StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises CS 2112 Lab: Java API 13 – 15 February 2012 CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises StringBuilder/StringBuffer String Concatenation String objects are immutable. So what happens when we try to concatenate two Strings? Since we can’t modify either of the two original String objects, a new String object must be created for each concatenation. This is inefficient when concatenating a large number of strings. 1 String str = "a" + "b" + "c" + "d"; String objects created: {a, b, c , d , ab, abc, abcd}. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises StringBuilder/StringBuffer Introducing StringBuilder/StringBuffer The StringBuilder and StringBuffer classes are modifiable versions of String. They are identical, except that StringBuffer is thread-safe and StringBuilder is not. Both classes implement the interface CharSequence. We can use these classes to concatenate strings without having to create new objects. 1 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 2 sb.append("a"). append("b"). append("c"). append("d"); 3 String str = sb.toString (); String objects created: {a, b, c , d , abcd}. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises StringBuilder/StringBuffer Example 1 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("abc"); // "abc" 2 sb.append("a"). append (3). append(’c’); // "abca3c" 3 sb.insert(4, "12"); // "abca123c" 4 sb.replace(3, 4, "0"). delete(7, 8); // "abc0123" 5 sb.append(sb.length ()); // "abc01237" 6 sb.reverse (); // "73210 cba" 7 String str = sb.toString (); CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Math Introduction and Example 1 Java has a default math library. It is fairly self-explanatory. Perhaps the most commonly used of these functions would be pow(double a, double b) which returns ab. Math has two constants: E and PI. Furthermore, all of its fields and methods are static. Math also has a random() function, which returns a random double in the interval [0.0, 1.0). 1 int randInt(int lim) { 2 // returns a random integer 3 // in the interval [0, abs(lim) - 1] 4 // if lim is 0, returns 0 5 6 lim = Math.max(0, Math.abs(lim) - 1); 7 return (int) (Math.random () * lim); 8 } CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Math Example 2 1 void euler(double x) { 2 // computes e^(ix) using Euler ’s formula: 3 // e^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x) 4 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 5 sb.append(Math.cos(x)); 6 double i = Math.sin(x); 7 8 if(i < 0) 9 sb.append(" - "). append(-i). append("i"); 10 else 11 sb.append(" + "). append(i). append("i"); 12 13 System.out.println(sb.toString ()); 14 } 15 euler(Math.PI); // -1.0 + 1.2246467991473532E-16i 16 // due to rounding error CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Wrapper Classes Introduction For each primitive type, Java has a wrapper class which allows treating the primitive type as an Object. Aside from providing useful constants and functions, having wrapper classes is useful because data structures, such as the standard Java containers, generally only accept Objects as data values; wrapper classes enable using these containers with primitive types. Each primitive type has a corresponding wrapper class whose name is the full name of the primitive, with the first letter capitalized. In addition, there is a class Number which is the superclass of the wrapper classes for the numeric primitives. It can be used to e.g. write a function that accepts any numeric type. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Wrapper Classes Example 1 int x = Integer.parseInt("123"); 2 Integer y = 777; // <-- boxing 3 long xL = y.longValue (); 4 int z = y + Integer.MAX_VALUE; // <-- integer overflow 5 6 String bool = Boolean.toString(true); 7 if(bool.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString ())) 8 System.out.println(z); // -2147482872 9 10 x += Character.getNumericValue(’X’); 11 if(Double.isInfinite (1.0 / 0.0)) 12 System.out.println(x); // 156 CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Introduction Java handles input and output using streams. A stream is essentially a flow of data from a source to a destination: the source can produce more data, which is transmitted along the stream, and the destination can read data that has been sent, consuming it. The destination can also wait for the source to send more data, in the event that there isn’t enough data to use. There are four abstract classes used for this: InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, and Writer. InputStream and OutputStream operate at the byte level, whereas Reader and Writer operate at the character level. All of these classes are in the package. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Reader/InputStream Methods 1 // skip n bytes 2 // returns the number of bytes skipped 3 long skip(long n) 4 5 // read the next byte/char 6 // returns the byte/char; -1 if end of stream 7 int read() 8 9 // read several bytes 10 // returns the # of bytes read; -1 if end of stream 11 // InputStream only 12 int read(byte[] b) 13 14 // read several chars 15 // returns the # of chars read; -1 if end of stream 16 // Reader only 17 int read(char[] c) CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Writer/OutputStream Methods 1 // flush the output stream and write its buffer 2 void flush () 3 4 // write a single byte/char 5 void write(int b) 6 7 // write several bytes 8 // OutputStream only 9 void write(byte[] b) 10 11 // write several chars 12 // Writer only 13 void write(char[] c) CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Closing Streams For all four of these classes, it is important to remember to close the stream once the program is done with them. This releases any resources held by the stream; failure to close could lead to resource leaks. It is good practice to wrap code using a stream within a try-finally block, with code to close the stream within the block’s finally clause. This way, even if an exception is thrown, the program will still attempt to close the stream. 1 // close a stream , and release its resources 2 void close () CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Wrapping Stream Classes In addition to the four basic stream classes, Java also provides some convenience stream classes which wrap and add extra functionality to the four basic stream classes. In addition, closing a wrapper stream class will also automatically close the wrapped stream class. Two wrapper stream classes that add some basic functions for handling Strings are BufferedReader and PrintWriter. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods BufferedReader/PrintWriter Methods 1 // wraps an existing Reader 2 BufferedReader(Reader in) 3 4 // read a line 5 String readLine () 1 // wraps an existing Writer or OutputStream 2 PrintWriter(Writer out) 3 PrintWriter(OutputStream out) 4 // writes to a file 5 PrintWriter(String fileName) 6 7 // print a String 8 void print(String s) 9 // print a String and write a newline 10 void println(String s) CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises System Streams and Examples System Streams Java has three special streams: System.out System.out is a PrintStream which prints to the standard console. is an InputStream which reads from the standard console. System.err System.err is a PrintStream which prints to the error console. Unlike the normal streams, closing these special streams is usually not a good idea, and can lead to odd behaviour. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises System Streams and Examples Abstraction When declaring a variable or an argument to a function, it is best to use the most general class available that still provides the required functionality. This allows the details of the implementation to be abstracted away from the code: the actual implementation of the stream can be changed without affecting the code, so long as the same interface is provided. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises System Streams and Examples Example 1 1 String str = "abcdefg"; 2 Reader in = new StringReader(str); 3 try { 4 try { 5 int read; 6 while ((read = ()) != -1) 7 // reads and prints one character 8 System.out.print ((char) read); 9 System.out.println (); 10 } finally { 11 // try to close even if we encounter a problem 12 in.close (); 13 } 14 } catch(IOException e) { 15 System.out.println(e.getMessage ()); 16 } CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises System Streams and Examples Example 2 1 BufferedReader in = null; 2 PrintWriter out = null; 3 try { 4 try { 5 in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in")); 6 out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("out")); 7 String read; 8 while ((read = in.readLine ()) != null) 9 out.println(read); 10 } finally { 11 if(in != null) in.close (); 12 if(out != null) out.close (); 13 } 14 } catch(IOException e) { 15 System.out.println(e.getMessage ()); 16 } CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Interfaces 1 Java provides many container implementations. First we will introduce some of the interfaces used by the containers: List Fairly self-explanatory; Lists are ordered and thus their elements are always traversed in the same order. Lists also have a get(int index) method that allows for retrieving an element at a specific location in the list. Duplicates are also allowed. Map Maps are an unordered collection of key-value pairs. Maps cannot contain multiple pairs with the same key, but values can be duplicated. Maps have a get(Object key) method that returns the value to which that key is mapped, or null if the key is not mapped to anything. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Interfaces 2 Set Sets are an unordered collection of objects. Duplicates are not allowed. Iterator Iterators provide a method to iterate over every element in a collection. They are the most basic method of accessing the elements of a collection. All of these interfaces, as well as their implementations, are in the java.util package. In the following slides, we will list some useful methods of these interfaces. We will use E for the type of the elements of Lists, Sets and Iterators; we will use K, V for the type of keys and values of Maps. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods List Methods 1 1 // append an element 2 // always returns true 3 boolean add(E e) 4 5 // insert an element at index 6 void add(int index , E e) 7 8 // removes all elements 9 void clear () 10 11 // returns if the object is in the list 12 boolean contains(Object o) 13 14 // returns the element at index 15 E get(int index) CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods List Methods 2 1 // returns true if list is empty 2 boolean isEmpty () 3 4 // returns an iterator for the list 5 Iteratoriterator () 6 7 // removes element at index 8 // returns the removed element 9 E remove(int index) 10 11 // removes object if it is in the list 12 // returns true if it was in the list 13 boolean remove(Object o) 14 15 // returns length of list 16 int size() CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Map Methods 1 1 // removes all mappings 2 void clear () 3 4 // returns if the element is a key in the map 5 boolean containsKey(Object key) 6 7 // returns if the element is a value in the map 8 boolean containsValue(Object value) 9 10 // returns the value associated with key 11 // returns null if key not in map 12 V get(Object key) 13 14 // returns true if map is empty 15 boolean isEmpty () CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Map Methods 2 1 // returns a Set of the keys in the map 2 Set keySet () 3 4 // adds the mapping (key , value) into the map 5 // overwrites any pre -existing mapping for key 6 // returns the overwritten value , or null if none 7 V put(K key , V value) 8 9 // removes the mapping for key , if it exists 10 // returns the previous value , or null if none 11 V remove(Object key) 12 13 // returns the # of mappings in the map 14 int size() CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Set Methods 1 1 // add an element if it is not already in the set 2 // returns true if not already in the set 3 boolean add(E e) 4 5 // removes all elements 6 void clear () 7 8 // returns if the object is in the set 9 boolean contains(Object o) 10 11 // returns true if set is empty 12 boolean isEmpty () 13 14 // returns an iterator for the set 15 Iterator iterator () CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Set Methods 2 1 // removes object if it is in the set 2 // returns true if it was in the set 3 boolean remove(Object o) 4 5 // returns size of set 6 int size() CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Iterator Methods 1 // returns true if the iterator has more elements 2 boolean hasNext () 3 4 // returns the next element in the iterator 5 E next() 6 7 // removes last returned element from the collection 8 // can only be called once per call to next() 9 // this is the only way to safely modify a collection 10 // while iterating through it 11 void remove () CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Introduction and Methods Collections and Arrays Java also provides some useful static constants and methods for use with collections in the java.util.Collections class (not to be confused with java.util.Collection, which is a superinterface of List and Set). Among other things, Collections has methods for sorting, reversing, and binary searching lists. Similarly, java.util.Arrays has some useful static methods for use with arrays, including sorting, binary searching, and converting to string. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Implementations 1 Now we will look at some of the implementations of the above interfaces. ArrayList ArrayLists are essentially an automatically-expanding array that implements the List interface. Since the underlying data structure is an array, it is cheap to add or remove elements from the end, and to access elements anywhere in the list, but expensive to insert or remove elements from the beginning or middle of the list. LinkedList As their name suggests, LinkedLists are linked lists that implement the List interface. They support cheap insertion or removal of elements from anywhere in the list, but only support in-order traversal. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Implementations 2 HashMap HashMaps use a hash table to implement the Map interface. They use Object.equals(Object o) and Object.hashCode() to perform the hashing. HashSet HashSets use a hash table to implement the Set interface. They use Object.equals(Object o) and Object.hashCode() to perform the hashing. TreeMap TreeMaps use a tree to implement the Map interface. Although Maps don’t have to be sorted, TreeMaps are sorted and will iterate in order. They use Comparable.compareTo(T o) to sort. TreeSet TreeSets use a tree to implement the Set interface. Although Sets don’t have to be sorted, TreeSets are sorted and will iterate in order. They use Comparable.compareTo(T o) to sort. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Abstraction As with streams, when declaring a variable or an argument to a function, it is best to use the most general class available that still provides the required functionality. This allows the details of the implementation to be abstracted away from the code: the actual implementation of the stream can be changed without affecting the code, so long as the same interface is provided. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Example 1 1 int[] list = {5, 8, 3, 6, 4, 8, 4, 0}; 2 List sorted = new ArrayList (); 3 for(Integer i : list) 4 sorted.add(i); 5 6 Collections.sort(sorted ); 7 8 Iterator iter = sorted.iterator (); 9 System.out.print("Sorted: "); 10 while(iter.hasNext ()) 11 System.out.print( + " "); 12 System.out.println (); 13 14 // Sorted: 0 3 4 4 5 6 8 8 CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Example 2 1 int[] list = {5, 8, 3, 6, 4, 8, 4, 0}; 2 Set set = new HashSet (); 3 for(Integer i : list) 4 set.add(i); 5 6 Iterator iter = set.iterator (); 7 System.out.print("Set: "); 8 while(iter.hasNext ()) 9 System.out.print( + " "); 10 System.out.println (); 11 12 // Set: 0 3 4 5 6 8 CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Example 3 1 String [][] pairs = {{"A", "1"}, {"B", "2"}, 2 {"C", "3"}}; 3 Map map = 4 new HashMap (); 5 for(String [] pair : pairs) 6 map.put(pair[0], Integer.parseInt(pair [1])); 7 8 for(int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) 9 System.out.println(pairs[i][0] + " --> " 10 + map.get(pairs[i][0])); CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Concurrent Modification If a container is modified (by adding or removing elements) while it is being iterated through (whether by using an Iterator or by using a for-each loop), very bad things can happen. If you’re lucky, Java will throw a ConcurrentModificationException when something tries to modify the container; if you’re not, then the program will keep running and the iterator can behave unpredictably, possibly causing failures elsewhere in the program. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Implementations and Examples Concurrent Modification Examples 1 int[] array = {5, 8, 3, 6, 4, 8, 4, 0}; 2 List list = new ArrayList (); 3 for(Integer i : array) 4 list.add(i); 5 6 for(Integer i : list) // should crash here 7 list.add(i); 1 int[] array = {5, 8, 3, 6, 4, 8, 4, 0}; 2 List list = new ArrayList (); 3 for(Integer i : array) 4 list.add(i); 5 6 Iterator iter = list.iterator (); 7 while(iter.hasNext ()) 8 list.remove( ()); // should crash here CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Exercises Exercise 1 Given a List of strings, construct a Map that maps integers to a Set of strings of that length. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Exercises Exercise 2 Read a file containing one integer per line, then write the absolute values of the integers into a different file, with the catch that if multiple integers have the same absolute value, you should only write that absolute value once. Bonus points if you write the absolute values in increasing (or decreasing) order. CS 2112 Lab: Java API StringBuilder/StringBuffer Math Wrapper Classes Streams Containers Exercises Exercises Exercise 3 Implement a stack using a List as your underlying data structure. CS 2112 Lab: Java API