CENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING GANDHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (GITAM) CDL, City office, 3rd floor, Balaji Metro Plaza. Dondaparthi Main Road, Visakhapatnam - 530016 Mob: +91- 8179681888/8179681899, E-mail: cdlexams@gitam.edu, MCA - FIRST YEAR (111) (NOTE: Submit the Hard copy of the answer sheet on or before 10thJune 2022 at city office) SPDCA111 C & DATA STRUCTURES LAB 1. Write a interactive program to do the following computation by providing the option using the switch statement: Add two matrices Subtract two matrices Multiply two matrices 2. Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. 3. Write a function that will return the length of a character string. You are not allowed to use the strlen C library function. (use “Pointers” concept) 4. Write a program to convert a given lowercase string to upper case string without using the inbuilt string function. CENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING GANDHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (GITAM) CDL, City office, 3rd floor, Balaji Metro Plaza. Dondaparthi Main Road, Visakhapatnam - 530016 Mob: +91- 8179681888/8179681899, E-mail: cdlexams@gitam.edu, MCA - FIRST YEAR (112) (NOTE: Submit the Hard copy of the answer sheet on or before 10thJune 2022 at city office) SPDCA112 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LAB 1. Perform the following using the following relations: Teachers(t_no, f_name, l_name, salary, supervisor, joingingdate, birthdate, title) Class(class_no, t_no, room_no) Payscale(Min_limit, Max_limit, grade) (a) Calculate the bonus amount to be given to a teacher depending on the following conditions: I. If salary >10000 then bonus is 10% of the salary. II. If salary is between 10000 and 20000 then bonus is 20% of the salary. III. If salary is between 20000 and 25000 then bonus is 25% of the salary. IV. If salary is exceeds 25000 then bonus is 30% of the salary. 2. Write an embedded SQL block along with exceptions to select the name of the teacher with a given salary. If more than one row is returned than display more than on row retrieved. If no row is returned then display ‘no teacher with this salary’. 3. Insert at least 5 new rows in the ‘teacher’ table and then try to rollback last 3 rows inserted to the table. (Here, you are required to use save points). 4. Write a PL/SQL block that displays all the rows from ‘teacher’ table if the teacher was hired for more than 10 years and still a ‘PRT’ if no result than display suitable message. CENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING GANDHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (GITAM) CDL, City office, 3rd floor, Balaji Metro Plaza. Dondaparthi Main Road, Visakhapatnam - 530016 Mob: +91- 8179681888/8179681899, E-mail: cdlexams@gitam.edu, MCA – SECOND YEAR (211) (NOTE: Submit the Hard copy of the answer sheet on or before 10thJune 2022 at city office) SPDCA 211 OPERATING SYSTEMS LAB 1. Writing “ Unix programming Lab” N times in file: Outfile.txt in current directory using system calls and user defined function ‘write file(char*)’. N is an integer given through a file infile.txt. 2. Finding the sum of digits in a 5-digit number using while loop 3. Writing a program for shottest-job-first scheduling algorithm (Non-preemptive) MCA – SECOND YEAR (212) (NOTE: Submit the Hard copy of the answer sheet on or before 10thJune 2022 at city office) SPDCA 212 - JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB 1. Write a java program to create to create five threads with different priorities. 2. Write and run a Java program that retursn the maximum of three given integers. 3. What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding? Explain with the help of examples. CENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING GANDHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (GITAM) CDL, City office, 3rd floor, Balaji Metro Plaza. Dondaparthi Main Road, Visakhapatnam - 530016 Mob: +91- 8179681888/8179681899, E-mail: cdlexams@gitam.edu, MCA – THIRD YEAR (311) (NOTE: Submit the Hard copy of the answer sheet on or before 10thJune 2022 at city office) SPDCA 311:ADVANCED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LAB 1. Write and run a Servlet program that interacts with HTML page. 2. Write a program in JSP to do the JDBC operations. 3. Write a JSP Program that interacts with Servlet