PHYSICS 111 Syllabus: 5 Credit Hours: IAI P2 900L 8/17/2016 Section 100 MWF 8:00 - 8:50 AM Section 100 TTR 8:00 - 9:40 AM Room M162 Lecture / Lab Section 101 MWF 9:00 - 9:50 AM Section 101 TTR 10:00 - 11:40 AM Room M162 Lecture / Lab Section 102 MWF 12:20 - 1:10 PM Section 102 TTR 12:10 - 1:50 PM Room M162 Lecture / Lab Instructor: Ted Eltzroth Office: M164 Phone # 847-214-7324 Office hours are posted outside M164 Reference: Textbook: Young & Freedman: University Physics 14th ed. 2015 Text Reference: Halliday / Resnick / Walker Physics Online Reference: Java Applets Prerequisite: Math: MTH 190 (Calculus 1) or consent of instructor Grades are based on: Five Hour Exams: 10% per exam Laboratory Grade: 15% Homework / Quizzes: 15% Comprehensive Final: 20% Course Description: Lectures with demonstrations, discussions, problem-solving, and laboratory. For students in engineering, mathematics, or any of the physical sciences. Topics include vectors, kinematics, Newton's Laws, work and energy, rotations, statics, collisions, gravitation, fluids, oscillations, systems of particles and thermodynamics. Student Responsibilities: Attendance and participation in class discussion is required. Five unexcused absences will reduce your points total by 10%. Disruptive behavior will result in dismissal from the course. Withdrawal from the class if necessary needs to be completed by week 10. Quizzes are given at random and no makeup quizzes will be issued. Notice is required prior to the test date to schedule a makeup. Emergency situations are exceptions. Classroom and laboratory protocol is safety, respect and fun in that order. Student with Disabilities: ECC welcomes students with disabilities and is committed to supporting them as they attend college. If a student has a disability (visual, aural, speech, emotional/psychiatric, orthopedic, health, or learning), s/he may be entitled to some accommodation, service, or support. While the College will not compromise or waive essential skill requirements in any course or degree, students with disabilities may be supported with accommodations to help meet these requirements. Accommodations must be reasonable and are specific to the disability and the course. The laws in effect at college level are the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and state that a person does not have to reveal a disability, but if support is needed, documentation of the disability must be provided. If none is provided, the college does not have to make any exceptions to standard procedures. All students are expected to comply with the Student Code of Conduct and all other college procedures as stated in the current College Catalog. PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING ACCOMMODATIONS: 1. Submit documentation of disability to ADA Coordinator 2. Documentation will be reviewed and student will be contacted, either to provide additional information or to come in for accommodation letter(s) for faculty. 3. Call 847-214-7220 (TTY - 847-214-7392) or e-mail ADA Coordinator at Behavioral Expectations: Students are expected to abide by the Elgin Community College Student Code of Conduct (). Any behavior that violates the conduct norms will not be tolerated Cell Phones are not to be used during class or exams. Respectful classroom environment is expected at all times. Academic Integrity: I. Statement on Academic Integrity (4.407) ECC strives to foster an environment of respect for and achievement of the highest levels of academic integrity for all members of its academic community. Academic integrity and honesty are essential hallmarks of the institution's contributions to the great society and cannot be abridged without considerable harm to those who must rely upon the intellectual pursuits of the institution. The college has responsibilities to all those within its sphere of influence, both within the academic community itself and to the great society which supports its work. Institutional integrity can only be achieved through honesty, conscientiousness, and credibility of the members of the ECC community itself. To that end, all members of the ECC community are expected to comply with the college’s shared values. II. Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, complicity, multiple submission, and misconduct in research. III. Resolution – Instructor When an instructor identifies an act of academic dishonesty, the instructor shall determine the appropriate sanctions for the particular offense. Sanctions may include a general warning, rewriting the paper/redoing the assignment, failing the assignment, failing the course, and/or participating in the non-credit writing with Integrity course. IV. Student Appeal Process The student has the right to appeal the decision to the appropriate vice president. The student must submit the appeal in writing within ten (10) days of receiving his/her Hearing outcome. The written appeal is to be submitted to the Dean of Students who will forward it to the appropriate vice president. The responsible vice president will inform the student of his/her decision in writing. This decision is final. The following special appeals must follow the appropriate procedures outlined in Elgin Community College catalog, curriculum handbooks, or Administrative Procedures. Students may contact the Dean of Student Services and Development or Associate Dean for assistance in locating the specific appeal procedure. V. Guidelines for Adjudication by Faculty Review Committee Upon the creation of the committee and the selection of a chairperson, the committee shall set a date and time for a hearing. At the hearing, the student and complainant (the faculty member who brought the charges) shall present evidence to the committee. Once a decision has been reached, the committee will summarize its finding and provide a written recommendation to the vice president of teaching, learning, and student development within three days of the hearing. The vice president may accept or modify the recommendations and may determine additional sanctions or responses, as necessary. VI. Sanctions A. Instructor Initiated Sanctions Warning Rewrite/Redo assignment Failure on assignment or failure in course Participation in non-credit Writing with Integrity tutorial B. Administrative Sanctions Disciplinary warning or probation Participation in non-credit Writing with Integrity tutorial Suspension Expulsion Weekly Note Summaries: Tentative Weekly Lab and Exam Schedule:* Week 1 Laboratory Statistical Uncertainty and Error Propagation Week 2 Laboratory Kinematics I Displacement and Velocity Week 3 Laboratory Kinematics II Velocity and Acceleration Week 4 Laboratory Centripetal Force; Exam 1 Week 5 Laboratory Friction: Static and Kinetic Week 6 Laboratory Drag Forces Week 7 Laboratory Collisions; Exam 2 Week 8 Laboratory Impulse Momentum Theorem Week 9 Laboratory Moment of Inertia Week 10 Laboratory Conservation of Angular Momentum; Exam 3 Week 11 Laboratory Equilibrium Week 12 Laboratory Buoyancy Week 1 Week 9 Week 2 Week 10 Week 3 Week 11 Week 4 Week 12 Week 5 Week 13 Week 6 Week 14 Week 7 Week 15 Week 8 Week 16 Week 13 Laboratory Oscillations; Exam 4 Week 14 Laboratory Thermal Expansion; Week 15 Laboratory Thermal Radiation; Exam 5 Week 16 Problem Solving and Final Review Tentative Weekly Topics:* Week 1 1. Introduction to methodology, techniques and scope of Physics 2. Introduction to physics problem solving techniques 3. Presentation of physical quantities using accepted standards for units 4. Conversion of units and using consistent sets of units for calculations 5. List and calculate data with the correct number of significant figures 6. Estimate numeric result from general power of 10 considerations 7. To manipulate vector components and add vectors 8. To manipulate vector components and add vectors 9. To prepare vectors using unit vector notation 10. Understand and use scalar and vector products Monday: Topics 1,2 Tuesday: Topics 3,4,5,6 Wednesday: Topics 7,8 Thursday: Lab 1 Friday: Topics 9, 10 Week 2 1. To define and differentiate distance travelled and displacement 2. To define and differentiate average and instantaneous linear velocity 3. To define and differentiate average and instantaneous linear acceleration 4. To explore applications of straight-line motion with constant acceleration 5. To examine freely falling bodies 6. Derive the kinematic equations using the Calculus Monday: Topics 1,2 Tuesday: Topic 3 Wednesday: Topics 4,5 Thursday: Lab 2 Friday: Topic 6 Week 3 1. To study position and velocity vectors in 2D and 3D 2. To study acceleration vectors in 2D and 3D 3. To apply position, velocity, and acceleration insights to projectile motion 4. Extend investigations to uniform and non-uniform circular motion 5. Investigate relative velocity for inertial reference frames Monday: Topic 1 Tuesday: Topics 2,3 Wednesday: Topic 4 Thursday: Lab 3 Friday: Topic 5 Week 4 1. To visualize force as a vector and discuss fundamental forces of nature 2. To state and apply Newton’s First Law 3. Mass, acceleration, and their application to Newton’s Second Law 4. To calculate weight and compare/contrast it with mass 5. To see action–reaction pairs and study Newton’s Third Law 6. Draw and analyze free body diagrams in the context of Newton's 2nd law Monday: Holiday Tuesday: Topics 1,2,3,4 Wednesday: Topics 5,6 Thursday: Lab 4 Friday: Exam 1 Week 5 1. To use and apply Newton’s First Law 2. To use and apply Newton’s Second Law 3. To study static and kinetic friction and fluid resistance 4. To include centripetal forces in circular motion dynamics problems 5. Compare gravity, electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear forces. Monday: Topics 1,2 Tuesday: Topic 3 Wednesday: Topics 4 Thursday: Lab 5 Friday: Topic 5 Week 6 1. To understand and calculate work done by a force 2. To learn and use the work-energy theorem 3. To calculate work done by a varying force Monday: Topic 1 Tues & Wed Topic 2 Thursday: Lab 6 Friday: Topic 3 Week 7 1. To study gravitational potential energy 2. To study elastic potential energy 3. Examine conservative and non-conservative forces, and energy conservation 4. To determine force from potential energy 5. Use energy diagrams to evaluate forces and potential energy Monday: Topic 1 Tuesday: Topics 2,3 Wednesday: Topics 4,5 Thursday: Lab 7 Friday: Exam 2 Week 8 1. Define and determine the momentum of a particle 2. To see when momentum is conserved and examine the consequences 3. Use momentum as a tool to explore a variety of collisions 4. Conservation of momentum and kinetic energy to study elastic collisions 5. To understand and calculate center of mass 6. To study varying mass systems and rocket propulsion Monday: Topic 1 Tuesday: Topics 2,3 Wednesday: Topics 4,5 Thursday: Lab 8 Friday: Topic 6 Week 9 1. To define rotational kinematic parameters 2. To study rotational kinematics constant acceleration equations 3. To relate linear to angular kinematics 4. To define moments of inertia and determine rotational kinetic energy 5. Calculate moments of inertia using the parallel axis theorem 6. Calculate moments of inertia for continuous mass distributions Monday: Topics 1,2 Tuesday: Topics 3,4 Wednesday: Topic 5 Thursday: Lab 9 Friday: Topic 6 Week 10 1. To examine examples of torque 2. To see how torques cause rotational dynamics 3. To examine the combination of translation and rotation 4. To calculate the work done by a torque 5. To define angular momentum and give examples 6. To study angular momentum and its conservation Monday: Topics 1,2 Tuesday: Topics 3,4 Wednesday: Topics 5,6 Thursday: Lab 10 Friday: Exam 3 Week 11 1. To study the two conditions for equilibrium 2. Define center of gravity and distinguish this from center of mass 3. Apply statics conditions to solve equilibrium problems 4. To relate stress and strain and study material elasticity Monday: Topic 1 Tuesday: Topics 2,3 Wednesday: Topics 4 5. Define terms related to material deformation Thursday: Lab 11 Friday: Topic 5 Week 12 1. Define density and give examples 2. To study pressure and specifically hydrostatic pressure 3. Use Archimedes principle and determine buoyancy 4. Calculate effects of varying cross sectional areas when flow is continuous. 5. Effects of changing height, density, pressure, and velocity on flow 6. Define viscosity and turbulence and discuss viscous flow 7. To study Newton’s Law of Gravitation 8. To consider gravitational force and weight vs mass 9. Determine and use gravitational potential energy to solve energy problems Monday: Topics 1,2,3 Tuesday: Topics 4,5,6 Wednesday: Topic 7 Thursday: Lab 12 Friday: Topics 8,9 Week 13 1. To compare and understand the orbits of satellites and celestial objects 2. List and use Kepler's laws ; compare results with Newtonian physics 3. Calculate gravitational interactions for continuous mass distributions 4. Define apparent weight and solve problems involving circular orbit 5. To explore the existence and nature of black holes 6. To quantify simple harmonic motion 7. Explore the energy in simple harmonic motion 8. To consider angular simple harmonic motion 9. To examine the physical pendulum 10. To explore damped oscillations 11. To consider driven oscillations and resonance Monday: Topics 1,2,3 Tuesday: Topics 4,5,6,7,8 Wednesday: Topics 9,10,11 Thursday: Lab 13 Friday: Exam 4 Week 14 1. Determine how temperature relates to thermal equilibrium 2. To delineate the three different temperature scales 3. Determine the calibration of the Kelvin temperature scale 4. To describe thermal expansion and thermal stress 5. Define heat capacity 6. To consider heat, phase changes, and calorimetry 7. To study how heat flows with convection, conduction, and radiation 8. To study equations of state for ideal and non-ideal gases 9. To apply the molecular properties of matter 10. Use kinetic theory to study an ideal gas 11. To calculate molar heat capacities Monday: Topics 1,2,3 Tuesday: Topics 4,5,6,7 Wednesday: Topics 8,9 Thursday: Lab 14 Friday: Topics 10,11 Week 15 1. Use Maxwell Boltzmann distribution to analyze molecular speeds 2. Study phases diagrams and phase transitions 3. Discuss different types of thermodynamic systems 4. To consider how heat and work are related in thermodynamic processes Monday: Topics 1,2,3,4 5. Study PV diagrams 6. To study the First Law of Thermodynamics 7. To delineate important types of thermodynamic processes 8. How temperature and internal energy are related in an ideal gas Tuesday: Topics 5,6,7,8 Wednesday: Lab 15 Thursday: Holiday Friday: Holiday Week 16 1. Use molar heat capacities in ideal gas thermodynamic processes 2. Study adiabatic processes and free expansions 3. Define reversible and irreversible processes 4. Study heat engines 5. Analyze the Otto cycle 6. Study coefficients of performance and the refrigeration cycle 7. Discuss the 2nd law and differing approaches/statements of the 2nd law 8. Study the Carnot engine and 9. Define entropy for isothermal and non-isothermal processes 10. Use Boltzmann entropy and find microstates for binary systems Monday: Topics 1,2,3,4 Tuesday: Topics 5,6,7,8,9,10 Wednesday: Exam 5 Thursday: Final Exam *Schedule subject to changes in the event of emergency closings. Course Level Outcomes for Engineering Physics 111 Students can mathematically manipulate vectors to solve physics problems Students can identify properties of vectors Students will understand the vector nature of displacement, velocity, and acceleration Students can apply kinematic equations to solve physics problems Students will understand the application of kinematic equations to free fall problems Students can analyze kinematic information displayed graphically Students can explain the effects of wind resistance on trajectories Students can determine projectile motion parameters to solve problems Students will be able to solve problems with relative velocities Students can determine accelerations associated with circular motion Students can state Newton's Laws of Motion Students can draw and utilize Free-Body Diagrams in the solution of dynamics problems Students will understand how to incorporate friction into dynamics problems Students can successfully apply Newton's 2nd Law in the solution of dynamics problems Students understand Hooke's Law and spring elasticity Students can solve dynamics problems involving circular motion Students will understand the concept of weightlessness Students can apply the Universal Gravitation Law to solve orbital problems Students understand the connection between conservative forces and potential Students understand the Conservation of Total Mechanical Energy Students can apply the Work-Energy Theorem to solve problems Students understand the concept and definition of Power Students can apply the Conservation of Linear Momentum to solve problems Students can solve collision problems using conservation laws Students understand the definition of and can locate a systems Center of Mass Students understand the connection between translational kinematics quantities and rotational kinematics quantities Students can apply rotational kinematic equations to solve physics problems Students will understand the concept of Rotational Inertia and can determine values for discrete systems Students can evaluate Torques on extended objects Students will understand and apply Newton's 2nd law in rotational for to solve dynamics problems Students can apply the Conservation of Angular Momentum to solve problems Students can solve introductory Statics problems Students understand the relation between Stress and Strain Students can solve problems involving period motion including harmonic oscillators and pendulum Students can apply the Equation of Continuity to solve fluid problems Students can solve problems involving buoyancy Students can apply Bernoulli's Equation to solve fluid problems Students understand the concept of Specific Heat Students can quantitatively include phase transitions within calorimetric problems Students can calculate conduction heat transfer rates Students can evaluate radiation heat transfer rates using the Stefan-Boltzmann Law Students will understand the Equipartition Theorem Students will be able to use results from Kinetic Theory to evaluate RMS velocities Students can apply the 1st Law of Thermodynamics to evaluate process work Students can calculate heat engine efficiencies Students will qualitatively understand the 2nd and 3rd Laws of Thermodynamics