Wayne Smith's page WAYNE E. SMITH Adjunct Professor of Information Technology, Franklin University ITEC 495 RESOURCES Note: latest versions of Java, Flash and Media Player (browser plugin) and Quicktime (browser plugin) may be required to view these resources. Getting Started Presentation All students are encouraged to review this material at the start of this course... ITEC495 Presentation Capstone Project Presentation ITEC495 Google Calendar This public course calendar is provided to help students organize their study schedule ITEC495 Calendar Essential Information All students are encouraged to review this material at the start of this course... Essential Information Sample of Student Assignment Submission This sample document can be used as a template for all of your assignment submissions... Student Submission Sample Assignment Score Card Sample If points have been deducted from an assignment, you will receive something like this via the drop box. Assignment Score Card Sample Writing Help This reference from Dartmouth College does an excellent job of summarizing the expectations inherent in scholarly writing... Writing for College This reference discusses the use of academic voice in your writing style. Academic Voice This reference from Acadia University discusses the the 10 Most Common Grammar issues in student writing. The Ten Most Common Grammar Issues The Importance of Effective Writing in the Age of E-Mail, Blogs and Chat Write-Brained Notions in a Left-Brained World - PowerPoint Presentation Capstone Project Ideas The following link contains a number of project options that may appeal to you and or your group. For the most part, these represent real life solutions. Capstone Project Ideas Capstone Vision and Scope Sample (1-3-2) This Vision and Scope document from a previous team should provide a fairly accurate idea of what is required. Note that the Vision and Scope document (essentially the project plan) will evolve throughout the course, as you add status information and up to date information. These particular samples actually are V and S documents that have reached their final stage. Sample Vision and Scope Document (1-3-2) Sample 2 Vision and Scope Document (1-3-2) Sample 3 Vision and Scope Document (1-3-2 Final) Capstone Project Report 1 Sample (1-3-4) This first Status Report sample document from a previous team should provide a fairly accurate idea of what is required. Sample Project Report One (1-3-4) Sample Project Report Two (1-3-4) Capstone Project Final Write Up Sample (1-3-6) This first Project Write Up sample document from a previous team should provide a fairly accurate idea of what is required. Final Project Write Up Sample (1-3-6) Capstone Project Presentation Samples (1-3-8) These samples should provide a pretty good idea of what you will be working toward. These are large PowerPoint files so please allow time to load. Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Web Design and Development Links For those teams undertaking a project involving web design and development. I have some links shared that may prove useful. In particular, XAMMP (for Windows and Linux) allows you to get a quick and dirty Apache, PHP and MySQL setup online in no time. Also W3Schools has a full array of tutorial and lessons related to all things web - HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, Java, ASP, etc. Prof Smith's Web Design and Development Links Articles, Pics and Miscellaneous Items Computing Timeline (very large PDF s- allow time to load) Sound of Computer in the age of the IBM 7090 (WAV File) Photo of Vax 780 Photo of Vacuum tubes DEC OpenVMS on VAX System - Photo Video of IBM 7090 (MPEG - Large File) Photo of DEC PDP-11 Photo of DEC PDP-8 History of USB Apple Photos Bill Joy's controversial article - Does the future really need us? That's Using Your Brain! using brain waves as an input device? Steve Jobs or Bill Gates - Who Truly Stole the GUI? The End of Software Licensing The Memory Spot The History of Microsoft (11 MB PPT Presentation - allow time to load or right click and save locally) Articles on IT Projects and Development Methodologies, etc. 5 Reasons that IT Projects Fail Why Projects Fail 1994 Chaos Report on Project Success - Failure SDLC - Does it Work? Project Success and Failure Reducing Project Risk Software Development Methodologies Eight Key Factors to Project Success Projects 101 The linked document is an excerpt from "A Guide to the Project Management Book of Knowledge - Third Edition" by the Project Management Institute. Introduction to Projects and Project Management Note: the complete Project Management Guide by PMI is recommended and can be purchased on Amazon. (search for "PMBOK") APA Resources APA Quick Guide (PDF) APA Presentation (PPT) Annotated Bibliography (PDF)