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Structure Socket Structure Socket Identifier index Structure index (* Socket -- SML Basis Library -- requires Dynlib *) type ('addressfam, 'socktype) sock type 'addressfam sock_addr (* Socket types *) type dgram (* A datagram socket *) type 'a stream (* A stream socket *) type passive (* A passive stream *) type active (* An active, connected, stream *) (* Socket protocol families *) type pf_file (* The Unix file protocol family *) type pf_inet (* The Internet protocol family *) (* Address constructors *) val fileAddr : string -> pf_file sock_addr val inetAddr : string -> int -> pf_inet sock_addr (* Socket constructors *) val fileStream : unit -> (pf_file, 'a stream) sock val fileDgram : unit -> (pf_file, dgram) sock val inetStream : unit -> (pf_inet, 'a stream) sock val inetDgram : unit -> (pf_inet, dgram) sock val accept : ('a, passive stream) sock -> ('a, active stream) sock * 'a sock_addr val bind : ('a, 'b) sock * 'a sock_addr -> unit val connect : ('a, 'b) sock * 'a sock_addr -> unit val listen : ('a, passive stream) sock * int -> unit val close : ('a, 'b) sock -> unit (* Socket management *) datatype shutdown_mode = NO_RECVS (* No further receives *) | NO_SENDS (* No further sends *) | NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS (* No receives nor sends *) val shutdown : ('a, 'b stream) sock * shutdown_mode -> unit type sock_desc val sockDesc : ('a, 'b) sock -> sock_desc val sameDesc : sock_desc * sock_desc -> bool val compare : sock_desc * sock_desc -> order val select : { rds : sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list, timeout : Time.time option } -> { rds : sock_desc list, wrs : sock_desc list, exs : sock_desc list } val getinetaddr : pf_inet sock_addr -> string (* Sock I/O option types *) type out_flags = { don't_route : bool, oob : bool } type in_flags = { peek : bool, oob : bool } type 'a buf = { buf : 'a, ofs : int, size : int option } (* Socket output operations *) val sendVec : ('a, active stream) sock * Word8Vector.vector buf -> int val sendArr : ('a, active stream) sock * Word8Array.array buf -> int val sendVec' : ('a, active stream) sock * Word8Vector.vector buf * out_flags -> int val sendArr' : ('a, active stream) sock * Word8Array.array buf * out_flags -> int val sendVecTo : ('a, dgram) sock * 'a sock_addr * Word8Vector.vector buf -> int val sendArrTo : ('a, dgram) sock * 'a sock_addr * Word8Array.array buf -> int val sendVecTo' : ('a, dgram) sock * 'a sock_addr * Word8Vector.vector buf * out_flags -> int val sendArrTo' : ('a, dgram) sock * 'a sock_addr * Word8Array.array buf * out_flags -> int (* Socket input operations *) val recvVec : ('a, active stream) sock * int -> Word8Vector.vector val recvArr : ('a, active stream) sock * Word8Array.array buf -> int val recvVec' : ('a, active stream) sock * int * in_flags -> Word8Vector.vector val recvArr' : ('a, active stream) sock * Word8Array.array buf * in_flags -> int val recvVecFrom : ('a, dgram) sock * int -> Word8Vector.vector * 'a sock_addr val recvArrFrom : ('a, dgram) sock * Word8Array.array buf -> int * 'a sock_addr val recvVecFrom' : ('a, dgram) sock * int * in_flags -> Word8Vector.vector * 'a sock_addr val recvArrFrom' : ('a, dgram) sock * Word8Array.array buf * in_flags -> int * 'a sock_addr (* Structure Socket defines functions for creating and using sockets, a means for communication between SML processes on the same machine or via a network. [('addressfam, 'socktype) sock] is the type of sockets with address family 'addressfam and having type 'socktype. ['addressfam sock_addr] is the type of sockets addresses. The possible address (protocol) families are type pf_file The Unix address family (file) type pf_inet The Internet address family The possible socket types are type dgram datagram sockets type 'a stream stream sockets type passive passive stream sockets type active active, or connected, stream sockets [fileAddr fname] returns a socket address for the Unix protocol family, created from the given file name fname. [inetAddr inetaddr portno] returns a socket address for the Internet protocol family, created from the given Internet number (e.g. "") and port number (e.g. 8080). [fileStream ()] returns a new stream socket for the Unix protocol family. [fileDgram ()] returns a new datagram socket for the Unix protocol family. [inetStream ()] returns a new stream socket for the Internet protocol family. [inetDgram ()] returns a new datagram socket for the Internet protocol family. [accept sock] extracts the first connection on the queue of pending connections to sock. Returns (sock', addr) where sock' is a copy of the socket sock, bound to that connection, and addr is the address of the communications counterpart (the other end of the connection). Blocks if no connections are pending. The stream socket sock must have been assigned a name (with bind) and must be listening for connections (following a call to listen). [bind sock addr] binds the socket sock to the address addr, that is, assigns the name addr to the socket. Binding a name in the Unix protocol family creates a socket in the file system that must be deleted when it is no longer needed [connect (sock, addr)] attempts to connect socket sock to the communications peer at address addr. If sock is a datagram socket, then addr is the address to which datagrams is to be sent, and the only address from which datagrams will be accepted. If sock is a stream socket, then addr specifies another socket to which to connect. [listen (sock, queuelen)] enables the passive stream socket sock to accept incoming connections. The parameter queuelen specifies the maximal number of pending connections. Further connections from clients may be refused when this limit is reached. [close sock] closes the socket. [shutdown sock shutdown_mode] shuts down socket sock for further communication, as specified by the shutdown_mode parameter: [NO_RECVS] no further receives are allowed; [NO_SENDS] no further sends are allowed; [NO_RECVS_OR_SENDS] no further receives or sends are allowed. [getinetaddr addr] returns the Internet number (e.g. "") of the Internet socket address addr. ['a buf] is the type of records { buf, ofs, size } which represent subvectors or subarrays: if size = SOME s it represents buf[ofs..ofs+s-1]; if size = NONE it represents buf[ofs..len-1] where len is buf's length. When the subbuffer is used in a call, exception Subscript will be raised if ofs < 0 or size < 0 or ofs+size > len. [sendVec (sock, vecbuf)] transmits the bytes from buffer vecbuf on the active stream socket sock. Returns the number of bytes sent. Blocks until sufficient space is available at the socket. [sendArr (sock, arrbuf)] is analogous til sendVec. [sendVec' (sock, vecbuf, out_flags)] transmits the bytes from buffer vecbuf on the active stream socket sock, observing the out_flags. Returns the number of bytes sent. Blocks until sufficient space is available at the socket. [out_flags] is the type of records { don't_route, oob } in which the field don't_route specifies whether routing should be bypassed, and the field oob specifies whether data should be sent out-of-band. [sendArr' (sock, arrbuf, out_flags)] is analogous til sendVec'. [sendVecTo (sock, addr, vecbuf)] transmits the bytes from buffer vecbuf on the datagram socket sock to the target address addr. Returns the number of bytes sent. Blocks until sufficient space is available at the socket. [sendArrTo (sock, addr, arrbuf)] is analogous til sendVecTo. [sendVecTo' (sock, addr, vecbuf, out_flags)] transmits the bytes from buffer vecbuf on the datagram socket sock to the target address addr, observing the out_flags. Returns the number of bytes sent. Blocks until sufficient space is available at the socket. See above for a description of vecbuf and out_flags. [sendArrTo' (sock, addr, arrbuf, out_flags)] is analogous til sendVecTo'. [recvVec (sock, n)] receives up to n bytes from the active stream socket sock. Returns a byte vector containing the bytes actually received. Blocks until some data become available at the socket, then returns any available data, up to n bytes. Excess data are not lost; they are available for subsequent receive calls. [recvArr (sock, arrbuf)] receives bytes from the active stream socket sock into the subarray arrbuf, up to the available space. If #size(arrbuf) = SOME(s) the available space is s bytes; if #size(arrbuf) = NONE the available space is len - #ofs(arrbuf) bytes. Returns the number of bytes actually received. Blocks until some data become available at the socket. Excess data are not lost; they are available for subsequent receive calls. [recvVec' (sock, n, in_flags)] receives up to n bytes from the active stream socket sock, observing the in_flags. Returns a byte vector containing the bytes actually received. Blocks until some data become available at the socket, then returns any available data, up to n bytes. Data in excess of n bytes are not lost; they are available for subsequent receive calls. [in_flags] is the type of records { peek, oob } in which the field peek specifies that the data read should not be removed from the receive queue, and the field oob specifies that data may be received out-of-band. [recvArr' (sock, arrbuf, in_flags)] receives bytes from the active stream socket sock into the subarray arrbuf, observing the in_flags, up to the available space.. Returns the number of bytes actually received. Blocks until some data become available at the socket. Excess data are not lost; they are available for subsequent receive calls. [recvVecFrom (sock, n)] receives up to n bytes from the datagram socket sock. Returns a byte vector containing the bytes actually received. Blocks until some data become available at the socket, then returns any available data, up to n bytes. [recvArrFrom (sock, arrbuf)] receives bytes from the datagram socket sock into the subarray arrbuf. Returns the number of bytes actually received. Blocks until some data become available at the socket. [recvVecFrom' (sock, n, in_flags)] receives up to n bytes from the datagram socket sock, observing the in_flags (see above). Returns (vec, addr) where vec is a byte vector containing the bytes actually received, and addr is the source address of the message. Blocks until some data become available at the socket, then returns any available data, up to n bytes. [recvArrFrom' (sock, arrbuf, in_flags)] receives bytes from the datagram socket sock into the array buffer arrbuf, observing the in_flags (see above). Returns (n, addr) where n is the number of bytes actually received, and addr is the source address of the message. Blocks until some data become available at the socket. [sockDesc sock] returns a descriptor for the socket sock, to be used in a call to select. [compare (sd1, sd2)] compares sd1 and sd2 according to an unspecified total ordering, and returns LESS if sd1 precedes sd2, returns GREATER is sd1 precedes sd2, and returns EQUAL otherwise. [sameDesc (sd1, sd2)] returns true if sd1 and sd2 describe the same socket. Equivalent to compare(sd1, sd2) = EQUAL. [select { rds, wrs, exs, timeout }] blocks the calling process until some input/output operations become possible on some sockets. The call will check the sockets described in rds for reading, those in wrs for writing, and those in exs for exceptional conditions. Returns { rds, wrs, exs } where rds now is a list of descriptors of sockets ready for reading, wrs are ready for writing, and exs have exceptional conditions. The order of the socket descriptors in the results is the same as their order in the corresponding arguments. If timeout is NONE then the call blocks until some input/output operations become possible; if timeout is SOME(t) then the call blocks for at most time t. A server socket is considered ready for reading if there is a pending connection which can be accepted with `accept'. A client socket is ready for writing when its connection is fully established. *) Identifier index Structure index Moscow ML 2.00