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Pressure Bearing Device Affects Extraction Socket Remodeling of Maxillary Anterior Tooth. A Prospective Clinical Trial - CORE CORE Search Search Services Access to raw data API Dataset FastSync Content discovery Recommender Discovery Managing content Repository dashboard Support FAQs About About CORE Blog Contact us Pressure Bearing Device Affects Extraction Socket Remodeling of Maxillary Anterior Tooth. A Prospective Clinical Trial By Xi Jiang, Yu Zhang, Bo Chen and Ye Lin Cite  BibTex Full citation No static citation data No static citation data Abstract Background: Extraction socket remodeling and ridge preservation strategies have been extensively explored. Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of applying a micro-titanium stent as a pressure bearing device on extraction socket remodeling of maxillary anterior tooth. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four patients with a extraction socket of maxillary incisor were treated with spontaneous healing (control group) or by applying a micro-titanium stent as a facial pressure bearing device over the facial bone wall (test group). Two virtual models obtained from cone beam computed tomography data before extraction and 4 months after healing were 3-dimenionally superimposed. Facial bone wall resorption, extraction socket remodeling features and ridge width preservation rate were determined and compared between the groups. Results: Thin facial bone wall resulted in marked resorption in both groups. The greatest palatal shifting distance of facial bone located at the coronal level in the control group, but middle level in the test group. Compared with the original extraction socket, 87.615.88% ridge width was preserved in the test group and 55.09 +/- 14.46% in the control group. Conclusions: Due to the facial pressure bearing property, the rigid micro-titanium stent might preserve the ridge width and alter the resorption features of extraction socket.SCI(E)PubMedARTICLE2296-3051 Topics: alveolar bone remodeling, bone regeneration, clinical study, cone beam CT, crestal bone resorption, extraction socket, DRIED BONE ALLOGRAFT, ALVEOLAR RIDGE PRESERVATION, IMMEDIATE IMPLANT PLACEMENT, BEAM COMPUTED-TOMOGRAPHY, WALL, DOG, AUGMENTATION, THICKNESS, TEETH, FLAP Publisher: CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH Year: 2016 DOI identifier: 10.1111/cid.12442 OAI identifier: oai:localhost:20.500.11897/493260 Provided by: Institutional Repository of Peking University Journal: Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): (external link) Suggested articles To submit an update or takedown request for this paper, please submit an Update/Correction/Removal Request. Useful links Blog Services About CORE Contact us Cookies Privacy notice Writing about CORE? Discover our research outputs and cite our work. CORE is a not-for-profit service delivered by the Open University and Jisc.