Assignment: Distributed Systems University Homepage School Homepage School Contacts School Search Distributed Systems Back to Course Webpage Assignment Assignment Description in pdf is here. Last updated on Feb 21. Please read the entire document carefully before starting work on it. We may make small modifications to the description for better explanation and clarity. Please always make sure to download the latest version. Sample inputs: ds_graph.txt ds_elect.txt ds_fail.txt Outline class files. These files are a sketch of what the classes for the Network and nodes might look like. Your code does not have to follow the exact strcuture, but it will help if you stick to it to some extent. If your program has any fundamental structural difference from these, please explain in the submitted document. Submission To submit, put your files in a folder with your uun and zip. You will have a file of the form [studentID].zip Put this file on a DICE machine and run the following command: submit ds cw1 [studentID].zip Running the command again will overwrite the previous submission, so you can make multiple submissions upto deadline. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure the files are all in the submission folder, without subfolders. Do not submit coursework as GUI (e.g. eclipse) projects. The project must run from the command line as described in the specification. Other announcements related to the assignment will be placed on this page. Home : Teaching : Courses : Ds Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland, UK Tel: +44 131 651 5661, Fax: +44 131 651 1426, E-mail: Please contact our webadmin with any comments or corrections. Logging and Cookies Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all material is copyright © The University of Edinburgh