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Illinois Institute of Technology 
Computer Science 
Book List Spring 2006 
Textbook listings for CS 100  No Books Required 
Textbook listings for CS 105  C++ Programming: From Problem         Thompson Course  
D.S. Malik     Analysis to Program Design           Technology 
      2nd Edition (0-619-16042-X) 
Textbook listings for CS 115  Java 5 Illuminated     Jones and Bartlett 
Julie Anderson, Herve J Franceschi  2005 Ed, ISBN – 0-7637-1667-7 
Textbook listings for CS 116  Java 5 Illuminated     Jones and Bartlett 
Julie Anderson, Herve J Franceschi  2005 Ed, ISBN – 0-7637-1667-7      
Textbook listings for CS 201             Java 5 Illuminated     Jones and Bartlett 
Julie Anderson, Herve J Franceschi  2005 Ed, ISBN – 0-7637-1667-7 
Textbook listings for CS 330 Discrete Mathematics and its applications WCB/McGraw Hill 
Rosen 5th Ed, ISBN 0-087-242434-6      
Textbook listings for CS 331  NO TEXT 
Textbook listings for CS 350  Computer Systems: A Programmer’s   Prentice Hall 
Randal Bryant and David O’ Hallaron Perspective ISBN 0-13-034074-X 
Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie  The C programming Language 2nd Ed  Prentice Hall 
Textbook listings for CS 351  Computer Systems: A Programmer’s       Prentice Hall 
Randal Bryant and David O’ Hallaron Perspective ISBN 0-13-034074-X 
Marc Rochkind    Advanced UNIX Programming 2004 Ed        Addison Wesley 
Textbook listings for CS 401  Object Oriented Data Structures using Java Jones and Bartlett 
Nell Dale, Daniel Joyce, Chip Weems  Edition 1st, 0-7637-1079-2      
Sandra Anderson    Data Structures in Java: A Lab Course           Jones and Bartlet 
      Ed 1st , 0-7637-1816-5 
Anderson, Franceschi    Java 5 Illuminated    Jones and Bartlett 
      Edition 1st, 0-7637-1667-7 
Illinois Institute of Technology 
Computer Science 
Book List Spring 2006 
Textbook listings for CS 401  Object Oriented Data Structures using Java Jones and Bartlett 
Nell Dale, Daniel Joyce, Chip Weems  Edition 1st, 0-7637-1079-2      
Sandra Anderson    Data Structures in Java: A Lab Course           Jones and Bartlet 
      Ed 1st , 0-7637-1816-5 
Anderson, Franceschi    Java 5 Illuminated    Jones and Bartlett 
      Edition 1st, 0-7637-1667-7 
Textbook listings for CS 402 Computer Organization and Design:  Morgan Kaufmann 
David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy Hardware/Software Interface  
                                                                        Ed 2005, ISBN 1558606041 
Textbook listings for CS 422  Data Mining. Concept & Techniques               Elsevier Kaufman 
Han                                                                  ISBN 1-55860-489-8 
Textbook listings for CS 425  Database Management Systems  MCS 
Ramakrishnan     Ed 3rd , ISBN 0-07-246563-8 
Textbook listings for CS 430 Introduction to Algorithms (Paper). MIT Press 
Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein Ed 2nd       
Textbook listings for CS 440  None Required 
Textbook listings for CS 441 Advanced Java 2 Platform  Prentice Hall 
  Deitel & Deitel Ed 1st, ISBN 013089560-1           
  Deitel & Deitel    Java: How To Program – w/CD, 6th Ed.  
                                                                        ISBN 013148398-6 
Textbook listings for CS 445  Object Oriented Software Development   Addison-Wesley 
Xiaoping Jia      Using Java (2nd Edition) ISBN 0-201-73733-7      Boston, 2003           
Textbook listings for CS 447  Java Programming with CORBA              OMG Press 
Gerald Brose, Andreas Vogel    3rd Ed, ISBN 0-471-37681-7 
And Keith Duddy 
Illinois Institute of Technology 
Computer Science 
Book List Spring 2006 
Textbook listings for CS 450  Operating Systems Concepts,     Wiley 
Silberschatz, Galvin, George   7th Ed, ISBN 0-421-25060-2  
Textbook listings for CS 455 Computer Networking & the Internet    Addison Wesley  
Halsall, Fred     5th Ed – 2005, ISBN 0-321-26358-8 
Textbook listings for CS 458  Security in Computing                                        Prentice Hall 
Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawerence  3rd Ed. ISBN 0-13-035548-8 
Textbook listings for CS 470  Just Java 2                                           Sun Microsystems  
Peter van der Linden       6th Ed. ISBN 0131482114                    Press Series 
Textbook listings for CS 485    Computers in Society               McGraw-Hill            
P. Depalma       Edition 05/06 (ISBN – 0-07-296886-9) 
Textbook listings for CS 487 Software Engineering  McGraw-Hill 
Roger Pressman    6th Edition, ISBN 0-07-301933    
Textbook listings for CS 495 The 7 Habits of highly effective people        
Stephen R. Convey     ISBN 0743269519 
Melissie C. Rumizen                                      Complete Idiot’s guide to knowledge management  
                                                                         ISBN 028641779 
Textbook listings for CS 512  Introductory techniques for 3d computer        Prentice Hall 
E. Trucco and A. Verri   Vision 1st Ed ISBN 0132611082 
Textbook listings for CS 529             Information Retrieval: Algorithms                        Springer Kluwer 
Grossman, Frieder    Ed 2nd ISBN 1-4020-3004-5 
Textbook listings for CS 532  Models of Computation and Formal Languages    Oxford Univ. 
Illinois Institute of Technology 
Computer Science 
Book List Spring 2006 
Textbook listings for CS 535 Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Ed)     MIT Press 
T. Cormen, Leiserson, Rirest, Stein                ISBN 0-262-03293-7 
Kozen                                                              Design & Analysis of Algorithms                    Springer 
                                                                        ISBN 0-387-97687-6 
Kleinberg & Tardess                                       Algorithms Design                                             Addison Wesley 
                                                                         ISBN 0-321-29535-8               
Textbook listings for CS 536  Science of Programming             Springer  
Gries                     ISBN 0387964800        
Textbook listings for CS 542  TCP/IP protocol suite    McGraw Hill 
Forouzan B.A.     (3rd Ed – ISBN – 0-07-296772-2)  
Textbook listings for CS 543 No Text Required 
Textbook listings for CS 546  Introduction to Parallel Computing  Addison Wesley 
Grama, Kumar    2nd Edition, ISBN – 0-201-64865-2   
I Foster     Design and Building Parallel Programs Addison Wesley 
      1st Edition, ISBN – 0-201-57594-9 
W Gropp                                                        Using MPI: Portable Programming 
                                                                        With the Message Passing Interface                      MIT Press 
                                                                        ISBN 0-262-57132-3 
Textbook listings for CS 548  Gigabit Networks                            John Wiley 
Izzo, Paul      2000 Ed ISBN 0-471-35235-7  
Stallings, William    High-Speed Networks and Internets             Prentice Hall 
      2nd Ed 2002, ISBN 0-13-032221-0 
Azzam, A. and Ransom, N   Broadband Access Technologies  McGraw Hill 
      1999 Ed ISBN 0-07-135060-8 
Textbook listings for CS 549  Cryptography & Network Security:   Prentice Hall 
Stallings William            Principles and Practice (3rd Edition) 
      ISBN - 0130914290 
Stinson Douglas    Cryptography: Theory & Practice (2nd)          University of  
                                                                        ISBN 1584882069                                           Waterloo 
Illinois Institute of Technology 
Computer Science 
Book List Spring 2006 
Textbook listings for CS 550  Distributed Systems: Principles and    Prentice Hall 
Andrew S. Tanebaum, and Maarten      Paradigms, 1st Ed. 
Van steen     ISBN – 0-13-088893-1 
Textbook listings for CS 551 Operating Systems: Design &  - Pearson 
Tanenbaum  Implementation (Latest)   
Textbook listings for CS 555 Probability statistics and queuing theory   Academic Press 
Allen A. O. with computer science applications 
 2nd Ed, ISBN 0-12-051051-0 
Law A, M. , Kelton W. D Simulation modeling and analysis         McGraw Hill 
 3rd Ed, ISBN 0-07-059292-6 
Textbook listings for CS 561 None Required 
Textbook listings for CS 570 Computer Architecture: A Quantitative         Morgan Kaufmann 
John L. Hennessy, David A  approach (The Morgan Kaufmann series 
Petterson In computer architecture and design 
 3rd Ed, ISBN 1558605967 
William Stallings  Computer Organization and Architecture:        Prentice Hall 
 Designing for Performance 
 7/E Ed, ISBN 0-13-185644-8 
Textbook listings for CS 586 Pattern Oriented Software Architecture,     Wiley 
F. Buschmann, R., Meunier, H. Vol 1, A System of Patterns 
Rohnert, P. Sommerladc ISBN 0471958697  
Textbook listings for CS 587 Software Project Management    Addison Wesley 
   Pankaj Jalote in Practice (1st Ed) #0-201-73721-3 
Textbook listings for CS 590 
Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau, III Numerical Linear Algebra SIAM order code 
 0-89871-361-7 l997 softcover OT50 
Textbook listings for CSP 527 Internet & World Wide Web  Pearson 
Dietel and Dietel and Goldberg How to Program (2004 - 3rd Edition) 
                                                                         ISBN 0-13-145091-3