Fu-Kwun Hwang's Personal Home Page Virtual Physics Laboratory Chinese version �@Last modified :�@ (Average: 2 new java applets/month) New Applets:new version Kepler motionMotion of a Ping-PongSpring Force and SHMsimple harmonic motionfrictional forceone-dimensional collisiontwo-dimensional collisionRelative motionCarnot heat engineBouncing Balls RLC circuit (AC) RC (dis)charging (DC) Fermats Principle Pulley Vernier Theorem of Pythagoras mirror sites Mechanics 1. Reaction Time Measurements * 2. Traffic light system* 3. Relative Motion(frame of reference) 4. Free Rolling and circular motion�@ 5. Racing ball 6. One Dimensional Motion (XVA) 7. Projectile motion (Cannon to cannon)* 8, Bouncing balls 9. Angular momentum and area 10. Simple Harmonic Motion 11.Spring Force and Simple Harmonic Motion 12. Motion of a Ping-Pong Dynamics 1. Pendulum * 2. Center of Gravity 3. Kepler Motion * 4. Pulley 5. Buoyant Force * 6. Circulartion motion and centrifugal force 7. One-dimensional collision 8. Two-dimensional collision 9. frcitional force and motion Wave & oscillation 1. Oscillation and wave (spring) * 2. Moving point source(Doppler effect/Shock wave) 3. Double Slit (interference) 4. Superposition principle of wave * 5. Fourier Synthesis * 6. Transmission of Wave(Reflection and Refraction) * Thermodynamics 1. Molecular model for an ideal gas (PV=NkT) * 2. Carnot heat engine Electromagnetic field 1. RC circuits (DC) 2. RLC circuit (AC) 3. Charged particle motion in uniform E/M Field * 4. Propagation of electromagnetic wave* 5. Oscilloscope Optics and Light 1. Thin Lens / mirror * 2. Find the fastest Path 3. Physics of Rainbow * (How/Why?) Others 1. Vernier* 2. Vector Addition 3. Theorem of Pythagoras Aplets marked with * are registed at TIPTOP/VLAB, Mirror sites www.geocities.com, U. of oregon(U.S.A.) Singapore Chinese girls' School Maxwell International Baha'i School Physics Site, (BC Canada) High School "Svetozar Markovic" Nis, Yugoslavia (Escola Superior de Biotecnologia), Portugal Universidad Nacional de Colombia (working) Aleh Academy for Sciences(ALEH high school), Israel Institute of UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL, Brazil http://science.kongju.ac.kr/phys/shin/experiment/ntnujava/ Middle East Technical University, Turkey Mirror sites are updated every two months. Any comments/suggestions about my applet? send me mail Fu-Kwun Hwang I am not a professional programmer, I am a physicist. I love physics, and I enjoy playing with physics. Address: Dept. of physics, National Taiwan Normal University #88 Sec 4, Ting-Chou Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 11718 phone: (886-2)2 934-6620 Ext 132 FAX: (886-2) 2 932-6408 E-mail: hwang@phy03.phy.ntnu.edu.tw Current teaching activities Introductory Physics for freshman Computer Application for Physics (sorry Chinese version only) Links to TIPTOP/VLAB Gamelan�@ Multimedia Physik URLs link to this page (last updated Apr. 1997)