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MIPS mul div, and MIPS floating 
point instructions 
Multiply and Division Instructions 
• mul rd, rs, rt  
– puts the result of rs times rt in rd 
• div rd, rs, rt   
– A pseudo instruction 
– puts the quotient of rs/rt into rd 
hi and lo 
• Special ‘addressable’ registers 
– you can not use these directly, you have to use special move 
• mult rs,rt 
– put the high word in hi and low word in lo. 
• div rs, rt  
– put the remainder in hi and quotient in lo. 
• mfhi rd 
– copies the value from hi and stores it in rd 
• mflo rd 
– copies the value from lo and stores it in rd 
Floating Point 
• Floating point registers and the instructions that operate on them are on a 
separate chip referred to as coprocessor 1 
• As a result floating point instructions typically can not use regular registers 
directly, you need to move the values into floating point registers 
• Uses special registers $f0-$f31 (32 just like the number of main registers) 
• Each register can store a single precision floating point number 
• Pairs of registers can store a double precision floating point number 
– Ex. Storing a double precision number into $f0 uses both $f0 and $f1 
– Because of this, can only store to even numbered f registers 
• When using functions, treat f registers like s registers 
– That is store them onto the stack if you need to use them within a function 
Load and Store (single precision) 
• Load or store from a memory location. Just 
load the 32 bits into the register.  
– lwc1 $f0, 0($t0) 
• l.s $f0, 0($t0) 
– swc1 $f0, 0($t0) 
• s.s $f0, 0($t0) 
Load and Store (double precision) 
• Load or store from a memory location. Just 
load the 64 bits into the register.  
– ldc1 $f0, 0($t0) 
• l.d $f0, 0($t0) 
– sdc1 $f0, 0($t0) 
• s.d $f0, 0($t0) 
Load and Store (immediate) 
• Load immediate number (pseudoinstruction ) 
– li.s  $f0, 0.5 
– li.d  $f0, 0.5 
Print and Read (single precision) 
• Print:  
– li $v0, 2 
– li.s $f12, 0.5 
– syscall 
• Read  
– li $v0, 6 
– syscall 
– (the read will be in $f0) 
Print and Read (double precision) 
• Print:  
– li $v0, 3 
– li.d $f12, 0.5 
– syscall 
• Read  
– li $v0, 7 
– syscall 
– (the read will be in $f0) 
Arithmetic Instructions 
• Single Precision 
• abs.s $f0, $f1 
• add.s $f0, $f1, $f2    
• sub.s $f0, $f1, $f2    
• mul.s $f0, $f1, $f2    
• div.s $f0, $f1, $f2    
• neg.s $f0, $f1 
• Double Precision 
• abs.d $f0, $f2 
• add.d $f0, $f2, $f4    
• sub.d $f0, $f2, $f4    
• mul.d $f0, $f2, $f4    
• div.d $f0, $f2, $f4    
• neg.d $f0, $f2 
Data move 
• mov.s $f0, $f1 
  copy $f1 to $f0.    
• mov.d $f0, $f2 
  copy $f2 to $f0.    
• mfc1 $t0, $f0 
  copy $f0 to  $t0.  Note the ordering  
• mtc1 $t0, $f0 
  copy $t0 to  $f0.  Note the ordering 
Convert to integer and from integer 
• cvt.s.w $f0, $f1  
– convert the 32 bits in $f1 currently representing an 
integer to float of the same value and store in $f0 
• cvt.w.s $f0, $f1  
– the reverse 
• cvt.d.w $f0, $f2  
– convert the 64 bits in $f2 currently representing an 
integer to float of the same value and store in $f0 
• cvt.w.d $f0, $f2  
– the reverse 
Branch instructions 
• bc1t L1  
– branch to L1 if the flag is set 
• bc1f L1  
– branch to L1 if the flag is not set 
Comparison instructions  
(single precision) 
• $f0,$f1  
– set a flag in coprocessor 1if $f0 < $f1, else clear it. The flag 
will stay until set or cleared next time 
• c.le.s $f0,$f1  
– set flag if $f0 <= $f1, else clear it 
• $f0,$f1  
– set flag if $f0 > $f1, else clear it 
• $f0,$f1  
– set flag if $f0 >= $f1, else clear it 
• c.eq.s $f0,$f1  
– set flag if $f0 == $f1, else clear it 
• $f0,$f1  
– set flag if $f0 != $f1, else clear it 
Comparison instructions  
(double precision) 
• $f0,$f2  
– set a flag in coprocessor 1if $f0 < $f2, else clear it. The flag 
will stay until set or cleared next time 
• c.le.d $f0,$f2  
– set flag if $f0 <= $f2, else clear it 
• $f0,$f2  
– set flag if $f0 > $f2, else clear it 
• $f0,$f2  
– set flag if $f0 >= $f2, else clear it 
• c.eq.d $f0,$f2  
– set flag if $f0 == $f2, else clear it 
• $f0,$f2  
– set flag if $f0 != $f2, else clear it 
Computing the square root of a 
number n 
• The Newton’s method 
– For any n, guess an initial value of x as the sqrt of 
n and keep on updating x until is the difference 
between the two updates are very close. 
– The idea is that x’=x-f(x)/f’(x), where f(x) is x2-
#val1:  .float 0.6 
 .globl main 
 li.s $f0, 361.0 
 mfc1 $a0, $f0 
 jal calsqrt 
 mtc1 $v0, $f12  
 li $v0,2 
 li $v0,10 
 # calsqrt:  
 # calculating the square root of n 
 # using the formula x'=(x+n/x)/2 
 # loop until |x'-x| < 0.001 
 addi $sp, $sp, -24  # store f 
 swc1 $f0, 20($sp)   # registers 
 swc1 $f1, 16($sp)   # onto stack 
 swc1 $f2, 12($sp) 
 swc1 $f3, 8($sp) 
 swc1 $f20, 4($sp) 
 swc1 $f21, 0($sp) 
 mtc1 $a0, $f0        # $f0 gets n 
 li.s $f20, 2.0       # $f20 = 2 for dividing 
 li.s $f21, 0.001     # $f21 = 0.001 for comparison 
 div.s $f1, $f0, $f20 # $f1 = x = n/2 
 div.s $f2, $f0, $f1  # $f2 = n/x 
 add.s $f2, $f2, $f1  # $f2 = n/x + x 
 div.s $f2, $f2, $f20 # $f2 = x’ = (n/x + x)/2 
 sub.s $f3, $f2, $f1  # $f3 = x'-x 
 abs.s $f3, $f3       # $f3 = |x'-x| $f3, $f21     # set flag if |x'-x| < 0.001 
 bc1t calsqrtdone   
 mov.s $f1, $f2 
 j calsqrtloop 
 mfc1 $v0, $f2 
 lwc1 $f0, 20($sp)    # restore f 
 lwc1 $f1, 16($sp)    # registers 
 lwc1 $f2, 12($sp)    # from stack 
 lwc1 $f3, 8($sp) 
 lwc1 $f20, 4($sp) 
 lwc1 $f21, 0($sp) 
 addi $sp, $sp, 24 
 jr $ra