Virtual labs & simulations - Open Educational Resources (OER) - CSI Library at CUNY College of Staten Island Library Skip to Main Content Academic Calendar | Blackboard | Bookstore | CSI Email CUNYfirst | Technology Helpdesk | Tutoring & Academic Support CSI Library Toggle navigation Menu Research Academic Works Course Reserves Databases A-Z Databases by Subject Librarian Subject Specialists Journal Finder OneSearch Online Tutorials Research Guides/Subject Sites WorldCat Archives Archives & Special Collections Home History & Mission Collections Overview Collections & Finding Aids Special Projects Research Tools & Subject Guides Using the Collections Policies Hours & Directions Donations Archives Staff Directory Frequently Asked Questions Services Student Services Faculty Services Archives & Special Collections Circulation/Reserves Interlibrary Loan Library Instruction Reference Services About Vision, Mission, and Values The Collection Location/Directions Library Hours Code of Conduct Library Policies News and Events Blog Events Calendar Publications Library Directory Faculty/Staff Directory Library Committees Subject Librarians Employment Help Ask-A-Librarian Frequently Asked Questions Research Guides Online Tutorials Citation Help Research Appointments Submit Feedback CSI Library Home CSI Library CSI Library Open Educational Resources (OER) Virtual labs & simulations Search Library Website Open Educational Resources (OER) Open Educational Resources (OER) OER Grant 2022: Request for Proposals new 7/8 What are OER? Toggle Dropdown Open licensing & citations Learn about OER Toggle Dropdown Research on OER Finding OER new 6/3 OER by Discipline new 6/3 Virtual labs & simulations About this page Multidisciplinary resources Jump to discipline Creating OER Platforms and tools OER initiatives at CUNY and NY State Toggle Dropdown Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) OER Accessibility Toolkit (CUNY) Symposium Videos: Nov 19, 2019 About this page Virtual labs and simulations are tools that offer a space for students to engage with their subject matter interactively. This page is a collection of labs and simulations that faculty can use in the remote learning context. While most are science related, there are resources for non-science disciplines. Please note that not all resources listed are strictly OER—some may be free but not open. Other notes: Hub indicates that the resource is a collection of materials from different sources. Much of this content was pulled from this excellent resource: Simulations and virtual labs guide. Check out our other resources here: OER repositories, open images, and open data OER by discipline Tools for interactive content Multidisciplinary resources Name Description Disciplines offered Concord Consortium Interactive STEM activities Physics, chemistry, life science, earth & space, mathematics EduMedia Interactive resources for learning science Life science, earth science, environmental science and ecology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, technology (engineering), mathematical tools for physics LabXchange A free online platform for science education from Harvard University Physics, chemistry, biology Merlot (hub) Curated database of OER from multiple sources that includes virtual simulations Physics, chemistry, biology, agriculture, computer science, engineering, astronomy, math and statistics Molecular Workbench Standalone program for visual, interactive simulations for teaching and learning science Physics, chemistry, biology, biotechnology PBS NOVA To access the interactive labs, navigate to a topic page and in the "filter by" box, select "explore." If visiting multiple topics, page needs to be refreshed for filter to work correctly. Physics, physiology, space, physics, biology, engineering, earth science. PhET Math and science simulations from the University of Colorado, Boulder Physics, chemistry, math, earth science, biology Jump to discipline Astronomy Biology Business & finance Chemistry Engineering & environmental science Mathematics & statistics PhilosophyPhysics Political Science Psychology Astronomy astro-simulations Astronomy simulations and animations by the Columbia Center For New Media Teaching And Learning GEAS project astronomy laboratory exercises The General Education Astronomy Source (GEAS) project is an astronomy education program based at New Mexico State University SkyServer Projects Run by the Astrophysical Research Consortium, SkyServer Projects has activities using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Categories include basic, advanced, and research challenges. Chemistry Chemistry Modules Interactive learning modules by CK-12 ChemReaX Chemical reaction modeling and simulation webapp from ScienceBySimulation. Virtual Chemistry Experiments Collection of interactive web-based chemistry tutorials. Mixed Reception Solve a mysterious death by gathering clues, interviewing suspects, and analyzing evidence. The Virtual Lab Online simulation of a chemistry lab designed to help students link chemical computations with authentic laboratory chemistry. By the ChemCollective. Titration screen experiment This resource allows students to run their own titration experiment. Includes teacher notes. Chemistry Tutorial Materials include simulated experiments and self-tests. Organic Chemistry Laboratory Tutorials ChemSims Builds on PhET simulations with instructional materials Nanome VP platform to interact, experiment and design in 3-dimensional virtual space (free subscription tier) Chemix Draw lab diagrams CheMagic Virtual model kit. Engineering and environmental science General Climate Geology Data Nuggets Data Nuggets are free classroom activities, co-designed by scientists and teachers, designed to bring contemporary research and authentic data into the classroom. Open Simulation Interface (program) The Open Simulation Interface (OSI) is a generic interface for the environmental perception of automated driving functions in virtual scenarios. SimSE A software engineering simulation environment that is fully graphical and interactive. Verilator Converts all synthesizable and many behavioral Verilog and SystemVerilog designs into a C++ or SystemC model that after compiling can be executed. Verilator is not a traditional simulator, but a compiler. Flowsquare Two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software for unsteady, non-reactive/reactive flows. GNU Radio Software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. SciLab Free and open source software for numerical computation providing a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications. LogicSim Design and simulate digital logic circuits with logic gates like AND, OR, FlipFlop, etc. Virtual Labs Models physical phenomena and carries out simulations. Reactor Lab Interactive chemical reactor simulations for chemical reaction engineering students. Climate Energy3D Simulation-based engineering tool for designing green buildings and power stations that harness renewable energy to achieve sustainable development. ClimateSim Climate-change simulation app from ScienceBySimulation. Allows users to model scenarios of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the current century and simulates the first-order response of the earth system. The Habitable Planet Video course for high school teachers and college-level instruction that includes interactive labs. HTML5 Simulations Experiment with climate change. American Museum of Natural History teaching modules Open access teaching modules include practical exercises in biodiversity conservation that apply fundamental concepts and develop critical skills (some modules are available in multiple languages) Geology Geology Labs On-Line Exercises with virtual earthquake. dating, and river. Jules Verne Voyager Interactive map to explore geological features. Physical Geology 101 Lab materials that include interactive exercises. Virtual Microscope Has full range of rock types native to Earth and beyond. Teaching Resources in Structural Geology Resources from School of Earth Sciences of the University of Leeds that includes virtual field trips and virtual mapping. Mineral 1.0 Browsable online mineral database (with photos) and interactive quizzes/tests. Virtual Field Trip Guides University of Texas collection of virtual field trips, organized by region. Business and Finance AnyLogic General-purpose multimethod simulation modeling software. (Standalone software) Political science People Power Game about politics, strategy, and social change. The ReDistricting Game Game to educate, engage, and empower citizens around the issue of political redistricting. Model Diplomacy Free National Security Council (NSC) and UN Security Council (UNSC) simulations that present both historical and hypothetical scenarios based on real issues. Biology General biology Anatomy and physiology Biotechnology Epidemiology Virtual dissection Virtual microscopes Molecular biology and genetics BioMan Biology Learning games, review games, virtual labs and quizzes to learn about cells, ecology, genetics, physiology, and more! Quant Bio Online (hub) Modules created by CUBES partners designed to teach quantitative skills in a variety of biological contexts and will work well in an online setting with minimal adaptation. HHMI BioInteractive Data-rich activities, case studies, high-quality videos, and interactive media designed to connect students to big ideas in biology, promote engagement with science practices, and instill awe and wonder about the living world. Biology Simulations Simulations to help students to learn about biology and practice data analysis skills through experimentation. Anatomy and physiology eSkeletons Interactive environment in which to examine and learn about skeletal anatomy through osteology database at University of Texas at Austin. Biotechnology Foundational concepts and techniques in Biotechnology LabXchange cluster includes simulations, assignments, video, and more! Bacterial Identification Virtual Lab This interactive, modular lab explores the techniques used to identify different types of bacteria based on their DNA sequences. Epidemiology ActivEpi Web Electronic textbook for teaching epidemiology that includes interactive quizzes, exercises, and video. Solve the Outbreak CDC simulation of a virus outbreak (also available for mobile on iOS and Android) Virtual dissection Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection Whitman College virtual dissection to explore introductory mammalian anatomy and physiology. The Whole Frog Project Explore the anatomy of a frog by using data from high resolution MRI imaging and from mechanical sectioning, together with 3D surface and volume rendering software to visualize the anatomical structures of the intact animal. The Science Bank: Alternatives to Animal Use in Education (hub) This is a portal to online dissection resources. Contains links to non-free resources. Virtual microscopes Molecular Expressions Virtual Microscopy interactive Java-powered virtual microscopes explore specimen focus, illumination intensity, magnification, and translation, operating essentially in a manner that is identical to real-life microscopes. Virtual Microscope NASA-funded project that provides simulated scientific instrumentation for students and researchers worldwide as part of NASA's Virtual Laboratory initiative. Molecular biology and genetics Evolved: Cases for Education Evolution Case studies that track the evolution of traits from their origination in DNA mutation, to the production of different proteins, to the fixation of alternate macroscopic phenotypes in reproductively isolated populations. StarGenetics Mendelian genetics cross simulator developed at MIT. Simulates mating experiments between organisms that are genetically different across a range of traits to analyze the nature of the traits in question. Its goal is to teach students about genetic experimental design and genetic concepts. Gelbox Simulation tool to help the user understand how changing experimental input parameters can affect the data output from gel electrophoresis. Gel Scramble Gel Scramble is an instructional tool for teaching molecular neurobiology that requires only a computer. Case It! Molecular Biology Simulations for Case-Based Learning in Biology Performs common laboratory procedures on any DNA or protein sequence, and can be downloaded free of charge for educational use. (Requires Windows or MacOS) Learn.Genetics Interactive techniques labs, online lessons in genetics, cell biology, evolution, human health, plants, neuroscience, ecology by Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah Mathematics & statistics Patterns in Nature Java Applets that illustrate basic concepts in statistical mechanics and fractals. The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Exercises and modules for data analysis. Interactive Statistics Statistical calculators, games, and activities. GeoGebra Dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus in one easy-to-use package. Help Your Math Free online math courses and practice exams. Psychology APA Online Psychology Laboratory Interactive resources for the teaching of psychological science. Physics Interactive Physics Modules Interactive learning modules by CK-12 Physics Simulations Interactive simulations. HTML5 Simulations Experiment with physics principles such as motion and force. the Physics Classroom Simulations, concept builders, skill-building exercises, and game-like challenges. Tablet-friendly. Open Source Physics Simulations, modeling, and curriculum tools. The Physics Aviary Cross-platform, run-anywhere programs to help physics students around the world master the big ideas in physics. Tons of labs. oPhysics The oPhysics website is a collection of interactive physics simulations. Algodoo Draw and interact with physical systems on your computer. Standalone program. Philosophy Castle, Forest, Island, Sea Choose-your-own-adventure story that explores key questions in philosophy from OpenLearn Philosophy Games Thought experiments with analysis. The Deviant Philosopher Exercises and activities for applying philosophical concepts. << Previous: OER by Discipline new 6/3 Next: Creating OER >> College of Staten Island Library 2800 Victory Boulevard Staten Island, NY 10314 (718) 982-4010 | Facebook Twitter Instagram URL: Last Updated: Jul 8, 2021 3:36 PM Print Page LibApps Login | Staff Intranet | Guide/Page Admin