/21 U.S.’, and outline update (see email 3 4/8/21) LGBT 24 Intimacy and Relationships between Men X 3 Course Revision: Title to ‘Male Sp 22 4/7/21 Intimacy and Relationships’, and outline update LGBT 9 The Latin American and Latina/o LGBT X Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 Experience MABS 391 Word Processing/Microsoft Word 3 X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 MED 70 Medical Insurance Billing X 2 Outline update *Su 21 9/9/20 MED 71 Electronic Management of Financial Medical X 2 Outline update *Su 21 9/9/20 Records MED 72 Advanced Medical Insurance Billing X 2 Outline update *Su 21 9/9/20 MED 62 Communication and Professionalism in X 2 *F 21 11/4/20 Healthcare Outline update MED 49 Clinical Procedures X 5.50 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 MOTO 90 Introduction to Motorcycle Technology X 4 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 MOTO 91 Motorcycle General Service X 4 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 MOTO 92 Tune-up, Electrical and Performance X 4 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 MOTO 93 Engine & Power Train Repair X 4 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 NURS 50B Pharmacology in Nursing Part 2 X Sp 22 4/7/21 2 Outline update 2/17/21 NURS 50B Pharmacology in Nursing Part 2 X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 NURS 50 Fundamentals of Nursing X 6 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 O H 58 Greenhouse Operations X 3 Outline update *Su 21 8/26/20 O H 65 Plant Propagation X 3 Outline update *Su 21 8/26/20 O H 66 Irrigation X 3 Outline update *Su 21 8/26/20 O H 75 Pest Management X 3 Outline update *Su 21 8/26/20 PE 258C Intermediate Water Polo X 1 Outline update *Su 21 11/4/20 PE 219A Beginning Yoga X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 PE 219B Intermediate Yoga X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 13 of 19 Page 14 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE PE 219C Advanced Yoga X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 PE 271A Beginning Judo X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 PE 271B Intermediate Judo X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 PE 271C Advanced Judo X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 PE 271D Competition Judo X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 PE 218* Gentle Restorative Yoga X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 PE 258D* Advanced Water Polo X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 PE 173A* Aqua Zumba X 1 Course Revision: No to ‘174A’, Title to ‘Beginning Aqua Zumba’, and outline update Sp 22 2/3/21 PE 220* Intensive Yoga X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 2/3/21 PE 42 Appreciation and Analysis of Basketball X 2 F 21 4/21/21 PE 43 Appreciation and Analysis of Football X 3 Outline update F 21 11/4/20 4/21/21 PE 13 Sport and Society (name change) X 3 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Sports in Society’, and outline update F 21 11/25/20 PE 20 Sports Nutrition X 3 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Introduction to Exercise and Sports Nutrition’, and outline update Sp 22 3/3/21 PE 43 Appreciation and Analysis of Football X 3 Outline update F 21 4/21/21 11/4/20 PE A 96 Intensive Intercollegiate Physical Preparation X 0.50 ^Remove CCSF GE Area - G2 *Remove CSU GE Area - E1 Outline update Repeatability: from ‘2 - Students can repeat twice (total 3 enrollments)’ to ‘3 - Students can repeat three times (total 4 enrollments)’ F 21 10/7/20 PE A 97 Special Physical Preparation for Intercollegiate Sport X 1 Course Revision: Repeatability from ‘2 - Students can repeat twice (total 3 enrollments)‘ to ‘3 - Students can repeat three times Sp 21 9/23/20 Updated 8/27/21 Page 14 of 19 Page 15 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE (total 4 enrollments)’, and outline update PE A 98 General Physical Preparation for Intercollegiate X 2 Course Revision: Repeatability Su 21 9/23/20 Sport from ‘2 - Students can repeat twice (total 3 enrollments)‘ to ‘3 - Students can repeat three times (total 4 enrollments)’, and outline update PHOT 67 Digital Negatives for Darkroom Printing X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/23/20 PHOT 85A Beginning Lighting Techniques X 4 Outline update *F 21 9/9/20 PHST 40 Contemporary Issues in the Filipino Diaspora X Outline update *F 21 5/19/21 PHTC 3 102 Pharmacy Technician I - Clinical X 7 to 5 Course Revision: Unit change Sp 22 4/7/21 from ‘7.00 to 5.00’, and outline 4/21/21 update PHYC 4AL Mechanics Laboratory for Scientists and X 1 *F 21 10/7/20Outline updateEngineers PHYC 4BL Electromagnetism Laboratory for Scientists and X 1 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 Engineers PHYC 4CL Waves and Thermodynamics Laboratory for X 1 Outline update *Su 21 10/7/20 Scientists and Engineers PHYC 4A Classical Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 PHYC 4B Electromagnetism for Scientists and Engineers X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 PHYC 4C Waves and Thermodynamics for Scientists and X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 Engineer PLS 13 Intellectual Property X 3 Course Reactivation F 21 9/9/20 POLS 4 The Politics of Globalization X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 POLS 43 The Constitution and Individual Rights X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 R E 183 Real Estate Property Management X 3 Outline update *F 21 10/7/20 SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology X 3 Outline update *F 21 9/9/20 SPAN 10B Continuation of Beginning Conversational X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 Spanish SPAN 6A Continuation of Intermediate Spanish X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 SPAN 6B Continuation of Intermediate Spanish X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 3/3/21 SPAN 10C Intermediate Conversational Spanish X 3 Outline update *F 22 4/21/21 SUST Sustainability X New Prefix: ENVS (Environmental F 21 10/7/20 Science and Sustainability) SUST to ENVS migration (approved 10/7) and Updated 8/27/21 Page 15 of 19 Page 16 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE deactivation of cross-listed BIO/GEOG 31/31L for fall '21 SUST 91 Applied Research in Sustainability X .5 - 8 Course Revision: Prefix change to ‘ENVS’ F 21 11/25/20 SUST 31L Environmental Science Laboratory X 1 Course Revision: Prefix change to ‘ENVS’, and outline updates F 21 10/21/20 See also 10/7/20 SUST 5 Sustainability and the Environment Speaker Series X 1 Course Revision: Prefix change to ‘ENVS’ F 21 11/25/20 SUST 31 Introduction to Environmental Science X 3 Course Revision: Prefix change to ‘ENVS’ F 21 11/25/20 TH A 202A Ensemble Role Drama - Play Rehearsal and Presentation X 1 Course Revision: (changing lab to activity) and outline update F 21 10/21/20 TH A 201A Ensemble Role Comedy - Play Rehearsal and Presentation X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 203A Ensemble Role Classical - Play Rehearsal Presentation X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 204A Ensemble Role Tragedy - Play Rehearsal Presentation X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 202B Supporting Role Drama - Play Rehearsal Presentation X 2 Course Revision: (changing lab to activity) and outline update F 21 10/21/20 TH A 201B Supporting Role Comedy - Play Rehearsal Presentation X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 203B Supporting Role Classic - Play Rehearsal Presentation X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 204B Supporting Role Tragedy - Play Rehearsal Presentation X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 202C Principal Role Drama - Play Rehearsal and Presentation X 3 Course Revision: (changing lab to activity) and outline update F 21 10/21/20 TH A 201C Principal Role Comedy - Play Rehearsal and Presentation X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 203C Principal Role Classic - Play Rehearsal and Presentation X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 TH A 204C Principal Role Tragedy - Play Rehearsal and Presentation X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 VMD 134 Calligraphy X 1 Outlie update *F 21 11/25/20 VMD 135 Hand Lettering X 1 Course Revision: Title change to ‘Hand-Lettering’, and outline update F 21 11/25/20 VMD 100 Orientation to Visual Media Design X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 16 of 19 Page 17 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT UC COMMENTS/ EFFEC- CURR TITLE CHANGE CHANGES DISCIPLINE CODE/ TIVE CMTEE PREREQUSITE CHANGE DATE APPRVL DATE VMD 192 Professional Practice X 1 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 VMD 194A Internship/Work Experience I X 1 to 1-3 Course Revision: Title to Sp 22 12/9/20 ‘Internship/Work Experience 1’, Unit change from ‘1’ to ‘1-3’, and outline update VMD 116A Bookbinding & Book Arts I X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 VMD 116B Bookbinding & Book Arts II X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 VMD 116C Bookbinding & Book Arts III X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 VMD 124A Information Design X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 VMD 124B Package Design X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 VMD 124C User Interface Design X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 3/17/21 VMD 131 Typography II X 3 Outline update *F 21 11/4/20 VMD 166 Storytelling and Storyboarding X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 1/20/21 VMD 170 Digital Illustration I X 3 Outline update *F 21 3/17/21 VMD 172 Digital Illustration II X 3 Outline update *F 21 3/17/21 VMD 140 X 3 *Sp 22 3/17/21 Web Production I Outline update VMD 118 Color in Design X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 (cross-list: DSGN 150 - Color in Design VMD 122 Graphic Design II X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 VMD 168 Visual Development for Animation X 3 Outline update *F 21 4/7/21 VMD 200A Design Studio Practicum I X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 VMD 200B Design Studio Practicum II X 3 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 VOCN 24 Home Health Aide X 2.50 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 WELD 144A Survey of Welding Processes X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 WELD 144B Intermediate Welding Processes X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 WELD 144C Advanced Welding Processes X 2 Outline update *Sp 22 4/7/21 ARCH 32 Bay Region Architectural History X 3 Sp 21 9/9/20 ARCH 134 History and Theory of Modern Architecture X 3 Sp 21 9/9/20 ART 151A Beginning Monoprinting X 3 Remove from UC F 21 5/19/21 X 3 Remove from UC F 21 5/19/21ART 151B Intermediate Monoprinting X 3 Remove from UC F 21 5/19/21ART 151C Advanced Monoprinting X 3 Remove from UC F 21 5/19/21ART 162A Ceramic Sculpture I X 3 Remove from UC F 21 5/19/21ART 162B Ceramic Sculpture II X 3 Remove from UC F 21 5/19/21 ASAM 63 Asian American Community Field Study ART 190 Contemporary Studio Practices X 4 ^ Su 21 4/21/21 BIM 121 Revit Architecture II X 3 Sp 22 3/3/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 17 of 19 Page 18 of 19 PREFIX BIO BIO CINE CINE CNIT CVT DANC DANC DANC DANC DANC DANC DANC DANC ENGL ENGL ENGL FASH FASH FASH FASH GEOG GEOG HCT HLTH HLTH HLTH # 31L 31 124A 124B 132S 410 150A 150B 150C 151A 151B 140A 140B 101B 17 88B 86 25A 25B 25C 28 31L 31 82 91D 6 86 TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE Environmental Science Laboratory Introduction to Environmental Science Film Production Workshop Film Production Workshop SEO & Analytics for Web Dev Clinical Experience in Advanced Cardiac Ultrasound Beginning Swing Dance Intermediate Swing Dance Advanced Swing Dance Beginning Lindy Hop Intermediate Lindy Hop Beginning European Folk Dance (removed from the Social Dance CAch approved 2/17/21) Intermediate European Folk Dance (removed from the Social Dance CAch approved 2/17/21) Dance Performance Production Writing Workshop for English 1A College Reading and Writing Introduction to College Reading and Writing Weaving I Weaving II Weaving 3 The Social Meaning of Clothing Environmental Science Laboratory Introduction to Environmental Science Professional Practice Internship/ Certification Introduction to Wellness and Recovery Model in Mental Health End of Life Issues in the U.S. Group Treatment for Recovery NEW REV DEL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UNITS/UNIT CHANGES 1 3 3 3 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1.50 3 6.00 2 2 3 3 1 3 5 1 3 3 UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE Deactivate Credit Course Applicable) - for Catalog update (Degree CSU GE Section 1 level below transfer Deactivate Credit Course (Non- Degree Applicable) - for Catalog update CSU GE Section 3 levels below transfer Remove from UC EFFEC- TIVE DATE F 21 F 21 F 22 F 22 F 22 Sp 22 F 21 F 21 F 21 F 21 F 21 F 21 F 21 F 21 Su 21 F 21 Su 21 Sp 21 Sp 21 Sp 21 F 21 F 21 F 21 F 21 Su 21 Sp 21 F 21 CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE 11/4/20 11/4/20 4/7/21 4/7/21 4/21/21 5/19/21 1/20/21 1/20/21 1/20/21 1/20/21 1/20/21 3/17/21 3/17/21 1/20/21 3/3/21 3/3/21 3/3/21 4/21/21 4/21/21 4/21/21 4/21/21 11/4/20 11/4/20 9/9/20 3/3/21 9/23/20 3/3/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 18 of 19 Page 19 of 19 PREFIX # TITLE/ TITLE CHANGE NEW REV DEL UNITS/UNIT CHANGES UC COMMENTS/ DISCIPLINE CODE/ PREREQUSITE CHANGE EFFEC- TIVE DATE CURR CMTEE APPRVL DATE HLTH 87 Assessment and Services for Older Adults X 3 Su 21 3/3/21 HLTH 75 Treatment Modalities X 3.00 Su 21 3/3/21 HLTH 81 Interpreting in Healthcare II X 6 Sp 22 3/17/21 HLTH 80 Interpreting in Healthcare I X 6.50 Sp 22 3/17/21 MUS 48A Beginning Labor Heritage Chorus X 3 Sp 21 10/21/20 MUS 48B Intermediate Labor Heritage Chorus X 3 Sp 21 10/21/20 MUS 48C Advanced Labor Heritage Chorus X 3 Sp 21 10/21/20 PE 208A Beginning Aerobic Fitness X 1 F 21 12/9/20 PE 208B Intermediate Aerobic Fitness X 1 F 21 12/9/20 PE 208C Advanced Aerobic Fitness X 1 F 21 12/9/20 PE 209A Beginning Step Aerobics X 1 F 21 12/9/20 PE 209B Intermediate Step Aerobics X 1 F 21 12/9/20 PE 224 Back Fitness X 1 F 21 12/9/20 PE 277 Self-Defense for Women X 1 F 21 12/9/20 TRTV 173 Destinations: Historical and Archaeological X 3 Su 21 5/5/21 VMD 164 3D Animation X 3 Sp 21 10/21/20 VOCN 23 Nurse Assistant/Convalescent Care X 7 F 21 3/17/21 Updated 8/27/21 Page 19 of 19