Slawomir Goryczka ( 1 Working From Home The department invests a lot of resources into keeping the computer lab open most of the week. There you can find help from a lab representative with computer use issues like copying files, using the right compiler, and running applications. Still, since almost everyone has their own computer, this page describes how you can get some of your homework done at home. Downloads Although most computers already have Java, you may need to download the development version to get access to a compiler. Also, if you would like to use Eclipse a download link is provided. Note that Eclipse is not necessary, any text editor can be used to write Java programs. Download Java Development Kit Eclipse Classic Download Copying files to your account As all assignments to be turned in require you to place your files in the appropriate folder on your account (subdirectory of ~/cs170), you will need to copy files from your home computer to the system at school. Furthermore, just because homework seems to work on your home system, does not mean it is correct. You MUST test your homework in the lab to make sure it is correct. Mac OS X Mac OS X comes with the necessary software to do this. The recommended technique is to use the terminal and the scp command. The terminal application on Mac OS X can be found in the Applications/Utilities folder. Here is an example scp (secure copy) command to copy files from your Mac to the school system. scp The command assumes your Current Working Directory contains the file. It also requires you to specify your username (EmoryID) instead of "myusername". Finally, I randomly chose machine lab3a for this example. Any lab machine should do (lab1a - lab8g). Windows Emory offers the Web Drive client for Windows to all students at Software Express. This software can be used to connect to your account on any lab machine (such as From there you can copy files over to the correct location with drag and drop. You can also download an SCP client for Windows, which works the same way as scp on Mac. There are many SCP clients, i.e. – WinSCP : (Select the "Installation package" corresponding to the latest version.) – PSCP : Slawomir Goryczka ( 2 Remote login to lab machines Mac OS X Your MAC OS X comes with all the software that you need. Just open the terminal and type what follows: ssh Once you press return, you will be prompted for password. You might also be prompted to verify the key. If so, type yes and press return. Windows You will need to download an external software (that is free) called putty. You can download it here: This is a direct link to the executable file. All you need to do is to save this file on your computer and run it. Once you start the program just use the following: In Host type: Do not change other default options Click Open (bottom of window) If Putty gives a security alert, click Yes (this might happen, but does not have to). Type your user name and password when prompted (the same as you use to login in lab). Then you will be logged in. Compiling and running Java Mac OS X Just open the terminal and type javac (compiling) or java (running). Just like in the lab. You will find the terminal in the Applications/Utilities folder. Windows Open a DOS prompt from Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt. Then try javac (compiling) or java (running). Many of the Unix commands work here as well. Note: "ls" is called "dir" here.