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MIPS Instructions 
1. Arithmetic and Logical Instructions 
2. Constant-Manipulating Instructions 
3. Comparison Instructions 
4. Branch Instructions 
5. Store Instructions 
6. Load Instructions 
7. Data Movement Instructions 
8. Quick Reference 
1. Arithmetic Instructions: add, sub 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Addition (with overflow)  add rd, rs, rt 
Addition (without overflow) addu rd, rs, rt 
Addition immediate   addi rt, rs, imm 
(with overflow) 
Addition immediate  addiu rt rs imm  
(without overflow) 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Subtract (with overfl ow)  sub  rd, rs, rt 
Subtract (without overflow) subu rd, rs, rt 
Arithmetic Instruction: div 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Divide (with overflow)  div  rs,  rt 
Divide (without overflow)  divu  rs,  rt 
Divide register rs by register rt.  
• the quotient is in register lo and,  
• the remainder is in register hi.  
Note that if an operand is negative, the remainder is 
unspecified by the MIPS architecture and depends on the 
convention of the machine on which SPIM is run. 
Arithmetic Instructions: mult, mul 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Multiply    mult rs, rt 
Unsigned multiply  multu rs, rt 
Multiply registers rs and rt.  
• the low-order word of the product in register lo and  
• the high-order word in register hi. 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Multiply (without overflow) mul  rd,  rs,  rt 
Take the low-order 32 bits of the product 
Arithmetic Pseudo-Instructions 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Absolute value   abs  rdest,  rsrc 
Divide (with overflow)  div  rdest,  rsrc1,  src2 
Divide (without overflow)  divu  rdest,  rsrc1,  src2 
Multiply (without overflow) mul  rdest,  rsrc1,  src2 
Multiply (with overflow)  mulo  rdest,  rsrc1,  src2 
Unsigned multiply (with overflow) mulou  rdest, rsrc1,  src2 
Negate value (with overflow) neg  rdest,  rsrc  
Negate value (without overflow) negu  rdest,  rsrc 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Remainder   rem  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Unsigned remainder  remu  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Shift Instructions: sll, sra, srl 
Name          Op-Code    Dest Src1 Src2 
Shift left logical   sll rd, rt, shamt 
Shift left logical variable  sllv rd, rt, rs 
Shift right arithmetic  sra rd,  rt, shamt 
Shift right arithmetic variable srav  rd, rt, rs 
Shift right logical   srl rd, rt, shamt 
Shift right logical variable  srlv rd, rt, rs 
Shift register rt left (right) by the distance indicated by immediate 
shamt or the register rs and put the result in register rd. 
Note: What is difference between shift-right logical and shift-right 
Rotation Pseudo-Instructions: rol, ror 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Rotate left    rol rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Rotate right   ror rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Rotate register rsrc1 left (right) by the distance indicated by rsrc2 
and put the result in register rdest. 
Logical Instructions: and, nor, or, xor 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
AND     and  rd, rs, rt 
AND immediate    andi  rd, rs, imm 
NOR    nor  rd, rs, rt 
NOT*    not rdest, rsrc 
OR     or rd, rs, rt 
OR immediate   ori rt, rs, imm 
Exclusive OR   xor rd, rs, rt 
XOR immediate   xori rt, rs, imm 
* This is a pseudo-instruction. 
2. Constant-Manipulating Instructions 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Load upper immediate  lui  rt,  imm 
Load the lower halfword of the immediate imm into the upper 
halfword of register rt. The lower bits of the register are set to 0. 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Load immediate*   li  rdest,  imm 
* This is a pseudo-instruction. 
3. Comparison Instructions 
Name          Op-Code Dest Src1 Src2 
Set less than   slt  rd,  rs,  rt 
Set less than unsigned  sltu  rd,  rs,  rt 
Set less than immediate  slti  rt, rs, imm 
Set less than unsigned immediate sltiu rt,  rs,  imm 
Set equal*   seq  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Set greater than equal*  sge  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Set greater than equal unsigned sgeu  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Set greater than*   sgt  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Set greater than unsigned* sgtu  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Set less than equal*  sle  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Set less than equal unsigned* sleu  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
Set not equal*   sne  rdest,  rsrc1,  rsrc2 
* This is a pseudo-instruction. 
4. Branch Instructions 
Name          Op-Code Src1 Src2 Dest 
Branch on equal   beq rs, rt, label 
Branch on greater than equal zero bgez rs,   label 
Branch on greater than zero bgtz rs,  label 
Branch on less than equal zero blez rs,  label 
Branch on not equal  bne rs, rt, label 
Conditionally branch the number of instructions specified by the 
offset. That is PC+ 4 + (Offset × 4) 
Branch Pseudo-Instructions 
Name          Op-Code Src1 Src2 Dest 
Branch    b    label 
Branch on equal zero  beqz rsrc,   label 
Branch on greater than equal bge rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on greater than equal  bgeu rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on greater than  bgt rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on greater than unsigned bgtu rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on less than equal  ble rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on less than equal   bleu rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on less than  blt rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on less than unsigned bltu rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on not equal zero  bnez rsrc,  label 
Jump Instructions 
Name  Op-Code Dest 
Jump    j  target 
Unconditionally jump to the instruction at target × 4. Save the 
address of the next instruction in register $ra. 
Unconditionally jump to the instruction at target × 4.  
Name  Op-Code Dest 
Jump and link  jal  target 
5. Store Instructions: sb, sh, sw 
Name          Op-Code Targ  Address 
Store byte     sb  rt,   offset(rs) 
Store halfword     sh rt,  offset(rs) 
Store word   sw rt,  offset(rs) 
Store the low byte from register rt at address = rs + offset 
Store the low halfword from register rt at address = rs + offset 
Store the word from register rt at address = rs + offset 
6. Load Instructions: la, lb 
Name          Op-Code Dest Address 
Load address*     la rdest, label 
Load computed address of the label location—not the contents of 
the location—into register rdest. 
Name          Op-Code Targ  Address 
Load byte      lb  rt, offset(rs) 
Load unsigned byte   lbu rt, offset(rs) 
Load the byte at address = rs + offset into register rt. The byte is 
sign-extended by lb, but not by lbu. 
Load Instructions: lh, lw 
Name          Op-Code Targ  Address 
Load word      lw  rt,  offset(rs) 
Load the 32-bit quantity (word )at address = rs + offset into 
register rt.  
Name          Op-Code Targ  Address 
Load halfword      lh  rt, offset(rs) 
Load unsigned halfword    lhu rt, offset(rs) 
Load the 16-bit quantity (halfword) at address = rs + offset into 
register rt. The halfword is sign-extended by lh, but not by lhu. 
7. Data Movement Instructions: move 
Name         Op-Code Dest  Src Comment  
Move *    move rdest, rsrc # rdest = rsrc 
Move from hi  mfhi rd  # rd = hi 
Move from lo  mflo  rd  # rd = lo 
Move to hi  mthi   rs # hi = rs 
Move to lo  mtlo   rs # lo = rs 
* This is a pseudo-instruction. 
8. Quick Reference: Instructions 
Integer Instruction Set 
Name     opcode  Oprand 
Add:     add Rd, Rs, Rt  
Add Immediate:    addi Rt, Rs, Imm 
Add Immediate Unsigned:   addiu  Rt, Rs, Imm 
Add Unsigned:    addu Rd, Rs, Rt  
And:     and  Rd, Rs, Rt  
And Immediate:    andi Rt, Rs, Imm 
Branch if Equal:    beq Rs, Rt, Label 
Branch if Greater Than or Equal to Zero:  bgez Rs, Label 
Branch if Greater Than or Equal to Zero and Link: bgezal Rs, Label 
Branch if Greater Than Zero:   bgtz Rs, Label 
Branch if Less Than or Equal to Zero:  blez Rs, Label 
Branch if Less Than Zero and Link:  bltzal  Rs, Label  
Branch if Less Than Zero:   bltz Rs, Label  
Branch if Not Equal:    bne Rs, Rt, Label 
Divide:     div Rs, Rt  
Divide Unsigned:    divu Rs, Rt  
Jump:      j Label  
Jump and Link:     jal Label  
Integer Instruction Set 
Name     Opcode Operand     
Jump and Link Register:    jalr Rd, Rs  
Jump Register:     jr Rs 
Load Byte:     lb Rt, offset(Rs) 
Load Byte Unsigned:    lbu Rt, offset(Rs) 
Load Halfword:    lh Rt, offset(Rs) 
Load Halfword Unsigned:   lhu Rt, offset(Rs) 
Load Upper Immediate:    lui Rt, Imm  
Load Word:    lw Rt, offset(Rs) 
Load Word Left:    lwl Rt, offset(Rs) 
Load Word Right:    lwr Rt, offset(Rs) 
Move From Coprocessor 0    mfc0 Rd, Cs 
Move From High:    mfhi Rd 
Move From Low:    mflo Rd 
Move To Coprocessor 0    mtc0 Rt, Cd 
Move to High:    mthi Rs  
Move to Low:    mtlo Rs 
Multiply:     mult Rs, Rt  
Multiply Unsigned:    multu   Rs, Rt 
NOR:     nor  Rd, Rs, Rt 
OR:     or  Rd, Rs, Rt 
OR Immediate:    ori Rt, Rs, Imm 
Return From Exception:   rfe 
Integer Instruction Set 
Name     Opcode   Operand 
Store Byte:    sb Rt, offset(Rs) 
Store Halfword:    sh Rt, offset(Rs) 
Shift Left Logical:    sll Rd, Rt, sa  
Shift Left Logical Variable:   sllv Rd, Rt, Rs 
Set on Less Than:     slt Rd, Rt, Rs  
Set on Less Than Immediate:   slti Rt, Rs, Imm 
Set on Less Than Immediate Unsigned:   sltiu Rt, Rs, Imm 
Set on Less Than Unsigned:   sltu Rd, Rt, Rs  
Shift Right Arithmetic:   sra Rd, Rt, sa  
Shift Right Arithmetic Variable:   srav Rd, Rt, Rs  
Shift Right Logical:    srl Rd, Rt, sa  
Shift Right Logical Variable:   srlv Rd, Rt, Rs  
Subtract:     sub Rd, Rs, Rt  
Subtract Unsigned:    subu Rd, Rs, Rt  
Store Word:    sw Rt, offset(Rs)  
Store Word Left:    swl Rt, offset(Rs) 
Store Right:    swr Rt, offset(Rs) 
System Call:     syscall 
Exclusive OR:    xor  Rd, Rs, Rt  
Exclusive OR Immediate:   xori Rt, Rs, Imm  
Quick Reference: PseudoInstructions 
Integer Instruction Set 
Name     opcode  Oprand 
Absolute value    abs  rdest, rsrc 
Branch     b  label 
Branch on equal zero    beqz rsrc, label 
Branch on greater than equal   bge rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on greater than equal unsigned   bgeu rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on greater than   bgt rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on greater than unsigned   bgtu rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on less than equal   ble rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on less than equal unsigned   bleu rsrc1, src2, label 
Branch on less than    blt rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on less than unsigned   bltu rsrc1, rsrc2, label 
Branch on not equal zero   bnez rsrc, label 
Divide (with overflow)   div  rdest, rsrc1, src2 
Divide (without overflow)   divu  rdest, rsrc1, src2 
Move *      move rdest, rsrc 
Integer Instruction Set 
Name     opcode  Oprand______ 
Multiply (without overflow)   mul  rdest, rsrc1, src2 
Multiply (with overflow)   mulo  rdest, rsrc1, src2 
Unsigned multiply (with overflow)  mulou  rdest, rsrc1, src2 
Load address*      la rdest, label 
Load immediate*    li  rdest, imm 
Negate value (with overflow)   neg  rdest, rsrc  
Negate value (without overflow)   negu  rdest, rsrc 
NOT*     not rdest, rsrc 
Rotate left     rol rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Rotate right    ror rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set equal*     seq  rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set greater than equal*   sge  rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set greater than equal unsigned   sgeu  rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set greater than*    sgt  rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set greater than unsigned*   sgtu  rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set less than equal*    sle  rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set less than equal unsigned*   sleu  rdest,  rsrc1, rsrc2 
Set not equal*    sne  rdest, rsrc1, rsrc2