1 Lab 7 Decision Control Structures The following exercises are to be completed during lab class. If you do not have time to finish during lab, they must be completed before the beginning of the following lab session. Set-Up Create a new project in your Eclipse workspace named: Lab07 In the src folder, create a package named: edu.ilstu Import into this new package all of the following .java files from T:/it168/Labs/Lab07 o DivideTwo.java o PersonTester.java Part 1 – if/else Statement Open the file DivideTwo.java. The Java source code is shown below: package edu.ilstu; import java.util.Scanner; public class DivideTwo { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); int numerator = 0; int denominator = 0; double quotient = 0; System.out.println("This program divides two numbers."); System.out.print("Enter the numerator: "); numerator = keyboard.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the denominator: "); denominator = keyboard.nextInt(); quotient = (double) numerator / denominator; System.out.println(numerator + "/" + denominator + " = " + quotient); keyboard.close(); } } 2 Compile and run DivideTwo.java, and observe the output. The program prompts the user for two integers that represent the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. The Scanner object named keyboard is used to read the integers provided by the user. Modify the program to include an if/else statement to check for division by zero. If the denominator is not equal to zero, display the result of the division, otherwise display a message to the user that division by zero is not allowed. Part 2 – if/else Statement Write the Java source code to implement your pseudocode solution written for pre- lab. Just create one class with a main method and name it NumberCategory.java Write a program to determine if a number entered by the user is positive, negative, or zero. Display a prompt to let the user know what types of numbers should be entered. Display the number with the classification (positive, negative, zero) to the user. 3 Part 3 – if/else Statement Write the code for the Person class shown in this class diagram then test it with the provided file: PersonTester.java Person - title:String - name:String - gender:String - maritalStatus:String + Person(String name, String gender, String maritalStatus) + determineTitle():void + isValidGender():boolean + isValidMaritalStatus:boolean + getTitle():String + getName():String + setName(String name):void + getGender():Sting + setGender(String gender):void + getMaritalStatus():String + setMaritalStatus(String maritalStatus):void Method Descriptions determineTitle o Uses the values for gender and maritalStatus to assign either Mr., Mrs., or Miss to the title variable. isValidGender o For gender to be valid, it can only hold “F” or “M”. This method compares the value stored in gender to check whether it is valid. If it is either “F” or “M”, then it is valid and should return true. Otherwise, it should return false. isValidMaritalStatus o For maritalStatus to be valid, it can only hold “S” or “M” for Single or Married. This method compares the value stored in marital status to check whether it is valid. If it is either “S” or “M”, then it is valid and should return true. Otherwise, it should return false. setGender o Make sure the value is uppercase before storing in the instance variable. setMaritalStatus o Make sure the value is uppercase before storing in the instance variable. Note that there is no setter for title since that is set by calling the determineTitle method. 4 To Be Submitted The following files should be zipped together into a file called Lab07.zip and submitted to ReggieNet by the beginning of your next lab. DivideTwo.java NumberCategory.java Person.java