MSc Course: Introduction to Java Programming 2008–2009 University Homepage School Homepage School Contacts School Search These are the web pages for the 2008 iteration of Introduction to Java Programming; dates are likely to be inaccurate, links may not work, and other changes may be made in the latest iteration of the course. Introduction to Java Programming 2008–2009 Quick Links: course timeline (and screencasts), course descriptor, software, resources. Assignments: Assignment one, due Monday 27th October at 4pm. Assignment two, design task due Monday November 3rd at 4pm, the rest due Friday December 5th at 4pm. Welcome to IJP. This is an introductory course in object-oriented programming, for people who have no prior experience of object-oriented programming or no experience of programming at all (but if you have never programmed before you will find the course challenging because it moves quite fast). If you know Java or another object-oriented programming language (C++, C#, Python) already you should not take this course. Get an exemption for any Java requirement from your specialism adviser. See the programming requirement in the course guide. The course is taught in semester one, beginning with an introductory lecture on Friday 26 September, 4-5pm, in FH 3.D01 (that's the Forest Hill building, off Forrest Road, room 3.D01). (You can download the slides from the introductory lecture.) You are strongly encouraged to attend the introductory lecture if you intend to take this course. As well as giving an introduction to the course, I will also get students to sign up to their lab groups during this lecture. Because programming is a practical exercise there are no lectures (after the introductory lecture) and no exam for IJP. Instead you learn from a textbook and accompanying screencasts (links to the screencasts will appear on the timeline page as I make them), and you attend labs. There are two labs per week, you must study one chapter of the textbook and/or one screencast in your own time before each lab. The course timeline tells you which chapter is set for each lab, and links to the screencast for that chapter. During each lab you work through programming exercises covering the material you have just studied, with demonstrators on hand to help and answer questions. Please note that the screencasts are meant to accompany the textbook, in the same way that lectures delivered in person would accompany the course text. The screencasts demonstrate the bulk of the content, but don't contain everything in the course text, so you will still need to study from a copy of the textbook. For a detailed timetable and links to the screencasts for each chapter/lab see the course timeline. For the course learning outcomes, syllabus, etc. see the course descriptor. For software used by the course (and how to install it) see software. For additional links and resources for the course, see resources. Lecturer The 'lecturer' for 2008 is Sean Hammond. Email me at Office hours: Wednesday, 1-3, room 8.15 in Appleton Tower. During these hours I will be in this room just to help people with IJP, so please do drop by and ask for help! Assessment There is no exam for this course. There are two multiple-choice theory tests taken during the scheduled lab sessions, and two programming assignments. These assessments are weighted as follows: Assignment one is worth 35% of your overall mark for the course. Assignment two is worth 45% of your overall mark for the course. Test one is worth 10% of your overall mark for the course. Test two is worth 10% of your overall mark for the course. Course Textbook There is a mandatory textbook that you must buy for this course: Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction using BlueJ ("The BlueJ book"). The course closely follows the bluej book. You will need to have your own copy of this book, and bring it with you to every lab. Either the third or fourth (latest) edition of the book will do. The first and second editions do not contain all of the necessary material. Lab Times There are two labs per week, each lab is two hours long. During the introductory lecture everyone will be assigned to one of the three lab groups. If you miss a lab, or just want some extra help, do feel free to come along to one of the other lab groups. Group one: Monday 10-12 and Tuesday 4-6. Group two: Tuesday 9-11 and Friday 4-6. Group three: Monday 4-6 and Friday 9-11. All of the labs are in Appleton Tower, room 5.08 (Computer Lab South). You must bring your copy of the bluej book to every lab. Email List It is important to be on the course email list because this will be main way that announcements and information about the course are given out to students. Since all students and demonstrators will be on the list, it is also a place to discuss the course and ask for help. To get on the email list you must register for the course, then you will be automatically added to the list. The web page for the email list tells you how to send a message to the list, and has an online archive of messages sent to the list. InfBase This year the school is running an additional support desk with tutors and demonstrators to help Informatics students. The InfBase is in Appleton Tower room 5.07 at scheduled times, see: Version 1.3, 2010/10/10 02:09:11 Home : Teaching : Courses : Ijp Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland, UK Tel: +44 131 651 5661, Fax: +44 131 651 1426, E-mail: Please contact our webadmin with any comments or corrections. Logging and Cookies Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all material is copyright © The University of Edinburgh