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ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design
Lecture 06 TCP Server Design I
Professor Jia Wang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology
January 31, 2022
1/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Java Socket Programming
Multithreaded TCP Server Design
2/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Reading Assignment
I This lecture: 9, 3
I Next lecture: 9, 8
3/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Java Socket Programming
Multithreaded TCP Server Design
4/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Socket Programming
I Most languages nowadays support low-level network
programming via network sockets.
I Since sockets from different languages are for the same set of
network communications, they usually look very similar.
I Let’s learn Java socket programming.
I Then you’ll be able to learn socket programming for other
languages by yourself.
I A good example showing how to learn a new library.
I Step 1: get to know the area this library covers.
I Step 2: use a tutorial to learn key classes and methods.
I Step 3: learn more details from documentations.
I Recall that we are building a TCP server to reverse strings.
5/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Step 1: How TCP server works?
I The server starts by openning a port that is known to the
I The server then waits for a client to connect.
I If a client is connected, the server may serve the client.
I Receive data from the client via an input byte stream.
I Send data to the client via an output byte stream.
I The server may concurrently serve multiple clients while
waiting for new clients to connect.
6/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Step 2: Key Classes and Methods
I Create a ServerSocket object to open a port.
I Use ServerSocket.accept to wait for a client.
I ServerSocket.accept returns a Socket object representing
a connected client.
I Obtain the input stream via Socket.getInputStream.
I Obtain the output stream via Socket.getOutputStream.
I Create a Thread object for each client.
I A Java program can execute multiple threads
I The server can serve each client in a separated thread, and
continue to wait for new clients at the same time.
7/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Step 3: Additional Details
I Tools for troubleshooting.
I Is the port indeed open?
I What clients are actually connected?
I Obtain the address of a client as its identification.
I For troubleshooting and security purposes.
I Use additional classes and methods to control more aspect of
the TCP server.
8/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Testing with a TCP Client
I Use a remote terminal tool to test our server.
I Save time to implement our own.
I E.g. telnet and PuTTY
I Let’s use telnet as it is the most convenient one for manual
I Note that it may or may not support UTF-8 fully.
I That is one of the reasons we don’t provide unit test for our
TCP server.
I Usually actual network communications are only tested during
integration tests.
I Need to setup the network environment, e.g. to make sure
there is no other application using the same port.
9/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Java Socket Programming
Multithreaded TCP Server Design
10/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
I src/main/ece448/lec06/
I Under branch lec06-accept.
I The constructor takes port as a parameter.
I Used to construct the ServerSocket member server.
I server is final as we should not change it later.
I We first see if a client can connect.
I Use a loop where each iteration starts using accept to wait for
a client to connect.
I Display its address and then close it without any
I Use logger to output useful informations so you’ll know
what’s going on.
11/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
ReverseServer (Cont.)
I Errors are reported via Exceptions.
I implements AutoCloseable for resource management.
I For resources like sockets that are not managed by GC, via the
try-with-resources statement.
I Override the close method to close server.
I Use @Override to indicate that close should override a
method from an implemented interface or base class.
I The main method uses the try-with-resources statement to
create a ReverseServer object and to close it when main
exits, even when an exception is throwed.
I Much more concise than using finally.
I Run the server.
I Use the command netstat -tan to see TCP connections.
I Use telnet to connect to the server and see how it reacts.
12/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
Multithreaded ReverseServer
I src/main/ece448/lec06/
I Under branch lec06-thread.
I Create a new thread to serve each client.
I Via the class ReverseProcessor
I Class design principle: each class should have its own
responsibility – waiting for new clients and serving a client are
I Use setDaemon(true) to tell JVM that JVM could exit while
t is still running.
I Use start to actually start the thread.
I The main thread will start the next loop iteration.
I The newly created/started thread will serve the client.
13/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
I src/main/ece448/lec06/
I Under branch lec06-thread.
I implements Runnable for multithreading
I Override the run method, which is the entry point of the new
I The constructor runs in the main thread.
I Store the client object passed by the ReverseServer.
I The client object will be used by the run method later in the
new thread.
I This is a typical way to pass data from one thread to another.
I We don’t actually reverse strings here.
I Just log what is sent by telnet.
14/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT
How telnet works?
I By default, telnet will wait until you press enter to send the
whole line.
I The enter key will be interpreted as two characters "\r\n",
i.e. 0x0D 0x0A.
I Can we use this feature to allow users to input multiple strings
for reversing and to exit telnet gracefully?
15/15 ECE 448/528 – Application Software Design, Spring 2022, Dept. of ECE, IIT