CIS611 Individual Practice Programming Assignment: PA02 Total Points: 20 Methods, Sorting, and I/O Files (Input Error Validations): The purpose of this programming assignment is to: Perform I/O File operations Use predefined file classes to read and write data to files Use sorting algorithms (methods) to sort data Develop reusable code for modularity, readability, and maintainability Define methods and invoke them Use method overloading I/O Validations General guidelines: Students are required to work on programming assignments on their own. Attempt to any form of plagiarism is severely monitored and condemned. It is highly encouraged to contact the IC to resolve any kind of doubt or issues related to the assignment. It is recommended that students follow the submission guidelines to make the grading process easier. The grading sheet is provided as well in advance. This helps to plan your submission and spend appropriate time in each section of the assignment. Good luck and happy coding!! Q1 (10 points): Write a Java program to analyze the annual budget of marketing costs of a company on two of its popular products. For each product, input the expenditure on the following items from the user: 1. Website marketing & Search engine marketing 2. Social media marketing 3. Radio advertising 4. Newspaper advertising You can create 2 arrays of suitable data-type, each of size 4, to hold the price for for each of the above items for each product. As per the design approach chosen by the student, if the student chooses to create an additional array, then it is left to the discretion of the student. The requirement can be met by creating two or more arrays, depending on the design approach chosen by the student. Your program should analyze and print the following results: 1. Total costs spent on marketing per product and both the products put together 2. Total costs spent on each expenditure for the 2 products put together 3. Highest expenditure on each product 4. Lowest expenditure on each product 5. Highest expenditure on both the products put together 6. Lowest expenditure on both the products put together 7. Total percentage cost spent on each expenditure Name the Java class as Use the following methods to break-down the functionalities and to make the programming task easier. It is your creativity to define the method signature and body and local and class variables or to add any additional methods as you think. 1. totalCostPerProduct() 2. totalCostPerExpenditure() 3. highestCostCalculator() 4. lowestCostCalculator() 5. percentageCalculator() 6. display() Tabulate the results as shown below. Use JOptionPane for input and output. Ensure no more than 2 decimal values are used in the output. You can choose to use a single or two JOptionPane for displaying the output details. The program must handle invalid and required inputs properly. If the user provides an invalid input, the program must display an appropriate message and ask for that input to be re-entered. The program must handle any exceptions using try catch-block and display appropriate error messages. Sample output: (Here only 2 expenditure items are shown. You program should output for all 4 items) The final display can be made in a single JOptionPane, or more than one JOptionPane, and it is left to the discretion of the student. Expenditure Item Name Product-1 Product-2 Total cost for each expenditure item Radio advertising $2500 $1400 $3900 (67.95%) Newspaper advertising $1250 $589.32 $1839.32 (32.05%) Total cost per product $3750 $1989.32 $5739.32 Product -1 Product -2 Product-1 & Product-2 Combined Highest Expenditure Item Radio advertising Radio advertising Radio advertising Lowest Expenditure Item Newspaper advertising Newspaper advertising Newspaper advertising Q2 (10 points): Create a Java project that has two classes, the main entry Product (name it as and Sort (name it as classes. The program reads data from a text file (products.txt), sort the data using the selection sort algorithm, and then store the sorted data in a different text file (name it as sortedProducts.txt). The data in the text file is originally sorted based on the product names; it needs to be sorted based on the product prices, and finally the sorted data is stored in a text file. The Product class has the following methods: - The main() method, which prompts the user to input the name of the input file (this may include the file path if the file is not stored in the same project folder), creates two arrays pName (String[]) and pPrice (double[]) of size 50, and then sequentially calls and passes file name (path) pName, pPrice to the static methods, readFromFile(), sortArrays, and writeToFile() - readFromFile() is a static method that will read data from the text file “products.txt” enclosed with this document, and it stores the product names and product prices in the method parameters arrays pName and pPrice, respectively. After complete reading data from the file, the method should display a JOPtionPane message dialog of the array elements (product names and prices.) In your program, name the input file exactly as “products.txt” for consistency. - sortArrays() is a static method that passes the parameter arrays pName and pPrice to the static selectionSort() method in the Sort class in order to sort both arrays based on the prices in the pPrice array, that means any change in the pPrice array will also results in a change in the pName array. You must not use the Array API class methods to sort the data, but write the code yourself. - writeToFile() is a static method that will write/store the sorted arrays data elements in the parameter list (pName and pPrice) into a file (line by line), the data should be stored in the “sortedProducts.txt” text file. After completing writing data to file, the method should display a JOPtionPane message dialog of the array elements (product names and prices), data should be sorted based on the product prices. Name the output file exactly as “sortedProducts.txt” for consistency. The Sort class has only one static selectionSort() method that receives two arrays in its parameter list (pName and pPrice) and sorts the arrays by using the selection sort algorithm. It sorts the pPrice array in ascending order, so that any change in pPrice array results in a change in the pName array, to keep the product name and price elements in both arrays in the same order (one way of doing it is having the same index value in array for each pName and pPrice array). You must not use the Array API class methods to sort the data but write the code yourself. The Lesson to learn: Arrays are used for formulating output by manipulating a collection of input data. Searching and sorting are popular array operations that are performed in most applications. Java provides a rich library to do array manipulations. Following are a few sample screenshots of Q2. There is more than one way to meet the programming requirement, and the screenshots shown below are not the only way to meet the requirements. Any deviation from the screenshots shown below is acceptable if they meet the requirements. It is preferred that the products.txt and the sortedProducts.txt files are stored within the project source code directory structure. The above screenshot shows the entering of the (input) file products.txt which is stored within the project source code (src) under package PA02. You may name the package differently, as you wish. The screenshot above shows a list of the products before sorting. The above screenshot shows a partial list of the products after they are sorted. Again, any deviation to the user interface is left to the discretion and creativity of the students, as long as it meets the requirements. Evaluation Criteria: - The programs must compile cleanly (no compile errors, but compile warnings are sometimes accepted) - The program should handle invalid input data and terminates gracefully - The programs should not crash while running, and it should terminate - All tasks (requirements) in this assignment must be completed in order to receive credit - The correct understanding and implementation (coding) of the requirements (programs should behave as anticipated): o The programs must terminate with proper/correct outputs o All the logical computations should be performed correctly Submission: (This is an individual Assignment!) Copy the .java source files from the src folder in your workspace to another folder that should be named following the provided naming format in this course, then zip and upload the file under this assignment answer in Canvas. File Name: (F = first letter in your first name and LLLL = your last name) Grading Rubric - PA02 Student Name: ____________________________________________________ Question 1 Requirements Any comment provided by grader Max Points Allowed Points Earned General Code Structure: Proper naming convention used for file (name the file as (0.25) Comments used in the code to explain the purpose of the code (0.25) Indentation of the code for better readability (0.25) Good choice of variable names (0.25) 1 Input, Output, User Interface: Proper coding implementation of the logic to read the data (1) Proper coding implementation of displaying the expected output (1) Exception handling of the invalid input values. For example if no value is entered, or empty space is entered, or invalid data is entered, the program should not crash (2) Continue to accept use input when the user presses Yes (1) 5 General Algorithm and Logic: Finding highest expenditure of individual and combined product. Please see “Highest Expenditure” row in the example table as a reference calculation (1) Finding lowest expenditure of individual and combined product. Please see “Lowest Expenditure” row in the example table as a reference calculation (1) Finding total expenditure of individual and combined product. Please see “Total cost per product” row in the 4 example table as a reference calculation (1) Finding percentage of expenditure of combined product costs. Please see “Total cost per expenditure” column in the example table as a reference calculation. For example, 67.95% is the expected answer for Radio Advertising and the value of 67.95% is calculated by 3900 (which is the cost for Radio Advertising) divided by 5739.32 (which is the total cost per product). Thus, 3900/5739.32 = 6795, which is 67.95% (1) Total 10 Question 2 Requirements Any comment provided by grader Max Points Allowed Points Earned General Code Structure: Proper naming convention used for file (name them as and (0.25) Comments used in the code to explain the purpose of the code (0.25) Indentation of the code for better readability (0.25) Good choice of variable names (0.25) 1 Input, Output, User Interface: Proper coding implementation of the logic to read the data from the text file products.txt (1.5) Proper coding implementation of writing the expected data to another text file called sortedProducts.txt (1.5) Exception handling of the invalid input values. For example, if no value is entered, or empty space is entered, invalid data is entered, or if file to read is not found, the program will not crash. the program should not crash (1) 4 General Algorithm and Logic: Use of array of data type String to hold name (0.5) Use of array of data type double to hold price (0.5) Proper coding implementation of the methods readFromFile, 5 sortArrays, selectionSort, writeToFile (4) Total 10 Total ____/20