ACADEMICS 1. Eagle Learning Center Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies University Relations 5. Workman Hall Music 17. Harold C. Howard Center and Warner Library Bookstore Human Resources Sociology, Anthropology and Missions Warner Atrium 19. McInnis Learning Center Bradstreet Observatory Curriculum Lab Planetarium Classrooms 20. Andrews Hall Business, Chemistry and Communications Studies SERVICES 30. Adams Hall Plant Operations RESIDENCE HALLS 2. Eagle 4. Sparrowk 6. Gallup 7. Hainer 8. Gough 9. Kea Guffin Breezeway Café 29. Doane Student Health Center ATHLETIC FACILITIES 10. Auxiliary Field 12. Olson Field 13. Gymnasium Athletics Athletic Training Center Dance Studio Fitness Center Outdoor Swimming Pool 14. Tennis Courts 15. Baseball Field 16. Softball Field 25. S and Volleyball Court ADMINISTRATION 1. Eagle Learning Center Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies Academic Computing 3. Fowler Hall President’s Office Provost’s Office Registrar Templeton Honors College Undergraduate Admissions 11. Gym Cottage Conferences and Special Events 18. Janet Long Mall Cottage Financial Aid Student Accounts 19. McInnis Learning Center Administrative Computing Auditorium Instructional Technology 22. Walton Hall Office of Talent and Career Development Center for Faith and Practice Cushing Center for Counseling and Academic Support (CCAS) Dining Commons Jammin’ Java Mail and Copy Center Student Development Student Government 28. Gate House Department of Nursing 31. Ott Hall Alumni Relations Business and Finance Development Security CAMPUS LANDMARKS 21. Eastern Eagle 23. Willow Lake 24. Lower Lake 26. Historic Waterwheel 27. McGraw Lake Parking Area Designated By P 19 25