COP 3252 COP 3252 - Advanced Java Programming (CS Majors) Spring 2021 Semester Spring 2021 Syllabus Lecture Notes and Outlines Homework Assignments Assignment 1 - Basic exercises (due Jan 20) Assignment 2 - Two small class exercises (due Jan 29) Assignment 3 - Tic-Tac-Toe (due Feb 12) Assignment 4 - Pig Latin web page translator (due Mar 1 -- updated) A sample run Our notes page on Console I/O Same notes page translated to Pig Latin version Assignment 5 - Graphics and Graphics2D (due Mar 10) Assignment 6 - Guess the number (due Mar 24) Assignment X - Game Project -- due date revised to Fri, Apr 16 -- ultimate, final, absolute deadline! Resources Java home page (on Oracle site) API Specifications Java Standard Edition, v 13.0, API Specification Java Standard Edition, v 11.0, API Specification Java Standard Edition, v 8.0, API Specification Java FX 2 API Specifications Java Tutorial Pages (on Oracle) Java SDK Tools Documentation on the Java Compiler 'javac' Documentation on the Java application launcher 'java' Documentation for the documentation generator 'javadoc' Using JAR files Java FX Links and Tools Article on getting started with Java FX 2 and Scene Builder JavaFX Scene Builder page (with downloads) Using Scene Builder with Java IDEs (Oracle Documentation) Java FX Scene Builder installation (Oracle Documentation) Source code from our textbook (Pearson site) Setting the class path (you should not need to do this) SSH and X Window server info -- If you want to tunnel graphics through SSH (and run from your CS account), you'll need an XWin server Information about the Computer Science account for this class My Basic Unix Tutorial - You need to be familiar with the unix environment in this course. Compilers and Compiling Help Java Standard Edition download page Java SE Development Kit (JDK) is the basic download JDK bundle with NetBeans includes the NetBeans IDE program Eclipse Download page Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (92 MB) is the recommended one Compiling on the Command Line with basic SDK tools Building Projects with Java IDEs (NetBeans and Eclipse) How to pack up a simple jar archive (using either command line or Eclipse) Other Unix Links UNIX Tutorial for Beginners A Basic UNIX Tutorial Unix Tutorial Unix Online Man Pages, at Computer Science Dept, Florida State University Simple list of common Unix commands