Socket preservation procedures - CORE CORE Search Search Services Access to raw data API Dataset FastSync Content discovery Recommender Discovery Managing content Repository dashboard Support FAQs About About CORE Blog Contact us Socket preservation procedures By Goran Milohanić Abstract Nakon ekstrakcije zuba alveola prolazi kroz niz procesa pregradnje što u konačnici dovodi do defekta alveolarnog grebena koji predstavlja problem u kasnijoj protetskoj rehabilitaciji. Kako bi se to preveniralo služimo se postupcima za očuvanje ekstrakcijske alveole. Ti postupci podrazumijevaju atraumatsko vađenje zuba u svrhu očuvanja što više mekog i tvrdog okolnog tkiva nakon čega slijedi daljnji postupak primjene materijala u alveolu. Materijali koji se u tu svrhu koriste mogu biti autogenog, alogenog, ksenogenog i aloplastičnog podrijetla. Obično se nakon punjenja materijalom alveola prekriva nekom vrstom membrane ili transplantatom uzetim s nepca ili tubera. Svrha zaštite punila u alveoli je sprječavanje urastanja epitelnog i vezivnog tkiva iz okoline kako bi na taj način omogućili normalno stvaranje i sazrijevanje kosti nakon ekstrakcije. Po isteku perioda cijeljenja, privremeni protetski rad zamjenjuje se konačnim. Postupak očuvanja ekstrakcijske alveola osigurava zadovoljavajući volumen alveolarnog grebena te stabilnost mekog tkiva za kasniju uspješnu protetsku rehabilitaciju. Tim postupcima mogu se postići dobri estetski i funkcionalni rezultatiAfter tooth extraction , follows a series of remodeling processes in extraction socket, which ultimately lead to defects of the alveolar ridge causing problems in prosthetic rehabilitation. In order to prevent this, socket preservation procedures may be applied. These procedures include atraumatic tooth extraction aiming to preserve as much soft and hard tissue as possible and filling of the extraction socket with grafts. Grafts may be autogenous, allogenic, xenogenic and/or alloplastic. After the grafting procedure, the entrance to the alveolus is sealed with membrane or soft tissue graft harvested from palate or tuber in order to prevent ingrowth of epithelial and connective tissue and to allow maturation of the bone. After the healing period, temporary prosthetic work can be replaced with definitive. Socket preservation procedures provide adequate volume of the alveolar ridge as well as the stability of the soft tissue for the prosthetic rehabilitation in the future acheiving good esthetic and functional result Topics: BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Dentalna medicina. Parodontologija., BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Dental Medicine. Periodontology., Alveolarni greben, vađenje zuba, zubna alveola, Alveolar Process, Tooth Extraction, Tooth Socket Publisher: University of Rijeka. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology. Year: 2017 OAI identifier: Provided by: Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): (external link) https://repository.medri.uniri... (external link) https://repository.medri.uniri... (external link) Suggested articles To submit an update or takedown request for this paper, please submit an Update/Correction/Removal Request. Useful links Blog Services About CORE Contact us Cookies Privacy notice Writing about CORE? Discover our research outputs and cite our work. CORE is a not-for-profit service delivered by the Open University and Jisc.